HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-02-26, Page 7,It til Calvert SPORTS COLUMN a This is the last of two articles on the, life and hocicey works of one of the great figures of the game, Captain James T. Sutherland, founder of the Tiockey Hall of Fame. Whether the ancient city of Kingston was the scene of the first organized hockey ever played in. Canada, this writer is not prepared to say. But there is little doubt but that one of the first organized hockey leagues of all time was that which, in 1888, engaged flour teams, in the ancient Limestone City, including Queen's University and Royal Military College a league that played its games on an outdoor rink surrounded by a low fence, with the spectators seated atop the great banks of snow piled around the playing surface. It was after this that Queen's University erected one of the earlier indoor rinks in Canada. The City of Kingston then organized a team called the Frontenacs in honor of Count Frontenac, whose name the city originally bore. Jim Sutherland was selected to act as manager of the team and the records show that the Frontenacs wrote some of hockey's brightest pages down the years. Their great- est glory came when the juniors won the O.H.A. championship in 1911 and established scoring records that have never been even remotely approached. Yes, indeed, those Frontenacs were a mighty force 41 years ago. With Jim. Sutherland at the helm, they filled enemy nets with rubber and racked up as many as 32 goals in one same. Their combination. attacks have never been surpassed. . if equalled, and the greatest of them all was gallant Allan 'Scotty" Davidson, who later deserted professional hockey to enlist in the Canadian armed forces of World War I, and gave up his life in Flanders Field. Jim Sutherland also marched away to war .iii 1916, the year that he became president of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association. He was then in his 46th year; but the will to serve was inherited from his Scottish ancestors -and nothing could have deterred him from following that path of duty. And he did serve so well that he was recommended for the Order of the British Empire. Hockey did not seem to be the same in Kingston with Jim Sutherland 'stick -handling' against the Germans on the Western Front, but it staged a remarkable recovery after he returned. Kingston then celebrated in a championship setting when the Frontenacs captured the O.H.A. intermediate title in 1919, with none other than the mighty Bill Cook, who became a star in the Western League and later with the New York Rangers, the outstanding star of the series. Mr. Sutherland; having planted the seed, now eagerly awaits that day when the International Hockey Ball of Fame will rise in all majesty in Kingston. When this has been ac- complished it should be written high upon the walls that "unto this man who saw and believed, must go the accolade for tenacity in following a star on which no sun will ever go down." welcomed Your Elmer Fergusoments n c/a Cat Calvert Nouse, 43tstions for this "n will Yonge St, Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED ,PMH ERST BU RG. O NTAR I O tORT ,Q SLX51TC'I l LC Who was the best plan—pound tor pound—who ever climbed between the ropes of a boxing ming? There's a question which its argued over whenever fight Ants start a kibitzing session and the result is always that each of the arguers quits convinced that Ile is right and all the rest wrong. However, on one thing nearly at11 who remember him will aegree upon—pound for pound or ounce for ounce there were 'eery few who topped or even equalled the Mighty Atom from Wales, one Jimmy Wilde. Only four fights lost out of early 900. What a record! Offi- cially he was a fly -weight, that le, 112 pounds and under. But Wilde was usually well below the limit, rarely scaling more than 104 lbs. There wasn't a fly -weight to :*Such him, and he cheerfully bawled over bantams and an oc-• e1plsion.al feather -weight. No one Aeemed too big for him to take There is a saying that the best 11'SYing It For Size —'.Checking width of the specially designed hair he'll drive in Indianapolis on Memorial Day is Troy Rutt- mon. Guttman, 22, hopes to win Rhe 500 -mile classic race. fighters are hungry fighters. Jim- my Wilde was certainly that. When he was only 13 he had to go down the pits in his native Wales to earn a few shillings to help family finances. He married young, and then tried his hand in a travelling boxing booth. Puny, sickly -look- ing, with matchstick arms and legs, he must have looked easy meat to many a tough Welsh miner or dock worker. But it is on record that once he knocked out 25 opponents in one day, from heavy -weights down—and earned 15s. for doing so! It was a better living than mining could offer. And he made a reputation for himself. Yet boxin.g promoters were reluctant to employ him. He looked too scrawn.y for the professional ring. Like many another roan who has achieved the highest success, Jimmy Wilde, the battler from Tylorstown, owed much to his wife. In their poorest days . Lis - beth acted as his sparring part- ner, and accompanied him on door-to-door sales trips up their native Welsh valleys to earn the bare essentials of life—food and lodging. a 0 0 When at last he did appear at the National Sporting Club, the patrons gave him so little chance of winning that many trooped off to the bar for a quick drink. The rest sat apprehensively in their seats, wondering just how longthe skinny Welshman would last. 0 k They needn't have worried. In the first minute he flashed out, one of his crushing right-hand- ers. The "Mighty Atom" as he became known, had arrived. His rise was fast. His work in the pits had given him muscles of iron. His boxing booth ex- perience had taught hint to fear no one. But greatest asset of all, he had a boxer's greatest gift, that of perfect tinting and speed. No one facing Wilde dared leave Don't react' this! UNLESS roll' WOlt:li1 ABOUT 'FIGURES I And the drureo we menu, ore Mg repair charges on your car 1 If lt'o BURNING 011. HAS Poon COMPRIOS• SION AND LOW GAS MILE- AGE , , OR PISTON SL.AP, there IS an economical sole - Hon 1 PISTON SISAL .18 guaranteed British product: terms an expanding film on cylinder wall 1 $5.95, FREE literature, Easy to tnstall 1 Lasts 8-10,090 miles 1 FER$LOR 01STRI8UTING CC!. 772 KING WEST, HAMILTmN Two To One—Lucille Ball, and her husband, DesiArnaz, have received Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. "Emmy" Awards for their "1 Love Lucy" show, which was chosen the best situation show of 1952. "Lucy" received a second "Em- my" as the best TV comedienne. his chin open for a second. Once WaS enough. a o 0 He became fly -weight champ- ion of Britain and of the world. Yet, for all his greatness, he Will probably be best remembered for two of his defeats. They showed him as the game, cour- ageous man that he was. et * N When. Palicho Villa took his fiy-weight title away from him in 1923, Wilde hadn't been inside a ring for 21/2 years. Yet before the bout began he said to his' chief second: "No matter what happens, you mustn't throw in the towel. If I'm going to lose,the title 1 want to go till I can't stand up any more." The greatest Wilde memory, however, is his famous fight against Pete Herman, on: Janu- ary 13th., 1921. Wilde had made a successful tour of America the previous year. He was undisputed king of the world's fiy-weights. Thus it was that a body of Wilde enthus- iasts decided to give hint the chance to win the world bantam title from the American holder, Pete Herman. A negotiator went to the U.S.A., and the deal was made. ciistingixished visitor was the Prince sof Wales, now the Duke of Vi1iralior... To ease the atmos- phere he made a short speech'. from the ring. P b The "Mighty Atom" himself lead said little. Then news was brought, that the Prince would like to tee him right, Suddenly Wilde made up his mind. "1 don't care What Herman weighs," he announced. "I'll fight him be- cause 1 won't let the Prince down." .. N To to man of his experience, Wilde must have known full well that ,for him to enter the ring could only mean defeat. He weighed 95 lbs. What Herman. scaled will never be known, but it couldn't have been much less than 125. To give away nearly 28 lb. to a boxer of Herman's calibre just couldn't be done. And Wilde himself had passed the absolute peak of his career, The result of the fight is his- tory. It went to 17 rounds, with Herman letting the gallant Welshman slowly exhaust him- self trying to batter his way to victory. 0 '0 K+ Then, in round 17, Herman smashed in a right that sent Wilde down. Wilde rose, obvious- ly beaten, but game to the last. Twice more - he was knocked. over. Finally, to save a massacre, the referee gently picked up the little 'un and carried him back to his corner. But the promoters, in their en- thusiasm, allowed the two con- testants to sign different con- tracts. There was no clause in Herman"s contract, for instance, that debarred him from putting his title at stake before meeting Wilde. Consequently, before he sailed for Europe, Herman fought Joe Lynch and lost his world title on points. (Wilde had beaten Lynch in America, and Herman won his title back afterwards without any difficulty.) The world title was thus never at stake as far as Wilde was concerned. The second error was that Herman's contract allowed him to weigh-in at 2 p.m., whereas Jimmy Wilde only contracted to • fight if the weigh-in was con- ducted at ringside. The reason was obvious. Wilde wanted to • get his opponent in the ring at the lowest weight --and at the lowest strength. e „ Nevertheless, according to his contract, Herman duly weighed - in at 2 p.m. He made the 118 pounds limit— then went off and had a hearty meal to make up the weight he had taken off to scale inside the bantam limit. Trouble started early at the National Sporting Club that night. The crowd were in a tough mood because the supporting bout between the heavyweights, Battling Levinsky and Bombar- dier Billy Wells, had been can- celled on account of an injury to Levinsky. Then the word went round that there was some disagree- ment over the Wilde -Herman bout. " '0 "Disagreement" was putting. it mildly. Herman's ecamp refused to let their man weigh-in again. Wilde's manager retorted angri- ly: "If he doesn't, we walls out." It looked like a stalemate. Yet both parties were right; the pro- moters were at fault for not hav- ing identical contracts for the two men. is In the arena the crowd was getting restless as the arguments Went on behind the scenes. A ;Afterwards he said: "I had to pick you up, Jimmy, because yotis ,don't know how to lie down." THE REAL THING A worried lady entered a no- tions store and purchased two packages of invisible hairpins. As she paid for them, she ask- ed, "Are you absolutely certain these hairpins are invisible?" "Lady, I'll tell you how invisible they are," the clerk assured her. "rve sold four dollars' worth of those pins this morning, and we've been out of them for three weeks." N iii / NNt ITI tRiZe THO AGE AND WAR ReVVo at the CANA.OiAN NAT/ONAI PS I 'ME COLISEUM 70IRONTO ARCM /3 /MI MARCH 6.53 II 1 11 1 1 6 1 11 1 6 1 I 1 1 7rin THE FAMOUS' ' s RACUI a 2'. et, PLUS THESE OT,HEIN,;i>'IIATUI<V3 Ips 4 Phillips g The Victory SeauBlul Claude a WIRY kao Y% :. Paul Reales 'Merrice end Sutdi)f t The Hallam! P y Hush F.: ,rc�'�tog Cheeping •Sawing • RoiRhy :'•Ca Casting end Spli ninid,. r< CNE atoll ofCourse SHARKEY-:-- THE SEAL ae Tilting nl,•h�•.rw.-... UR S.E;ATS "TODAY.'ANL) ,8E SU'RE::" Canadian National Seertacteta 21150+ The Co 1,eom, Tweaks Pear Sir,. elem. lend .nm kr 1 11 Rax 5.1 admit �Wr tiers Weans* Rot. $t4at perferntanca in iha An-rife 1 litrenin imwrt (Melo.) (Ar«nd.a Car .ad Cie, imitated t,l.are fktd >my a00000y µv'm er fa' T ---.•.•--*in payment for time fisltatx- Signal - - or loam. met ._...—.-- Addrert - -- - -- CRT tPOICIES: Evenings 004 Saturday Matinees—Al) Soots lleoerv.ol pate Saata 112,00—Ressrvetl Goals $1,00 %leek Day MatInss—Reservset Dom Seale $1.50 Mei' sena gush—Allude $1.00-0IMMrsn 50e 1K -YL ,i+iRlIC>tl5 INCLUDE ADMISS,IO:N rr 1410111110N CLASSIFI[E - ADVERTISING at;ENT'S WA NTE L; OiLS, GREASES, TIRES PAINTS and varnishes. electrical motor., electrical appliances. liobbyshop Machinery. Dealers wanted. write: Ware° Grease and 011 Limited. Toronto. BABY CI11.CR.S ORDER these Purina embryo -fed chicks, •.from Gllmore'e. Fully guaranteed, Quality ebleke from a real breeding Pro- gramme. Attractive early pullet prices. write for prices and catalogue "which Came First." Gilmore's, Poultry Breeding Farm. Barrie, Ontario. CANADIAN Approved Chicks. Barred Rocks. New ITampshlres, New Hampshire X Barred Etoek, Columbia Rock ,l' New Hampshire. Three week old chicks always available. [Leavy day old cockerels $5.00 per 100. Write for mice list and folder. Lincoln Chick Butchery, 3 Race Street. St. Catharines. Ontario. AMONG ebe best—Bray Chicks. Pullett— cockerels—mixed—prompt shipment. A few started. It's time to order April now. Bray Hatchet•y, 120 John N. Ilamilton. Buy the tight breed with the right breeding back' of it. then you will get 10D$•o Pro- duction for your money. R.O.P. aired Rhode Island Red or Rhode Island Red crosses are not the breeds to buy for broilers or meat. but for egg production they excel, For broilers: New IInmpshire tresses, & Pure New ISampahlies excel. Send for 1953 catalogue which wilt tell YOU the right breed to buy for the purpose you want. A.Iso turkey noeits, older pullets. TWEDDLEI CHIC.1t IIATCPIERI93S LTD. Fergu a rin to rio 01 "SING ANI) CLEANING RAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean ing? Write to us for information. We are. glad to answer your questions. De- oartment IT. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791. Yong. St. Toronto. reit sm.e. C0,1h7SS WART REhf OFER — Leaves no • sears, Your Druggist sells CRESS. VA T*C1JUri1 CLEANER SPECIALS 1 Hoover 'uprights beautifully rebuilt $29.50, ehiuped anywhere. Parts and repairs all makes, wholesale. retail, Bates Vacuum Servlee, 193 Soudan Avenue, Toronto. NEW CREATTONS. Four Beautiful Ake- lisious wall Plaoues. All different, Pastel Colors Glassbeaded, 7" X 11". Sent Postpaid Only 51.00. Religious Crafts, tux 701, Ashland, i>,y., U.S.A. DION thresher 22 x 33 run only 20 days, In perfect shape, Also 40 IIP Rumely engine on air bees in good running order. Will sell together or will separate them. Elwood Wilson. (1anipbellville, R.R. 1, 70' LAWN OR: i A.MEN'1' AN)) Novelty patterns 51. Lawn chair patierns 5 for 53. Catalogue free. Mosbro Patterns, 41•1.11 Victor, Mhnico, Toronto 14. Ontario. '•Aberdeen -Angus are acknowledged. all around the World, to be the best crossing Beef Bulls. leaving uniform progeny of modern beef type, uniformly black. horn- less .fast -maturing. with top fleshing qualities. Forty-seven Angus bulls (the World's best &horners) will be offered at the Ontario Bull Sale, Coliseum,, Exhibition Grounds. Toronto, March lith., 1953. Remember the Ontario Government pare a bonus of twenty percent of the price up to one hundred' and fifty dollars each. Ontario Aberdeen -Angus Association." For overnight relief of KIDDIES` CHEST 1dOTHERS SWEAR BY LDS USE A RUB WISE 18 is a snow-white highly - medicated rub that vanishes --to bring almost instant easing of stuffed -up nose, tight chest and cough -irritated throat. Ask y'blir druggist for B3UCKLEY'S Stain- Hes5�sss, WHITE RUB. Only 50t". FREE ... if you are at oil mkeptical of Ns °Amazing maul (land n 4¢ stnnip for trial lar to Deportment W. K. Buckley Lbhitect, 5:11 College $t„ Toronto, Oatarie. LIVESTOCK SHIiPPERS Yee. we can help you to secure top market value for your livestock shipments. Our organization, with its skilled staff of welghmen and assistants will wet your stock in best weighing condition. Our salesmen because of their daily eon. tact with all buyers, large and small, be- cause they know each buyer's retluipe- ments and know who will pay the most for the class of stock you have to offer, can make sure you receive all your itvs- stock is worth. Consign your livestock shipments to Mc- Curdy & McCurdy Limited, Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto, Ml:DTCAt. It's important—Every sufferer of Rhea - cootie Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express ?repaid BRONCHIAL cough and Asthma cure made of herbs. Recipe yours for $1.00. M. Hood. 127 Brayton Street, Carey ,Ohio. TAPEWORMS. pinworms, cause cerium; diseases: could be your troubiei thou- sands helped, Free literature describes condition and remedy. Write &Iulveney'n Remedied, Li.mile,l. Dens t9 5., Tornoio, Ontario fW FEMINEX One woman tells another. Take ouperior "l'ElfINEX" to help alleviate pain. Ma - tress and nervous tension associated with monthly periods. 53.00 Postpaid d1. platin wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 880 QUEEN ST. EAST rtiao`'ro POST'S ECZEMA SALE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles Poet's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching. sealing•, burning ecsema, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment. regardless of bow etubbnrn or hopeless they seem. PRICE 52.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Scut Post Free on Receipt of Price 138 Queen St. 17. (ir,'ner of Logan, Toronto .....--.__ ASTHMA • Now Asthma Relief In minutes or your money back ask your Druggist for on Asthmailefrin Set rinconditionallY guaranteed OPPORTUNITIES r001 else A.N1) WOMEN ISE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN threat Opport Opportunity Learn NG C1l001. Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages, Thousands. of successful Amerlca'O Greatestl System arvel graduates Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call id.ARVEL HAIRDRESSING 5022001.0 058 Bloor St, W.. Toronto Branches: �4 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa WOOD by mall. Plans. Finish:7:x mater. tale. Write for price list. Dept. WV., The Pine Shop Ltd., 5220 Benny Are., Mon- treal 28. LEARN to play piano in two weeks Tay the Quickest and easteet short cut system in the world. It shows how to play the bass with left hand very important when learning to play by ear. Write—Albert Peterson. 8040 N. Leonard St., Portland 3, Oregon. _ _ . . .. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor---.ist of in- ventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attor- neys. 378 Bank Street, Ottawa. 5'EATFSESTONS[AUGI3 & Carapany Pa- tent Solicitors. Established 1890. 850 Bay Street. Toronto. Booklet e.e informa- tion on request. PERSONAL 51.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-? ve deluxe personal requirements. La.test Catalogue Included. The Medico Agency. Box 124. Terminal A, Toronto. Ontario. QUIT CIGARETTES mainly as thousands of others have done. Use TOBACCO ELIMINATOR a seven day scientific treatment that euledy eliminates all craving for tobacco. Por free booklet write C. W. King Phar- macal Ltd., Box 673, London. Ontario. LONELY? LET CANADA'S GREATEST Club introduce you to lonely people desir- ing early marriage. Many with meant, widows with farms or city property, City and country girls. Members from covet to coast. Proven results since 1924. Free par- Honiara artionlara in plain sealed envelope. C. 0, Club. Box 128 Calgary, Alberta. LONESOME? 51.00 brings 'list of in- terested Club members. 011 ages. All religions. Year's membership included. Send description. Confidential. George 'Thacker, Box 485, Wilmington, California. RUGS NEW rube made from your cad rugs and woollens. Write for catalogue and price list. Dominion Rug Weaving Company, 2477 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ont. WANTED EXPERIENCED married men desires posi- 1100 as farm manager. Agricultural College in Germany graduate. Used :o .all [arae work, familiar with machinery, ohaul(eur'al license. Prefer plaee with opportunity to rent later on. S, Becker, R.14. 7, Peter- borough, Oni. Pile Sufferers Get Quick Relief When the Reit, burn and vain of piles keens Sou awake at utak, drhes Sou almost frantic by day—go to .0,130 drug store and get a package of Leet -hint. See bow rest this snow-whlte, antiseptic ointment enols the fiery burning, relieves, Itching. soothes pain. You get relief in one minute by the watch. One .ap0lbentiott elves hours of comfort. (;et Len -Writ right now 411 any drug store. Enough to keep vets happy several weeks, only 50e. ISSUE, 9 — 19113 ROLL YOUR OWN �Yr yca•vI,.7�h Nw ETTER =AR ESWfm F mow,woe h,�4. CI ARR E To ACCO