HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-02-26, Page 1• Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 26 1953 ST. PETER'S. Evangelical Lutheran Church. ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMR,ICH, PASTOR U a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to ell Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV: 'H. E. KOPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist SUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services --"Come thou with us and we will do thee (rood." Num. 10:29. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful driver you can get remarkable /ow rates with State Farm Mutual, the Coanpany that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own low Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. Are You Suffering From Headaches? s� have your Eyes Examined with Ithe Latest Methods and equipment at OPTOMETRIST ec OPTICIAN A. L. COLE. R.O. GODERICH — lt NT. L Aldon Th.eatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday Feb. 27-28 Dennis Morgan, Amanda Blake,. Philip Carey Cattle Town Gun •answering Gun - Stampede up- on, Stampede - In a t Ruthless Bid for Conquest - Selected Short Subjects. Tuesday, Wednesday - ,March 3-4 The Girl In White June Allyson Arthur Kennedy Gary Merrill A woman's place was in the nouse until a slip-oc, a Blonde turned the Key. Newsreel and Cartoon. Minster Ingo AT St. Peter's Parish Hall ST. JOSEPH,.. ONT. (French Settlement) On Saturday, March 14th. 9 p.m. Sharp $250.00 WILL BE GIVEN AWAY IN CASH PRIZES 15 ROUNDS AT $5.00 EACH 14 SPECIAL ROUNDS 13 OF $25.00 EACH, AND ONE ROUND FOR $100.00. SPECIAL ROUNDS 25C, A CARD OR 3 FOR 50C. Admission $1.00 Everybody Welcome 1 - $18 An Evening For your spare time.. Just 3 easy -Automatic Refrigerator Defrosters ten for the Farmers' Advocate by Baden Powell of GilevelL ipro.speets cornrnisi.ion. Rush name, of Ontario. It was 'pointed out:,esee eentirely separate organizations, • Lyric Theatre Phone 421 - EXETER Friday, Saturday Feb. 27-28 Bronco Busters Jiohn Lund Joyce Holden • Actually filmed in the world's lead- ing rodeo, including Calgary Stam- pede. Monday, Tuesday March Lovely To Look At Red Skelton • Kathryn Grayson Excellent! Photographed in tee color this film has wide appeal. 2-3 hni- Wedneeday, Thursday Mar. 4-5 Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscziption in Canada, Year $2.041 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50, Returned From Hospital Tiriss Anna Deters returned borne frem St. Joseph's Hospital, London. We,' -wish her continued health. Has Returned Horne •. •4Ir. :Roy Weber of Lencron, and Mrs. Ted Foster and Mrs. Louis. Weber of Detroit were Sunday vis- itore.,at the home ,of the latter's resi dene in town. Mrs. Weber intends to reielain in her home after spending the; whiter nioneelie with her =tighter in Detroit. We -welcome Mrs. Weber baelc. to Zurich and- wish her healtlt to enjoy the wane. Farm Forum Iron Mistress The Review meeting of the Unique Fantle Forum was held at tie home of' Mr and ,Mrs. Car 1 Oestreicher, and Mr and Mrs -Sam Oestreicher, With 26 present. The evening was spent by playing .progressive arokin- ole. The winners were Mrs. Arthur McClinchey and Mr. Wm. Edighoff- er. The ladies then served a delic- ious lunch. The next meeting. will be ,held at the home of Mr and Mrs E. B. Horner, with Mr. James Reid of Zurich' as speaker. The subject will be "Is; equality in educ- ation poissible.?"' • SPECIAL TO THE ZURICH HERALD RE: YOUTH GROUPS It was extremely fitting that the newly -formed youth groups of aur town should make their first public appearance in iour midst while at- tending worship services in the var- ious churches. The First Zurich for - visitors apnrceiseMnecrs.. E. eTursublol.Annt, wRe;e.. 00' with the First Boy Scout Troop Company of Girl Guides joined lations between Urban and Rural 0.1t- and the First Zurich Wolf Cub Pack ieens was reviewed. Mr. Victor Deu- fol. "Thinking Day" services in i'ton- nin made a study of an article writ- otte• of their founders, Lord and Lady Alan Ladd Virginia Mayo A verile, action packed • romantic melodrama. First Show every Saturday at 6 p.rn. Christine Models Her New Wardrobe See remarkeble •photovraphs viv- idly portrayine the striking cone traet between °George Jorgensen, the man and Christine prgensen, the woman. Read 'Christine's ;own ac- count of .the growing •confusion that moved her to seek medical' advice. See "The Story of My Life," by Christine Jorgensen, in 'The Amer- ican Weekly with March 1, Detroit Sunday Times. FARM FORUM MEET On Monday eve. Feb. 23 the mem- bers of the Maple Leaf Farm Forum met ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs Peter Deiohert. • Mr and Mrs Victor free trial sales amazing a en e NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 228. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. 10.141911NEMINIUMICIAIMMY • RAG RUGS and CARPET On a New Modern Loom, Made Order — Seth 0. Anima, Zurlele, Ont. Phone 128. nsommum447rtgautarmiumwawasvuourvastatalatemmaldadd,Q4mdtWf.aisilliigagaaan:14!"1473.01_11 PROMPT Optical Service YES Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, any Colour from the broken pieces We do not need your presc- ription We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings. We :an also save you money on a 'omplete pair of Spectacles. AG. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. 'MILER LOCKER SERVICE ROE FEED WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, ONT. eseeeirmossease •• • • • • • • • • • lAlthough the Guides ante Scouts ea Joan pay yot that. Hundreds of hot Hon. E. C. Drury, a former prerni6r, .. - addrese for guaraateed profit offer. ing diecua..ion that eve are one large th i 'ereilideGlaSees at RettiebiiisakelPiieldei ' ' .P4'rc'niakere,:.,.•.6..„Tete,l.coesTet „ -,.!"1„.,4,,,,:,...,,. cept m • one- , . . v 'a y;enamEly conomec, - isame promise and la*. .6 3 S 2 reit of this promise is "to do me (That is an :ailment that we all bee e more or less.) But ae farmers being deity to G'2d" and it is evident thnt, te Telephone: ; oda, according to report of leapt of 20 per cent of the populatien bei. Oat- eerionsly, fdr. with a totel enroleneet these young peonle are taking it 2 Statistics at Ottawa in 1951, the in the three groupe of only fifty-three 4taiieteolfa 0 record year of farm income, received the attendance at the three serviees 'only 12 li‘e per eent. of the national was twentyeahe, thiety-s eve n and income.• So we are inclined to think thirty-five, respectively. that if the national inceme was Sher- The day began with attendance of -I I their Scoutmaster, James W. Reid, I -LAN COUNCIL and their Guide Captain, Mrs. 1Vlae- The regular meeting of the Hay jorie Schilbe, attending nine o'clock Township Council Was held in the Mass in St. Boniface Church. 'Rev. Father Monahan welooneed the group Twp Hall on Feb. 2nd inthe after - and outlined to the congregation the noon. After the reading of the rnin- age program of the organizatione. utes of the last meeting the follow- , He complimented the parents of the ing motions were passed. That the community for supporting the moee- minutes of the Jan, 12te. rreetine. be programs are atmese identtbe ical, 2 1 boyrsabespeibint to .45 Na'N, feeyeee, ;and relations .eer,.e.,..V39,01Aeeerieeeee''e:ele.,geere,.„feee 00600456606104% ilio0004:414000409001s1Mila 40. golttvo4 4,01. eitAisetsPatt Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL Family Income Life Insurance is the only investment which will tell a man today hew much guaranteed. monthly income it will yield his family for all the tomorrows. Let your North Amer- ican Life representative help you figure out how much income yew present life insurance providee •for your family. See him today. P.'1.1 3 r r NORTH AMERICAN A Mutual Company Phone 70-W LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY — All Profits for Policyholckh Dashwood, Ont. eyra;330.a74.451=afieZ5=23Vina=03121=t6=4391======21MNEIM=55===passymmr (1 " lel -1, t/ 1 Frozen o ad I's Eye Frosted FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS VEGET BLES .. FISH, - ETC. Week d Specials HENLEY'S PEACHES, (Choice halves) 2, 15 -oz. • • ,s ,310 AYLMER TOMATO JUICE 2, 20 -oz tins NOBAB COFFEE (Canada's clloice) 1-1b. pkg. ..... 99c Green Giant NIBLETS CORN 2, 14 -oz. Tins .37c. 25c Phone 1140 - C. H. THIEL - Zurich ed little more equal it would a group of the boys and girls w t prove our relations on economics. e ment and expreesed con.fidence that - adopted as read. . it would be a hoon, not only to the That the :followingg rates be char- young people but to the village as ged for the Township Hall rental. a Whole. Group I, Free, Hay Twp. Council After Mars, the leaders hurried bueines.s, Ceurt, Court of Revision, over to St. Peter's Lutheran Church to, join another group which had Civil Defense. and Hems Nuesmg. gathered for the ten o'clocl: service Group 2, at a $1.50 rate; Boy Scout with •Scouteree A. Deichert and le. Girl Guides, :Federation or Agric.; Black. In his welcome, PasTor Heim - Chamber of Cammerce, Catholic W. rich said that the appearance of : these uniformed groups in chuech L., Ladies' Aid. Women's Institute Holy Name Society. Any church eeemd strange, as it was the firet Group, for non-profit, Library Boiled time such an event had occurred in Annual Meeting, Agricultural Soci- the. hietery of Zerieh. He emphas- ieed the • value of their pro:Iya:n in ety. Group 3, at $2,00 rate, Band Practice, Dancing lessons; Group church and community life ano ex- preseed the hope that the •groupe 4, at $4.00 rate, Church gatheymge would become a familiar sight to the or plays for profit; Group 5 at $3.00 iurch-goers of tee At seven -thirty in the evening tbe y,,m,, eeee—..„,,e--...e.e.e.,eee,===e—o-eeeeee„„e=ereeeemee.e=o-eeee,.....,...--e,„1,,,,,,,,,,,e. al -lm., rate, Banquete, Dances, Wedding re- ceptions, Fire Insurance, ;can Gro- ;geoup again met for worship at the! See 0. 0 OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Res. 89 - Ge00.3090) 606106 Or 122, Zurich GOOGGIS V.11=1.11126... r0611.191.11110WIMMIA61/.14131SOM ore S We are ever at your service with the obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES 3 All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season 3 Canned Fruits and Vegetables on 3 Candie.s - Nuts - and Confectionery GIVE US A CALL ‘J • e." enno esch PRODUCE WAN -TED. beet as well as hand in supply Zurich Phone 165 wers, Amoe., Svin- EvaniUnited rethren ('1111 (1. Outside hows,Progelcal oioalvamA-raunsmuirgi.,,muawadtermmiectemeaal=gtatmaatistr, ily cial or Dom. Elections and all sim- Here a welcome wa.-.1 eNtended ilar functions. !both Mr. hi. Geip"er and 1?.r.verond That we call for gravel tenders, ! Rapper Mr. Roppel spoke ,C ilie , three groops as the "neweet avd 1 ' •tised in the London . • nizatione in town" end assured them a warm welcome when- Goderieh idignal Star and. Zurich. ever they shoubl see fit to come [wain Ilerald. Mr. Geiger werenly referred to ' the youth as providing added inspiration That a letter be sent to the De -1 puty Minister of Lands and Foresee, i to the. service. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, ve-1 Scoutmaster - Reid, spenking on b e - questing him to give us information half of' all groups, expressed severe how to determine the High Water appreeiation for the warm v eleome extended by the churches of the mark alongthe water's edge -1 inT0.1.‘,1:ine: f .1 Scout and Gnide •`letity to community, stressing the importarce Gad." He 'stated that if we can keep the youth consci nue of the hn- . --t- .e. of the church in their lives same to be ac set youngest •olga Free Pees.; Stratford Beacon lierald, Village at St. Joeepi, in t ehip, l'hat we call for applications for duo tweeter to eupevviee e , of the cattle sprayed or brushed forlwe need have no lack of good ;!ttizens 11 ment for spraying done. A1.1 to ply with with the Act. That we ,order 1,000 bags of co- ' ment from F. C. Kalffielech & San Ltd., for bridger end for shed. Tho to be foe April delivery. • • • th Warble -Fly, and 'also wommoramoramposoesnegarsamostormiwillialligNiii**ImiimisitigiNVIPM.ffiratmenisis10011.11MIPPonsisiep That we make opplicatiol Dept. of Highwaes : or p . . active leaders arc a cc build a portion of sidewalk at the in becoming east end of Zuric.h on the north sioe 1 to ste.p forward. Several more lead of Highway 84, That the various tin are needed, and, we aro told, you amounts as per voucher be pal I, can learn as you go along and have That the •Council ,adjourn until wee, to, let of fun doing it. 'We know that day, March 2nd at 1.30 p.m. • this new venture which the:s. 11:1 hA3,1 1 they ,can depend on your support in 'eteletteiftlfflinfeemsmowszttrotorsoWilliMliffeeeereemeeeleeeeeeesseinteeesi e a Ws Brokenshire, (leeks enthueieseically undertalsen; for the futtue, AItheeigh these groups were form- e& only lost fall, they now eumeer: Guider, 18; Scoots, floe Gabe 21. All ,geoupe are progreesing fiteonr- .;.1y and we cell exie.,1„ to here much • neon of Ahem 11) tho nem. -;"1..iivo. Any young people interested in io 1n- vited to contact the lead- ermission to or concerned. Any adults interested WE HAVE. A GOOD STOCK OF COLD WEATHER LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc.. Etc, See our Fine Assortment of Yard Goods just in. Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL1 Til 111 e 1*1-° A E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, 34, 10,AZ 14.‘4 Phone 11-97 1