HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-02-12, Page 6Hangover Cure Takes Herring - Balm Sounds ViTorse Than The Bite lt5y WADE JONES NEA Staff Correspondent Maoris --- Visitors seeking balm elor too much over -celebration vaight get a tip from a few of the curious cures of Europe. On Ilse other hand, they might just lee worse. Some of the remedies seem worse than the ailment they're n pposed to cure. In tact, they neem to be based on the theory that if the cure is awful enough, laze patient will forget all about ;kis original indisposition. Fish, for instance, In parts of ermany, where a hangover is stalled a katzenjammer, and in veral other north European 4ountries, it's the custom before retiring to gulp down a whole :herring dipped in chopped onion. The technique is simple. You lust take the herring—prefer- eibly raw—by the tail, lean your head back and swallow it down, ht's supposed to absorb the al- rehol in the system and make you awake up in the morning :tiling like a million marks. * ,, „ lie Germany, fish thus eaten etre called rollmops, but have amore the effect of vacuum clean - ars. Most Europeans subscribe to the theory that an ounce of pre- vention is worth a quart of cure. So they eat a lot before and while they're drinking, In countries like Belgium, ;Holland, Norway, and Sweden :eiany people eat a chunk of but- ter beforehand if they haven't had time to eat anything more. In southern Europe they often eat several slices of bread dunked in olive oil. .After a party in Holland it's often customary for the host to give you something called "uits•- anyter," which literally means stomething to get you out of the place with, It usually consists of 'bread and butter and fried ham nnd eggs. In France, which boasts more running feet of bar space per person than any other country .in the world, people also eat a lot while they're drinking. And that's despite the fact the coun- tty has 580,000 bars and only 49,000 ,bakeries. Parisians, young people par- ticularly, like to go to Les Halles, the great market place, after a late party and eat onion soup. When food fails, though, Euro- peans are great believers in the hair -of -the -dog theory, The French have two words sor hangover which are good yardsticks in the matter, One ,is 'mai aux chevaux," which :means aching hair, and the other Heavy, Heavy, hangs the hang- over of Frenchman Raoul Pres- s 3e, here trying an international e:ure, to wit: a raw herring to be 'followed by hair -of -the -dog (in Mass) while he wears American- made hangover hat compcirt- nented for ice, aspirin and other panaceas, "gueule de boil," which is mouth of wood. If you've got either of these it probably means you're grievously afflicted and can take stern curative measures. Louis, of the Crillon Hotel bar, recommends what he calls a Smiling Joe --one part lemon juice and three parts vodka, with ice. The French. workingman will probably step into the corner bistro and call fora rince co- ehon, which is white wine and seltzer, and which picturesquely means to wash the pig out of the system, Jacques, head barman at the swank Relais-Plaza, unhesitat- ingly recommends a mixture of ice cold beer and tomato juice. "But not if you've been drink- ing scotch the night before," he adds. Jacques is firm on the point that the only morning - after cure for too much scotch the night before is a drop more of the same. But Jean, bar chief at the Tan - gage Restaurant, doesn't entirely approve of the hair -of -the -dog bv.siness. "It doesn't cure the hangover," he says. "It only postpones it. We once had a client who came in here, a genteel type. He drank every morning to postpone a hangover he had acquired 20 years before. One day he forgot to drink and the hangover caught up with him—a 20 -year- old hangover, my friend—and he just sort of exploded like this— pfft. They could not even find the little pieces of him," Some Strange Bets People Have Made It probably started when Eve provokingly bet weak-willed Ad- am that he daren't eat an apple off the forbidden tree. He couldn't resist the challenge, and since that memorable. day the betting habit seems to have caught on. Sometimes a small amount of money changes hands, sometimes fortunes. And on record are the wagers of those happy-go-lucky betters who have had not only to eat their words, but also their stakes. William Hendricks rashly said of a certain, baseball team: "if it wins that next match I'll eat my hat." The team won. Wil- liam, being a man of integrity, promptly made arrangements to fulfil his promise. Inviting witnesses home he took his favorite straw hat, drop- ped it into a saucepan with thin macaroni, added onions and to- mato sauce, and boiled the lot for fifteen minutes. He ate all except the hatband. To an anxious audience he exclaimed: "Boy, I feel simply finer" Far more painstaking and sci- entific was the learned professor who had to eat his shirt when he lost a bet. He disolved the shirt in acid veith another chemical.. The poisonous part of the concoc- tion was filtered with a specially built apparatus. The diner spread the result on a piece of bread and ate it. Some time ago for a bet, a Dutchman, Takkenberg, travel- led from Amsterdam to Mar- seilles, roughly some 840 miles, by somersaults. The man won his bet and statisticians estimated that 2,000,000 sornesaults were required for the whole distance. Bottle carrying used to be a popular sport in Deptford. This branch of athletics entailed bal- ancing a bottle, or stone jar, neck downwards on the head. Champion in this form of en- tertainment was James Fowler who once raced George Golding to Brighton and back for a £50 wager. James won easily by the decisive margin of twenty-five miles. The coming Presidential elec- 11I.ISS NortmA, nom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 11obbs, an( MR. DONALD GORDON, C.M.G., LJ..,D., whose engagement has beer Announced. Miss Ifobbs is a graduate in Arts of MexiJl University anc Nerved during taltlydrDmt and Predenoff te CnadianNaionRaiws, andformeppy Governor of the Bank of Canada and during the wnr Chairmen of the War- time Prices and Trade Board. The marriage will take place in the spring (Migv floLL�' DI+Mo Lv M'vcr,.forth,,, Capita[ Calligrapher --If you received an invitation to the Inaugural Bail, chances are it was written by this smiling Washington letter - artist, Fay King. She wrote nearly 10,000 invitations in highly ornamental script. For Harry Truman's inauguration, Miss King turned out 30,000 in 39 days. Using a special type of pen, she keeps spares, seen at left, always available. tion in America will, for a cer- tainty, add more unorthodox bets to the list; perhaps one that will cap that of the Detroit woman In e past election. This woman lost her bet and had to walk across one of the bridges clad. in long woollen un- derwear. Then there was the girl from Boston. Her part of the bargain was to walk through the streets of her home town wear- ing shoes and a barrel. Oddly enough the Modern business man's short -tailed coat came into popularity as the result of a wager. Years ago, the then Lord Spencer wagered that he would cut off his long coat-tails and walk about the city, thus setting a new fashion. He won his bet as can be seen. • Every once in a while, espe- cially during the silly season, one reads of a conscientious loser pushing a peanut for miles with his nose, wheeling a companion from one point to another in a wheelbarrow, nudging a small pebble from here to there with a matchstick; but when a gain - bier plays for real bag money and refuses to admit defeat special mention must be made of Col- onel Edgeworth, who served un- der William III. One evening, having lost all his money at a card table, he took himself to an adjoining school where his vrife sat play- ing. A whispered word in her ear resulted in husband and wife locking themselves in another room. The Colonel emerged a short time later carrying all his wife's clothes, including her diamond - buckled shoes. Re-entering the game, using his wife's clothing as stake money, he .ran into a spell of good luck and managed to win back all his losings and return the good lady's wardrobe to her. Electronic Glow -Worm Shines Again, Recharged in Pressure Cooker Lane By Richard Kleiner NEA Staff Correspondent New York—A souped -up Lame. pyris Noctiluca (glow-worm) is causing quite a stir along what's left of Tin Pan Alley. This en- tomological ditty is "The Glow - Worm," the hit song of the 1910s that's now back with a set of electronic Iyrics and a new lease on life. It's a smash. But it typifies the current bleakness of the musical picture, when lyricists are hav- ing to dip back 40 years or so to find singable melodies. "The Glow -Worm" has been. selling well for more than four decades. It's long been classed as a "standard"—the publishers, Edward B. Marks Music Corp., sell some 60 different arrange- ments of it, for everything from a saxophone quartette to a flute - piano duet. ' But few modern songs stand a chance of lasting so long. "The Glow -Worm," and other melodies of that era, were simple. "Songs used to be written," says Herbert Marks, head of the Marks song publishing firm, "for people to sing around a piano. Today, they're written for trick effects on records. It's hard to sing something like `Jamhalaya,' for instance, even if you could re- member the words." Marks points out that there are plenty of song -writers around. His crowded waiting room is evi- dence to that, But they write melodies that sound goo.: coming out of an echo chamber, or being howled by a weeping tenor, or strummed by what sounds like 17 guitars. Songs, today, are written for mechanical reproduction. And . they're written under pressure. It's gotten so one commentator things they ought to rename Tin Pan Alley "Pressure Cooker Lane." '.Co -day's song -writer has to work fast. He makes far less money now than he did in the good . old gather- around -the - piano days. His chief source of revenue --sheet music—is selling just moderately well. And the writer and publisher get, at the most, only two cents from each record. Figuring a mullion rec- ords, which is good, that means the publisher and writer (or writers) cut up a $20,000 melon, And a million record song isn't too common. So the song -writers grind them out as fast as they can, and when they become hits, it's generally because of a recording artist and a recording arrangement, rather than because of the quality of the song itself. "The Glow -Worm" is the ex- ception. Marks poo-poos those who talk about it as a "lucky hit." "After all," he says, "it's the work of top artists. Paul Lincke, who wrote the music, was the foremost composer of Berlin in his day. And Johnny Mercer, who wrote the new lyrics—well, I don't have to tell you about Johnny Mercer. It wasn't luck— it was skill and talent and hard work." eincke wrote it in 1902, and called it "Gluhwurnlchen," which even the Mills Brothers couldn't have done much with. It came over to this country in 1905, got a new name and new lyrics and eventually found its way into a Lew Fields show, "The Girl Be- hind the Counter." , From then on, it's been a semi - classic. Children learned to play the piano from it. Little girls danced to it in school plays. Big girls took their clothes off to it in burlesque houses. Little shav- ers haveers sang it, and so dad. big shav- ers in barber shop quartettes. Then Johnny Mercer gave it a lyrical transfusion, and the Mills Brothers record of it be- came one of the top sellers of 1952. Marks, hopes in the new version, it'll keep glowing for another 40 years. Or at least as long, as the new lyrics put it, as the little bug, with the neon tail light contin- ues to turn on the AC and the DC. Just Like Ottawa "Here", says a Washington paper, "are comparisons of the wordage in some rather famous pieces of writing:— The Ten Com- mandments 207 words. The Lord's Prayer 56 words. The Declaration of Independence .... 300 words. T h e Gettysburg Address 266 words. OPS Ceiling Order for Cabbages 26,011 words. ' Too many of tts, in these days of gas and electric stoves, sacri- fice a whole lot of good eating by trying to do ou" cooking much too speedily. For instance, a browned, ten- der pot roast seasoned just right and served with plenty of brown gravy is popular in almost every family. But, be sure to take time to cook pot roasts, Swiss steaks, short ribs and other less tender cuts of beef slowly to assure tenderness and to retain the juices, Whatever cut of pot roast you buy, roll it in seasoned flour and brown it on all sides in a small amount of fat in a deep, heavy skillet as your first step in roast- ing it. When it is well browned, slip a low rack under the meat and add is to 1 cap of water before covering it for a long, slow cooking, if you like a spe- cial seasoning, add a few slices of onion, a bay leaf and 2 or 3 whole cloves. Then, covered, put it in a 350°F. oven to cook for 2 or 3 hours. For the last 30 or 40 minutes of this cooking, add whatever vegetables you want to serve with your roast—carrots, onions, potatoes, turnips, etc. There are several cuts of beef that are especially desirable for pot roasts. The round bone shoulder roast which has only one small round bone is good. The blade bone shoulder roast usually called chuck is .cod, also, but is difficult to carve across the grain. The boned rump is one of the best pieces for pot -roasting, and a boneless sirloin tip is ten- der and easy to serve, though it often lacks the fat that adds so much to the taste of these slow - cooking pieces of beef. In the slow -cooking steak field, round is the most popular cut in almost all parts of the country, It is from the round that Swiss steaks are procured, for a Swiss steak is a round that has been cut from 1 to 2 inches thick and then pounded or "trenched" with seasoning and flour. Brown a Swiss steak well and cook it slowly in tomato juice, beef broth or any other savory liquid until you can cut it with a fork—and you'll gain a reputation as a spe- cialized meat cooker! a. If you want r special touch to your Swiss steak, add to the beef broth liquid onions, mushrooms, tomato sauce or a combination of these, And be sure to cook it a long time slowly and serve some of the sauce you've cooked it in with each portion. POT ROAST WITH VEGETABLES 3. pounds beef pot roast Flour eup fat 2 teaspoons salt 14 teaspoon pepper 1 cup water 6 potatoes, cut in half 6 nzediunz carrots, pared 6 medium onions, peeled 6 small turnips, pared 14 cup flour Coat beef on all sides in flour. Brown in the fat in Dutch oven or heavy skillet. Add salt, pepper and water. Slip low rack under !neat. Cover and cook at 350° F. 2 hours. Add vegetables and cook about ?z hour longer of until meat and vegetables are fork tender. Arrange meat and veget, ables on hot platter, Add water to kettle to make 2 cups broth. Mix the ae cup flour with 3 cup cold water. Stir and add slowly to broth, Boil 5 minutes. Season more if necessary. If you'd like an entirely new taste to your next pot roast, try filing it this way: * .' * SWEET SOTJR POT II OAST 3-5 Pound pot roast 2 tablespoons fat x% cup sliced onion 1 cup vinegar u cup brown sugar, firmaiy packed zel, teaspoon nutmeg S miediunr. turnips 2 cups cooked peas Butter or margarine Brown roast in hot fat in heavy skillet. Add onions and cook until onions are transparent. Add vine- gar, sugar and nutmeg. Cover tightly and simmer 3-31 hours or until fork tender. Thicken liquid for gravy. Serve with but- tered peas and turnips. Short ribs may be browned, seasoned and covered, with small amount of water added, and baked at 300° F. for 1 - 2 hours, or they .may be ixed with spices for a special meal, * �, * SPICY BEEF SHORT RIBS 2 lbs. beef short ribs 3 tbisp. lard or drippings 1 nmedium onion, sliced 2 tblsp, butter. or !margarine 2 tblsp. vinegar 14 cup ketchup 1 tblsp. Worcestershire sauce 1 tblsp. brown sugar 1 tsp. prepared mustard ?2 cup water 14 cup chopped celery 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper ' Brown short ribs in lard; brown onion in butter or margarine. Combine onion with all ingredi- ents except meat and simmer until thickened (about 30 min- utes). Pour off drippings from ribs and pour over the ribs the simmered sauce. Cover and sim- mer or bake at 350° F. about 2 hours or until tender, Makes 4 - 6 servings. If you would like to serve a flank steak for your next buffet supper, try it with this special blue cheese topping. Buy a top quality flank steak and remove membrane from both sides. Trim off excess fat and uneven edges. Place trimmed and scored steak in a shallaw pan and pour over it this mixture: 1 cup salad oil, 2 tablespoons vinegar and I mashed clove of garlic, Cover and keep in refrigerator 8 to 24 hours, turning steak several times so it will absorb dressing. At broiling time, remove steak and rub each side with cut clove of garlic. Broil one side in preheated broiler about 3 inches from heat for about 5 minutes, Turn and spread other side with mashed blue cheese (you'll need about 4 ounces). Continue broiling until cheese is bubbly hot and lightly browned. Carve very thin slanting slices. - Ferried Over, He'll Walk Brick --bobbin, junk cart -horse and cart driver Abe Schaeffer pay their ferry fare for the last time and get ready for the final ride across the river on the Fast Boston "Penny'6 Ferry. Discontinued after 120 years, the "Penny" Ferry, running in the red, went to sect for the last time, It made its first trip in 1832,