HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-02-12, Page 3�yy
66 1,141, evoacko
0 It was a dark, muggy sort of morning,
the way Boston gets when fog rolls in from.
the sea on March days and nights. But it
didn't seem possible it could be time to
get up, and still be this dark, when the
knock sounded on my hotel -room door.
Drowsily arising, and brtislling sleep opt
of my eyes, I opened up. There stood I1owie Morenz, fully dressed.
I said: "Howie, don't you think it's a little early to be getting
up? it's still dark. Where are you going:"
"I'm not getting up" said Howie. "I haven't been to bed yet.
I've been out walking around the streets, thinking about that play
I missed. i lost the game for the team, and there's no use going
to bed, because 1 won't sleep,"
And Howie dropped into a chair, buried bis face in his Ilauils.
His shoulders shook, because he was crying like a little boy.
The night before, Cana.diens had battled a grim overtime play-
off game with the Bruins. Both clubs had powerful teams, there
was little to choose between them in playing strength, and nothing
to choose, either, in the ba'ance of that particular game. There had
been a face-off, and Cooney Weiland, a great little centre -ice payer
who at one time held the scoring championship of the National
League, faced Morenz. The puck shot into the air as the sticks
clashed. Weiland jumped swiftly, batted it down with his hand,
pounced on it like lightning and blasted off the shot that won
the game, all done more quickly than you can write, or even read,
the words describing the play.
Morena was heart -broken. He felt that lie alone etas respon-
sible for the defeat of the team, because that's, the kind of player,
that's the kind of man he happened to be. I n all the history of
hockey, there never was a more sincere competitor. Nights of an
important game, indeed, on the night of any game, Morenz would
be at the rink at least an hour before game time, restlessly pacing
around the long promenade, as high-strung as a thoroughbred
that is being readied for a race.
Howie Morenz diedas he would have wanted it, in the harness
of the game he loved. At least, he sustained in hockey the in-
jury which led to his death. Hurtling in on an opposing goal, he
tripped, fell, caromed skates -first into boards, shattered a leg. A
great competitor, even when his blazing speed was losing glittering
fire. He lived for speed, lived by speed, and for speed, he died.
The hockey world still recalls Morenz, but few know he came
into big league hockey against his will, over his own tears, in fact.
But 'that's another story, and some day it will be written, right in
this Calvert column.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto.
Twenty-five years ago anybody
predicting that a human being
would some day run a mile in
4 minutes or less would have
ibeen told to go and have his head
examined. But today that "un-
attainable" 4 -minute pinnacle is
getting slightly wobbly. In fact
before 1953 has run its course,
>;iomebody will have done the
*rick, and that somebody—in all
probability—will be an Austral -
Jan University student named
John Landy.
s 5 5
Landy has already come with-
in seven -tenths of a second of
equalling the present world rec-
ord of 4 minutes, one and four-
Jtifths second, set by the Speedy
Swede, Gunder Haag back in
1945. And already this year the
Aussie has been showing such
a lot of luck that it looks as
tlhough "it won't be long now."
And what follows is a play-by-
play description of his latest ap-
pearance, in which he took all
the worst of it in the way of
weather, track conditions and
:back of competition.
o a a
Although Landy would have
:preferred it cooler than the day's
temperature of 71.2, a blustering
wind did not help matters. But
thief deterrent was the condition
of the crushed scoria stone -sur-
faced track. A soaking on the
)previous day would have con-
solidated the loose particles, and
a rolling would have completed
the job. The student -runner said
in Europe it takes several Igen
two or three days to prepare the
tracks for record attempts. Aus-
tralian athletes have to tackle
their tasks the hard way!
,: O 8.
Physically' the runner himself
was not 100 per cent. Other spe-
cific points worthy of note were
the several incidents in the race
itself in which the 22 -year-old
champion had very little assist-
ance from pace -makers, except
in the early stages. ' Les Perry,
Australian three-mile champion,
was in the field and carried Lan-
dy along from the quarter to the
half, but thereafter the only "as-
sistance" the runner received
was from the urging of the ex-
cited onlookers.
With the inside running, Lan-
dy surprisingly took up the run-
ning in the first lap, and his fast
long -striding pace told the rest
of the runners he meant' busi-
ness. He .led at the quarter in
the slick time of 58.4, which was
.8s. better than the first lap of
his record run, then Perry shot
.past Landy to "pace" the recond
lap. Approaching the turn into
the , home -stretch, Landy went
ahead again and covered the
half -mile in 1.59.4. (in the record
run his time was 2m. ls. at the
Strike-Bound—Automobiles arearked across the out -of -use
trolley tracks in Philadelphia where a transportation system
strike paralyzed city 'transit. More than 2,500,000 people in the
city tend suburbs had to solve the travel problem for themselves,
Fabulous Tcy Tree of Caracas—Tom Seidman, above, never saw
a tree that bloomed with toys back home but he isn't dreaming.
The only person who is dreaming is the toy vendor. He's for
saken his toy stand on a street in Caracas, Venezuela, to enjoy
South America's cherished siesta period. Since almost everyone
else is snoozing, there's not much danger of the "blossoms" being
plucked b$ passersby.
Landy had to run the last. halt
on his own and quickly ran to a
lead of 100 yards. At the end of.
the third lap his time for three-
quarters of a mile was 3.1—
probably the fastest ever to that
stage in a mile race—and the
excited crowd cheered every
stride as .Landy entered the final
lap. Along the back, with the
breeze behind him, his long
strides appeared the same, and
he passed the 1500 -meter mark
in 3.44.4-8s. faster than Joself
Barthel's (Luxembourg) Olym
pie record—but the tiring run-'
ger had to face the wind in the
home stretch, so it took him
18.4s. to run 119 yards 2 feet—,.
from the 1500 -meter mark (1640
yds. 1ft.) to the tape.
a r•, 5
In his record run on Dec. 13,
Landy finished much fresher'
and ran the final lap in 59.1'.
against the more recent last lapi
of 61.8. Some overseas cables:
have been received in Australia.
gi:estioning the tines created
by John Landy, but the "Doubtil
ing Thomases" will have their;
answer by this repeat performs
ance. '' a.
Bettering the Olympiy•record,,,.
for the 1500 meters during his
run, John Landy achieved great
distinction, and no doubt could
have bettered this time had that
been the specific distance record
he was after. In the Olympic
race, moreover, two runners
fought a titantic battle to the
line, as R. McMillan (USA), sec-
ond, was credited withthe same
time as the winner, J. Barthel.
Had Landy the runners to pace it
with him, one wonders just what
time he would have made.
5 5 K,
Maybe it will be different
when the next attempt is made:
the track will be watered and
rolled, loose patches ironed out,
the atmospheric conditions ideal
for the test, the race competitors
capable of extending Landy, and
the champion physically and
psychologically ready to de him-
self justice.
Beer. Baptized
3,000 Tires
Did your great-great-grarid-
father have eight wives? Do you
know that the chances are he's
now a recognized Mormon? With-
out your permission — and cer-
tainly without great -great -grand
pa's—he's probably been baptiz-
ed by proxy in the Mormon
Temple at Salt Lake City.
Maybe you've forgotten who
your great - great - grandfather.
was, yet the Mormons have him
taped with a micro -film record
of his name, birthplace and date
of birth. Teams of genealogists
are busy in Scotland right -410'* e,
searching for Mere potential
Mormons, t r. a c i n g. ancestors
through 3,500 volumes of Scot-
tish parish registers.
Names are checked. against a
master index in Salt Lake City,
This strange situation has arisen
.from the Mormon tenet tb.at one
day they'll meet their ancestors
in a better world—and it's just
as well to have them of the same
faith to avoid squabbles.
Day by day in the old-fashion-
ed little rooms of the Mormon
"Temple, scores of men and wo-
men act as stand-ins tor the bap-
tism of ancestors. A carpenter in
ordinary life, one man hay' been
baptized for 3,000 forebears —
and the queue at the font already
extends back to the year 1320.
or money hack
Very first use of soething, cooling, liquid
D.I).T). Prescription positively relieves raw
red itch—caused by eczema, rashes, scalp
irritation, chafing—other itch troubles. Grease-
less, stainiee9. 43c trial bottle roust satisfy or
money back. Ask your druggist for D.D.D.
Booster Shot—It takes a second
Gook to see that Tom Hunt is not
giving his oponent Bob Harbert -
son a boost toward the basket.
Maestro Toscanini is not one
for reticent behavior when a
musician plays a wrong note. The
NBC orchestra, however, remem-
bers one such occasion when
words actually failed the tem-
pestuous conductor.
It was during a broadcast of
Beethoven's Leonore Overture.
All was going well until the cue
came for the off-stage trumpet
call. No sound came from the
wings. Then, three pleasures late,
a shrill, spluttering noise blared
forth. The maestro braced him-
self; the orchestra men sat rigid.
Again the cue calve up. And
again, first nothing—and then the
off -beat splutter. At the first
break in the program, Toseanini
charged backstage for the kill.
There was his trumpeter, beat-
ing vainly against the armlock of
a burly night porter, "I tell you
you can't blow that damn horn
here," the watchman kept insist-
ing. "There's a broadcast going
For Quick Cough Relief
Mix This Syrup
tri Your Home
Thousands of Canadian house-
wives have turned to this well-
known recipe for relieving coughs
due to colds. It's easy to prepare,
.and gives you four tines as much
for your money.
Your usual drug counter can
supply you with a 23/2 ounce bottle
this into a 16 ounce bottle and f111
up with granulated sugar syrup,
or honey or maple syrup. To make
the sugar syrup, simply mix 2 cups
of sugar with one cup of water . .
no eoolt:tng needed, and it takes but
a minute, Nov you'll have an ample
supply of fast acting, effective
cough syrup for the whole family,
so pleasant tasting the children
'will like it.
PINL;i — a concentrated blend
of proven ingredients ---must help
or your money refunded. Get a
bottle today!
t,SSUJ 5 -- 1953
Mf, saves WANTED
HONEST, reliable sagents to pelf ebloko
for a well eetahltohed hatchery. 0004
ramodest0n. Royal 1?'arnt Hatchery, Ht,
Jacobs, Ontario.
"OXFORD" Canadian Approved Chicks,
Live, lay and pay. TheY are the results
o$ twenty-five years of careful selection erre
breeding. They have to be good, because
we want the von' beat kind of Chicks for
our own $locke—bis•, vigorous, and eerie
maturing. We ,,tress egg size and uniform-
ity. Barred Rocks, White Leghorn,
Sussex, White Rock, Columbia Steele, New
Hampshire, «lamp it Rock Crossbreds,
Rock x Leghorn Crossbreds, New Homo
x Sussex Crosebreda. Write for free folder,
The Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Pro-
duce Company, Limited, 434 Main Street.,
Woodstock, Ontario;
ORDER those Purina embryo -fed chicks
from Gilmore's, Fully guarantee 4.
Quality chicles from a real breeding pro-
gramme, Attractive early pullet prices,
Write for prices and catalogue "Which
Came First." Gilmore's Poultry IC/reeding
Farm. Barrie. Ontario.
PC r.L7 TS, Cockerels, Limited number
started chicks. Breeds for layers, broil -
ere, dual purpose. Prompt shipment. A.ek
for particulars, price, Bray hatchery, 320
John N., Hamilton or Irairllank Feed,
2383 Du(ferin St., Toronto.
31AVIS Sou anything needs dyeing or elean-
ing7 write to us for information. We
are glad to answer your questions. De-
partment IL Parker's Dye Works Limited,
791 YOnge St. Toronto,
SNOW W SIIUDS, All sizes and styles. Bates'
HUMANE Snowshoe Harness (Pat.) No
more blistered toes d Folder. "Snowshoe•
Ins in Comfort," on request. BATES'
SNOWSHOES, Dept, W., Metagama, Ont,
PREMIER Strawberry Plants $2.00 per
100; 1.00 Blooming Size Gladiolus bulbi.
11.25; :Free List. W. J. 6Vitnes. Elora,
-IF YOU WANT th.e maximum in egg pro-
duction try our R.O.P. sired Rhode
Island Tied or Rhode Island Red x Barred
Rock, White Leghorn x Rhode Island Red,
Light Sussex x Rhode Island Red,
Fergus Ontario
CANADIAN Approved Turkeys at prices
that will save you several dollars per
hundred. ATI popular breeds. Non -sexed
chicks as low as $13.20 per hundred.
Turkeys as low as Clic. And all quality
stock. Catalogue.
Guell'b Ontario
SHREDDED roam Rubber Bed Pillows.
Large size, 25x10, approx. 5" thick. Pre-
paid direct from manufacturer. $2.50
each. Lacey Co., Bot 728, t..kron, Ohio,
MOTOR OIL, Sc per gallon. You can re-
claim used motor oil. Secret Process One
Dollar. Ray Porter, 755 Brady Avenue,
Los Angeles 22, California, U.S.A.
relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS.
Read this—Every sufferer of Rheumatic
Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's
335 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
Limited edition. , Helpful information.
boroseopes, Medical facts. dreams,. plus
effective treatments tor common ailments.
Regular price 50 cents. Regain health and
youthful vigor. Writo__toeday for "free
copy", Book of Health, Dept, 10 Health
Products. Kelowna, B.C.
TAPEWORMS, pinworms, cause aertoue
diseases; could be your trouble) thou-
sands helped. Free literature describes
condition and remedy. Write id'ulveney'e
Remedies Limited. Dens W 9. Toronto.
"PEP UP." Try C.C. & B. Tonic Tablets
for low vitality and general debility. At
Druggists one dollar or FEASEL AGEN-
CY, 11124 - 82 Avenue. EDMONTON.
One woman tells another. Take superior
"Ie'F1M1NE3" to help alleviate pain, dis-
tress and nervous tension associated with
monthly periods„
55.00 Postpaid In plain. wrapper
BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes
and weeping skin troubles Post's Eczema
Salve will not disappoint you.
Itching, scaling. burning eczema. acne.
ringworm. pimples and foot eczema, will
respond readily to the stainless odorless
ointment, regardless or how stubborn or
hopeless they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
009 Queen St. E. Corner of Logan,
Pile Sufferers
Get Quick Bullet
When the nob, burn and oain or piles
keeps you awake at night, drives sou
almost frantic by day—au to any drug
store and get a naekage or Len -Dint. See
how rant this snow-white, antiseptic
ointment 000te the fiery horning, relieves
Itching, soothes pain. Vol) get relief in
one minute by the watch. One anulicn-
tion gives hours of comfort. (let Len.
Oint right now at any drug store. f:nnugti
to keen rim bonny several tepees, nniy 595,
Don't suffer night and day—with dull,
wearisome aches—or sharp, stabbing
pains. Lead an active life again. Take
empleton's T -R -C's, Canada's largest -
(selling proprietary medicine specially
maadetobringlonged-forrelief to sufferers
from arthritic or rheumaiio pain. T-841
$4551 is TEMPLETON'S T -R -C's
Great Opportunity Lre ee
Yeleasant, dignified profession, good waren.
Domande of successful Mtarvet graduates
Ameriea'a Greatest feyetem
illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
858 klloor St. W., Toronto
44 Ring St., Hamilton
72 Rideau St., Ottawa
MARE MONET fast: Pictures or Ii, If,
Queen Elizabeth lowly priced for quick
sale. Every home buss one. Rend for
illustrations, 0ric2s. Untied Arr. Toronto
ATTENTION Cigarette Smokers, Get your
:teem Copy of 'How Harmful Are
Cigarettes." Send Today. (Any Donation
.Lppreoiated). P.O. Box 41E5, einnth Ed-
monton. Alberta.
AN OFFER to every inventor—Last of In-
ventlone and full information gent free.
The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attor-
mmys. R711 Bank Street, Ottawa.
tent Solicitors. Established 1890. 850
Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of informa-
tion on request.
Now Asthma Relief
In minutes or your rnnre; pack
Ask your Druggist ter en
Asthmarl,efrirt Set
TTneondItlona lly gun ran+ere)
HANDWRITING analysis. s;om,,lete char-
acter reading. Send twenty Hues 1n ink.
unlined paper. Enclose $1.00. Bette John -
atone, 49 Rosemount Ave., Weston.
G. Harris. 0249 Ebony, Comm '';hrlsti,
QUIT Cigarettes easily as thousands at
others have done. Use Tobacco Elimin-
ator, a seven-day scientific treatment that
Quickly eliminates all craving for tobacco.
For free booklet write C. W. Sing Phar-
macal Ltd., Box 673, London. Ontario.
Avoid dangerous falls, wear Ice Creeper
Straps under any footwear. 11.00 Post-
paid, Material, Shawbridge, Quebec.
:SEW ruga made from your old rugs and
woollens. Write for catalogue and price
Bet. Dominion Rug Weaving Company.
8477 Dundee Street Weat, Toronto, Ont.
RUGS—Sharply reduced prices. 0' x I2'--
979.50 delivered; 6§' x 9ir'—$47.50 de-
livered. Made of fine rayon carpet yarns,
lin exquisite oriental patterns. on wine
and red background. Will ship C.O.D.
Refund it not used. Frnrnly Textiles
(Reg'd), 3057 Dundas W., Toronto.
125 DIFFERENT stamps. Booklet Stamp
Collecting. 125 Hinges and perforation
gauge, 10e to approval app)k'enis, E.
Emery. R.R. 1. Victoria. B.)"..
50.000 different stamps one cent each.
Better grade British Colonies hair
catalogue. SUMMERS, 42 Dale, Ottawa,
WANTED! "Currkoreer IVES" lithographs.
Good prices promptly -paid. Especially
want large folio Winter. Railroad, Here*
Racing, Hunting. and Sailing Ship scenes.,
All correspondence answered. Offers grade.
A., R. Davison, East Aurora. NPw Fork,
Sell Park • Fletcher tailored -to -measure
clothes. Earn more money, ;our nersonal
clothes free. Full or spare time. High
commission. popular prices, tremendous
choice of cloth samples. Write immediately
for tree sample outfit, Instructions and
exclusive teraitory, park -Fletcher Clothes,
Dept. 1'.. P 0, 0,', 1.11 tit, rinr N„
Mont ren I
e "Nothing I ate agreed with me, and though
nothing was organically wrong—my stomach
would blow up with gas after almost every
meal," says Mrs. Georgina Ekins, 691 Craw.
ford St., Toronto, Ont. "I practically lived ere
bakingeoda,whichlhad to takemoreand more.'t
"Then a friend told me about Dr. Pierce re
Golden Medical Discovery. By taking this
wonderful medicine I soon had a real desire
for food, and my system wouldtake care of it;
Pretty soon I forgot all about the soda, and I
now feel better than in years."
Thousands of people who suffered from gas
psins, heartburn, stomach distress, due to no
organic cause, have tried Dr. Pierce's Goldoni
Medical Discovery with amazing results. Andl
no %ponder. This great medicine has a wonders
ful stomachic tonic action. First, taken rage*
harly it promotes more normal atomaels
activity, thus helping to digest food better see
you won't have gas, heartburn, acid etomaclat
Secondly, with stomach activity improvedti
you can oat the foods you like without fear o1i
Generous Supply r111501 You can prove
what this medicine will do without risking
one penny. For a large 51.35 packago
mailed free—send your name and acldree4l
to Pierce's Proprietaries, Inc, 30 Oentret
Ave., Fort :Brie S., Ont.
Backache is often caused by lazy kidney
fiction.. When kidneys get out of order,
excess raids and wastes remain in the
system. Then backache. disturbed rest
or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling
new soon follow That's the time to take
Dodd's Kidney Pills Dodd's stimulate
the kidneys t0 normal action, Then you
feel better—sleep better—work better.
Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. St