HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-02-05, Page 7t SP RTS COLUMN
tilt Painting, music and theatrical art, par-
ticu'arly the first two, would seem to be a
far cry from the rough-and-tumble burly -
burly of hockey. And in a sense. the gulf
between them is as wide as the Grand
Canyon, Yet, all four are,' in a sense, tied
up in a package.
Mostly, when spurts scribes take their typewriters in hand to
deal with the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, they dig
deeply into the book of synonyms to find a variety of terms that
will embrace acid criticism, and biting sarcasm, directed at the
C.A.H.A, and its methods. Strangely, it's seldom that any good
word is spoken for the body, possibly because the "A" in the title
standing for Amateur has become something of a byword, the
amateurs remaining in hockey, beyond school age, being as rare
as the dodo bird.
But the C.A.H.A, is quietly doing a first-rate job for struggl-
ing young Canadians in a field quite apart from hockey. This is in
the form of C.A.H.A. scho"arships, promoted by the Canada
Foundation, and awarded annually since 1949 to provide advanced
study abroad for young Canadian painters, composers and theatre
students. Competition for the awards is on a national basis, and
this year seventy-five applications were received from students in
eight of the provinces. Since the beginning of the awards thirteen
scholars have been aided in their studies in England, Scotland,
France, Italy and the United States.
It is something of a coincidence that, in the present year, one
of the winners was an athlete of note, who mixes long-distance
running with musical ambitions. This is Paul Collins, who received
his basic musical training at Nova Scotia's Acadia University and
followed this with advanced study in musical composition at the
halliard School of Music, New York and Yale University. He
has earned his education mainly by working at odd jobs and
through winning several scholarships.
Collins is well known in sport circles, having been a member
of Canada's marathon team at the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki and
at the British Empire Gaines in New Zealand in 1950. The C.A.H.A.
scholarship to assist the financing of advanced studies at the
faculty of music in Edinburgh University will appy to Collins,
ratecl by many expert observers as the best long-distance runner
in Canada today. Perhaps he is the only athlete who combined
sport and musical ambitions who ever made an Olympic team
from Canada.
As a continuing indication of its interest in well balanced
Canadian citizenship, the C.A.H.A. has authorized a renewal of its
scholarship assistance to advanced students of drama, painting
and musical composition. Scholarships ranging in value from $500
to $2000, with an aggregate value of $4000, are offered. And so, out
of the winter -long battling on the ice rinks from coast to coast,
come the funds to aid annually, four young Canadians whose am-
Sitions are far removed from sport in any of its varied forms.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge Sf., Toronto.
Baseball's Hall of Fame now
bas sixty-four members — and
the $64 question now is why have
sot many been included on the
Boater at the expense of others
far more deserving,
* e e
In the list of those excluded
eve are not referring to guys like
Joe DiMaggio, who had str•nrr;
support in this year's voting in
and around New York arm . y
lllttle, we understand, outside the
%etropolis. DiMag has plenty of
Case to make the grade and is
cinch to do eo long before the
2e3 -year period is over. But time
In running out on fellows like
kLabbit Maranville, Dazzy Vance
and Chief Bender; in fact the
latter is no longer eligible since
11R is more than a quarter-century
cine his active playing days
Which seems to be rather
serewey, at that, seeing that so
good an authority as Connie Mack
essays that the Indian was one of
the greatest pitchers of all time
.—and if anybody should be a
good judge of pitchers it's the
same Mister Mack. Yet Chief
Bender is on the outside looking
in, and will continue to be there
until they revise the rules—or
get a more sensible system of vot-
ing. Yet safely inside the Hall are
the likes of Joe Tinker, whose
life -time hitting average was a
juicy .264 and who—if it hadn't
been for that famous ditty about
Tinker -to -Evers -to -Chance would
now be forgotten.
a o '3
In this connection we recall a
story they used to tell about
Chief Bender when he was mow-
ing them down for the Philadel-
phia Athletics, Although he used
to be greeted with mock -Indian
war -whoops by the fans, the
Chief was a college-educated man
and a good conversationalist.
After rain had washed out a ball -
game one day, somebody asked
Bender how he had spent the
afternoon. He replied that he had
been at an Art Gallery admiring,
once again, his favorite painting,
When asked what the picture was
he replied "Custer's Last Stand."
e 'a o
(You have probably seen that
Pretty Parader—Organizers of
the inaugural Parade scheduled
beautiful baton -whirling Hilda -
Gay Mayberry, 17 -year-old
girl -leader of. a Bluegrass State
band, to give zest to the pro-
famous picture, or one of the
millions of reproductions of
same, showing a scant handful
of bel.eagured white Hien sur-
rounded by huge mobs of fierce,
bloodthirsty Redskins).
O 0 0
"Just why do you like that
picture so well, Chief," a by-
stander inquired of Bender.
"Well," Bender replied, "it's the
only time I saw the Indians get-
ting anything like an even
O 0 r0
Which is more, in our humble
opinion, than Chief Bender ever
got from the Hall of Fame jury.
Still, we cannot find it in our
heart to squawk about the Hall's
portals swinging open to admit
Dizzy Dean, for Dizzy — before
his arm went wrong •— would
bear comparison with any pitch-
er that ever toed the mound from
Old Hoss Radbourne on down.
More than that, the Dizzy one
had an abundance of the quality
so sadly lacking in present-day
baseball—to say nothing of mod-
• ern -day hockey, football and a
few other pastimes. That quality
is color. He flamed with color—
and was a flaming competitor,
too, who pitched his darndest in
the toughest going, and who
didn't scare worth a cent, no
matter how awesome the opposi-
But, somehow or other, we
have a feeling that Dizzy is get-
ting a bit tame and civilized—
probably association for so many
years with radio and television
people, who wear shoes all the
time, has cramped his style.
When he was apprised of his
election to the Hall of Fame Mr.
Dean said—or so it is reported—.
"It's doggone nice for an old cot-
ton -picker from Arkansas to be
up there with them fellers."
O 0 e
Which is a nice gentlemanly,
modest speech of acceptance.
Much too modest to ring true, As
Arthur Daley of The New York
Times points out it would have
sounded much more authentic if
Dizzy had said: "Well, it took
Long is fhe dull minute ... short the pleasant hour , . -
happy the days spent amidst the luxuries of a Cunard
crossing to Europe. Whether business responsibilities
or an active travel program lie ahead, the fun you
share ... the healthful relaxation and bright
conviviality make time your servant—not your
master—when you cross the Atlantic with Cunard.
Weekly summer sailings through the historic St.
Lawrence . , . regular departures from Halifax
during Oho winter , .. year-round sailings from
New York include the world's largest steamers,
"Queen Elizabeth" and "Queen Mary."
See your Loco! Agent "No one cart serve you bet'ier"
Corner Clay & Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ont.
Lit/NEST, reliable arents to Belt obloks
for a won established hatchery. Good
commbielon, : Royal Farm Hatchery, St.
Jacobs, Qnteelo.
SOIL Park : Pletcher tailored-tp-meaeuro
clothes. Earn more money, your perHonal
clothes free. irun or spare time. Hieb
commlesion, popular prime, tremeudoue
choice of cloth samples, Write immediately
ler free sample outfit, instruction and
exolus1Yo tergitory, Park -Fletcher Clothes,
Dept, W„ P 0, Box 100. Station N.,
',OXFORD" Canadian Approved Chicks,
Live, lay and pay. They are the results
of twenty-five years of careful selection and
breeding. They have to be good, beeauee
we want the very beet hind of Chicks fOr
eu) own floeks--big, vigorous, and early
maturing, We stress egg size and uniform-
ity. Barred Roche, lvhito Leghorn,
Sussex, White Rock, Columbia Rock, New
Hampshire, 'lamp x Rock Crosebrede,
Stock x Leghorn Crossbreds. New Hemp
x Sussex Crossbreds. Write for free folder.
The Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Pro-
duce Company, Limited., 434 blain Street.
Woodstock, Ontario.
ORDER those Purina embryo -fed cttleke
from Gilmore's. Fully guarantee et.
Duality chicks from a real breeding pro.
gramme. Attractive early pullet prices.
Write for prime and catalogue "Which
Came First," Gilmore's Yoult 9 Reeedine
E'arm. Barrie. Ontario.
DEALERS wanted to sell baby chicks steel
turkey points for one of Canada's oldest
established and largest hatcheries. Liberal
commissions paid. Feed dealers. farmers,
implement dealers, agents for nurserlee,
cream truck. drivers, and other dea.lere
matte excellent agents. Send Mr full
details Box No. 97, 023 [eighteenth 52..
New 'Toronto. Ont.
PROMPT shipment chicks. Pullets.
Cockerels, Some started. Profits in
euntmer-full depend on early chicks, Phone
or write Bray Hatchery, 190 John N.
Hamilton, or Falrbank Feed 2306 Dufferin
St., 'Toronto.
WHETHER you want ehi,:ks for the
maximum in egg production, dual purpose
chicks,., chicks for broilers, or turkey
points, you can depend on Tweddle Cana-
dian Approved chicks and turkeys, Free
Fergus Ontario
TOP NOTCH chicks and turiey poulte. A11
from Canadlan Approved punorurn tested
breeders and sold at extremely low prices.
• Don't bey until you see our catalogue and
price list.. Non -sexed chicks as low as
$12.95 per hundred. Turkey poults as low
as Mc. ; _r
Guelph Ontario
CANADIAN Approved Chicks, Barred
Rocks, New I•Xampshires, New Hampshire
X Barred Rook, Columbia Rock X New
Hampshire. Three week cid chicks always
available. Heavy day old cockerels $6.00
per 100. Write for price liet and folder.
Lincoln Chick Hatchery, 2 Rare Street, St.
Catharines, Ontario.
Wrinkle Resistant—The slimming
separate skirt worn by this
model is as wrinkle -proof as
her pretty face. Just right for
spring, it is designed in bold
shepherd checks, has small
front pockets and a leather belt.
Made of Orlon and wool, it
was 'created by a prominent
then writing fellers a heck of a
long time to smarten up. They
shoulda knew from the start that
01' Diz was the greatest pitcher
who ever lived!"
Nor does Mr. Daley exaggerate
too much when he ascribes such
a speech to the Dean that once
was. Some years ago Dizzy wrote
a sort of autobiography which
included the following state-
Anybody who's ever had the
privilege of seein' me play ball
knows that I'm the greatest rec-
ords pitcher iri the world. And
thein that ain't been fortunate
enough to have a gander at 01'
Diz in action can take a look at
the records.
And, if you never saw him in
action, just look at the records.
You won't find a grain of Mod -
sty among thele, but there's
enough other stuff to prove that
his recent honor was no mistake
--even if it wouldn't have done
any harm to keep him waiting
another year or so in order to in-
elude the likes of Chief Bender.
Good Advice if You
Stiffer with Piles
When Year piles rte i anti Mem se You
can't sit, Walk or stand without eunstvrt
digerati fort you a1o111d use Len -Olaf, the
relief that thousmlds have Pseud su wood
and so qulele See how Last Len -(lint
takes nut the Ore, relieves itching and
soothes path. 'Why in Just no time nt all
you forget about 3011)' pates. Oar an.
talent ion gives hoary of eomforl. Don't
suffer needlessly'—go get ben -01st eight
now. Only f1De at all drag eteree.
HAVE lou anything needs dyeing or vlevn.
Mg? Write to ue for information. We,
are read to mower 7Oar euestione. 1'la
uortment H, Parker's Dye Work* Limited.
781 Tongs St, Toronto.
CRESS CORN SALV15 - 1'or sura relict.
Tour Druggist ee11e C101E55.
*NOWSHORS. All sizes and styles, ]Bates'
HUMANE Snowshoe Harness (Pat.) Ido
more blfetered toes 1 Folder, "Snoweboe-
Ing in Comfort," en request. 'BATES'
SNOWSHOES. Dept, W.. Metagama, Ont.
ranenER Strawberry Planta $2,00 set-
er100; 100 Blooming Sias, Gladiolus bulbs
21,26; Free List. W, J, Witney, Rlora,
Novelty patterns $1, Lawn chair patterne
8 for $1, Catalogue tree. hbosbro Patterns,
44-Vtr'Victor, Mimico, Toronto 14, Ontario.
TRIAL PACKAGES (small) of pedigree
P'orage and Cereal seeds. Get aoqualned
with the following outstanding species and
v*rletles by growing them in your garden --
Reed Canary, Rrotne, Tall Fescue, Ensign
Meadow Fescue, I•Iercules Orchard grass,
Climax timothy. Grimm, Ledak and
Rhizoma Alfalfa, Ottawa and Altaewede
red Clover, Ladino, Erector Sweet Clover,
Empire birdafoot trefoil, Fort Barley,
Acadia Wheat, Abegweit Cate. Capital and
Pagoda Soybeans. --Description and seed•
Mg directions supplied. Choice of any 10
package's 01.00, complete eonection $1.76
poetpaid. Romalone Seed Farm, Box 133,
Westboro, Ontario,
FORT BARLEY New strong strewed feed
barley. High yielding and excellent for
combining and for mixed grain production,
Cert. No. 1—$3.50, Comm. No. 1—$3.00
Per bushel.
CROWN MILLET high yielding grain and
hay millet suitable for late seeding. An
excellent smother crop. One bushel Nowa
two acres. No. 1 seed 64.00 per bushel.
All prices F.O.B. shipping point, Romalone
Seed Farm, Box 133, Westboro, Ontarlo.
THREE Money Saving Specials on the
following favorite Magazines, limited
time. Woman's Hone Companion, 80
months, 84.00. American Magazine, 13
months, 83.00. Collier's, 40 weeks, $3.00.
Miall your Subscription order to: Patrick
Healey, 302 E. Pierce Street, Phoenix,
Arizona, U.S.A.
Nature's help—Dixon's Remedy for Rhou-
mettle Pains, Neuritis. Thousands praising
315 Elgin Ottawa
$1,25 Express Prepaid
Limited edition. Helpful information,
horoscopes. Medical teats, dreams, plus
effective treatments tor common ailments,
Regular price 60 cents. Regain health and
Youthful vigor. Write to -day for "free
copy". Book of Health. Dept. 10 Health
Products. Kelowna. B.C.
TAPEWORMS, pinworms, cause eertous
diseases: could be your trouble! thou-
sands helped. Free literature describes
condition and remedy. Write 8fulveney'e
Remedies Limited, Dens W S.. Toronto.
One woman tells another.SX 'rake Superior
"FEl3IINEX" to help alleviate pain, dis-
tress and nervous tension associated wlth
monthly periods.
56.00 Postpaid in plain wrapper
BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes
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Salve will not disappoint you.
Itching, scaling, burning eczema, acne,
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ointment, regardless of how stubborn or
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Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
689 Queen St. E. Corner of Logan,
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages..
Thousands or aucceeeful Marvel graduatee
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue free
Write or Call
833 llloor St. W„ Toronto
44 King St., Hamilton
72 Rideau St.. Ottawa
MANE MONEY fast: Pictures of n, M,
Queen Elizabeth lowly priced for quick
Pale. Every home buys nnc. Send for
tllustretinns, prices 1'nited Art. Toronto
Earn a FREE SUIT by selling made -to -
measure clothes In your district, Splendid
opportunity for ambitious individual. A
few rails a day will put cash in your
Pockets and a h'9tEE SUIT on your back.
A real opportunity to go into business with
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dreds of swatches, style book, etc, No
experience. no money needed. Write im.
ntedlately for the most complete made -to -
measure clothing sample set and for in-
struetinna on tasting measurements.
Dept, 2.13, Bogie 39, $10.1130 "N"
Mont real Quebee
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wheezing, gasp-
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Take RAT-14AB, specially inade to relieve
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drug store, send 51.00 for rellncr for 1 plate.
VILDROOT 170., FORT 0015, ONT. Dept. rw
ISSUE 6 •— lass
kV; OPIUM lo every 1ltventor--!List of
a:loons ate gun information oast
The Ramsay Co., Itezietered Patent SOOrh-
41ow. 372 Bank Street, Ottawa.
25I.i415220TONI3AIIGH A; Company
tent t0olicltors. SIetablleho4 9800. UU4
Vf4r Shoot, Toronto. Booklet of Informs•
eillutsu rmauosAS1rl-IMA
Now Asthma Relief
ko mainu100 or your money back
:risk your Druaeiet for sin
Asfhrrtunefrirt Set
Unconditionally r;uaranle..11
BANDWRITINQ analysts, t:ompiete char•
taster reading. Send twenty tines in. Ink..
Unlined paper. Enclose 61,00. Bette John-
stone, 49 Rosemount Ave„ Weston.
WIT Cigarettes easily as thousands • of
omen have done. Use Tobacco Minna.
ego, m ae eri-dal atlentlflc treatment that
tnleklr ellmineteo all craving 2or tobacco.
leer free booklet write C. W. Xing Phar
msec! Ltd., Box 812. London, Ontario.
81.418 )SIAL offer. Twenty -rive deluxe
Personal requirements. Latest Catalogue
2nclu4ed. The Medico Agency, Box 124,
'Roraima it, Toronto, Ontario.
kvold dangerous falls. wear lee Creeper
Straps under any footwear. $1.00 Post -
mid. Material. Shawbrldge, Quebec..
i,W rugs made from your old rugs and
woollens. Write for catalogue and Price
I1mt. Dominion Rug Weaving Company,
2407 Dundee Street West, Toronto, Ont.
RUGS—Sharply reduced prises, 9' x 12'-
670.60 delivered; Glu' x 95'— $47.20 de-
livered, Made of fine rayon carpet yarns,
ixt exquisite oriental patterns. on wine
and red background, WI1I ship C.O.D.
Refund it not used. Frostily Textilee
(Reg'd), 8067 Dundee W., Toronto,
126 DIFFERENT stamps Booklet Stamp
Collecting. 116 Hinges and perforation
gauge. 1.0e to approval applicants. E.
Emery, R.R. 1. victoria, B.C.
00.000 different stamps one cent each.
Better grade British Colonies hair
catalogue. SUMMERS, 42 Daly, Ottawa,
SEND your Hama and addreee and receive,
etampn Tree. No approval sent, P.O.
Box 24, Station "D", Montreal, P,Q„
NIG U.S. Bank Mixture, plenty eommora-
&tves, 841. 00, Special. 2000 different
foreign 63.60. We buy, trade accumula-
tione, collectlone. Stamp Exchange, Box
2177, Lakeland, Florida, U.S.A.
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Now you can choose either the
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You can obtain MOONS'S EMERALD OIL
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Get Doed'e at any
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