HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-02-05, Page 4and moving to the U.S.A., From this union four children were born, a daughter Leona, who predeceased her another, two years ago and three sons, Rene, Paul and Armond, all of Chicago'. In there new venture, the Prim - eau's had great plans for the future, for both had intellectual capacity. But their hopes were soon vanguish- ed by the sudden accidental 'death of Mr. Primeau. • • • • • • 5 • a • • • • • 1 Grief and hardship was Mrs, Primeates lot for her future, for she . had to care for herself and her four,' children. But being of great under- standing and willing to take advise,, and putting all her trust in God, elm was able to keep the family together and gave them all the necessary education to qualify them for honor- able positions in life. We offer to the bereaved family our deepesis sympathy in their hour of trial. Time a ce FEATURING CLARENCE PETRIE AND HIS NIGHT HAWKS WITH WARD ALLAN TOWN HALL HENSALL Wednesday, February nth 10 —11 ADDED ATTRACTION, PRIZE FOR CLOG DANCING. 55. 4. BOOTH IN HALL. EVERYBODY WELCOME SPONSORED BL HENSALL BRANCH CANADIAN LEGION4. . ADMISSION e 50 CENTS R 4, 4.. PABCIrtE.CX,, ZURICH W ONTARIO 4 4 Square -styled in keeping with modern tastes . . beautiful enough and cow fact enough to be included an your kitchen or utility room. Clothes are gently, yet thoroughly washed by the famous Thor 9 -Vane Super Agitator. Water is evenly extracted by the Slew Thor Safety Wringer automatically releases if clothes wind around the tipper roll This Thor has everything you are looking for in your neve wringer washer, SEE it in Action TODAY at VV•UER.TH ELECTRIC Phone 84 Zurich it rereaaseszss ,....�.. Ji.r.VG: Yi.vf- n .V 1 r. .'.4d* Scrap r n - 1.0 Cwt. Exeter Salvage Co. Phone 423 Exeter, Ont. A CALL TO RIGHTEOUSNESS The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man av- aileth much. Jas. 5: 16. For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous. and his ears are open unto their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. I Pet. 3:12. If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God Col. 3. 1. Awake to Righteousness and sin not ! for some have not the knowledge of God. 1 Cor.15:34 (a) :But he that doeth wrong sra11 receive for the wrong which 1?e hath done; and there is no respect of persons. . Col. 3: 24-25 GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 R. R, 1, Zurich, Ontario Vg, Our Silo Are Built with a 6"" Solid Con- crete Wall heavily reinforced with Half-inch.. Steel Rods, throughout. The leading farmers in any com- munity to -day have from One to Three Silos on their farms. We are booking orders daily -- If interested, see us at once. WESLEY HUGILL Phone 204 Zurich casae. of>lr Sal 51 Dodge Sedan, green 51 - Dodge Sedan, black —a beauty 51 iChey. Coach, black, New Car condition 51 Ford Coach, green, Clean and Good',. 49 -- Plymouth Sedan, blue, A Rea' Buy 36 - Chev. 'Sedan, blue 35 - Chen'. Sedan, black • Come on, Test-ridethe car of the year. The 1953 Dodge (ti -coronet with the Dodge 'R d Ram Engine at HENSALL MOTOR. SALES,. DODGE - DESOTO - SALES SERVICE a aterloo Cattle Breeding Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" • a a The co-operative nature growth of this enterprise haA made it possible to reduce the life membership fee in this 2 Organization from $25.00 to $5.00 and to increase, the num- ber of services from three to four if necessary to obtain con- es ception, without extra charge. • 4 a 9 4 a • M (• c• ,• • • ,• ,• 2 a, • • a tROt • • :t. Rates now are: Life membership $5.00 $5,00 per cow for members $6.00 per cow for non-1neinbers $2,00 per service for fifth or over service We have free veterinary service far herds with breeding problems. You will be pleased with the high quality of the bulls in use. (All Breeds inclded). We have nothing to sell except artifice' breeding service at ite best. Artieeal Breeding Is As Sure As Natural Breeding Help yourself to the service of this farmer owned and controlled Organization by phoning CLINTON 242, during the following hours. 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. Week days. 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Sundays and Holidays Cows noticed in. heat later than this will be more likely to conceive if inseminated the next day. The cost 'of this service is less than the normal cost of -reeding a bull to say nothing of the housing, labor and risk entailed. C• W. I, Meet: The January meeting of the Cath- tlie Women's League of St. T'eter's Parish, St. Joseph, was held at the haeme of Mrs. Gus Roche. Twenty. two members were present, the iir- toline Sisters were made honorary taaesnbers and two new members, Mrs Arthur Gelinas and Mrs. Jos. t u.. t1 arme, Sr,, joined the League. It was reported ht:tt twenty dollars was given to the • • • S • • 3 • • • • • • • • a • s • • 4 4 1 School of Christ and gifts of candy, baekets of fruit, get -well carts) and a little dress for a new baby were sent to various members, At the meeting Mrs. Alvin Ay- otte was presented with a lovely end -table. A going away gift for her and her husband from both the CWL and the men's Holy Name So• ciety. It was discussed and decided upon that a film on landscaping and flow - IIor growing would he ,shown by the Phone 31 - Hensall An qua! Meeting The 78th Annual 'Meeting of the ,Policy -holders of THE HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO,. Will be held in the Town Hall - . Zurich on Monday, February 16th 1953. At Two O'clock, p.m. BUSINESS: 1, Receiving Reports of the Presi- dent, Secretary -Treasurer and Auditors. 2. The discussion of other matter in the interest of the Company. A Good Attendance is Requested. Ezra Webb, President, Reginald G. Black, Secretary. ZURICH_ HERALD GRAND BEND Thursday, February 5th, 1'95b" Grand Bend women are sewing for the Women's Auxiliary of the South Huron Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallker and son Philip enjoyed a lovely trip to Florida over the holiday season, and having returned so that Philip can continue his studies at a school in -Ottawa. They report the south as a very attractive place for the cold winter months we usually have here in Canada. The annual meeting of the tibe- ary !Board will be held in the town hall, on Friday, ,Feb. 6 at 8 p.-ru. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs Napoleon Gentili of Detroit spent the week -end in St. Joseph with their parents. Mr and Mrs. Blaine Ducharme and Daughter Denise spent a few days with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. F. Ducharme of the Blue Water Highway. Slight Change Now the gossip is over, a new name on the Board. You will note that Beaver .down was omitted from the heading •of the Corr. writeup. If the citizens of that Burg are in any way offended for that omission, I would advise them to direct your complaints to heaaqua'rt- ers. Former Resident Fasses Word was received on Thursday fast 'by the Cantin Family of St Jos- eph of the sudden death of Mxs. Jos- ephine Primeau of Lombard; 111., a sdbueb of Chicago. The deceased Was a native of this settlement, being born nearly seventy years ago, a da- ughter of the late Pierre and Matilda Cantin, early pioneers of this parish. In the turn ,of this 'century she was married to Joseph Primeau. he being a native of the Lower Province. Af- ter their marriage the couple lived in St. Joseph where Mr. .Primeau operated a butchering business for a few years. As time went on the young couple decided on further adventur- es, disposing of their property here LOCAL NEWS The date of the Library night has been changed to Friday eve. Febru- ary Gth. Please note. - Mr. Dorgson of London, was a recent visitor at the home of his sis- ter, Tr and Mrs Leroy Thiel. Wintry Weather Real wintry weather visited these parts over the week -end with the coldest of the season. In many parts of Canada the mercury dropped well below the zero mark, while here it dipped down a few nights, only to 1 climb up in the twenties during the day. A few inches of snow fell to nicely cover the plants that have to endure the cold 'winter months, and are expected to shoot up early in the spring. MILK PRODUCERS ELECT Clinton — A J. Deseck, RR 4, Clin- ton was re-elected president of the Huron Whole Milk Producers' Assoc- iation at the annual meeting m Clin- ton, Jan. 30. Other officers are: Heigh Hill, RR 4 Goderich, hon. president; W. a. Cruickshank, Wingham vice- pres.; Barrie C. Walter, RR 1, God- erich, aecy; directone: Louis White- field, Blyth; (Peter Simpson, Seaforth G. J. Dow, Exeter; J. C. Feagan 1:R 1, Goderich; Wan. Decker, Zurich. Has Narrow Escape William Riley, Zurich, had a mir- aculous escape on Monday,. January 26 when the F. C. Ka}bfleisch truck which he was driving overturned, pinning him in the cab. The accident which was investigated by leonstabie George Little, Bayfield, occurred a- bout half -past one in the afternoon. Travelling north, the 1945 truck went out of control as it came over the brow of the hill at George Wil- son's farm on the Bronson line, Stan- ley and went into the ditch. it con- tinued down the ditch until it hit the creek where it turned over end' for -end, resting upside do*n in the ditch. Riley was able to break the window and crawl out, unharmed, before help arrived. The truck is badly wrecked. Downham Nursery, Strathroy, at the March meeting. Led by Monsignor Bourdeau, the meeting was closed • with a prayer. Mrs. Gus Roche then had the group play bingo, the winners donating half their prize money to the Sister, of Service. A delicious lunch serv- ed by the hostess, Mrs. Gust Roche and her committee ended the evening. 1 ARE YOUR. BEST BUY Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Qus Feed , AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. Cep -O •lerative HENSALL and ZURICH i±x • Service in the Canadian Army is not merely a job, it is a worthwhile career in which the young man fits himself for a successful future, and, plays a part in the vital work of keeping Canada secure and safe. , For the young pian interested in a trade, the Royal Canadian Signals has much to offer... outstanding trades training ... special trades pay and promotion — and, of course, the Cana- dian Army's outstanding pension plan, free medical and dental care, 30 days annual leave with pay, service at home and overseas. In the Signals you will be working with the most up, to -date communication equipment and methods that science can devise. Your experience and training will be available to you wherever you, go in the Army, or in civilian life. hw»$e C , AIN AR • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • You are eligible if you are 17 to 45 years of age and able to meet Army test re. quiremertts Applrca»ts should bring birth. certificates or other proof of age chert reporting for interview.. For full information apply right away or write fo: • No. 13 Personnel Depor, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot St., Kingston, Ont Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. No. 7 rsont D, Wolseley Borracks, OxfordPe& ElizabetnoephotSts„ London, Ont, Army Recruiting Centro, 230 Main St. W., North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre. James Street Armoury, 200. James St. North, Hamilton, Ont. ¥ ACME FO 4.