HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-02-05, Page 1at- Returns From Hospital David Ducharme has returned from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he underwent an operatren. Mr. Ducharme's many friends are indeed pleased to learn that se is progressing nicely, and we 'hope to soon see him on the street 'again. " Lions Club News • .-•'Monday evening's supper was called at 6.15 at the Dominien Ho- tel .owing to the hockey match at EXker, following the meeting, and as ea result a goodly number or the Lions were late which filled up the Ail* gun, and the Tailtwister Lloyd O'Brien. had a busy time of rt at intervals._ At the previous meeting tevia new members, namely Jack Pear- son and Harold Fox were taken in as members, and were to receive their initation, but owing to illness could not be present. The ;speaker ,fer the evening Mr. Ideeon, Director ofthe Tuberculosis Association of Toronto, somehow had difficulty in getting through the heavy snow roads and arrived just at the close of the supper period, and then gave his brief talk after which he showed Hs educational film, to those Lions who did not go -bo the hockey. This pic- ture was well worth seeing, showing just what can be done with victims M41144,4044.11.................•••••mmolomemr,o4.44numassam..rommalaa Egablished 19 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO EV. E. W. HEIMRICH, pASTOR au, a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. '.Z.30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome. to ell Servicem EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton °each Organist FAINDAY SERVICES. - 10 :00 a.m. — Divine Worship. a1:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.in. — Divine Worship Welcome at nil Services—"Come: Otou with us and we will do thee ecoer.l." Num. 10:29. 4/44..coaszcs...........=..m.cpaaviwor WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful driveryou. can get remarkable /ow rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. StAte Farm's careful drivers make bheir own kw Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, Phone 78 r 13. strict Agent Zurich, Ont. 41•0444.14.4,44.041xsameasamenow.p.onenuttomee/nrescersoungtritzwamercanaturnanwe Are You Suffering From Headaches*? If so have your Eyes Examined with 4the Latest Methods and equipment at OPTOMETRIST 8e OPTICIAN A. L COLE R.O. GODERICH — 'ONT. •Zeod Glasses at Eeasona'hie Prices 7.; •• •• • ,....,;1,41111....7.7,1•1,1,^1'...1. r ,1•11 1.111,,,•1• 1,11• • RIC HERA ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY 'WOW/4G, FEBRUARY 5 1953 Will be held in THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH On FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th. 7.45 p.m, Blankets - Hams - Electric Tea Kettles Percolators - Many Other Prizes - Door Prize 10 Garnes For 50 Cents ANCE Following the Bingo BOB MITTLEHOLTZ AND HIS BAND Admission - 50 Cents YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Sponsored by St. Boniface Parish, Zurich .741,44=217Y2=K=10.43=10124 ..41 444, 1,r," • Library Night Friday, February 6th 18 o'clock, .p.m. Town Hall - Zurich One Hour of Films by Mr. :fames Reid, Zurich, Followed by ashort Business Meeting. SILVER COLLECTION ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs 'Paul Ducharme, pashwood, wish to announce the marriage of their daughter Elva, to Kenneth Burnes, both of Windsor. Marriage to take place at St. Peter's Church St. Toseph, on Saturday, February 7tla 1953. Reception be beld in the Community Centre. Zurich in the evening. Desjarcline's L rc Phone 421 Th atr EXETER= Friday, Feb, (34 Saturday Lure Of The Wilderness.. Jean Peters Jeffrey Hunter Filmed Ili the Okefenokee Swamp, hi, Georgia, enhanced by technicole photography gives value to this' er:e citing adventure inelodrama. of the dangerous T.B. if caught in Monday, Tuesday eb. 9-10. time and properly treated. The pat- rfn lent in this case visited a chest ex - No Room For The Groom ammatiovan which showed up his condition, and it meant a more Tony Curtis Pi er Laurie ; thorough test and then to the hos- This comedy will provoke .4onepital where plenty of rest was en 10 hearty laughs, the patient, and in due time he was released to go back home to his fara- Orchestra_ Eveeybo.ler welcome at and. in time took on his former Wednesday, Thureday Feb. -.11-1k;,,'LY reception_ a • Oelob in a garage The s eakee was .A Guaranteed 'Income With life insurance you guarantee yourself an income when the temp comes for retirement. North Amer- ican Life has a Retirement income Plan which .provides a monthly cheque for as long as you live - starting at age 65 or at whatever age You -wish to retire.. Your local repre- sexiative.is ready to tell you about this plan. T Harry off ma NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company — AU Profits for Policyhoiders Phone. 70-W Dashwood, Ont. tang3==1142474=41=18aTiCOMMEMM ,(1 1 Z2433 I rt. . • 1 EZIEMPIE412•MERNMEWAiar•-= aperior Store roze • ods. Bird's Bye Frosted Foods FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRurrs VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. eek -end Specials S. STOKELY'S 'TOM ATO JUICE 2, 20 -oz. TINS ...,25c GOLDEN CR.EAM CORN 3, 15 -oz. TINS 39c WETHEY'S °RANCE MARMALADE 24 Fluid oz. JAR 20c 'GLEN VALLEY PORK .8e :BEANS 3 15,0Z TINS .... 27o Phone C. H. THIEL - Zurich r: Down .dpfr-cle:,:holttiten'g .Palarns sale of Christmas Seals which funds Mitzi Gaynor William. Lundigan 'This musical comedy is another in the parade of hits from 'Fox. First Show every Saturday night at 0 p.m. - • P Aldo. Theatre GRAND BEN 1,11. Friday, Saturday Feb, 6-7 Louis Hayward Captain Pirate In Technicolor Patricia Mcdina John Sutton The Bravest Hero of all the Seven Sons. Cartoon and Additional Short. Tuesday, Wednesday Feb. 10-11 Talk About A Stranger George Murphy Nancy Davis ,Billy Gray It Sends Chills Down Your Spine. And on the same program See That Houri Froin Missouri Shak- ing Down Those Sheiks. Harem Girl Joan Davis Peggy Castle Arthur Blake re -Lenten Dance Monday, Feb. 16th. 1953 10 p.m. to 1 am, St. Peter's Parish Hall ST, JOSEPH,.. ONT. SYNCOPATORS IN ATTENDANCE Admission 50 Cents BINGO AND DANCE As Usual SAT. FEB. 7 and 14th. No Dances During Lent C. W. L. St. V lenti DA are used in the operation of the clinics for everybody to have an ex- amination at intervals t:. make mire you are free of the dreaded T. 11. A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Lion Jacob Haberer, who Men in- troduced the speaker. HOCKEY NEWS Canada's National game, namely, Hockey and especially in Zurich, re- ceived it's epectatular airing in the London daily paper last Thursday as a result of the game here between Neilsen and the locals, and whoe, er is responsible of sending in such an article, should in future weigh their words and well consider what is be- ing put in the press, and we would also suggest that such papers could help the cause along by first finding out if such conditions really did exist. If there were any loosened teeth as a result of the melee, we are informed it was not the vielting team who suffered such, but rather one of the home boys, who was a victim of these 'o -called "gentle" visitors, If we listen to the Satur- day night hockey broadcast we can easily visulize much greater erupt- ions happen among the players as well as spectators, but it is uoually hushed up and little if anything is put in some insignificant corner of the sport page, but this Zurich ar- ticle seeming had to be made a front page item. However, time is a great healer, and we hope no ill effects will remain after this so much advertised game, which was wail by the Zurich Flyers 5-1, and have bag- ged four wins in the last week er eo, winning at Foreet, and then defeat- ing the Dashwood boys on a very close, margin 6-5, and on Monday evening Bxeter .15-8. Just why there was such a high score we are at a loss, seeming the defences are a bit weak, or the sharpshooters extreme- ly good. In this latter game Doug O'Brien scored five counters while line mates Benny Gignac and Junior Barash, who: received so much ab- use in the Hensall game a few nights previous, tallied three and. two respectively. Defenceman Bob McKinley potted a pair. Shaw for • Exeter got three, Zurich now 1,as three leases against seven, wills, but they have a heavy week ahead. of them, Forest at Zurich on Feb, bth, St. Marys at Zurich on the 1.0thyand Zurich at Hensall cm the 16th. Come out and give tile boys your rollpot 0 you .ean. Community Centre,Zwicb THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th. —KEN WILLOWBV AND HIS ORGAIESTRA Will Zurnisli the Music SponSored 'hy the Zurich C. W. L. Adtuiseion 75 Cents. Single Copies 6 Cents. 'Subscription in Oartud,a, Tear ,Suuseription U.S.A., Year $2.50. N•RMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. ZurIch NORMA STEINBACH - PrcAp. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New ,Modern Loom, Made Order — Seth 0. Amann, Meat% Out, Phone 128. 11,4141.1.4.1111144111144114T/8591411.16044611112161116M4M16/V004=142111,4621011MSUMINVIIMI P PT °Raced Service YES1 Two days we can duplicate accurately your broken Lens any Size, any Colour from the broken pieces , We do not need your presc- ription We also have the newest in Frames and Mountings. We can also save you money on a complete pair of Spectacles. G. HESS eweler and Registered Optician, INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEE WHITE ROSE FUEL OR.. Phono 10 — HENSALL, 01Nre. 0000 • 0 0000fit0000Q 1.ctti;alu 41: 000 Q0 000 00 000000 ar, .1 •osese.7074.areastaste4Q, 0000000a ste. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Directov Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 000000000 00 44, 00000tlift or 122, 7urich 000000000000a 00000 1 111.4.1411.414444.41Wou.141.7.1.....11714,71M."..0.3n . gmarmastOrnr.F.f.,4r4;4404.4cet 4,7 ore We are ever at your service with the Iziest linen obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season Canned Fruits and Vegetables on as well as hand Candies Nuts - and Cori,' ectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Me rTO se PRODUCE WANTED, Astail02015.*W400t • • 5' Zurich - urich Phone 165 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF COLD WEATHER LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc., Etc. See our Fine Assortment of Yard Goods just in. Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand GIVE US A CALLI THE BLAKE STO 0 15 0 E. Scbwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11,97 114 • goomomousoillosOrdoolosslisoomminorsiommooismisasommorosolosomiseilmoor: -.0 '111. I • I • • 1 1 1 14 1 1