HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-01-29, Page 8ZURICH .1, ONTARIO ill,1.6.**1•04,*11M• ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS i Huron elL Erie IP Mrs, Therese Hartman spent a D EBENTUR.ES V) week with her son and other relati- ves in Windsor and Detroit, or g ',_ arad Be Mr anden Mrs. Joseph Ravelle of , Canada Trust b‘ ki,fthe hom.0;I,Mrwere recent visitors. at and Mrs W. Farrell CERTIFICATES cP BED SPREADS - 8 only Chenille, full size in 9 White, Rose, Chartense, Navy, Dark Green, r Grey. Extra Special at $7.98 each BLANKETS - 1 only all wool 66x84, extra weight, Maroon, reg. 21.50 for 18.95 Falcon Flann Blankets 70x90, pr. 5.50 Ibex Flann Blankets 70x90 at pr 5.95 Flannelette Sheeting 72 -in. at yd •I.59 HOUSEDRESSEES - Print, sizes 14 to 40, Values to 3.75, for 1.98 each NYLONS - A new line of Weldrest 51 gauge, 15 denier,.. Special at $1.35 a pair. See our Centre Table for Special argains in Sweaters, Flan. Pyjamas, some lines of Und- erwear, ens' Wear of every clescriptian. 0 a _ GROCERIES - Nestles Milk, 2 tins 29c Aylmer Baby Foods, 3 tins for ?lc Choc. M. M. Cookies, per lb 45c Canned Corn 20 -oz tin, 2 for /9c Morning Cheer Coffee in glass jars at lb 96c Tomato Juice, 48 -oz tin 34c Old English Wax, tin 39c do no rubbing, pint 39c Red Cohoe Salmon, Half -lb tin 33c Caine's Dog Food, 2 tins and 1 free 29c Groceries - TELEPHONE 59 Dry Goods - cesccee•Macmatc, Men's Wear ZURICH se.MONEXECOSIMMIZINSM1115011a.Lr of town. A large number of villagers joined with the country people last Thursday in attending the Federation meeting in the local Community Centre. A most wonderful evening was enloyecl. Mrs. S. Sararas of Hensaii was *a recent visitor with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Conrad Siemon of Zurich, who has been on the sick list, but is im- proving nicely. Left For Arizona • Mr. and Mrs Harry G. Hess left for Phenix, Arizona, on Monday. They intend visiting with relatives., - and friends on their way anct will tour though various parts ,ot tne U. S.A. We join: them with our bc't Now Offering 3% for 1 and Y'eats. 31h for 3 to 10 years. POLIO' PROTECTION: Pays up to $5,000.00. Entire Family ineluding man, wife and children between ages 3 months to 18 years. Premium $10.00ll'or two years. Individual Policy $500 for two years J. W. Haberer - Phone 161 'ire, Automobile and Casualty Insurance. P', wishes for them to have a safe and N 'il healthy trip, to enjoy th beauties of N If i nature beyond our expectations.. Died In Detroit Si .. Word was received here by relati- ioIves of the ,passill of Norman Ropp, RAWLEIGH P .. • ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXffTER, ONT. Wednesdhy, 2to 5 p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's .01fice 99 S'e ODUCTS of Detroit, a Zurich Old Boy, on ECM PROMIPT AND' COURTEOUS Wednesday 21st. His wife having ' predeceased some years ago and be- sides his own family there remains a brother, Edward of Detroit, and two sisters, Mrs. Clara Rinker o: .1.11 -ed - ford and Mrs. Jack Taylor or: De- troit. he in Hensel Feb. 2nd when the: Fractured Arm date of the. Spring Fair will be set.. Miss Dtonna Oesch met with a pain-. Present at the meeting were Jerry ful accident one day last week. as AlmtgomerY and JackButtler, Agri - she was standing with several other . ultural. Representatives, and. Reeve! girls near the ball diamond at the A. W. Kerslake, newly appointed War Zurich schol grounds where the boys den o:E Huron County who spoke.. Lions Club News SERVICE CONTACT ROSS HAUGH Ea -ms Pa.. Phone Dashwood 35 r 8. e 1' • • • e• a • were;.;;' lag football, while Donna • was putting on her glove, th.e bed j, was kicked with such foThe following is the retort o rce and bit 1 4`'.f, her on the left arm, fracturing, ill f the above the left wrist Her many fr.,,IActivities account of receipts. and nditures of the Zurich Liens Q*P %). very painful fractured ankle last 'P1 week, when the ladder broke on Ay>. which he was stancline• while repair- ing the wash line. Medical aid was Qcalled and the patient was rus7.ed to QClinton Hospital where the fracture n was treated, and Leonard is pi-ogress- ing as well as can be expectea. His ends wish her a speedy rec V many friends hope to soon see him g•P t,ve*. - Club, as recently presenteit by the Fractures Ankle Treasurer, Lion Earl E. Weido. The Mr. Leonard Wagner received. a period covers from. the est July to Dec. 31st, 0.1952. a 0 0 00 0 a a a e Receipts. June 30, Balance on hand 8440.70 Oct. 4 Boxing Bout receipts 195.50 Oct. 4 Tag Day receipts .... 54.2'7 Oct. 20 Net receipts Frolic 4135.32 Nov. 19 Dance receipts ..,.. 11.50 Dec. 4 by Fowl Bingo . •,,. 148.06 behind the counter of their store a.: Dec. 15 by Raclie sold 11.00 gain. !Dec. 20 by Feather l3ifigo 96.71 Sept. 18 By aess Electric, donated AN NSPIRING MESSAGE FROM wiring act as charged 13.55 EDDIE CANTOR I By Bank interest 2.76 Comedian Eddie Cantor points up --- a great message he learned from a Total Receipts $14414.37 young show-off and famous fighter: Total -ependitures 745.02 "When. you help others, you can't • help helping yourself." Read "v/b7,9 Balance on hand 745.02 Knock the Kid Out,'" by Eddie Expenditures: Cantor, in this Sunday's (FebrAary July 7 to A. C. Robinson, books 25.65 1) issue of The American Weekly, Sep 10 Victoria Hospital, re: exclusively with Detroit Sunday Smith Children 25.,f0 Times. Sep. 11 J. Battler, donation to 4.H. Calf Club 25.00 Oct. 4 A.C. Robinson band music 4.10 Zurich Herald mot . • , 22.50 Jerry McComb, boring ex.: 285.00 7.00 6.70 7.15 1.82 1 • 0 0 0' 0 • 0 00 a ,M,S.ArStit .4,14; .• r ti.P•14. ,i=r,a2M2925501MBEMOOMEEMES.FriSMAKEEEME/ rysdale St re Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh eats Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! T. -- GIVE US A CALL! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 0 0 a a a a a a a a tt, 0' 0' 0' a '!,•••••••,`Vi6 .1•11.511e, !P.M • •••,,,,•••••• , N4 aeavogeaaaasesse. elcacifaz19-9,4%4wmezegiza, HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Fuel Needs I 41% Will receive attention with us if left inplenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. 3 5 We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith• ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. STADE WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE Foilosteeasooseoweampostv easserameastaweoseeesaarage ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the South Huron Agricultrual Society was held in Hensall on Saturday, Jan. 24th, with a splendid attendance. George Armstrong of Hensall was re-elected president; 1st vice Wm. Decker, of Zurich; 2nd Vice., John McGregor of Hensall; secy-treas. Dick Etherine•- ton, Hensel; asst. secy., Jim MT: - Gregor; Hay Twp. Director, Harold Elder, Wm. Decker; Tuckersimth, Stan Jackson; Usborne, Sam Dougall Oscay Tuckey; Hibbert, R. Kinsmari, Howard Wright; .Stanley, Elmer Webster Elgin McKinley; Stephen, Allan Wolper, Otto Willert; Hensall, R H Middleton, Lorne Luker, Geo. Armstrong. The treasurer's report disclosed the financial status in a healthy condition. Although no great profit shown over the year's -work, the Directors felt that they had been of good service to the community through the operation of the Hensall Feeder Club backed and financed by the South Huron Agricultural Soc- iety. The Spring Fair the past year almost doubled that of the previous year. A directors' meeting will be penses Use of Arena 2 rolls Tickets Posters, etc, Nov. 3 Band Music Nov. 12 Institute for Blind 54.27 Nov.21 J. E. Keating, act re Hayter A. G. Hess, 12 pr. glasses, Smith Sisters ..,....... 20.00 Fanny Bender, caretaker hall for Band 24.00 Dec. 6 Entry fees for Jr. hockey teams 16.00 15 3 Xmas. gifts for blind 15.00 18 Bal. for Hockey gloves 13.90 )118 Rader & Mittleholtz act. 18 Huron Expositor adv. act 15.68 18 CKNX acct .... , . 19.00 18 Salvation Army 15.00 30 Hem Electric, wiring Arena fIor Frolic 13.55 Use of films Santa Claus day 8.00 80 Gandy, nuts, oranges etc. Santa Claus Day 94.79 Total Expenses 8745.02 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 1' 1' 4. • • Thursday, January 29th, 4952 ' LINOLEUM " ,Now is the Time to have that New Tile or In- " laid Linoleum Floor Installed WE ALSO HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Congoleum and Rexoleurn in both yard goods and Rugs COME IN AND SEE THE NEW REXOLITE The Floor-Covering.with the Plastic Finish NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR OLD FLOORS SANDED AND RE -FINISHED Let us give you. an Estimate on.. any job. WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AS DIS•TRIBUTORS OF DUSTBANE CO. OF CANADA FOR SWEEPING COMP OUNDS AND FLOOR OILS. ,W.'E ALSO CARRY A COW'. PLETE LINE OF JOHNSON'S WAX PRODUCTS; RUBBER MATTINGS, STAIR TREADS AND FLOOR.FINISHES., COME IN AND SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS, BIG OR SMALL T. and.T. FLOORING. SALES AND SERVICE' LINOLEUM, TILE abed FLOOR,SANDIN Lei G• ey Thiel Phone 240 - Herb luerheim ZIMIEMZNEISMISISCW1151911131, esdake Furniture WE HAVE A. FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A Good Variety of Linoleum, Congpleum and Axminister Rugs, Etc All our Lamps are very Reasonably Priced! - Have a good supply of Springs and Mattresses, as Beautyrest,, .Airfoam, Etc. am IIflfljHll • 0 • • • • • • • a. • • 4,4,• 4) • 4.• 4, .14 4. 4)• GIVE US A CALL Phone 122 or 89 Zurich 1 0' 0' 1. it tom momm IMO 11111 11llIllfllluht11I HEWN ilUfl IllhlljIUflllflfl' MIUll1111,11140W41:41: Your Hardware Store For your heating we have Duo Therm Space Heaters, Anthes Irnperial Crowley, Wingham and New Idea Furnaces, Torid and Shur heet oil burners. - Propane Heating Appliances We have a full line of Kem Glo, Super Kc. --al Tone, Spred Satin, Glidden and C. V. Paints and Enemals. Beatty, Pedlar and Duro Equipment PIONEER CHAIN SAWS IN ALL SIZES We have a good assortment of used Cook Stoves and oil space Heaters at reasonable prices. 1.1 Rader & Mittlehaltz Eardware Phone 63 - Zurich 414 oullommininnimitmonotimommouniumitomiummoommimimmoommomoorimimilito W.zF4fl,• 53,,,orn...11•44,:Y.,.........,1,f0PRA TCPAO. •••••,,, •••,• •Vu •• • •l•*•••••••••••Ne...d• For the Month of January we are offering for Sale. Men's Ready Made Suits, Reg. $69.50 $49.50 Men's Topcoats, Reg. to $35,00 at $22,50 Men's Dress Pants, reg. to $16.95 $11.95 Men's Winter Sport Shirts, reg. $4.95 $ 3.95 Men's corduroy Jackets, rtg. 9.95 • • •.•• • •-• • • - • • ••• 7.95 Men's 100% wool Combinations underwear reg. 7.50..5.50 Men's Stanfield Combination Underwear, reg. 4.25 . • - 3.19 Special reduced prices on Men's 'semi -work Pants and Winter Work Shirts A few Men's Winter Jackets, Specially Reduced Boy's Station Wagon Coats, reg. 14.95 $11.95 Boy's Flannelette Pyjamas reg. 2.95 2.49 Boy's Winter Caps, reg. 1.96 -• •••• • • • •••• • . • . ••• *98 Boys' Tweed Pants, reg. 3.95 3.19 Boy's lined Bluejeans, reg. 3.95 • 3.25 Boy's Pullover Sweaters, Specially Reduced. - ........••••••••••••••••:•••••••••••• THIEL'S MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR ZURICH -- ONT. 4. 4 4 4. 4. 4. 4' 4. 4. .14 WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paver. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents 0' et. 1.• MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched Maple Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Spacecan be easadir and, Economically Converted Int*. extra Bedrooms or an income pro* clueing Apartment. . You can de most of the work yourself. See our collection of plans and ideas. FREE ESTIMATES Fred C. & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Carload of Can. Cement just arrived ,•