HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-01-29, Page 4Square -styled in keeping with modern tastes . beautiful enough and com- pact enough to be included in your kitchen or utility room. Clothes are gently, yet thoroughly washed by the famous Thor 9 -Vane Super Agitator. Water is evenly extracted by the new Thor Safety Wringer —automatically releases if clothes wind around the upper roll. This Thor has everything you are looking for in your_new wringer washer. SEE it in Action TODAY of WUERTH ELECTRIC Phone 84 Zurich N8 4161i0.311712Z1 es • 9 0.4* '.. A 44,45 148 •ii. YEAR. of PROGRESS SHOWN in 1952 REPT RT Capital & Reserves 1947 $ 1,525,820.00 1951 2,300,547.00 105,E 2,600,957. 0 Deposits 1947 $ 15,593,573.00 1951 20,567,874.00 1952 ;.22,050,195.3 0 Assets in the Hands of the Company 1947 $ 51,869,431.00 1951 72,179,129.00 1952 80,736,741.00 New appointments as Executor and. Trustee under aoilIs substantially increased during 1952. GU ANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Montreal • Toronto • Ottawa a 'Windsor Niagara Falls • Sudbury a Calgary Vancouver • ZURICH HERALD Our Silos Are Built with a 6" Solid Con- crete Wall heap*ily reinforced with Half-inch Steel Rods, throughout. The leading farmer'; in any cnm- munity today have from One to Three Silos on their farms. We are booking orders daily — If interested, see us ,at once. WESLEY HUGILL Phone 204 Zurich LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien and children, Mies. Olive and Leroy at- tended the funeral of a relative at Mitchell last Thursday. Mrs. Mary Swartzentruber of Wel- lesley visited at the home of her cousins', Mr and Mrs Chris. Gascho, one day last week. Mrs. Roy Lamont is a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital„ London. Her many friends wish her a speedy re- covery. Mr and Mrs Wm. Sauve were week -end visitors at their home in Zurich. They returned to Toronto on Sunday. Miss Norma Steinback has re- turned home after spending the we- ek -end at the home of her friends, Mr and Mrs J. Barker, of Lucan. wilursclaY._ secretary, Mrs. Arnold Keys. 'The annual meeting was discussed. 'The minutes were read and the roti call answered Eby 20 members. Elect Officers At a recent meeting the officers of the Young People's Union were elec- ted for 1953, Rev Pitt presided. The following- is the result: president, Berne McKinley; vice pre'., Miss Marjorie Webster; sect'., Miss Joyce Webster; treas., Ivan McClymont; correspondent, Miss Margaret M.eCly- dent Berne McKinley, led the wor- ship and business periods. Miss Jean McClinchey led the program and read an interesting ato2y. Coffee and sandwiches were served at the close of 'the meeting. mont. The ,regular fortnight meeting was held on Jan. 19 in the basement of the Varna church. The new presi- Had Social Evening The Youth Fellowship League of the Evangelical U.B. Church had charge sof the evening service last Sunday evening, ,which was well at- tended. Miss Marilyn Erb acted as chairman; Mr. Newell Geiger led hr a song service; Miss Joyce Witmer read the Scripture. A ladies' chor- us by their members and a duet in song by Robin Mevers and Bobbie Johnston were well rendered. A Film in charge of Donald and Doug- las O'Brien, entitled "Walking With God" was very impressive. Mrs. Mil- ton Oesch, Youth Fellowship Leader, accompanied, at the piano. An in- vitation was given to all that attend- ed the .service to come to the base- ment Where refreshments were serv- ed by the League members: A'vote of thanks and bgratitude was given by C. L. Smith for the 'splendid ev- ening's service and delicious lunch- eon. Mrs. Oesch replied for the group.. NENSALL London after spending several weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Len Noakes. Mr. Edgar Munn, who reeentlly underwent an operation in London is improving for which his friends are pleased to learn. Mise Betty Mickle, nurse -in -train - A Fireside Hour is being planned in the United 40hurch next Sunday night, Feb. Ilst at 8.30, under the sponsorship of the Young People's Union. The Chiselhurst Young i'eo- ple and Clinton Young People are be ing invited as special guests. Rev. J. B.Foxaddresed the Lad- ies Auxiliary and the Legion Memb- ers in Carmel Presbyterian church, Sunday evening, Jan. 25. Rev. W. J. Rogers assisted duringthe service. Comrade Jack Tudor read the scrip- ture lessio'i and pra;efee were offer- ed. Tl e r . ea:.r • ;, y R_ v. Fox which vete very impressive. Born - In Clinton General Hospital on. Jan. 5th to Mr and Mrs Gordon Munn of Hensall, a daughter. Mrs. Letitia Sangster returned to A Scrap Iron - $1.40 Cwt. J xeter Salvage Co. Phone 423 - Exeter, Ont. A CALL TO RIGHTEOUSNESS The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man av- aileth much. Jas. 5: 16. For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous. and his ears are open unto their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. I Pet. 3:12. If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God Col. 3. 1. Awake to Righteousness and sin not l for some have not the knowledge of God, I Cor.15:34 (a) But he that doeth wrong erall receive for the wrong which he hath done; a;l ;there is no respect of persons. .Col. 3: 24-25 GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 R. R. -- Zurich, Ontario da i i 0 a 0 0 St. Joseph Blue Water Area Mr. Gerard Geoffrey of Toronto, talent the weekend at his hotire in eavertown. .Mr. Jack Mc.Xewe of Toronto and Miss Precille Masse of London, were Sunday visitors at the hone or the latter's parents in St. ,osepft. Mre Ed. Corriveau of this tieigh- borhood spent a few dava at the dome a Mr and Mrs Wilds of Grand Send. Mrs. Alpllone.e Masse of i'j.s,ver• - town 'home John was a Monday visitor at the of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Denomme, of Drysdale. First Storm The first Blizzard of Jantntry, the month of snow, appeared on Sunday last, the duration was not long, but visibility for driving was perhaps the worst in years and the after eiTeets was manly accidents. Beautiful Things! l • y 1, T Beautiful faces' are those that Wear - The Voice of Temperance A United States Senator . puts it. this way -- -"The appeal for temper- ance should continually ,be ,made up- on the "high basis of the good of the individual, the preservation oe the home, the happiness of the family, the advancement of community life, the development of high moral fibre and spiritual strength of all. the :peo- pld - young, middle-aged acid old" - The 'Senator might have added - the safety of the highway and the effic- iency of the worker and the stamina of the athlete. All these are desir- able ends'. The use of alchol is a threat to every one of them. This paraghaph does appeal for resistance to the encroachment of alcohol. Advt It matters little if dark or fair - Whole -soiled honesty printed there. Beautiful eyes are those that show Like crystal panes where heart fires glow, Beautiful thoughts that burn below, Beautiful lips are those whose words Leap from the heart like songs of birds, Yet whose utterance prudence girds, Beautiful hands are those that do Work that is earnest and brave and true, Momement .by moment the long days through, Beautiful feet are those that go to On kindly ministries to and fro - Down lovliest way, if God wills it so. Beautiful lives are those that bless - Silent livers of Happiness. Whose hidden fountains build, few may guess. STANLEY TOWNSI-IIP Gail and Gwen McBride were we- ek -end visitors with their coueins, Sharon McBride, Kippen; who celeb- rated a birthday by holding a nkat- ing party with all the trimmings. Mission Band Meets Goshen Mission Band held its monthly meeting Sunday .morning, Jan. 18th with the president, Merle: Armstrong and secy. Elaine McCain they presiding. The theme was 'A Chriet tells others of Christ." The story from the book, "Nyangas Two Villages' was read by the leader, Mrs Clare McBride. W.M.S. Hostess Goshen W.M. .Society met at the home of Mrs. Elgin McKinley for the January meeting. 'The, program was under the leadership of Mrs. El- mer Hayter, assisted by the group members. Cards of appreciation we- re read from Mrs. Rob. Robinson and Mrs. Henry Er. ra.tt. Three mem- :hers were made life members. Re— ports were given by treaeut er Mrs. Rile l :1Watt) and Mimicry Iisn<.l ttu.ary 29th, '1952 ing in Victoria Hospital, London, was a visitor at her home hero. W. Spencer, L. Mickle, R, H• Middleton, Geo. Hess and A. Clark;, sport a week -end in Detroit, taking in a hockey game. Mr and Mrs W. R. Iaou ;ail ^were in Brussels attending the funeral ot a relative. allmucsugariummoommamiseinetwasseacantassavcantinconstusesconalsaancnocznesssosevsfam HALLMAN 6 is g 8 3 8 t 0 a 8 9 9 1 FOR DAIRY AND BEEF MEN MORE PROFITS HALLMAN Cement Stave Silos are corrugated convex and extremely strong. The Staves are made of wet cast vibrated cement with uniform hoop bearing around the Silo. Ideal to withstand the increased pressure of grass silage. Agricultural authorities agree that since corn or grass in a silo doubles its value, a silo pays for itself in a very short time. Farmers of the future are findinggreat opportunities Ee corn and grass silage. For illustrated Information Write to — HALLMAN SILO CO. Petersburg, Ont. C' k , t Co Op. ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only Ike -Cleaned Grain Used in Ou5 Feeds AVAILABLE AT He sail Dist. Co -0 }•Versoe HENSALL and ZURICH the appointment of as u th orized D al ers for BuIc d CMCTRUCKS IN ZIISICH, 011'::. • The appointment of Pearson Motor Sales as authorised dealers for Pontiac and Buick cars and GMC Trucks is announced with pleasure by General Motors. The new dealership stands pledged to bring the motoring public of Zurich and district the very highest standard of GM service. A feature of the new dealership is its well-equipped, expertly - staffed Service Department, available to the owners of all makes of cars and trucks. An efficient Parts Department is also maintained, carrying a wide range of genuine Factory.. Approved GM Parts and Accessories for your- convenience and quick service. ' Nett time your car or truck needs attention, dive in to Pearson Motor Sales and get acquainted with their attractive facilities. GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OP CANADA, LIMITED OSRRWA - ONTARIO