Zurich Herald, 1953-01-22, Page 6>r� 14. x: - H E E 0 to ATE ON STOCKS PERMIT YOUR GROCER TO PA, REDUCTION TO YOU SEE BELOW TEA BAC'S 5 ON THIS • Y ♦ M • • • , U-wJ-i►-:8-V.-W-b-.4 TO THE GROCERY TRADE:—Rebate forms etre in the mcli9. Fifi"`a''yotsir stock on hand fond return the form to SAIADA. I5's— lcper box 30's—leper box 60's — 4c per box 1.20's — itr per box REBATES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS ORANGE PEKOE NO CHAGIE IN PRICE BROWN LABEL ib. pkt. 4c per pkt. 'la lb. pkt. 2c per pkt, ' a, b. pkt, lc per pica. 2 oz. plot. no change YELLOW LABEL lb. pkt, 1 1 c per pkt • LIT lb. pkt. Sc per pkt, atilt a4pliscf, opeu.plAtteort._ "Dear Anne Hirst; We have *bree children, and my husband fa good to us in every way --ex- cept concerning in-law matters ▪ . Briefly, he doesn't care to visit my par- ents, and when they see us for a few hours I hold my breath, hoping he will not be sulky. He never shows anw ap- preciation of their gifts or their kindness to us. "I treat his people as I do my own. I visit tl'i'em with .nim and the children, and everyone is congenial. I've cared for his Mother when she was ill, and help her when she needs it it is all so unfair! I try to overlook his attitude, but the time comes when I get so choked up I explode. "CAN'T HELP IT" "When I approach my husband about it, he says we're two dif- ferent types, and if he doesn't like someone he can't help show- ing it. I contend that for sake of harmony he could be pleasant with them, Both sets of parents are nice, and neither interferes. "This ,problem is driving my husband and me further apart 41 the time. It's been going on :tor years, and keeps getting more carious , . I don't want the chil- dren harmed by such contention • . Is there any way I can han- dle the matter so that harmony Will prevail? ... Thank you, and God bless you in your, helpful work. L.R.M." " I am afraid that your hies:: ,s band has stated his cago and * will brook no attempt on ;Your * part to change the: facts .as he * sees thein. Por.too many years * he has had his way. ' • "' His defense, though, is irra- • tionai. In his business,, and in * other contacts, he undoubted» • ly must deal with people whom * he does not like—but would as he dare • to show it? fie ern- * ploys the courtesy and tact ec- " sential to his successful ends. * 1n WS attitude toward your * parents he should be Mair, if * only to please yau, * PerhatPs he is just too stub- * born to admit low right you * are, too autocratic to yield to * your -pleas. How stupid (and 1 a: use the word deliberately) to " allow this one defect in his 4' character to destroy the har- * mony of your marriage; You * are gradually losing your re- * spect for him and your confi- " dence in his judgment. 1 am '' sorry for you both. * Perhaps I have missed a cue. * But it seems to me that you * can only take the children to " visit your parents more often, and show them even more af- * fection and thoughtfulness, Ac - a cept his attitude as a lack in * him which you cannot change, and at least end these unhappy * arguments -.- which you admit a are harmful to the children's a sense of security. 4 • aoine men are as they are, and in their shallow pride resist any attempt to change their views. If you are having any trouble, tell Anne ]Hirst about it. M - dress her .at Box 1- 123 Eight- eenth St., New Toronto. On... Smoke, No Fire—Realistic to the point of including smoke and rubble, the "Rescue Street" Civ- ilian Defense training ground gives workers a chance to train under actual disaster conditions. Seen above, three team mem» berg climb a lander to "rescue," trapped victims. Queen Overworked? Are the British overworking their sovereign? As the old year came to a close this not new question bounced back and forth between those who feel it would be more "Democratic" to let the Queen live a simpler life, and those who feel that plenty of hard work is good for a young woman. Advocates of the simple life for Buckingham Palace at- tack "court circles" for keeping the Queen's diary too full. But their opponents are sure the. Queen wants it that way, .Meanwhile Queen Elizabeth II is showing herself as a very up to date young monarch, an ex- ponent of simplicity, with a deep sense of democracy. Her Christ- mas message which was broad- cast throughout the Common- wealth reflected these qualities movingly. In it she asked her peoples to pray for her — that she might have strength and wisdom to ' perform the tasks to which she, will dedicate herself at the coro- nation next June. The request re- minded many of her hearers that in 1947, on reaching the age of 21, :thee pledged herself as Prin- cess Elizabeth to serve them but added that she could not carry the burden alone but would need the help of all her people. What she seems to malty Bri- tons to be saying is that a na- tion's strength comes not marily from its rulers or Leaders but from the cherarter of .all its people. • in recent weeks London movie ' audiences have been watching n° film dealiing With the exploits ot the 'first, Elizabeth, 'and hearing; her words which were tuned to another turbulent age, words' in • which she said She t. might hake' ' the frail body of a woman but she had the :heart of a King of England, and Would lead hes' armies to victory. The style of this •speech offers a roaring 'con- trast to that of the message of Elizabeth II, though with dis- credit to neither sovereign: their tasks differ so.. PAST ThNS1! Mrs. Washburn was sitting in her husband's sumptuous office ,, when a beautiful stream -lined blonde undulated in. 9'm 1VIr. Washburne's wile," said Mrs. W. "That's nice," said the blonde. "I'm his secretary." "Oh," said Mrs. W., "were !rout's Ice On The River The ice is on the river, the slow -flowing, un -salt water, It began with shards and sheets of ice drifting down in the slow current, forming fragile bridges where it massed. Another night of cold and there was slush be- tween the shards and along the bank; another day of cold and it was a sheet, a crystal sheet over the river which danced with glitter when the sun struck rt and gleamed with frost crystals in the moonlight. The flow was still there; break the ice at the fragile edges and the slow move• ment of the dark current could be seen. Bpt it was now a hid- den flow. It will melt. The ice will loosen and go out, and come again. Those who have lived with the river a Long time say that it must freeze over three times, and then winter will settle down to stay out its time. This is the first freeze, bank to bank. Two more to come, two to go and one' to remain. It is• so clear, so simple, this ice, that one forgets that ice' carved the valleys. Ice was the great knife which shaped the hills, the ice after the fire had died away. Ice. crystalline water, one of the simplest solids and yet, in the crystal, close kin to gran- ite. Raise its temperature five degrees and it flows away. Raise it twenty degrees, on a chill day, and it steams, becomes a cloud. A snowflake, feather -light, or a glacier, or a river no, longer open to the sky. Ice. • The slow streams flow -in the zee -shaped valleys, suet; :winter lrnght•, •closes dawn, and the streams ,at dawn are; gleaming higlxways for the wind. And man stands face to face with his land's beginnings, its primal force, its relentless ice. * From The • New York Times. If 'r-. THE ALL Everybody gets a bit run -doom now and than, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe bothered by ,backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, pail to help restore their normal action of retnovieg excess acids and castes. Then you feat better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now, Look for the blue box with the rod band at all druggists. You caro depend on Dodd's, 52 FIRED yr,,. �w R H `= FARM j/ 61astete9itee. 2 Cl tike We have . come to the end 01 our first week without company. Lonesome? No, we have been far too busy to be lonesome. Partner doesn't get much spare time from the barn these days and I have been doing just what I had promised myself I would do — a spot of "redding up," start- ing off with the worst room in the house •— my office, study or glory hole -- call it what you will. Oh dear, sexing recipes and quilting patterns is bad enough but 'when one's clippings also include bits of poetry and prose; odds and ends of infor- mation that might come in use- ful sometime, and stories and ar- ticles written by friends also in the writing field, then indeed one gets really swamped. I hate to throw out anything that spe- cially appeals to me, which means I have a collection of Edna Jaques h o m e l y little stories from the Milk Producers' Magazine; Maud Kerr's edito- rials from the Family Herald and Weekly Star; Mona Pur- sers's from the Globe and Mail; H. V, McAree's "Two -Bits" col- umn, W. H. Deacon's "Fly -Leaf," era many interesting little bits that I have clipped from this paper.. from time to time. There are also very interesting local histories published' each Satur- day in two evening papers. They, also, have to be saved. But, alas, my clippings are not always cut out and put away when they should be -- the whole page is saved instead — which means I invariably have a pile of mis- cellaneous clippable material waiting to be sorted out "when 1 get around to it." Eventually I settle down to the job but by that time the clippings are often out of date so that 1 look over this one and that one and won- der what on earth 1 kept it for! So that is what I have been doing for the last two days — and you can understand why I started "redding up" in my own room first. But thank goodness I didn't need any help — other- wise there would have been some uncomplimentary remarks fly- ing around — of that I am cer- tain. You see I rearranged my office a few weeks ago — brought up a set of shelves from the cel- lar and pushed a big cupboard I didn't want out into the hall, meaning to have Bob put it somewhere elese when he was at home, But for some unknown reason I didn't ask him so the cupboard stayed in the hall. To- day I brought it back again to where I took it from! By a little mare re -arranging I found i could use, to good advantage, both the cupboard and the shelves. Now, if I had needed help for the job . . . See what 1 mean? • Then there was my trailing ivy — that had to be changed to a new position. It was over the register — fine in summer, but too hot in winter, So I put the ivy where I thought it would show to good advantage, and tacked up all the trailers. Later in the day I decided it wasn't in the right place at all — so I changed it all over again, So you're .laughing, are you? Well, now, how can one. be sure that one will like anything in any particular place until one finds out by putting it there? That's a .logical question, isn't it? Anyway, I am quite sure that I now have everything exactly the way I want it. I always know when I am finally satisfied. Well, before leaving the sub- ject of clippings -- I • wonder what you people have found to be the best way of caring for them -- you see I am quite sure you have clippings too. I find that every clipping addict has a method of her own -- good, bad or indifferent. I used to keep my clippings in one section of a filing cabinet in alphabetical order. But 1 soon found that that method didn't work too well because I never could remember how 1 had things listed. For in- stance I might want to look up something en dogs. Then 'I would wonder . . now, will thfat be under "dogs" or will it be — "Animals -- domestic"? Later I found another writer, Lyn H., • 4 ,.'�i;i ,ate MP And the RELIEF IS LASTING There's one thing for thi; headache : a . the muscular aches' and patois that often accompany a cold . - a INSTANTINE. INSTANTINE brings really fast relief from pain and the relief is prolonged! So get INsnsNTINE and get quick comfort. INSTANTINE is compounded like a prescription of three proven medical ingredients. You can depend on its fast action in getting relief from every day aches and pains, headache„ rheumatic pain, for neuritic or neuralgic pain. Get Instantine today and always keep It handy 12 -Tablet Tin 25e Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle 750 had a much better sy Stern. She used large envelopes, plainly marked as to contents, which. she then put into her filing cla•- binet, without an index. Caro). N. uses scrap -books, under vari- ous headings, into which she pins her clippings. Quite neat and handy, but a lot of scrap books are necessary. For clip- pings ' that contain information. that cannot be listed — like Maud Kerr's and the Homemaker — 1 keep then altogether with ordinary spring paper clip — 3 for 10¢ — which can then be hung on a nail. Of course there are still people who prefer tut use paste for their clippings — if that were the only way 1; wouldn't keep many clippings. Anything but that! If only T. could unpaste some of the clip- pings I saved years ago — brit- tle, blotched and blurred. 1 know better now. *.iiVt4tatee -nee Tops In Her Class—Named thee most beautiful schoolteacher in a nation-wide contest, lovely Mrs. Nell Owen grades papers of her students who sent her picture in for judging. She won the prize which is an all -expense trip to Hollywood. }g ... &Iiag rt mo, tC1,11 Nearly Crazy Very first use of soothing, cooling liqui5 D. D. A. Prescription positively Tama raw red itch—caused by eczema, rashes, scalp irritation, chafing --other itch troubles. Greaseless, ,st eipless. 43a trial bottle ;mast ;eatisfy'or money hack. 7)olt't suffer. Ask your druggistfor•D.I.I.D,Pa1Sca2IPTYm ISSUE 4 -- 1953 ELIEF COLDS Check the discomfort of a cold --fast! Inhale Minctra's Litdrnent. Yo>_t'li,breathe easier; feel better. Just try it --you'll see, "KING O1 PAIN" 40.