HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-01-15, Page 8EVRICH ONTARIO tlimasiSaliti600111:1491Milll ,rsaccumimame,covanspa BED SPREADS - 8 only Chenille, full size in White, Rose, Chartense, Navy, Dark Green, Grey. Extra Special at $7.98 each BLANKETS - 1 only all wool 66x84, extra weight, Maroon, reg. 21.50 for 18.95 Falcon Flann Blankets 70x90, pr. 5.50 Ibex Flann Blankets 70x90 at pr 5,95 Flannelette Sheeting 72 -in, at yd 1.59 HOUSEDRESSEES Print,. sizes 14 to 40,. Values to 3.75, for 1.98 each NYLONS - A new line of Welclrest 51 gauge, 15 denier,.. Special at $1.35 a pair. See our Centre Table for Special Bargains in Sweaters, Flan. Pyjamas, some lines Of Und- erwear, Mens' Wear of every description. GRuCEAIES Nestles Milk, 2 tins 29c Aylmer Baby Foods, 3 tins for 7r. Choc. M. M. Cookies, per lb 45c Canned Corn 20 -oz tin, 2 for - /9c Morning Cheer Coffee in glass jars at lb. 98c Tomato Juice, 48 -oz tin 34c Old English Wax, tin 39c do no rubbing, pint 39c Red Cohoe Salmon, Half -lb tin 33c. Gaine's Dog Food, 2 tins and I free 29c Groceries - Dry Goods Men's TELEPHONE 59 3 AP; 0 1 1-r,N "1 71 IP cl tA'd LL s Wear ZURICH ...M-3S=1105S,MMET=810a9 re a a Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys a The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 a , Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! 1 GIVE US A CALL! 6EIV.73.M14,11raGarialKUre&-UistrrrtZ7--7' -44.1i422a-IIRSUMMOMtgdraiZgain2171Z11; 00000,sleisv00Goig454,WIA1024‘.t.totAt do' • HARDWARE SEEDS and . FURNITURE 3 Your. uel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Trieo and Proved Sherwin-Williarns Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. STADE & WEI DO 1 QUALITY PRICE SERVICS aZURiCH ONT„ muminsaimmoompomommilial ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Miss Anna. S. Datars spent a day n London. Mr and Mrs Ted Haberer were Saturday visitors in Louden. Mr Albert Hess was a visitor in London la. Friday. Miss Florence Haberer .of London, spent the week -end at her heme hi town. Mr. Jack Haberer returned to -Hur- on College, London, after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and MN. Jacob Haberer.... Mr and 'Mrs Fred Ducharme of the B. W. Highway, spent a couple of. days with their daughter, Mrs. T. Hartman and family, Goshen .south. Mr. Ronnie Heimrich returned to his studies at Stratford Normal, af- holidaying at his home here at the, Lutheran Parsonage Mr. and Mrs Arnold Merner end family, Mr and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe and family of Zurich, were Sunday last visitors with Mr and Mrs, Thos. Kyle, Irensail. Mrs. Thos., Meyers spent a at Pt. Colborne with Mr and- Mrs. E. D. Brown, Suzanne, and Mrr.. Grace Stelck. Mr. Meyers motored down for New Year's. Mrs. Meyers returning with him. Zurich Flyers Defeated Exeter took the big end of an 8-5 score in the localRin': last Thurs- day evening. Shaw, Musser and Smith were outstanding, for the vis- itors, while Masonville, Baird and Hesse were the local snarkplt:gs, he game seheduled. for Tuesday nicht with Dashwood was postponed on ac- count of soft ice. as the weather tur- ned quite mild on Tuesday. To Have Banquet - At a recent executive meeting of the HensaII D'-trict Co-operative it --as decided to hove a hot tursey dinner in conjunction with their an- nual meeting, in the Community Centre Hall, Zurich, on Wednes,lav oenino February 4th, when 'the, CPest Snealer will he Mr. A. McLean rnited Co -Op. Directs of Mpirkirk Ont. Ladies as well as men are -ie.. vite 1 to etend. And don't forget to get your tickets early. The Zurich W. I. are catering. C. W. L. Meet Huron & Erie DEBENTURES or Canada Trust CERTIFICATES. Now Offering 3% for 1 and 2 years. . 33/2 for 3 to 10 years, POLIO PROTECTION: Pays up 110 S'5,090.001. Entire FarailY' including man,. wife and children. between ages3 months to 18 years Premium $10,00, for two years, individual Policy $5.00 for two yeszs J. We Haberer - Phone 1611 'ire, Automobile and Casualty Insurance. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR' EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2' to 5 p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS' 1FOR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CONTACT ROSS HAUGH HAY' P:O:. Rhone Dashwood 35 r 3. The January meeting of the ZUrich C.W.L. was held at the town haft. Mrs. Clarence Farwell conductingthe lusiness. The treasurer's minutes were read. About thirty members, were present. Father Monoghan spoke a few words bringing the bus- iness to an end. Mrs. Clarence Far- well acted as hostess for, the -social! hour. .11i$6- Mary Avila Bedard sang a song. Refreshments were served. Opened New Business The T. and T. Flooring business, proprietors, namely Leroy Thiel and Herb Turkheim, located in the Krue- ger Block, with a new door entrance to the south, a little west of the old- er door entrance, are now ready to. serve the public, with thetr newly decorated walls and nicely panted trimmings along with a well furnish-. ed stock of different kinds or floor coverings, floor finishes and waxes. Don't forget they are ready to serve you with floor sanding, as they have one of the very latest sanding mach- ines to make your floors look like new. Get your orders in now before the spring rush. Evangelical Church News The Quarterly Communion 'Service in the. local Evangelical U. B. Church. will he observed next Sunday morn- ing, January(18th, at 9.45 instead of 10.00 o'clock. Some recognition will also be given in this service to inc Annual Observance of Pioneer Day in relation to the life and work of the Christian Ministry in the Evang- elical Church. The Church Council of Administration will also meet for their Quarterly business sessrou on Friday evening, January 1:6th, 8.00 o'clock. 4.1% 4. 4'. BIG 0 0 4.a a 0 0 0 a a 0 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • • Leroy4. Thiel. rhursday, January 15th, 1453' 13righten Your Horne WITH NEW FLOOR COVERINGS Battleship;,, Inlaid and. Canvas Back Linoleurns. Rubber Tile, Marboleum Tile and Jaspe Tile, Congoleum,. Rexoleum, and Congowall in many Patterns RUGS and' CARPET We Carry a.Full line of Floor Finishes and Waxes FLOOR SANDING HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF HAVING YOUR OLD FLOORS SANDED AND RE -FINISHED? INQUIRE ABOUT THE LOW COST OF HAVING YOUR FLOORS MADE LOOK LIKE NEW. Let Us -Measure and Quote a Price on your Room T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE ancI. FLOOR -SANDING Phone. 240 Herb lurkheim 1,114441244 221/11441WESE041=76114044131121EMME=211324MZESZIEMISAM141204440 4. 0 8 4. 4. 4. 0 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 0 4. 4. estla. e Furniture 'WE HAVE A. FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE .A Good Variety of Linoleum, Congoleum and Axrninister Rugs, Etc All our Lamps are very Reasonably Priced! Have a good supply of Springs and Mattresses, as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc. GIVE. US A CALL 4. • 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5, 4. 4. 4. 4. 0 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.0 4.4. 4. 4. 4.4 MORE JUICES USED Inereased public knnwledge of the vitamin proficiency °I canned juices (fruit, vegetable and mixed) has re- sulted in a continuously growing de - eland for these products over the past decade,. it is indicated in a re- cent survey; consumption of canned juices by Canadians since before the second World War has increased by about 000 per cent The marked up- swing in the popularity at the juice - drinking habit has been attributed in some measure to authorative reco- mmendations regarding its health - giving merits. Today's canned juice is headed by the popular tomato juice which has only come into its own. ince the early 1030's. The pack this poduct hit a peak of 5,423,000 cases in 1948. Second place is the apple at the packing plant for red brand juice. Others are , prune, apricot, cranberry, carrot, mixed vegetables, • BORN RAU - In Clinton Public Hospitall, •on Thursday, January lst, 1953,to Mr and 'Mrs. Anthony Rau, of the 11ue Water District, near Drys- dale, a daughter. tEZIGIACMES..2740M017411.MMOMF r L For the Month of January we are offering for Sale Men's Ready Made Suits, Reg. $69.50 Men's Topcoats, Reg. to $35.00 at Men's Dress Pants, reg. to $15.95 Men's Winter Sport Shirts, reg. $4.95 . Men's corduroy Jackets, rtg. 9.95 •-• Men's 100% wool Combinations underwear reg. 7.50..3.50 Men's Stanfield Combination Underwear, reg. 4.25 .... 3.19 Special reduced prices on Men's semi -work Pants and Winter Boy's Station Wagon Coats,Wrergk. S14h.ik.9t5s A few Men's Winter Jackets, Specially Reduced $11.95 Boy's Flannelette Pyjamas reg. 2.95 ........ , . 2.49 Boy's Winter Caps, reg. 1.95 .• . .98 Boys' Tweed Pants, reg. 3.96 • • • • ..... ..... ' . ' '3'19 Boy's lined Bluejeans, reg. 3.95 3 25 Boy's Pullover Sweaters, Specially Reduced. $49.50 $22.50 $11 95 '3 3.95 7.95 THIEL'S MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR ZURICH - ONT. 4. 4 4 4. 4. .1. ,e, a. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .0._111 1111 IN RI our Phone 122 or 89 Zurich TT I I MIMI Hard 141g4ANommilgoaaiiiiiik For your heating we have Duo Therm Space Heaters, Anthes Imperial Crowley, Wingham and New Idea Furnaces, Torid and Shur heet oil burners. - Propane Heating Appliances - We have a full line of Kem Glo. Super Kem Tune, Spred Satin, Glidden and C. V. Faints and Enemals. Beatty, Pedlar and "Iwo Equipment PIONEER CHAIN SAWS IN ALL SIZES We have a good assortment of used Cook Stovee and oil space Heaters at reasenable prices. Rader ittleholtz Vadware Phone 63 Zurich lasomminionimmillimummilmommmommumm mom mummimmilll Holm if 4,o, rr. t'AtIVAIC WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select g,nade, end -matched Maple Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23.00 _ 1 CONVERT YOU ATTIC 10% Down • 30 Months To Pay . Wasted Attic Space can be etar‘ily and Economically Converted into extra Bedrooms 'or an income pros ducing Apartment. . You can do • most of the work yourself. $ee our collection of plans and Wear. FREE ESTIMATES Fred C. Kalbfleisch & S n Ltd. Lumber, iShingles and Builders' Supplies Carload of Can. Cement just arrived