HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-01-15, Page 71
+ t One of;the most interesting •developments
Canadian sport has known ;in the 'last few
years is Little League baseball; now a coast
to :coast affair, and growing : tremendously
every year..
'Few civic enterprises have Made ;l more
permanent Contribution to the community.
"Through careful planning and able leadership this .worth-
while' activity bas` been made available to thousands 'of boys and
girls all over North America. Tailored. to meet the special needs
of boys in the 8 r. 1°2'age group, Little League baseball has gained
widespread popularity.
Under the leadership of various civic organizations and public-
spirited citizens, teams have been organized, equipment purchased,
and in some cases special regulation size Little League parks
constructed. •
Only about 4 years ago there were 94 Little League leagues
of from 4 to 6 teams ill•existence. Today there are 1788 registered
Little Leagues comprising 7,538 teams in the United States, its
possessions and Canada. Approximately 150,000 players are register. -
ed from the ages: of 12 down.
In Canada, there are 6 Leagues in the Proviuee of Qiu'hec; 4
on the Island of Montreal, 1 in St. Johns and. 1 in St. liustache.
The Province .of Manitoba has • 25 ful'1-fledged Little Leagues
operating and British Columbia has 10.
Progress has been made in Little League baseball in New
Brunswick and Nova Scotia. There are .leagues in Moncton,: Saint
john, Halifax and Sydney. 'There are fully equipped regulation Little
League Parks in Manitoba and British Columbia. These add
color, incentive and pride. Williamsport, Pa., with a population of
50,000 has fifteen fully equipped Little League baseball parks.
It is estimated that over• 20,000,000 people witnessed Little
League baseball this year in the United States and Canada. There
Yr were 7,000 games going., every week, and as the season is 10 weeks
long this would give you 70,000 games played per season.
The most significant thing about Litt'e League is the way it
gets these boys in their formative years, giving thein a chance to
learn good sportsmanship, team play and proper submission to
constituted authority. It- gives the boys something constructive to
do. It gives them a standing among their own age group and gives
them a place in the community. It helps the boys overcome, self-
consciousness. Among the importantlessons it teaches are good
sportsmanship, fair play, team play, and how to get along with
Bathers. On top of this, it provides wholesome recreational' activity
Your comments and suggestions for this column wilt be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert 1-touse, 437 Yonge St., Toronto.
From time to time this col-
umn has seen fit to take a mild
nlam or two at the 'type of
'sportsman" who buys or bor-
rows a gun and Some ammuni-
•dion, gets a 'slanting licence and
then goes out and bangs away' at
anything that happens to be
moving across the - landscape.
(Sometimes he doesn't , even
'bather' to see if it moves.)
Occasionally we have received
criticism . for such: articles from
:folks who say that just because
vve personally lack- the guts to
face; 'a 'ferocious deer or duck,..
we shouldn't poke fun a`. those
who have. Well, here's what the
December 8th issue of NEWS -
WEEK had to say about the kind
of hunting referred to, not so
much. from the standpoint of
rms. sportsmanship, but rather
Irons' that of the senseless human
slaughter which takes place each
year: Here' it is, as it appeared
under the h e a d i n g "FOR
.r :x'
'The' deer hunter claims that
editorial writers and cartoonists
exaggerate his accident record
with other people's .isdoings.
Of 1,105 hunting mishaps of all
sorts reported to the National
Rifle Association last year, for
example, rabbit . hunters out -
blundered deer hunte7 by 268
to 189. (Rifle hunters also like
to point out that shotgun users'
accidents outnumbered theirs by
627 to 309.)
Ther were sterner statistics,
however, that still made the
American leer -hunting season
look like the most macabre spot
on. the sporting calendar last
k u +k
A check of just five states —
Maine, Colorado, Michigan, Wis-
consin, and New York—found 45
already dead. Maine reached the
conclusion of another long seas-
' on .Oct. 21 through Nov 30 with
16 dead and 45 others shot, which
compares grimly with the 15
deaths and 53 woundings that
occurred during last year's rec-
ord deer :till of 41,730. A man
cutting underbrush was wounded
three times (and mortally) by
ititrIVITO ? 0,PPi4 ONt9L, ll ,!iitg,Pli g01V 1 .:.is
ers star Slater Martin,who has lust sideste ed ' '
finger tips i>~ Lak� PP
;. erari ly'rtart 's+s ' to lYe"ri('ill'iF' isattlttirOOn e* ritck`ts.f racciievw `1
Square Garden.
Grand-' Champion—Leader II, chosen Grand Champion Steer at
the Interncitional Livestock Exposition, takes the honour without
so much cis an acknowledging bellow, but not so his herdsman,
Dick Sauer. Dick waves his hat in glee as he learns that the
1100 -pound summer yearling has won the award. It is the first
time in five years that a shorthorn has won the coveted honour.
two hunters. A Leon -ase dau.gh-
ter fatall3 shot her mother in the
back. A. teen-age boy killed his
The brief interval of Wiscon-
sin's seven-day season produced
eight killings. With four days of
. its fift•".e"-day season left, Michi-
gan reported nine dead r nd 30
others shot. Colorado noted one
encouraging point on it: list of
six gunshot victims: None had
been mistaken for, a deer. New
York had knocked off six deer
stalkers in much less time and
had until Dee. 5 to raise the
''' 'a
Comparison: Yet to come were
such other ordeals as a two-week
stand in Pennsylvania with 300,-
000 licensed hunters -a density
which last year killed 72,534
deer and eight human beings—
and a six-day session in Mass-
achusetts, which slew only 3,428
deer a year ago but obliterated
eight hunters. If anything, the
chances seemed morbidly certain
that deer hunters would outdo
the 48 fatalities scored against
them—compared with 33 for rab-
bit hunters and a mere~ 6 for
pheasant hunters — in the 198
hunting deaths reported in 1951.
Experts still believed that the
score could be reduced by 'edu-
cation, Lew laws, and stiffer pen-
, alties. In Colorado -where hunt- ''
ers Last year killed 75,000 deer,
10,330 elk, and 530 bear wit'' the
loss of only three lives—a hunt- .
ing "college" was conducted this
year by The Denver Post, the
University of Deliver, and the
state's fish and game department.
In Maine :The Portland. Sunday
Telegram in an editorial titled
"Let's* Take Their Guns Away,"
suggested a law that would pro-
hibit hunting with firearms by
anyone under age 18.
A more widespread idea: stif-
fer penalties f o r accidental
shootings. The fatal, shooting of
a hunter in Wiscc Lain is now
considered negligent homicide—
but in Vermont there is still no
law that even requires hunters,
doctor's, or hospitals' to report
such accidents. - For the most
part, The Boston Herald pointed
out last week, a r unter can kill
another man and expect * othing
more severe than a fine of $100
or less.
Under the consequent "dis-
graceful" conditions, The Port-
land Sunday Telegram remark-
ed: "We'llbreathe more easily
with General Eisenhowe.: i Kor-
ea than we would if he came to
Maine on a hunting trip. He'll
be safer there."
And with the end of that
NEWSWEEK qu tation, we rest
our case. Undoubtedly it was a
sore financial blow to the North-
ern tourist trad'.: when the foot-
and-mouth scare kept so many
Yankee deer hunters from corn-
ing here this' Autumn. But, just
as certainly, their absence meant
that quite a few Canadian citi-
zens are still in the land of the
living wk.o otherwise would by
now havr been under the sod.
GEN rf
Score yourself .10 points for each correct answer in the first six.
1. The Pyrenees Mountains separate • from .
.—France from. Spain —China from. India
—Mexico from California Russia from Turkey.
2. In which country do we filed the Acropolis?
—Turkey —Greece —Italy —Bulgaria
3. Which of the following countries is not a republic?
—The United States —Mexico . —Norway —France
4. Who said. "War is Hell?"
—Washington ---Sherman • --Eisenhower —Bismark
5. Herodotus was a -
--Composer —Historian —Sculptor —General
6. The theory explaining the law of gravity was conceived by
—Christopher Columbus -Sir Isaac' 'Newton
—Ptolemy —Sir Francis Bacon.
7. Match the following villains to the play`s or novels in which they
are found. Score yourself 10 points for each correct combination.
—Merchant of Venice
—Peter Pan
—Uncle Tom's Cabin
—Oliver Twist
is poor; 30-60, average; 70-80,
• (A) Captain Hook
(33) Fagin
(C) Shylock
WD) Simon Legree
Total your points. A score of 0-20
superior; 80-100, very superior.
•utcte3 ,ulo,e, alaUfl (a) !aaruaA .o a.uutpaalni co)
"ts1Aw,L Ja.'fO (a) lued xaleti[ (v) --L •Tlolaewa1 asasi ars--9 'usr.T.ots1H
—; "tretu,Tati;S--1' •drat Coat -_E •aaaas0—r, •uTadg uroal aquas,—r
In Natural History magazine,
Edgar Monsanto Qufeny, writes
of the "greater honey guide," a
bird that seeks human help in
its quest for food.: This 'is 'not
just another case' of a pet beg-
ging for food or an adventure -
loving animal pestering its mas-
ter to take it hunting. The great-
er honey guide mals"es .man work
for •it. The bird spots a tree -
trunk that contains a bee's nest,
but by itself cannot extract the
honeycomb. knowing that it
Wanderobo, a native of its East
African habitat, will reward ,it,
with off d' itigr frollsl the"� ira.lded,
nest, the honey guide leads him
to the tree, The Wandeiobo ob-
ligates because he and his tribe
`` iVtarine'1litteY a "well' as life on
.land'," has" its''epidemics. The
' classi.c •^t,atrple is the tile fish.
whielt•w'as "once abundant off New
York but which died by the mil-
iions'in 1882. Not until 1892 was
- the..: the fish • ,caught again for
the•- ntarket. l:.k lorida's "red tide"
which destroyed fish on the
west coast•a-few years ago was
• traced•.to.. si' sudden "blooming"
of, •poisonous microscopic plants.
,;:Epidemie;.diseases have also de-
+,•'stroyed,,. e.t.a nI s, herring and
many,, other..forms of marine life.
..Classified _ .
a2,L13b idtt)Lie.
DEALERS washed to sell baby chicks and
turkey pouits Por one of Canada's oldest
motablished and largest hatcheries. Liberal
eornmisolono Paid, ]Weed dealers, Partnere.
Implement dealers, agents Sor nurseries,
cream truck drivers, and other dealers
snake excellent agents. Send for full
details. 13ox No. 97, 123 Eighteenth St.,
New Toronto, Ont.
54 vs you anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing?. write w us for information. We
4523 glad to answer your Questions. De-
aartrnent H. 'Parker's Dye Wnrke Limited.
'01 'conga -St Tnrontn. '
aDtrS Special i Buy Wholesale. 100
Double Edge Razor Blades. Guaranteed.
mall 37.00 George W. Payne. 6426 Fifth
Avenue. Los Angeles 43. Caifornia. U.S.A.
F)EVELUP your bastiine. Try Hormone
4.ream-B. Positive results assured. Six
weeks supply 63.50. For Information write
Sylvia Cosmetics. 606 rlark Drive. ran.
heaver. r"anada:
LARGE stock of Darts and accessories
for all are end trueks. 1f it's hard
to set we can get it for you. Prompt
service. Guaranteed saving. Canada Auto
Stores, 354 St. Paul Street, St. Catharines,
Ontario. Mutual 6.6593.
C)tESS CORN SALVE—For sure relief.
'our Druggist sells C16F.SS.
Proven Remedy—Every sufferer of Rhea.
tootle Poing or Neuritis should try Dixon's
335 Elgin Ottawa
51.25 Express Prepaid
47 t• ,'
cuter It there is something that will
tem you? Hundreds of thousands of seta
se's been sold on e money, back guar.
cries ran easy to use. Atter four eymis
:n'ms neve been diagnosed its Asthma, you
ma 1' '0 youreeit to try Aa'hmanerrtn.
1Fk your Druggist.
SKIN. Eczema. Psoriasis, Rash, Ring.
worm, Pimples, Blackheads and other
akin eruptions quickly relieved or money
refunded with Elik's Eczema Ointment
No. 6. A prescription of a famous akin
specialist 31.60. 82.50. Get it from your
druggist or order from Elik'a Medicine
Co Dept W7. Saskatoon, Sask.
NiO. 827 — 736 GRANVILLE ST..
TA"PeiWOR.MS. pinworms, cause serious
dleeaees; could be Your trouble' thou-
sands helped. Free literature describes
condition and remedy. Write lduiveneY'5
Remedies Limite.3. Dept W.S.. Toronto.
Fishermen along the coast
Of Alabama say that a "jubilee"
occurs when fish try to escape
some unusual changes in bay
water, where salt water from the
Gulf and' fresh water from a
river meet.
When this happens, fish come
up into shallow water, and resi-
dents rush out to scoop them up
with their hands, nets, or any-
thing available. One fisherman
reports catching 75 flounders
during a jubilee this past sum-
mer while others scooped up
baskets full of crab and shrimp
along a mile' of beach.
Someone asked a police cap-
tain if it was true he was
brought up in a tough neigh-
"Tough?" said the copper.
"Why it was so tough in our
'neighborhood a cat with a tail
was a tourist."
ai Meariy Gradyess
Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid
. ID.. D. D. Prescription positively relieves
raw red itch --caused by eczema, rashes,
scalp irritation, chafing—other itch troubles.
Greaseless, stainless. 43c trial bottle must,
satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask
your druggist for.D.D.D.PRESCRIPTION
1'SSLIE 51 — 1952
O'r'POTorvltii'rER #rOit
Great Opportunity Leeltm
PIC4eant [dignified profession, good wage&
rbousande et successful Ydarvel Qradu1U
America's Greatest Syetem
illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
968 Slops St. W., 'Toronto
Drenches} : •
e0 Bine St:, Hamilton
12 Rideau St., Ottawa
14116c to "swap'," them for different one ttl
Per details write your name and
en a postcard end mail to
No Obllgat:on
Rhinestone Jewelry for pleasure or prole,
over 300 Items to choose from. Dealers 231
ell supplies. lP'ree Catalogue.
Pi1TIGRftO R O U 001. ONT.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Vire answer ski
Questions concerning this famous alt)",
Business, personal, eobocls, employment,
oto, Send 81.00 to "STONE", 348 W,
Dearborn Street, Chicago 4, miosis:
LETTERS 1temailed 1 the Alamo Cttp
(Sun spends Winter here) 30c, with Tess*
stamp 36c, 3 for 31.00. Dan ,$,alex, Bost
3127, San Antonio, Texas.
4.N OPTER to every inventor --List of In.
ventions and full Information sent free.
ma Ramsay Co., Registered Pc rent 5 mu,
Heys. 273 Bank Street, 3taswa.
tent Solicitors. Esta boated 1351, 260
Bay Street. Toronto rio+.i:."e' et laments,.
Son nu request
NEW rugs made from your old rugs and
woollens. Write Write for catalogue and price
Het. Dominion Rug Weaving r'nmpany.
2477 Dundee Street CW -e', Toronto lint.
Don't suffer night and day—with' dull,
wearisome aches—or sharp, stabbing
pains. Lead an active life' again: Take)
Templeton's T -R -C's, Canada's largest -
selling proprietary medicine specially
made to bring longed -for relief to sufferer's
from arthritic or rheumatic pain. T-647
$1,35 TEMPLETON'S T-IR-C'it,
5 i'4' you suffer from acid Indigestion, gas,
ltsartburn, scientists say baking soda can add
to your upset, destroy vitamins, canes
4lkeloaia, add rebound.
After meals I had indigestion sad gas
palm, and 3 practically lived on be.kittpi
soda," says rater George,' Lethbridge, Alta.
"Then 3 started taking Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and the pains went away
end F could eat and enjoy my meals again. X
(Pained 30 pounds and felt much batter."
Thousands who suffered such distress, due
to no organic causes, tried Dr. Pierce'41
Golden Medical Discovery with amazing
moults. Over 35,000,000 bottles of this grea6
son-alcohoiio medicine, with its wonderful
stomachic tonic action, have been sold is
date. And no wonder. First. taken regularly.
It promotes more normal 'stomach activity.
Rhus helping to digest food better so yort
won't have gas, heartburn, tour stomachs,
Second, with stomach activity improved, yos3
eau set the foods you like without fear cat'
after -distress.
Try 11, Gem Pr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Ditialefter at your druggist, ."ocoy1
New Ciesigns lit Lt eolirtgGeatpetr becomes an a.bss, bing,three-
dimensia'Ira'l u" I t'above, foPlaribitilchoai student?? lrh'' NIngton t
The students uses ecial geome�tr�t
Lm.gf1b.i t"6Q2M!naex Vrlrymts nf" ac1ass wr�cam Rfl",v &y'7
is believed to be the only one of its kind,