HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-01-15, Page 3• 1VIN.0• COSTS •RISE SLIGHTLY. Ottawa—Living costs in. imbed seven -tenths a a point dure lity June for the second consecutive tsin, speeded mainly by a 10.6- ;0as-a dozen boost in the price of 4egs. The Bureau of Statistics report eI drat the June cost of living index iiillouped .7 of a point to 183.0 from 'Immediate ser vice" IN YOUR IOCALITY TOR , Estate Planning and Wills investment = Management and Advisory Service 334% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed For pro:ipt attention call RA YE 8.---PATERSON, Trust Office.. Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • MONTREAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR NIAGARA FALLS • ..SOORVRY CALL: tRI'• vAcouvErt 1,87;3ePricee on beef, lamb and p�rIS imareased, but the. mein jump was in eggs. Average price for . this food item tellirdbed :to .59.7 cents a dozen during June from 49,1 during May. BAYFIELD LIONS TO BUILD ARENA A. Meeting of directors of tne I3ay- field Agricultural Society was held in.the Town Hall on No 17th, with the president, Carl Diehl in the chair Lions Ken Meaner, Charles Scot- chmer, Jack C1ti and Lloyd Makine were a delegation from the Lions Club 'to ask permission to eminence building an arena measuring 1:20 -ft by 60 ft. •on the 'northeast corner of the Park, flush with Jane and John streets. After much discussion pro and con, it .was voted to give the Lions authority to build in this loc- ation. The new entrance will be from Agnes and. Fry. streets. Members of the Lions Club plan to build the Walls of the arena of cement Meeks and it is expected that work writ nom' mence in the near future. This will serve as a skating rink and the struc- ture will be roofed as funds become available. The old exhibition build- ing is not to be removed until a roof on the new arena is assured. in time for the Fall Fair, ec: • • ' t el !CAI It'Ve -••• - ?to' !•• f!, ,,ert ,eTleteredare,lanetareerSthe;-/Irdtr'—'"--"" *1' ' graduate of f,14 1.1niyersity Of' 110,4' ern Ontario anti a"Meinbef „ the staff of Clinton; District Institute. Denomme pretty wedding ,wes' so/emnize'cl at. $t. kary's P.C. Church Kitehener, by Reit Father. Strauss. The 'bride, formerly Marian Blakeis the./zfaUgh- ter of iMe and Mrs. Albert Blake, 'of Breslau Ont. The groom, Mr. Al,. bert Denomme, is' the son of Mr and Mrs Armand Denornrne of, Zurich. The bride given in marriage :by her father, chose a strapless ballarina gown with lace jacket designed with HYMENEAL Robinson Colquhoun Amid an all -white setting of chry- , santhemuras in. ,St. Andrew's Presby- ' teitian church; Clinton; Marriage vows were exchanged by Margaret ()ohm- •• holm, _daughter of Mx and Mrs. E.W. Colquhoun, Clinton; and John E. Robinson, R.R.1, Zurich, son of Mr and Mrs. Rtichard !Ratinson, oi. the Goshen.Line, Statle-y Twp. Rev. D. !J. Lane officiated and Mrs. 13. Moyes presided at • the ,:orgen. Soloist was Miss Jayne Mary Snell. The bride, given in marriage by „ her father;Wa.s ' gowned in white satin fashioned with I -a fittted bodice, featuring !a •i -sweet- ! heart neckline' ' offset byr-a full floor- • • • , length skirt. She carried. white • Bible adorned with white rosebuds. IMiss Audrey Hepburn, Toronto, sis- • ter -of the bride, was •anatron of hon- er, while the Maid of honor , a, Mise Lois ! Langford, . Lon don • e. flower girl; Miss Daryl Ann Hepburn Toronto, endWilliam Robinson, New maDket, brother of the groom, was best man and ushers were Murray COlquheun and !Moines' .Celquhoun, brothers of the bride. Receiving guests at Mbnetta. illenarci's, Exeter, were the ;brides • Mother ' groom's mother, both lovely attired for the occasion. On e honeymoon trip „to...Northern Ontario,the bride worea.',baby blue -.knitted • suit with black clordeu,acceasories'and dark grey -opeont. The couple wfl1 reside in the Zurich vicinity. The bride is a Peter Pan !collar and semi bat -winged three-quarter sleeves, A flared net with lace insertions completed the dress. Her headdress was made of lace and net and a finger tip veil. She carried a bouquet of white roses and , feather carnations and red holly. I The Maid of Honor, MASS Janet Weiler of Breslau, wore a red net strapless, ballerina gown wttn net cape. The bodice was shierred and its skirt was tierred and very full. For •headdress she wore a eerie of red feathers. She earried a white net muff with red holly. The Bridesmaid Miss Ruby Blake, sister of the bride, was gowned identically to the Maid of. Honor. • Mr. Joseph Denomme, brother of the groom, was best man, attended by Mr. Alexander Denonune, also bro. thee of the groom. The two ushers were Mr. Blakie Denomme, brother of the groom and Mr. Douglas Blake, brbther of the bride. The mother of :bride wore p. matalic fr,°erAea'r.P.84 19,11411Ia ecesories. zw,F ce,reage was of red end white yes. riYarelle the metier of the groom liVOTp. 4•navy blue lace dress with navy x gold accessories. _A, wedding „dinner and supper fpr 40 getecats was held at learney's Dine & Dance followed by a reception and Buffet Luna for over 150 guests For her wedding trip she were a pale gold snit and TOwn Mauton Cot with brown accessories, Her corsage was of • bronze and yellow roeee. They will reside at 45 Edna St., Kitchener, Ont. TRACTOR REPAIRING AND FARM MACHINERY New 'Li:lea Farm Equipment, Gehl and Fairbanks Morse -Haffimerinills poWeiTtake-off or belt driven, Tractor chairxs, Heat Houser, etc. Tractor Tires sofa repaired or loaded. With fluid. Minor repairs or .eomplete overhauls to all nicker of tractors. ELROY 'DESJARDINE • Phone 78 4- ; Zurich Located at rear shop, of Ward Fritz Motors mEtriN. OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL wUbe -, C"rt Thel;nex.t. meeting Of. the Huron, county Council held itA the '.,House; :Gocletieh,;ornmencing ,esday, January 20th 1953'at 2. p.m. Alk:AecountS; noticesof deputations and other business requiring, the atten,tiW,Of[COxin.011.:,.ShOuld . be in the litaids–ortfievtoiinty desk not later than ! ' , A.O.F..pt.riALUL't }tt 'ZIW•Yit ;`,49,UPLY-‘4.1V44,z.: ithrritn, Ot.) ominderich; Ontario, - 4 likediaMENIMMENNEIMMENERMINNIIIMMOOPITIMONIMIS • ," t 1..,t I ' • PLAY SAM."1 • • • • 1 'Have Faith in God's Word. Trust not in ,feelings, emotions, dreams, works,. • Itt fr. Salvation. OnlY in Christ who says: am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be'6AVdd.' 1 10 '; 1 0 of the 'Lord ,shall„..be sed.1"itttt..44004nlitInai 1.'(:).it • 153 T 4 Jesus the only means of salvation and of entranice into Eternal Life. 1 give unto,thern eternal life;•,and,they shall . nej ier- perish. s''''' . john''lxf'. - ! ! ;;;;1•1, V.•!,!, • ;•!•:i.:.1...!..1kll, Mae. Fuller, Box 123' Lo* Angeleie '531 Cahfoua pjr.T.IA "Ailt lfeetWori pdxt, INTERESTING LETTER PROM NORTHERN ONTARIO R.R., 1, Kinaback, Ont. Dec 8'52 Dear Publisher: Please find enclos- ed subscripton to the Herald c.14, like to get the home news, We have had a very nice fall, threshing and fall plowing was all done early The store and home of Mr. Frank Filling- ham was completely demolished by fire on the evening of Sept, 22nd, a- bout 9.30, DST. they smelled smoke. Mr. ilimghain was just goeng to lock up for .the night, he went to the store room, it was all afire and started hi the store, they got the chil- dren lout, Mrs. Fillingham rang the fire alarm, Frank got the ledger and the money out of the till, the whole building was soon a mass of flames. and took possession of the coucn on Little Fay ran back into the house which she had been lying, her mother noticed her just as the lights flicker - ed out Ln4cuteried . her out M the couch covers, a chair and sewing machine was jerked out of the front do'o'r, the exact .0'0,1:Ise ef the fire is not known but it IlS744, a big toss us the ingurante Was very small com- pared to the Loss. Insurance up nem is very costly, 'Me family went to live at the home of Mrs. Fillingham's father where they remained untill a- bout a week ago -when they moved into the new building. A •reve days after the fire a community shower was held in the school house with a rated to a Chicken supper by the Fill- ingliarns. The roorriS up .ars partitioned of but t111 Mucli work, is to be done but net hurried. I,' ahnost . forgot tp say that after the - shower many •ether parcels arived including a large box' containing bed- ding , ! and , clothing from a family. et Goshen, which was much. appreciated. ' Last Tuesday evening about 250 people gathered at the new building I think that nearly a third of the crowd were children, they were sent upstairs to play, so it is needless to large attendance and wpm; a seap say N•ir had plenty of noise overhead of boxes and parcels containing bed- but it was a pleasantly spent evening. ding, elothing and many useful art- both upstairs and down, we had gam- icles, also a large quantity of canned es and community sin -ging; lunch was 1 fruit, jam and pickles were present- served. The ladies brought cake and ed to the family. Mrs. Fillingham cookies, the, baker supplied the bread was abnost overcome was hard for and National Grocers the spread for her to speak, but in a few well fitting the sandwiches. Epletts, the makers words they both thanked the people of ice cream supplied the ice crearn and felt they could take heart and iti large glasses, all trimmed up and start over again. After some corn- another store or firm supplied the munity singing lunch was served. A soft drinks. These all dial therr part day or two after the fire the rubble in providing a delicious and bounte- and foundation was lifted by mach-ous lunch for the large crowd, it was inery and the foundation laid. for a'a busy evening for quite a few of new building 30x46 feet and with the the ladies between making sandwich - help of relatives, neighbours and fri- es and serving. Mr. Fellinghern may ends under the supervision of our 11 start business this week -end. The veteran builder Mr. EcleSon Jibb, alweather here is very mild thawing all 'fine two store Y building wtati flat 1 day, we have very little snow. Will 'roof has been erected. The down -I close wishing you and yours a very stairs part is nicely finished, emptoy- 'Happy Christmas. Yours Truly Mary les the George Taylor Hardware Co., An • Johnston. (Frank Fillingham le spent three evenings putting on the well, , known down home, having Gyproc and doing other jobs, one worked. for .years with Elgin McKin- evening as many as fifteen men came ley also for the Dowsons, McBride's when they finished up they were up- and Parks.) •• • - • . • • 1 ', Tee'. , • •Its good to go into debt... to yourself -et • le.'• ! I .5hg • .t "41 ” 444. 4. *10 • It' e the streamlined way to make financial progress. Some of our most Successful customers use this system. It's the very heart of Personal .. Planning — the B of M's method of family -financing which Canadians from coast to coast are finding practical and stimulating. It means putting yourself on your own payTroll ... making up your mind that you yourself have a claim on your income just as much as the landlord, the butcher and the tax -collector. You'll do this, of course, because you have a definite objective — a strong reason for saving. It may be a general goal like family security or it may be something specific like anew refrigerator, a house, or even 3i place in the country. • You can go into debt to yourself in two ways by saving and by • borrowing. Saving comes first, of course so much a pay-day owing to yourself. e't A bank balance gives you personal confidence as few other things ..!'ran. It gives you a good foundation for, your financial plans ... and it makes it easier for your B of M manager to lend you 'money when you '. :Want to realize an Objective,soonet than you Orliise could. , When you have a sound financial program, but need money for some useful purpose, borrowing at the B of M is just as sound as systematic *tying. Indeed, it i another form of saving.,And the B of M's businesis to lend you money, When it's good business for yoAt to borrow...- • A B of M Personal Loan simply enables ytiu 'to enjoy sooner the• , . things you plan for ... anti you pay it Off in 'regular instalments just as you have built up your savings balance. Why not make up your mind to get what yox.i want this streamlined way -- and open your special-purpose savings account at..,.%1( BANK" tomorrow. And while ye' u're in the Bank, have a chat with the Manager or .Accountant. You will find them ready and interested to discuss your plans and problems. .BAN K.OF MONTREAL fee:Sad/4:i 70,4it edieja ' " . : , Zurich Brandi: ' - CARf, SCOTT, Menage', 'Hensel! litensh: vete ''' WALTER JARRETT; •Mati1riir • Crediton Illianch.:. CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Opea4Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) . • Dashwood (SubiAxency): , ,, 043en Mort, 'Wed. al Pri,,,,•, ,,,,, .„:„.„„ '','. . I , t,. . : :,4:: ' . AN 0 i 1 1 -PI 6 WITH CAMADAKA S '' IN '' MY -BA ra 401101 dlIADIAIIS • • ,....ktr•17.1.1,';;:f4;-.. . • '•1.4 .4 ...A...1/24 *.tt 171 .1. t;lv-3.°' pv11,01.t .