HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-01-15, Page 1• tablished 1900 St. PETER'S 'Evangelical Lutheran Church , ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEiMRICH, PASTOR 2.0 a.m.—Divine Service. 11./5 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.-30 p.m. ----Vespers. Everybody Welcorase to ell Services EMMANUEL VANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich —. Ontario REV. K E, ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Cesar, - Organist SUNDAY SERVICES. — 10.:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible Sehool. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services --"Come then with us and oras will do thee geed." Num. zoas. W Y PAY Reckless Driver Rates if you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Com.pany that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make bheir own. Lew Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. • Vta.r.szetdmamumwmarnoovreatormunr.....1..bsamr*mantesrono Are You Suffering From I-leadaches? eo, Have your Eyes Examined with ribe Latest Methods and Eouipraent et A. L COLE, It. oFT0ivigTRAT OPTel W. GODEBirdiEt 'Good Glassea at Roumania Prices 1 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,jANUARY 15 1953 Alton Theatre GRAND BEND Friday Saturday • Jam 10-17 Gene Kelly Donald O'Connor Dolsbie Reynolds Singin' In The Rain • In Technicolour The Tunefilm that marks a miletsone in Motion Picture Annals Cartoon Tuesday Wednesday The First Robert Cummings A Carefree Married Baby changed them Folks. Newsreel Sport Short Cartoon Jan. 20-21 Time Barbara Hale , Couple until a I to Old Married The Grand Bend Branch or the i Canadian Legion are sponsoring an - 1 • other" of their popular BINGO'S In the Aldon Theatre Thnrsday, January 15th, at 8.30 p.m. Admission 50 cents A Special Souvenir Section for You! The American Weekly presents to its readers a special souvenir section for Ike's inauguration with exclus- ive oolor portraits • of important scene a of Ike's life from birth to Presidency. Get The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Jan. IS) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times for your special souvenir section. 013ITUARY Late Corn -ad Schilbe There passed away at his home in Zurich, on Saturday,. January 10th, Conrad Carl Schilbe, belovect husb- and of the .late Caroline Henime, in his 86threa.r, a_pfl4ztleor-Jarlier •$;„S Mrs. Alice-Igtaii 'of Mitche1T '19s. Picture YOurself —As a man enabled to build his own home, as a parent guaranteeing his $OWT1 home, as a parent guaranteeing his 'child's education, as a husband protecting his wife's future welfare, as one of a business partnership able to stand heavy financial strain as an elderly man •contentedly paying his own way. That is what life insurance can mean to you. rry Hoffma NORTH AMERICAN A Mutual 'Company Phone 70-W LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY All Profits for Policyholders .5I .r LyfrV Thatte Phone 421 - EXETER Friday, Saturday Jan. 16e17 Duel At Silver Creek Audie Murphy Faith Domergite Gun .against gun for the rule 'of Saver Creek Monday, Tuesday Jan. 19120 Walk East On Beacon George Murphy Virginia Gilmere See how the F.B.I. nails spies , 1......naromommownrq.a.••••••••wranceramosostroarrersomosmos..... Farm Forum "Where Are The New Farm Leaders?" proved a very interesting subject for discussion under the lea- dership of Delbert Geiger at the weekly forum Tneeting held at $S. No. 8, Hay. 4H Clubs Short Cour- ses, night school and farm forum has discovered and developed some lead- .._ ......._____ e ership qualities.A junior farmers' Wednesday, Thursday Jam '21.e.s2 .. organization could be org_anized to Holiday For Sinners , ' I promote leadership We felt that young peop e are . prevented from Keenan Wynn Janice 'Riie ; holding office partly from older . M.G.M. presents a thrilling deeTee.As adult domination.. Some felt that drama of danger and delight:A perhaps young people lack initiatiere. ee The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr and. Mrs Maurice Dur- k. t ' i and. Mr. Bert Klopp conducted re- mante , creation. Mrs A. . O•eetreicher brou- *ght the meeting to a close by serving hinch. AND . ANNUAL MEETING Of the Hay Township Federation Agriculture, held in the Community Centre, Zuric ON Thursday, January 22, 1953. At 7.00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER — Mr. Stei Strothers, Lucknow, Ont. Tickets $1.65. Get your ticket earl' All in the community are cordiall. invited to attend ' Women's Institute The Zurich Womens' Institute held their regular meeting with. a fair attendance, President Mn. Roche opened the meeting with the instit- ute Ode followed by the Lord's Prayer. Business was transacted as follows: ,Christmas Cards and thank you notes were read donations to Sick Child. Mem. Hospital,London $10 Local Giri Guides. $110, and $25 to P the local Library. Cater to banquet for Co-op early in Felereere, ess-ee will alsa be a public meeting called in the near future in order to org- anize a Zurich Auxiliary for the South Huron Hospital which is .to be _ officially opened very soon. Busin- - esa finished and Mrs. Dave Meyer-, aiepery e.ammattee convenor gave a .eyerSe laterestIng p$ thWm ism.' I Castle and its Royalty from anctert 1070 up to our present young Ruler, Queen Elizabeth II and her family. Mrs. Thomas Meyers told interesting bits on some of our Historical sites at Grand Bend, Goderich, St. „Jn eels Dr Dunlop's Tomb, Egmondville and others, in searching back we find a- round 11912 flannelette et ld fee a yard; and pork 12e. a lb. The me- eting closed with the National An- them, after which the Ladiee, enjoy- ed a few games of penny Bingo. Lunch and a cup of tea. Dance to Follow Program i- DESJARDINE OiRCHESTRA. -Admission to Dance Only 50e. Plan to attend, and Boost your Fe Grattan of Agriculture President, Dellaertegeigere Seta staiys'tardibitr:Vewer.'-'=",' Orville MeClinchey (Irene) of Stan- ley Township; Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner of Hay TownshipMrs. Wm. Sitter ( Gertrude), of Thedford ; and Mrs. 1George Kerswell ( Greta) of -Alava, Ohio. The body rested at his late residence, Zurich, until Tuesday,; January 13th where a private service was held, followed by a public serv- ice in St. Peter's El,. Lutheran church with interment in St. Peter's Luther- an Goshen Line Cemetery. Rev. E.W. Heinrich officiated. The funeral was largely attended. Also surviving are 36 grandchildren and 36 great- grandchildren, Two sons and a aughter predeceased. Mr. Schilbe, wing his younger years was a very ublic spirit minded men, taking a teen interest in local affairs, he wai or some years a member of Hay ouncil, and after moving to town ram the farm, :4.411, Con., eale for number of years a member of thel urich Police Trustee Beard. Jt veFyl iteresting conversationalist and a ood citizen. !d f • ; C Dashwood, Ont. a ' Z g r St B en oods Bird's Eye Frosted Cods FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS. VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. eek -end Specials Sun Brie Ma/gant 3, 1-113. pings . 87c G. V. Choice Tomatoes 3, 20 -oz tins 55c Carnation Milk, 3 large 'tins 42c Five: Roses Flour, 7a.. bag – . ..... .... _49c NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Zurich Agricultural Society Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich on THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, At Two o'clock, p.m. Business — Receiving Financial Re- port, Election of Officers, Etc. Please be present at this meeting and boost for the welfare of the Society. Theo, Steinbach, President. E. F. loom, Secy-Treas. The Voice of Temperance Among good resolutions for L958 this deserves a .place: 'T will have sense enough and gumption enough to. say 'No thank y-ou," whenever I am invited to take a drink". This was one of the react:Along passed by the Boys' Parliament meeting in Whitby last week. It is one way to enrol, highways and happier homes. Mote - over, the only •adequate answer to the menace •of strong drink is a de- finite act of will on the part or the individual - every individual. Strat the New Year right with the axed purpose to say "No" to strong drink Advt, Chamber of Commerce The quarterly regular supper me- eting of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce was held on Tuescray ening in the Dominion House airing room, with around 35 present. The President Reg. Illsley presided at the head table, with the guest -spe- akers and executive also at this table, Rev. H. H Roppel offered the open- ing prayer and grace, After the. roll call the minutes of the previous me- eting were read and adopted. Secy. Bill Siebert reported of having writ- ten to two, dental doctors trying, to get one interested to conic to Zurich. TWO newesmembene were introduced, namely, .Gordon Block, and Dr, G. St, Pierre. Member -Earl Campbell, reeve of Hay Twp., introducer the guest speaker of the evening, Mr. Peter Patterson, Iluron County Engineer, who gave the Chamber a fine talk on Highway Werk, outlining the different kinds and costs •er vend building, as well as bridge .bniidieg, These costa in Huron have in the past five years increased 100 per cent, and are not likely te cdine down any for some time to come. Keeping roads open in the winter is a big expenditure, and when spring, cornea, there is nothing to show for the money vent. There are /low 400 miles -Of ,county roads to maintair. The new bridge situation is a big problem he said. At the close of his remarks, Pres. Reg. Illsley extended a hearty vote of thanks for. thea siendid remarks. Mr. Albert Ralla, vicepres., introduced the guest who accompanied Mr. Paterson, as Jim Donnelly, a solicitor who is in partnership with his father, Me. Prank Doenellye K. C.. whore most Of us know. It was also decided to contact the Zurich Lions Club for a joint meeting to discuss some very vital subjects. $30 was voted on for the local Boy Scouts and Girl's Guide The interesting meeting was closed With singing 0' Canada. The Lad- ies Night •eorarnittee was called to remain„as it is intended. holding a night entertaining the ladies within a math .or so, sines copies 5 Ceuta subscripton in Canada Year e#UCd.bill a .New Modern Leo, Made NORMA'S IRAG RUG.—S---and CARPET* Order — Seth O. Amann, Zurfek • Ont. Phone 128. , BEAUTY SI-IOPPE FOR APPOINT1VLENTS TeL 223. NORMA STEINBACH - Zurich Prop. SHOP TODAY at HESS, the Jeweller Bu Iowa and Cedilla V-VatChes For that Gift of a Lifetime FINE JEWELLERY Rings, Necklets, Earrings Bracelets, Cuff Links Silverware, Tea Services Fine China Westminister Chime Clocks AG, HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. isri.pamMEMBNISCIVOMS=9,70EMIAN egaeseivedodd z a 555 04660,64 ,t414, ,t INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS ILOIINE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDSC WI -UTE ROSE FUEL OIL, Phone 10 — HENSALL, ONT. 000004 0604110Se7442-4e@fOkivOkiiQ040 tai -ratSt - Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital .Bed and Wheelchair for Remt FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Res. 89 or 122, Ztuich Telephone: esisesssiessanassosessesSeoeeked ia 1.3 ,f de edrodded,,eiegacedoccodomittc 0062 -eseses.......--sess.sesseseeeeseee, ocer 0 We are ever at your service with the best !ince obtainable of FRESH GR CERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well aa Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL `.1ermo Oesch PRODUCE ,WANTED, , WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF COLD WEATHER OT LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc., Etc, See our Fine Assortment of Yard Goods just in, Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL! lin BLAKE STORE Schwartzentrubor, Prop. Phone 1147 4 4 4 .4;