HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-01-08, Page 8pa • ZURICH to ONTARIO u=laloPY.1214.01,...alwaor,PerapiWiapipP,401ropasa...5caavialpagglal HERALD '''''..."V'aiMparnscapPerpaodr./04..101.0on On & brio 1...QCAL IWS 9 alaar.Ma.10,Cal.anum odd r9 9.$ AND STAFF EXTEND TO YOU HEARTIEST . CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR John E. Gascho Herb Turkheirn Edwin Gascho Lottie Gascho tra fa 0 Groceries - Dry Goods - Men's TELEPHONE 59 c••••lal•MS,. a i . • vt•ttor with hi parents. DEBENTURES mr. Ron ifehnrich, will l... attend - Stratford Normal wai a tioliclay Rui.. 1 ir aiiiil As filoiti Ca:s..a• o: Cr a- or r t Ait !diwere cent visitorS -With 1.1Canada Trust ton re1r ",7abei.er. CERTIFICATES .q.i...les Florence and Pauline Hab- Now Offering 4 • ,• ., , 3.% fi.!.'r. 1 and 2 years. 944: London wore holiday vrs!to'rs 1,,,, ilabercr. 31,4,1 for 3 to 10 years. wad their parer.t.i,' ne .y, ,. :,, ; rod.. QP i 31r and 2,Irs RussA Tieman and POLIO PROTECTION: Pays up to $5,000.00. -Ion Barry of London, were Whiny 14:Intire Family including man, wit, ,;•As., '.....hill.e. 'to 18. years. and children between aes 3 months Vi -tors with .Lr and MrS :v..n.i.,.e4, VMr. Relit. Oxland of 'Welland was I Premium $10.00 for two years. re , a holiday v4ter with hit and at.,l :individual Policy $5.00 for two years T; babe, at the home of '...1r .and M -..•;s . a er.• J. W. Haberer - Phone 161 Feld liabj 1 mr und ....,rs Louis 'I bid and dati...... The, Autml°bile and Casualty gluey or moted ta Teeswater to join Insurance. v , V; her parents for 11,1 Citristmas cele ------------7 ------- 'It Mho 0 Mae Smith has returned to ELMER 0' BELL, B.A. ,i.kin4 ,..i....1,tion. - • 'ding several days 'with her pare.its, BARRISTER - SOLICITOR her duties at Beep River, aft;i: zp:-.111- Mr tad Mr.'. Don Taylor of Each- EXUTER, ONT. -and lkirs C. L. Smith. i U home of their pt;ren:o, ..T..1..e and ,":-;is.,. :„.....----'• 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich \Nk ' eller spent the holiday season At the lAredllesaa-Y.' . At Township Clerk's Office ..--..---------- . . 0 Ed niters. • b•ass i • Thursday, January Stile -------.-----,,,,,o,„„, ;rig t n Your 1-1 me 0 a X a • WITH NEW FLOOR COVERINGS Battleship , Inlaid and Canvas , Back Linoleum& Rubber Tile, Marboleum Tile and Jaspe Congoleum, Rexoleum, and Congowall hi many Patterns -- RUGS and CARPET We Carry a Full line of Floor Finishes and Waxes • FLOOR SANDING R. HAVE YOU EVETHOUGHT OF HAVING YOUR OLD FLOORS SANDED AND RE -FINISHED? INQUIRE ABOUT THE LOW COST OF HAVING YOUR FLOORS MADE: LOOK LIKE 14W. Let Us Measure and Quote a Price on your Room Leroy T. and T. FLO•RING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Thiel Phone 240 - Herh lurkhein Re -v. and Alert Da -Lars, RRAWLEIGH PRODUCTS t: r....wrammv-...mismam...wzrzgasosisamszmumermscsamor-wmf.aays- ,1-,ssic===.11-aswcaseuate (3- Wishing Your Family and Friends • FORPROMPT AND C3URTEOUS SERVICE CONTACT g AVI 1 Dedels of Kitch.ener spent Boxing and Robert of Pt. Colborne ana I k V Day at the home of Mrs, E. Da. als , i - Mr and Mra Earl Thiel and. Oil- ROSS HAUGH. ,s :4. dren, Mrs. Ted Steinl,ach and son I i A l'ihrar had a mo:4:t enjoyable Ohra-t-,15A-sz P.O. Phone Dashw.00d. 35 r 3.1 f .. ; VA 8 VP imas holiday at the home of trim sis- , ------ --- - . -- - - Vp 1 ter dr and Mrs Morley witrner at CARD OF TH.ANK 0 4 ; Detroit. • 1 The family of the late Barbara ' Mis.s Joyce Witmer spent a few Ila.echler wish to greatly tnank all • . • - ! . • d friends for their kind- '8 • - kP . , and :as Wm. • Gibbons at Wood- ..• -' l',neig 1301_a t days with. her aunt and uncle, 9rk Erie. loNely tip ti Niagara Falls and:Fort i ears, special thanks to Rev.. Ephriam , 0, eii joyea. ,a irmsscil,the Sewing Circle. who supped r Gin.gerich.. - . the chair, -those who loaned. , s 8 bridge. While there -they qk Albeyt Kolbfleisch enjoyed a loVely I . Card. of Thanks i 6 .,, V. Mrs. M. MacKinnon, Mr. and 311*i Christmas holh.lay at the home dr the - 4 6 rmer's son, Dr, arid. mi.8. Archie!, The family of the late David Ger- IacKinnon, at Galt. Iornette wish to thank all their friends , 49 Rev. and iVirs Cyril Gingerich of .i.fr their kindness and -sfm, , foronio and Mr and Mrs Victor r3in....t. shown them in the passing or their .9 . •a •• -1 -I Waterloo were Chri Ames i father. ' For the. beautiful floral -.'b tes and spiritual bouquets. Spec- 1 Wear ZURICH is'O1s with their parents, and U.'S. Jacob Gingerich.ial thanks to Rev. Father IVIonagnan , 140 t le 0 i and the tike Hoffman Funeral Rome. i .1,.11,10:1; :i1.0 and ?red Also Ali; • ;,4,.‘r B 7iroean; • Clssian 0.F.M., Cap; Brothel. Pat - 0 9 0 9 .9 • ..,.=s107.170,:simtazooimim dae Store We are very grateful to our Many Customers for the kind patronage you have accorded us, and may these fine relation.s continue to grow, as extend to one and all: 0 t9 0 40 El tm a 0 ra t) as..--•;.,,,zio.9=Triaizmusiii,;--1---,...4.44.7;ia..,..-F...asma.,„ :''• •t.:: ;,- I.E. e, :..;4...e.4. -N, h.r.',',e-p 5 - Aa,'kn't14aii141^',415tp.V14 ,ii. li 4 1 ARDWARE .. SEEDS and FURNITO lit P , n '•'1, "7-77757:77 • '!,',,,, ,f.,'.4';',,,L,:•.. 77::=1,7774:0 r=0,4 -,-r--":'..777"- ,• ... . ." if 111 'NQI13.11S/WilaWilteM,n4i:;i.------."-----..• 11 hi '14 ii • t . 14 •••,•:1'. %;-t•,: •• rik FOOVE111 we a 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Brown and family of near Greditan, were Christmas visitors with their riek$ G.Q.S.F.; Brother Gerard 0. J. parents Mr and Mrs John Brown ot M- ' Mrs. Herb Krueger has returned ENJOY THE BEST YEARS OF t,..wn.. home after visiting With relatives.. Ind Kitchener. Her son Campbell who isrl. : YOUR LIFE,,. on the teaching staff at Welland spent t +: the holiday season at home with hi sl Twenty years have been added to mother. • ;human life, -extra years to enfoy ln women's institute • See articles compiled from Marie - ',leisure if you prepare for them Zurich W. I. will be held in .1.e.. 'The Test • Yeari of Your -Life". . Ar7 .,,, 1 Beynon P.ay's forthcoming book, The next regular meeting or the' at 8 p.m. The topic will be 'His- • :issue of The - AMeriCall Weekly, en - art in .this Sunday's (Jan.11) Zurich Town, Hall on January- 1..2th , tiaes. st Roll Call will ;be "My Hobby". All 'f-.1.1is,ively With Detroit Sunday Timos. torical Research and Current -Events' : ladies are cordially invited. - i ... . .. Attended Funeral ' The Voice of Temperance Relatives who attended the Tun- li . eral of the late Barbare Baechler from a distance were Mr and Mri 1 linerta is the major handicap of all Jake Gascho and family, Imlay City, i good -causes. It was said long ago by Mich; Mrs. Ben Birky, Mrs. rice i a very competent authority that who- Birky, Mr Ed Bechler and son Iribn , ever is not for. the good cause is of Indiana; Indiana; Mrs. Lena Boshart, her,: gainst it: This is a very important sister and family; Mr and Mrs Tillett matter in a democracy where the of Waterloo and Toronto; :Ar and theory is that people govern them Mrs. Don 'Scott, Cromarty ;selves. This places on them the re- lied Surprise ISOOneibility of thinking for thernseI- Miss Virginia Deichert, danp,,htel:. .it also places on them the ro- of Mr •and Mrs Peter Deichert was -spOnsibility of making their convict taken completely by surprise by a iins articulate. This hoW down to a number of. her friends on the an- matter of saying, "yee or "no" on niversary of her birthday on. 'rec. 22 le7ery• issue. One of our live Horon vhen they met at her home and pre -County issues is the traffic of alcoh, sented her with beautiful am: thou- olio beverages. There are some who ghtful gifts and 1.1etliday car, •r:.:4; will say "yes" eoncerning the inroads which Virginia exprwed tl.anx.4 and of :this, traffic. There are many who appreciation. The evening wai sent 1.would say "no" if they woul-1 just in games and sing -song and after hav- break theiy ban of Alence and therm. ing had lunch served, the group Yeft i; -ore Women saying "no" in their for their homes, -happy after a ptetts-l.homes and at •their parties ----more ntthne togther0 1 N tity:ten, .rlayng i"n0" in tly,:ir cla.1.1: and M, their municipal and county coun- a. e. ifs i cils- that's how public opinion is To Ni. and 17,Ii.,; Rohert Oxland, nee Created. In a democracy it is thio Arvis lIaberer, of Welland. at the Opinion that hi the determining foe- Clint°11 general 11'''P.tni, a (140:UA"' or. Certainly the ham- done by the ter (T.)aboralt Susan.) . rliquor traffic is not tlomething to be 1.' . -mriyatmi.*:,,eibnc,,erirAmmiz-wiialwx-44,%......mommincsawlsmmg,:nmrazer&motaamozzrs '4- 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 • at° 9 01019 o 01 01 • a 01 TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greethgs AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS ZURICH ONT„ QUALITY PRICE SERVICE 0909.949940.999.9999.999999.499910999.90milommematiolithimmadedi For the Month of January we are offering for Sale Men's Ready Made Suits, Reg. $69.50 .. ... . . ...... $49.50 Men's Topcoats, Reg. to $35.00 at .. „ . , .. $22.60 Men's Dress Pants, reg. to $15.95 $11 05 Men's Winter Sport Shirts, reg. $4.95 • Itficn's corduroy Jackets, rtg. 9.95 ... • ........ .. 7.95 f'en s 100, • wool Combinations underwear eg. 7.50. .3.50 Nen's Stanfield Combination Underwear, reg. 4.25 .... 3.19 f..,p..tial reduced priees on Men's serni-worlt Pants and Winter ' Work Shirts A few Men's Winter Jackets, Specially Reduced Boy's lf.tation Wagon Coats, reg. 14.95 $11.95 Boy's Flannelette Pyjamas reg. 2.95 - • . - .......... Boy's Winter Caps, reg. 1.95 ...- • " " Boys' Tweed Pants, reg. 3.95 . • .. ..... • ....... 3.19 Boy's lined Bluejeans, reg. 3.95 1 25 Boy's Pullover Sweaters, Specially Reduced. .. THIEL'S MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR ZURICH .--- ONT. t 4 • 01 4. 4+- 4 4. 4' 4. 4. • 4. 401 01 4. 4. 4. - WITH FURNITURE The. Gift. that. lasts Through the Years„. i a c. Furniture Phone 122 or 89 Zurich •• a 6 01 01 - • 5 ealso s lreetings TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS EVERXWHERE: WE EXTEND OUR VERY BEST WISHES' rFf._'.R SEASON'S GREET1NuS A HAPPY AND PROS NEW YEAR Pii tiehoitz Kin Phone 63 Zurich 1111111 in 11 11 1111111111011111111111111111111 111111111111111111111mm monition 111111111111111111111111t III 11t 4/7 ;Ire. ".11.0t...WITCOV .00 WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents 4 4 4 4 4 4 09k (04 MAPLE FLOORING. Select grade, end -matched 21ap149- Flooring. Per 100 Square Fant $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIc. 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can be casi..iIr and Economihally Converted lute extra Bedrooms or an income prod clueing Apartment. . You Call most of the work yourself. S99. our collection of plans and ideas., FREE ESTIMATES Fred C. Kaibileiach / Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Carload of Can. Cement just arrived • XI