HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1953-01-08, Page 1Established t 900 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTA)2J0 REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, yASTOR 9 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. T.80 p.m.—Vespers. TEverybody Welcome to all Services :E MANUEL EVANGELICAL U. 13. CHURC Zurich — Ontario ZURICH, NTARIO, THURSDAY M REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oescls - Organist SUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. —•' Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at ,all Services—"Colne thou with as and we will do thee good." Nurn. 10::9. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful driver you can - get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own low Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 18. Zurich, Ont. G.h. RI IIIVG, JANUARY 8 19 5 3 .r, HAVE YOU SENT IN YOUR CONTRI 1TI`ION? if so, the Cormicnittee wishes to express its apprec- iation.. If not, we think most will appreciate this remiutdea•. Huron County Christmas Seal Committee Box 309 — Zurich, Ont. Ls ;+.rte& illi f'�R1t. GRAND BEND • Friday Saturday Jan. 0-10 Jon Hall Christine Larson Brave Warrior Purchases Auto Business Mr, Jack Pearson of the ;'eaeon Motors' gave us a friendly call this Wednesday morning and advised us 1•11:1 'be ',eve purchased the Auto Sales'ibusineee in Zurich known as the V`'ard . Fritz Motors, shaving already 'taken .Possession. The new rrrm .will Eulorva and Certirxa Watches Jae linked up with General Motors of 'i eit t, handling the Ponttae and , Pete:: cars, and invite the public to r. ,drop in and see the new products l noel get acquainted. 'We wish them Single Copies 5 Cents. Sabscriptozr in Canada Tear t2,M Suu6cripL,oa U.S.A., Year $2.511 NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 228. Zurich NORMA'STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS aid CARPET On a New Modern Loom, Made IV Order — Seth O. Amann, Zrarriee Ont. Phone 128. :nix,... .,r tt,u:r•�w^m':rair.ZU741..c ,acen;ara xr^ .yccaca SHOP TODAY at HESS, the Jeweller ig•ee+ °;y' success in this; venture., P j ; HOCKEY NEWS ( •Our locals took it on the chin at i_Tlder•ton,on Tuesday everting by a bad -defeat. They outskated and out - f4 pias ed their opponents- till that last ter period when the sorts buckeled up Phone 421 - EXET. , and the huskies of the south rattled ' in eight goals. The rink down there I r•iday, Saturday Jan. 9, ) 0 is small, not too well lighted up. We ABBOTT & COSTELLO -s.- remember last season our boys took In a l: eating down there but when they 'o:t those fellows of a larger rink, Lost in Alaska . well, they just went over them. In Technicilour The Northrn Lights have never" seven The Shawnee Uprising . . America's funnier sights Gr•eatest Indian War .. The Battle for Tippecanoe Monday, Tuesday Jan. 12, 1 "Three Stooges" Comedy, Cartoon,,' `^e Subject t C h II rra� r first meeting of the New Year. EXeter will he :ht Zurich. Thurs. Eve. Farm Forum Mr and Mrs Delbert Geiger enter- tained the Unique Farm Forum to anSpecial Short a jec ar ins 1 1a s ,.lies Carl »Oe.tricher led tie arscu •ran 1 it 4. y James Stewart Wendell ozy 1 e grou-p Cans/laza a hi Korea It's a wonderful story of a fights g Period on the "Cost of Marleetime." is . .., J�, � spirit and through it all a romm' -eDiscussion was varied °<*� _: ` e. Tuesday, Wednesday Are You Suffering From The Turning Point i The Marrying Kind Headaches? William Holden Alexis Smith! Judy Holiday Aldo Edmund O'Brien i The wedding bells are ringing' Storyf l;' Time Crime that "`Born Yesterday" Gill. e Latest Mother's srd Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. r Survive Against Hard -Hitting Hero q +y3�yy11 oris - - RdJF` e' B'ar' Y Fit a'ef I1�r�taA� .- ,1..,. i.. -' •_ .,., t E. Oe.streicher will .be hosts, iVTcm- .- day evening, January 12th. u,,,. AND Jan. 13-141 ' Wednesday, Thursday Jan. f so, Have your Eyes Examined with • felt that unnecessary costs do exist in ford di trmi'bution, especially :r`heee �efficient labour is not secilred We _felt that a 'great deal of r:-:- ueeet- 1'j ing would have to take place in or- der to decii with eliminating unnec- The Inside o Big -Time n 2r i,iy iemery co •t~ Margaret Sr-l�ecie rem - How it Operates .. Why it cannot C':ming forfull k a•u wee,.... �: 3.1 inclusive #" Iducted recreation.Delbert Geiger - THE QUIET MAN' 11';'-,11 lead the discussion on "Where ism. nn . Th j�iaw Fa . 7,^adaFC++ 1t c OPTOMETRIST & • OPTICIAN• r:tlw'�141"x,1 - O`». ; News ctsooad.. C4:a eseg eteegera�,rerozevlo.:.:.' �teeas l T. HARRY Funeral Director — Private Car Member of Ontario Funeral Association HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBUL- ANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE OFF A•'• ` FUNERAL HOME �` "• s No, 8, Hay, where Mr and Mrs. A, Lions Club News Monday evening Was the first Met- Anrhulrace. p,NNUAL MEETING together of the Club in the New Of the Hay Township Federation of Year, and it was a very ;1 -gee's -One! Meeting, ate 's- Meetin:g, with a good attend an ee. 11..fter the usual peppy opennee Bong period, and the ample slipper sneelirel Portable Oxygen Equipment —HOSPITAL BEDS TOI RENT —INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED _FROM 'MITCHELL NURSERIES . —WE WIRE ANYWHERE - 1 ta' it lytli ':. 24 HOUR SERVICE DASHWOOD TEL. 70W. µ• 4,144. �tT h nye Arm oz 0 ,.. t NkiS Bircto ye Frosted Foods FOR YOUCONVENIENCE - FRUITS' -. VEGETABLES - FISI-I, - ETC. d ee , a Aid p ci is Aylmer 'Tomato Catsup 1 1 -oz bottle 20c Aus. Sultana Raisins ...-_.4 37c Libby's Deep Browned Beans 2, 20 -oz tins...,37c Fry's Pure Breakfast Cocoa, half Ib. tin 39c One lb. tin ................69c IMPORIO 1 Trait : 140 C. 1-1. THIEL Zurich Agriculture, held in the Community Centre, Zurich ON Thursday, January 22. 1953. At 7.00 p.m.. GUEST SPEAKER — Mr. Steve Strothers, Lucknow, Ont. Ticket.; $1.(i5. Get your ticket ea,ly 111 in the community are cordially invited to attend Dance to Follow Program DESJARDIN1 O;RCHE STR .� Admission to Dance Only Plan to attend, and Rco:$t your Fea- . eration of Agriculture President, Delbert Geiger. Secretary, Clitnord Pepper. rtTl_ r t( ' CARDS O� at.ti�..S 1 wish to th:t,rk Rev He:rnrle'r for hi.s ti:its and all thea- who rent n- 1 •red me with lett eei,� are, tr't'-ate and visite while? { p .'s- ent in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lonte n. - ,rvin J. Willert. trj by the hosts of the Dominion House, roll call and minutes rears and el, - proved, the gue$t r•.pealr.er rf 111 evening was called neon, h,tp'r• 111', James Reid, Principal of Zurie,h Public School. who spoke very "en- couraging along the line of Lionism, having been in contact with thci'. work in times past. He also dwelled in the great new youth movement that is heir inual'rrrated erihong oo' school children in the Boys' and Girls' Yo,•th Guides. Also roucoins; ran his school work in general lir. Ivan- Kelbfleisch Showed a movie on the Lumbering -In duetry- mh�mi.'h was both educational ani intcre-ting Lions are a=iced not to foreet the date of the met meeting, t 'e a1'''• tan. e2fth, when the Depty+ Di4eict Gov,, 11r. Dennis of London wi1.1 be ihh•E',-ent and mitre:,; the 1 ' n The Bays and Girl, Committee re- ported that -ander their lender -hili, the Znrielt i.ion 3 Club d, .4t,o coring a Juvenile :and Bantam Hockey Team for the seasicn. Thio is a i o, -t worth- while effert and helps to croat a favourite feeling among the child- ren and parents towards the le al Club. OBITUARY David Unexe'4ch pas^es • The community was rather sar- prised o New Year's Day to +warn of the rather 141.idden passing of David Gingerich, of Zurich, who passed a- way at the Clinton Public •Ho;,1iital on that day. Beloved hoshand of Lydia Meyer, both being lifelong re - ;.idents of tihe.cotnmunity. Ile wile in his Slut year, and was only a f "v: day's at the Hospital, although had been ailing for a short time. W e indeed will miss Mr. tlingerTeTh, r;s he was always a nice, pleaant and cheerful person to meet, Surviving besides his wife is one son ."ac•ab, on ,the home farm, Goshen line south. A sister Mra. I). Gincerich, road i.wn 'hi'ntivsnt Solomon of Hay io.'.n.'.ilr fire lame , Ronnie wishes to maid: every one whdeso graciously remem- bered her with.boxes of treats, and Christmas cards or good Nhi'l t.s, dee- - the 1 e- 1 the holiday season. Many thereto to { the Evangelical U.B. Ladies' .e.td for their kind remembrance. tih.., appro::- i iated everything very ,much. 1' I hereby wish itr thank all our friends and neighbours and to every one' who so kindly assisted in every way during the illness and oereve meat of any dear husband and father Thanks to Rev. Albert Martin of Nit- i, chener and Rev. Manasseh ctailm.`n _---Mrs. David Gil?."- of Petersburg,erich and Son Jacob. ouch or «° vis For that G.if is of alt..iLt etime FINE JEWELLERY Rings, Necklets, Earrings Bracelets, Silverware, Cuff Links Tea Services Fine China Westminister Chime Clocks Jeweler and Registered Optician. a a 0 ids 0 comp roo,soac4oGiDesoa 6?9c,eoa `.3mseeoetrJe4?^..�t'atOf' ass> e2 0 rottalt To Our Many Patrons zairt& Friends we take this Oppor�, tunity to Extend SEASON'S GREETINGS Thanking You! LORNE B..o MMI ER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS. WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 -- HENSALL, ON?},,:, cw042 c'it<}iDEa�t+cihr��;W "t�G2"4�t5ttuwkc�ie. F 0 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Directo Private Car Ambulance Ses-vice Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent Fl .JWERS .FGR- -Ai -- - C'ASION5.... Days. and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich *11+190130006=210.11M04 00 0 0 0 0 , INVITES YOU TO OUR FIRST RALLY OF 1953 Verd Matts, Speaker, 01 l COUNTY Y01.7111 FOR CHRIST • Harry Smith, Milton, ()tit., MUSIC -AL DIRECTOR WITH A GROUP O'F VOCAL AND INS'' R- \ UMEN'TAL TALENT YOU WiLL ENJOY. IIn the Clinton District CollF ;- `Janu` ary 10th, 8. p.m. fate and Samuel in Zurich. 'The body re.- r.tl it tihe family re,lleive until Sat- erda afternoon, when .followirw7a service at the hone, the service was held in the Mennonite church with Interment following in the Goshen Line Mennonite burial grounds. Rev. Manassah Hallman E. Sclxwtrizelta>wber, of Petersburg and Rev. • Albert Martin, of Trite?tCiter, l having charge of the services. Qtore At this time of Year we can give no greater or more impressive mess- age to our Many Customers than by Extending a HAPPY NEW YEAR PRODUCE .,,tANTED. F rhorrel65 9- c' :t rhe .u' �,c^ss�,�:•��_;-gib-was'-_.���.c."-a�.•c,-..rr<c:e.va*++�-.e�mscenac�se�,:=, :xx�,�a.......�..'-�".�.1;?*"'� ; SEnE Il<h ,G x agleat ,.'+.eeel eMeIMMtM1eettaMM Lir��lRitfl3 31m• cicrilas WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS US'I -MERS AND FRIENDS, OUR --ILARTi Y eason's Greetings Greatly Thanking You for the past Year's Patronage GIVE US A CALL) :E iE Prop. Phone 1U1