HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-12-11, Page 8iR.ICH . ONTARIO The s Store A Cordial Welcome awaits you during this Christ- mas Season to call at our Store and see the various new lines suitable for Christmas Gifts. For Ladies and Girls: New Cardigan. and Pullover Sweaters, Lingerie of every description, Gloves, Scarfs, Hand Bags; Nylon Hose, everything in Children's Hosiery For Mere and Boys: New Station Wagon Coats, lined jackets, Sweaters, Fine Shirts, Ties, Initialed Scarfs, Initialed Belts, Sox, Gloves, Mitts. SPECIALS: 10 only fine Chenille ssorted colors, r each ....$7.98 Ibex Blankets 70x90 at pr 5.95 Ibex Blankets 50x9'0 at pr. 6.95 Indian Blankets, each 4.50 New Stencilled Bath Towels, 1 25 Extra Special at each GROCERIES: New Fruits, Nuts, Peels, and everything else required for Christmas Cake. Also Candies, Boxed Chocolates and complete range of Fresh Groceries always on hand. vet; OuG ZURTCM NERALI] LOCAL NEWS Mr anal Mfrs Ferd Haberer and Arlene spent Tuesday at Loudon. 'Miss Ethel 'Williams, Mrs: T. L,, and M. Calvin Williams were m the city one day last week. M1 and ;gilts, Chris, H r�.i;• eve' Sunday visitors with friends at Sed - forth. .Ir 1.on Iic'rnri h of Str i • .tordt Normal spent the week -end at hi,-, home here. Mr and Mrs J. W. Haberer were at Toronto the past week. to 18 Mr and Mrs Wm. Lawrc't,csr and.. Premiumyears. $10.00 for two yearns; Miss Jane Lamont, Mrs. L. W. H°If' Individual Polioy $5.00 for two years, man were at London last �Weuneway W. Habexer - Phone 161 Mr and Mrs Ed. Erb and Mrs. , Mary Munson spent Tuesday at Lou- . , Automobile and Casualty, don. " Insurance. Dr and Mrs. Archie MacKinnon o.f j G Galt were week -end visitors with his ELMER BELL, B.A. mother, Mrs 1- i, MacKinnon, L d asI Huron 8c Erie DEBENTURE' or Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Offering *s.%. for 1 and 2 years. 3'$s for 3 to 10 years. POLIO PROTECTION: Pays up to $5,000.00. Entire Family including man, wif6' and, children between ages 3 months• fn1 11r Wilfred Kropp of oti on ��.—""—`"-- �'JD ! on •t flying 'business trip to Zurich, BARRISTER SOLICITOR t1 Q 1�'edne ,lay afternoon. 1 EXETER, ONT. �D I,I ai\ NIV1 RSARN. CLOC1��,-•.Wind I then once a year. An Ideal r aniil5 Gift, ,only $34.50, at Hes,,, the Sew--' G eller. I, Miss Pauline Haberer ' L I the aurae Q' 1 1' P 1' H b rer oL anion • �Dwas a week -end visitor at th of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Ted Haberer, qo An old-timer is a fellow who re- I 4(ln members when he could buy a pound '��(vQQo f s ' teak fora dime • but forgot he l • A,I olll l li l II 11in11I111111I111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII I • Vitediresrlay, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich-' At Township Clerk's Office `T w v' Offers. - �` �<� c1�l�llllllil111111111111111�119111��If 1111!IIIli�llli19111i119111111�11119111911111�91911111191111� 5 -Year Protection 1' 0 `I hsmtid'ay, December' llth, 19,1i'2i n1 1luuuumu a iu11H a uu im n 1111 Iliuiilli 11fi111iiinUliii i li il�� �l 14.[ O'a�" .r Hardware Store Alt your Children's Christmas Wishes can be Fulfilled at Our Store COME IN AND SEE OUR TOYS AND AS CHRISTMGIFT SUGGESTIONS • • - Hardware Phone 63 - Zurich 4gile l II I 1 H11Illl 111111 11111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII 1111 IIILIjIU II IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111NIIIIII{Iillll I IJljli1111 had to work a whole hour On All Washing Machines- to earn Everything You Want in a Washer l the dime.You'Il Find in THOR I 0I '12t• and Mrs Peter Gineer•ich spent' CHECK THESE Friday at Londo:t where they visitea j Outstanding Features A dtat with the former's mother, bane':; f' -'1v-;1.. Farrious • Thor De1u' . g t, gerich who is a patient at Victoria:I giant 9 vane. super agitator with Hospital with a fractured hip. i it bottom vanes and 6 side vanes Mr and Mrs Joseph Gelinas 'have 2.... • Streamlined Wrings., mowed •into their ne'.v1y built home -i swings to 5 positions for greater +nucli• re - DOL 1 from their farm Gosnen line north, convenience — Feathe h' h has 'been taken over by their- lease bar and reset lever. it all -Aluminum tub eto�er, �G w is ray village. n. We. welcome the G',lln.as .rani- S. Full size 9-1b. capacity tuD+ till 1 4. New al] 4G dl ,varou til ag. P ,rcha es Land rust -proof, seals in suds an ps Mrs. John Brenner sold ten. acrd I ,keep, water hot. of land adjining the Zurich Road.�.5. Thor Delux •Mechanisnv. New in the ea terry part of the Viil lme to I engineering features • and ensure t;. 'fir. Cha les Thiel, This give,.; ('1u•tesi greater lasting satisfactiorn, a file front. 111, ose , Come in and see it today. he w is `. �u cel on of I� pp 1 11 ' and W uer.b :Electric Phone 84 - ZURICH - Ray • - Carl and Mr. . and 1�frs1 Murray Dalton and au r �° _... � ,� , 1 of Seafortlt and .firs_ l,nrriy 'r uSs of RA ,LEIGH �0% 1 town were visiting at the home of FOR PROMPT AND. COURTEOUS • s. Ern t Oswald an Sunday. SE.RVttCE CONTACT :4lrs. William Scinag and dauirhter ' �y'� � frontage e fpr whatever [ 1 0 tnl ; ,•hes to use it. ;FOR ALL ELECTRICAL JOBS AND APPLIANCES Cx1 ' MI. and Mrs Carl llcl=linchey and j -1 ell anC. - L M Howard Finkbeiner and two Homs and .. .. .—._—.... daughter ter Di tdn'" PRODUCTS •Groceries - TELEPHONE 59 Dry Goods Eos. OG �G Men's Wear ,G ZURICH .0 4, e, 4, 4, 4, 4, t R9 4, Tole The Store with the Best esexVsriety of all Kinds of Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men A fine assortment of Hardware Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Your Patronage Appreciated at all. Times! ! , GIVE US A CALL! e 4, I JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE . Phone 98 r 1 and Boys and Electrical Petty of 1-Iebron, Indiana are rfcrt- i ing relatives in this vicinity. Mrs.' iu•�s . c rra --. law intends to accompany thea CHR ROSS HAUGH HAY P.O. Phone Dashwood 35 it C' S i ., the former', mother-1n- 4, 4, 4, 4, €, 4, 4, 4, 6 4, s, sorlriel ISTMAS GIFT to Hebn;ltwhere she mil remain lot` some time. 6"Srosts ip es- 'v lse:een i cess,1a a Kits . .-444 ? € u 0 �G�b�� .e� �AtcN„�fi� S, HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Why Not give your Chi d or _some. other member of the Mr and Mrs I1c1 Stelek of Dash r ,wood attended the •Women's Institute Family a Season's eating meeting held in the town hall on 'Wicket? Tuesday evening where they played For Sale at Willert's Snack. several instrumental num ller s' • vI r.' Shop, Zurich. Stelek on the violin and Mrs. Stelek' accompanied on the piano. They were encored a number of tinier Mr and Mrs Menno Eby, Mr.•Leorl- I am and Bowman of St. Jacobs: Miss Dor- othy Gingerich of Clinton; Mr, Jno i Friday, December 19th. Detwieler, Mr. Hubert Swartzentrub- I ZURICH VS er of Kitchener; Mr and Mrs. Elam DASH®OD Schantz and family of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Ara Steckley and children I At Exeter. of Stanley; Mr and 'Mrs. Stephen Be Sure and see Arenaese Two Old Feather and sons John and Junior,! rival teams play their ftrst game of. were recent visitors at the home ,of 1 the Season on the new artilical ice Mr and Mrs. Alvin Ginger:c:r, I Arena. ckey A West1;ke Furnituro WOUL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners tank. and upright types. Mason & Risch, Henry Herbert. and Schubert Pianos. Aliso, Carry all 'other lines of Home Furnishings: 1! ss�P. °yak+ pl 5 .' te7 �wYCY: - � 112 !•; Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich �� Residence Phone 89 ,11111111l111111111111!Will 91111111191111111111I111i11�11 �i��l €el°;?' '- ;{�+1lllllll9111IIHIII 11'e1 Needs i I Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. ft We always try to supply our Customers with the most 4, Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to 4 1 insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early R' with us so we can arrange for your supply et YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? A Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over & for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER. SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinarnitt, i • ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. 9 Reeve A. W. Kerslake, ,Hensa11,1 ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Reeve May Seek Post 1 — stated that he -would stand for elect- PARTY ion as the 1953 wartden of Huron S DE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE County when the County Coutccil meets next January, and at which O. time the warden is chosen. Mr. Kers” lake received his office for the se �_- 1 : Saturday, December 20th enth time always by acclamation. In the Community Centre, Zurich Poor First Man: "I Second Man: There are other First 'Man: '" one tonic all my bait Fishing just lost my girl." "Well cheer up. fish in the sea:" Yea, hut this lit • 4, 1' 4, r r r r 3; At S o'clock, p.m. ji EE, MOVING PICTURES SANTA CLAUS Will Hand Packages to the Children. • Everybody !Welcome. Bring the Kiddies Sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club en's and oys Wear Specials for two weeks only: .READY-MADE SUITS, REG. $69.50 NOW • . • . • • $59.50 , TOP COATS REDUCED AS LOW 'AS,18.i. .Y. Reduced to Clear: MEN'S PANTS, REG. $7.95 NOW BOY'S PANTS, REG. 4.25, NOW. ... • • • BOY'S SWEATERS AS LOW AS ..• BOY'S FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS, REG. ALL BOY'S WINTER JACKETS AND COATS REDUCED Gift Suggestions: A FULL LINE OF' MEN'S AND BOY'S CUFF LINKS AND TIE CLIPS, AND H Agents for Mid -Town Cleaners PICKUP AND DELIVERY MON., THURS., AND SAT. LOUIS THIEL Zurich . 4.95 3.25 ... .. 1.50 2.95 NOW... 2.45 STATION WAGON TIES, SCARVES, ANDKERCHIEFS. 1. WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents temermannemernemmammmineniameanenememmentreemilimenamenommummalwainialiel MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -thatched Mali*Flooring. Per 100 Square "F eet $23.00 i CONVERT YOUR ATTIC .10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can be. swk.iL� and Economically Converted int*: extra. Bedrooms or an income pre*. ducing Apartment. . Yon can dei most of the work yourself. Si,. our collection of plans and ideals. FREE ESTIMATES j Fred C. Kalhf leisch & Son Ltd. . Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Carload of Can. Cement just arrived