Zurich Herald, 1952-12-11, Page 7P
r111 E Calvert SPORTS caroMN
4 &wet ?evaded*
AN If Horatio Alger, that earnest penman of
another day, were writing the btory of the
National Hockey League, he probably would
entitle it from "Leaky Roof to Luxury".
for Horatio was a great lad for alilteratives.
The title would have fitted, too. For when
the National Hockey League was born
amid the chaos of World War 1. on November 22, 1917, only one
of the three rinks on the modest circuit possessed artificial ice.
l3ut, in the comparatively brief span of 35 years since the League
came into being as a modest four-clilb, all -Canadian league, some
of the outstanding advances and changes have been:
The League weathered two world -engulfing wars and became
international in scope, the only major international professional
sports organization in the entire world.
The playing rules have been almost completely revolutionized,
to speed up play, and eliminate halts.
Player's salaries have soared to ten tines the average paid
35 years ago.
Every club in the great international league plays in a lux-
urious rink, fully -equipped with modern artificial ice -plants, as
against the natural -ice conditions which were in the majority
when the League was organized.
Play speeded up by many hundred per cent from the old days,
when replacements were few, and speed lagged at the end, on ice
often water -covered. New rules, zoning, forward passes and in-
creased man -power accomplished this.
Elimination of brutal play. that at tunes threatened the well-
being of hockey, by rules that, while still allowing a maximum of
clean robust play and heavy bodily contacts, eliminate vicious at-
tacks by heavy penalties.
A National League Pensions Society has made hockey a
career for its major players, instead of a mere seasonal occupation.
Players bonuses and play-off guarantees have replaced the old
percentage system, neutral linesmen officiate in every League
game, the, all-star game has become an annual and popular feature.
For three years, after the original, all -Canadian four -club
circuit of Montreal Wanderers and Canadiens, Ottawa Senators
and Quebec Bulldogs were formed, there was little change in the
circuit. The Quebec club dropped out immediately after the League
was formed, and was replaced by Toronto, but re-entered for one
season, 1919-20. Hamilton, the sporting Ontario city, replaced
Quebec in 1920-21, and remained until 1924-25.
Then came the Big Parade to internationalism, Overnight, the
League mushroomed to greatness. And in 1947-48 it played to
2,518,042 paid customers.
Next: The international story,
Your comments and suggestions for this cofumrr will i e wecomse
ivy Eimer Ferguson, c/e Calver: House, 431 Pang. St., Torenfe.
In the course of a long and
'variegated career we have tried
'lira putourself away -with the
Italie as a writer, sports expert,
sllesman, horse -picker and about
craven other things, and with an
equal. measure of unsuccess in all
eke them. But never yet, so far
en we can recall, have we at-
tempted to pose as an advisor to
&seta Clause—one of those char-
acters who can tell just what to
All=y for everybody on your
Christmas list from 90 -year-old
Aunt Cynthy down to little
Scilsrliercase, rising six months.
e ,r a
But there has to be a first time
fairs everything; and when we
%Ink of some of the awful junk
Aust is thrust upon us unsuspect-
and defenceless males when
Ahel glad Yuletide comes flowing
bse we think we'll take a crack
rat trying to be Santa's little
per. Not to string it out to
ler great length, we now call
.your attention to a couple of
lly-published books, either or
tions of which we believe would
gladden the soul of almost any
The first is entitled "Sports-
man's Country" by Donald Cui-
rass ]Peattie--and I might warn
you that the title is to be taken
with a grain of salt, as Mr. Peat -
tic is not numbered among the
type of "sportsmen" who best ex-
press their love for the great out-
& rrs by slaughtering in safety Its
more defenseless creatures. His
book concerns itself with nature
and its so-called lesser beings
• and incidentally with what man
has done to them.
However, Mr. Peattie has not
written a shrill denunciation, but
a notable wise and tender book.
He is -in love with all America's
regional splendors, and he speaks
bothlyrically and wisely of its
hills and valleys, streams and
lakes and of the living things
that adorn them..
* e *
The author goes unarmed
through quail country and gray
squirrel country and areas where
other species which hunters con-
sider game abound (or once did).
Incidentally, "game" is an odd
word to give the victims of a
pastime in which men risk only
the loss of a gun load but in
which unconsulted and helpless
creatures wager their lives.
There are, Mr. Peattie indi-
cates, more creditable amuse-
ments; an opinion the reviewer
still manages to endorse, despite
his own deer -ravaged, jay -plun-
dered, skunk - devoured and
woodchuck -invaded gardens. The
gratuitous cruelties sportsmen
have addea to nature's more than
adequate original suppljr are re-
cited by the author of "Sports-
man's Country" in a level voice
more eloquent than outcry.
In 1794, Pennsylvania paid
bounties on 040,000 gray squir-
rels, "but over a century later
—Froin Countryman's Year, by elaydro S. Pearsan-
'111t•HEN the colonists began to clear the woodlands for theif-homes and
9armis, they came upon a shrub with lustrous green leaves that they
Believed was a variety of the laurel tree so common in England. It
was natural that they called it after the home -country shrub. As time
',cent on and the pioneers grew accustomed to its beautiful blossoms,
someone with imagination thought that the blossoming plant looked as
►slough it were covered with a profusion of colorful scraps of calico.
and today in certain areas it is called "calico bush." Early settlers made
wooden spoons from the matured branches to stir the boiling sorghum
iiia their big iron kettles, so "spoonwood" became another name fns
American mountain laurel, falmia latifolia.
Laurel in bloom is a carpet of loveliness laid. for >t time over i ll<
Wm soil of a rocity hillside, pasture slope, or craggy ravine. It's
ittartgic rug in the shady places where trees or overhanging hills throe
stilus shadows during part of the day. The five -lobed pink or white
saaaeer-shaped flower with purple dots cluster at the ends of twisting
Weedy branches. Framed by the glossy, rich, dark green leaves, tht
halts] effect is a bouquet of exquisite beauty,
Front Maine to Georgia Bead westward to Ohio, the calico bush it
a pert ei the beauty of fpr ti. '?$seas delight in its tangled security:
mall wild folk tend aheltea^ )); 403 reteea+ea. Mountain laurel, strong
growing, ever green and generous +itdhi t0 111eriuneelss, lA two eau ,` tlture's
WW1 gil 0 A9R Atm,
Putting Pachyderm—Belle, eight -month-old elephant with a knack
for putting, is learning the game from Moreno Caso, public links
champion. Belle caddies for the champ. Her feet are divot -size
but apparently have not made any dents in the green as yet.
1;s her weight increases, Belie will probably have to confine her
golf to practice putts.
five men in two days' hunting
were able to take but three," In
the Eighteen Eighties, 100,000
California quail were shipped to
;market annually. "The curve of
the quail populo tion has declined
to perhaps 10% of its maxi-
mum." In one Minnesota town,
gunners shot 3,000 hawks in one
day "and these were broad -
wings, the most beneficial , in
our entire bird fauna."
* * *
"Sportsman's Country" is also
a threnody for the America that
has been and might be again.
It is written by a naturalist, who
is at heart a poet, to the land
which bore him, the rich and fair
and desecrated )and. The author
presents each area whole, geo-
graphically and biologically, but
his understanding fervor gives
every chapter memorable beauty
that mere description never could
bestow. More scrupulously than
most men, Mr. Peattie follows
the Ancient Mariner's prescrip-
tion for efficacious prayer.
So if the man you're thinking
of giving this book to on Christ-
mas happens to be the kind who
measures his hunting pleasure by
the number of lives he snuffed
out, just send him a box of cigars
—loaded ones—and keep the book
yourself. If yo•a ever dip into
it before wrapping it up, that's
what you're liable to do anyway.
* *,
"Every boy should have a dog,
and every dog should have a
boy" is a very ancient saying.
But Corey Ford, the well-known
humourist, goes it a bit further
and calls his latest, "Every Dog
Should Have s Man" with the
sub -title "The Care and Feeding
of Dog's Best Friend"—which
should give you a fair idea of
what to expect.
Has your dog been having any
trouble with you lately? Do you
act dopey while he is taking you
Wiry Bull, Drop Hats—Fresh of
DePaul University bounced their
way to victory in the annual
frosh versus upper-class push.
ball contest, and won the right
to discard their bright green
"freshman beanies!' if they had
lost, the students would have
been compelled by custom to
wear the hats till late November.
Object of the game is to push
the ball over opponent's goal,
for a walk, spurn his left -over
hamburger at the table, dawdle
over answering his commands?
While the regrettable truth may
be that your true nature is re-
vealed in these shortcomings,
there is reason to hope that you
simply are a little thick, that you
don't understand your place in
your dog's home. To gain such
understanding you are advised to
look over your dog's shoulder
as he reads this "hand -book on
how to break a man."
1b b
From his inside knowledge of
man's animal nature, Mr. Ford,
author of "How to Guess Your
Age" and other such books, gives
the dog reader the following
pointers: Choose a "bright, active,
good-natured, healthy fellow with
springy hindquarter , a bold and
fearless manner and an indepen-
dent income." After all, a dog is
judged by the man he leads and
he doesn't w ant a man who
droops his tail or climbs a tree
when he gets involved in a dog
fight. s ,k
Teach him obedience. "Call the
man to you and stand facing him
in. the centre of the floor, pre-
ferably with his back to a soft
cushion or davenport. When the
command sit is given, leap up
and plant both forefeet firmly in
the centre of his chest, shoving
him backward onto the daven-
port." Don't insist on a kennel,
share the house with him. "My
setter keeps me right indoors
with him, and I can get up into
any •of the chairs I want ex-
cept the big overstuffed chair
in the living room, which is his."
* •
Teach him to retrieve, "a trick
best learned by letting the rub-
ber ball he rolls at you go un-
der the bookcase." Above all, exer-
cise. "Be sure to get him up three
or four times during the night
and make him go out, preferably
when it is raining." All the res-
ponsibilities of a man -owner are
dealt with clearly, and there are
some thoughtful comments on
the rewards. Every lean must
have his day. With this guide,
the man days should be here well
before next summer.
* * *
It is a small book illustrated
with photographs and drawings
by the author. And we think
any man you give it to will men-
tally thank us for calling it to
your, attention.
The telephone bell on a promi-
nent economist's desk rang in-
sistently. When he answered, a
voice informed him, "You're all
wet about the cost of living
reaching a new high! My wife
and I live sumptuously—eating
everything we like—on sixty-
eight cents a week!"
"Sixty-eight cents a week!"
echoed the economist, "I can't
believe it! Won't you tell me
how? And to snake sure I get
the story straight, please speak
"I can't speak louder," came
the answer. "I'm a goldfish,"
London scientists have perfect-
ed deybdrated beer, a powder to
which only water need be added
for conversion = into a beverage.
Packets of it will be issued to
British soldiers,
/matte PAIN
Good ,news for those who long for relief
coni rheurnatje pain, but feel hopeless'
Thousands get speedy relief from rheu-
matic and arthritic suffering by using
Don't let dull, wearisorne aches,
and sharp stabbing pains handicap You
anis longer. Tr r Templeton's T -it -C's
today. Only i55c, ,$1.35 at tlruggi$ts,• T-844
*coo 1F71i11mo as.00
t'or welling only 20 of our beautiful multi.
solar tinsel religious mottoes at 40 wads.
1tpey well like bot cakes. Write today, wit
will trust you. N3aale Leaf Greeting Carrie.
1408 Bishop, Montreal 25. Dept. 30.
Silo WORTH of 11ialey''s Car end Chronic
Glare will give your ear the beet whine
14 *VW had, gazed like the new ears.
Lasts for 0 montho, No waterspota,
smears or streaks. Protects chrome from
relating. Easily applied, Satisfaction
Guaranteed. Dealers wanted. 41.00 worth
Hint Postpaid, Maley Manufacturing, 288
tornermet .]Salt, Ottawa.
ISOT too moon to order your chicks and
turkeys for 1960. Before ordering, send
for our catalogue and 1953 price Diet. Our
kWh quality chicks and turkeys will maks
You money. Our low priced made pos-
sible by our high production will save you
money. Special discount if you place your
order before January. Also chicks and
laying pullets for immediate delivery.
Flergus Ontario
SAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for Information. We
440 glad to answer your questions, De-
partment H. Parker's Dy. Works Limited,
tel Tense St. Toronto.
GARAGES—Portable, prefabricated, rust-
proof, 4120, 3150, Sheds, Range Shelter
Roofs, $45, Sectional Building. Shaw -
bridge, Quebec.
ALUMINUMI—New, Corrugated, 28" x 6'.
Beat Canadian Price:— Delivered:-- 81.40
Sheet, 410 Square. Building Material,
Lac Gulndon, Quebec.
The 1952 catalogue Is oft the press. Write
for your copy or visit the new ware-
house and see for yourself the model
bathroom displays In white and coloured
fixtures, in standard size bathrooms with
tiled or painted walls, lust the way YOU
want a bathroom in your own home.
We have oinks and Bink cabinet units.
lavatory basins and toilets, pressure saw
terve end electric water heaters, range
boilers, pipe and fittings 1n copper, gal.
vanlzed and cast iron, septic and oil
tanks. refrigerators and electric ranges,
a complete line of furnacea, air condi-
tioning unite and hot water heating eye.
tem* with convector rade. We deliver to
Your nearest railway station. you pay no
Strreteville, Ontario
16OTALOY gives car ring and Valve Job
while driving. Guaranteed 200,000
miles. Price $15. Ernest's Sales Co..
Formosa, Ontario.
The perfume that expresses your true
personality with an unforgetable frac.
ranee. 65c per bottle. Refund guaranteed.
Money order C.O.D. T. Haye, 1330 St,
Antoine West, Montreal 3.
PULLETS, Range Reared, Healthy, ready
to lay, Hampshire x Rock, Sussex it
Hampshire, Hampshire x Sussex, New
Hampshire, 5 to Si Months old. All hatch-
ed and raised on own farm. Reasonable
Prices. Thompson's Poultry Farm le
Hatchery, Georgetown, Ontario,
BIGGEST Stock of New and Rebuilt Sand
Instruments I Write "Your Wants," we
will be glad to quote lowest Prices.
HUGH ZENTZ, Elkhart, Indiana,
SAVE up to 50% on Xmas gifts, watches,
Appliances, Radios, Toye, etc. Anyone
can buy and save. Latest Wholesale
Catalogue 31.00, 3latwoods, Leesburg,
.XMAS Special 1 Buy Wholesale. 100
Double Edge Razor Blades, Guaranteed,
mail 31.00 George W Payne, 5428 Pifth
.Avenue, Los Angeles 43, Caifornia, U.S.A.
CRESS CORN. SALVE—For sure relief.
Your Druggist sells CRESS.
$15 and up. Good scientifically cleaned fur
coats, many like new, all )tinea. Write
for price list now. Satisfaction or money
refunded. Furriers Clearance Co., 861
Spadina Ave., Toronto.
DEVELOP your bnstline, Try Hormone
Cream -B. Positive results assured. Six
weeks supply 33,50. For Information writs
Sylvia Cosmetics, 696 Clark Drive. Van-
couver, Canada.
Wanted — Every sufferer of Rheumatic
Paine or (Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy.
535 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
WHO super tt there 1s something that will
help you? Hundreds of thousands of mets
save been sold on a money back guars
tutee. So easy to use. After your eymp.
toms have been diagnosed as Asthma., you
iwe it to yourself to try Asthmnnpfrin.
(alt your Druggist,
A friend of financier Bernard
Baruch spoke to often about his
love for hunting that Baruch fin-
ally invited him to his South
Carolina plantation for a turkey
shoot. The friend tramped the
field for two days, shooting mad-
ly, but failed to hit a single
Mr. Baruch made ne conament.
The next morning, however, the
freind was ambling along a path
near the playhouse when he saw
a well-fed gobbler sitting motion-
less in a tree, He crept up close
to the turkey and fired point-
blank. He was overjoyed when
the turkey fell at his feet. It was
only when he picked it up to
stuff into his bag that he noticed
a Bard tied around the turkey's
neck. The card read, "With the
compliments of Bernard Baruch."
ISSUE 48 — 1952
Instant relief from sore cracked It
"special (dedicated Hand Cream."
uurlte of doctors, houteew1vos, ont6
men. Large Jar 01. Udoney back ena5eattgp,
Jourard Drugs, 2512 Bathurst, Tarnow
ORIN, Eczema, Psoriasis, stash, $31gtt1-
worm, Pimples, ,Blackheads and otheir
skin eruptions quickly relieved or money
refunded with Elik'e Eczema Ointment
No. 6. A prescription of a famous skips
specialist 41.50, $2.60. Get it from your
druggist or order from Ellk's Medicine
Co. Dept, WL, Saskatoon, Sack,
Enlarged Pores 3E ea,
Blemishes Corr*cl.d
Two Weeks' Supply -- $3.44
TAPEWORMS, pinworms, cause aarloud
diseases; could be your troublel thole -
:ends helped. Free literature describes
condition and remedy. Write Mulvaney'*
Remedies Limited, Dept W.S„ Toronto,
Great Opportunity Learn
P lea,ant dignified profession, good wages.
rbouoands of successful marvel graduates
America's Greatest System
illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Ca/1
. 368 Slant St. W., Toronto
44 King St., Hamilton
72 Rideau St,, Ottawa
EXTRA HONEY. Twenty Telephone
calls—Twenty Dollars, Write for full
Particulars: P,O. Box 552, London, Ont,
last a tested, proven hair restorer.
Quickly promotes bair growth in all
cases of baldness, regardless or age or
condition. Sold on full money back
guarantee. For particulars write: 135a.
trtbutor Thalia Herbal Products. 72 West
Ave. South, Hamilton. Ont.
roue future on Railway, trained as
Station Telegrapher insures SecurltY.
Train with Self Teaching Machine at
home. Mso teach ABC Shorthand by mail.
Free folder. Cassan Systeme, Toronto.
FREE Literature 1 New Discovery 1 Your
Aura is your Future. Are you seeking
the whole truth? Superet Press, 2516 W.
8rd, Street, Los Angeles 6, Calif.
Write for "free" .sorry te,day, Regain Your
heath and vogor. The "Book of Health"
contains 54 pages of reliable lnformatiost
en effective treatments and diets for
common ailments. Dept Key 10, Health
Products, Kelowna, British Columbia,
AUCTION By Ivlail l Send your name for
Hat of Nationally Advertised ArticIes,
to be auctioned. Neal Co., Auctioneers,
6976 Cote Brillian, St, Louie 12, Missouri,
,SURPRISE Friends I Pretend You're Da
beautiful, fabulous New York City,
Letter or scenic card remalled 25c-5 for
31. Langhlrt, 200 Seeley, Kearny, N.J.
remelted 25c, Dollar brings eight color
postcards. Remelted free. Cameron, P.O,
Box 175, Long Island City 1, New York.
BOXING Fans I World's Boxing Cham-
pions Pocket Manual Heavyweight to
Flyweight from 1719-1952. Championshipm
Won and Lost. 25c Postpaid, Williams
Sport Books, Tamaqua, Pennsylvania.
4,N OFFER to every Inventor --List of in-
ventions and full information sent free.
Che Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Atter-
oeya. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa,
tent Solicitors, Established 1890 85*
Bay Street, Torun' , Rnnktet nl' Infnrmn,
ion an request
QUIT SRMOKING — the easy way, Uae
Tobacco Eliminator, a scientific treat-
ment; quickly eliminates the craving for
tobacco, ride the system of nicotine, C.
W. King pharmacal Ltd. (Alberta). PO.
Box 673, London, Ontario,
NEW rugs made from your old ruga and
woollens. Write for catalogue and price
list. Dominion Rug Weaving Company,
2477 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ont.
Br money back
Very first use of soothing, cooling, liquid
D.D.D. Prescription positively relieves raw
red itch --caused by eczema, rashes, scalp)
irritation, chafing ---other itch troubles. Grease-
less, stainless. 43c trial bottle must satisfy or
money back. Ask your druggist for D.D.D.
er If you euffer from acid indigestion, gas,
heartburn, scientists say baking sods can add
toour upset, destroy vitamins, cause
wlkalvesie, acid rebound.
"After meals I had indigestion and gas
pains, and I practically lived on baking
soda," eaye Peter George, Lethbridge, Alta.
"Then X started taking Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and the pains went away
and I could eat and enjoy my meale again. I
4,rotined 30 pounds and felt much better."
Thousands who suffered such distress, due
to no organic causes, tried Dr, Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery with amazing
results. Over 26,000,000 bottles of thio great
non-alcoholic medicine, with its wonderful
stomachic tonic action, have bean sold to
date. And no wonder. First, taken regularly,
it promotes more normal stomach activity,
thus helping to digest food better RC yow
won't have gas, heartburn, ecus stomach.
Second, with stomach activity improved, you
can eat the foods you like without fear o$'
after -distress.
Try it, Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery at your druggist, todavl