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Zurich Herald, 1952-12-11, Page 4
ZURICH d 'ONTARIO ro ARE YOUR BEST BUY Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in OW !reeds AVAILABLE AT le still Dist© Co -Operative HENS.ALL, and ZU-�:I''H • Come and go in the new '53 Meteor. See its beauty—inspect its great features! Experience its luxurious comfort, and feel the supreme power thrill of its dynamic V-8 engine - 120 Hp. in Customline and Crestline models. You'll agree, Meteor for '53 offers more than any other car in the loft :price field. Low down payment— convenient terms. ROOD, resr THe new i Mercury Linccld Hensall, Ont. F al Cir -Meteor Dealers Phone 178 All Models now on display in our Show Room • MIEMIMMO 'DASHWO00 Aruna Moren1 of London 'Arend -, ed Mrs. Mussor'i funeral last Meek. I '�11 and lir. Jo ," .s John Snyder tit Bran- tforil spent 'tire week -end with her I smother, Mrs. B. Hayter. Mr. Wan. Nadiger tiros ud(10111 e9 'stricken stroke en 'Monday ,morning and is at present lin a seri- ous condition. I lir and Mrs W. Mathews of Lon-. don and Mrs. Frank Watson of De- troit spent the week -enol with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snell. S Sherwood Gassman who has been working in Kitchener for some time is visiting with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Goesman, Raymond Wein had the misfor- tune to get two of his fingers badly mangled while working in the pl an- 'ing will last week. • We extend congratulation. to Miss Joyce Haugh on reMVing a Poulin - 'ion Provincial Student Aid Bursary. Joyce is attending Normal School at 'London at present. Mr and Mrs Fred Messner left on a visit to Germany on Tuesday. They will spend several months visiting their old home there. We regret to report that 'Jr.;s. Martha Baker who is under the •Doc- tor's care is at present with her da- ughter, Mr and furs Amiel Fisher on the 14th Cion., Hay Townsfly. Wo hope for 'her a speedy recovery. Mr and 'Mrs Milfred Mernet' and Mr and 'Mrs Addison Tiernan spent a few days with relatives rn De- troit. ZURICH HERALD Ole late Mts. I-lamather predeceased hixn twe months ago, The body is resting :at the Hoffman Funeral Horne, Dashwood .tram where the fun eral will take place Thursday Dec. 11 at 2 pain. Interment in the Lutheran Bronson line Cemetery. Rev. L. tTigenell offieiatin5. AUCTION SAIL: Of Holstein and Durham Cow: Holstein Heifer,, will be held and on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17th. at 2 p.m. At ' Lot Is Con. 1 Stanley Township, one half mile south of Brucefield on No. 4 Highway. Nine Holstein Cows, due in Deccan- .ber and January. 6 Holstein Cows due in February and „March. One Durham Cow with calf at foot. One Durhain Cow due in February; One. Jersey Cow due in February; One Durham Cow due in January; 4 Holstein. Heifers 1 year old. This is a choice lot of young Cows. Terms Cash Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Victor Hargreaves, Proprietor. AUCTION. SALE Of Durham Cow,, Young Cattle, at Lot 28, Con. 1, Tucker•srith Twp. Half mile south of Brucefield, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13th. At 1.30 p.m. Horses — Grey Percheron team (aged). Cattl' 3 fresh Durham Cows with Calves at foot. Durham Cow. due time of Sale; Dunham Cow, due in January. 7 Durham Cows due in March and April; 3. Durham Heifers 700 lbs.; 3 Durham spring Calves; 3 Young Calves. Pigs — 1 York Sow due in Jan. 5th; - Tam Sow. Terms—Cash Alton Johnston, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer (Sale due to ill Health) •Surprize Showers (Prior to her marriage, Gloria Kraft was surprised by a number of her friends on Monday evening at a shower 'held at • the 'home of 112rs. Jas. Hayter. Guests played Court Whist and prizes went to Miss Shir- ley Haugh and Mrs. Floyd Wein. A baiket overflowing with gifts was 'brought to the bride by Ann Koehler and 3lary Ann Hayter after which! a dainty lunch was served by the ; hostess. Death of Edward F[amather Edward Hamathel', age 15 trans- I port driver for Guenther -Tuckey was stricken with a heart seizure while at work Monday evening, and suc- cumbed at his home in Dashwood one and a Half 'hours later. Ile took a run between Exeter and 1 oronto and was driving transport for over nine years. He -was born in Dashwood and lived here most of his life. also -residing in Dorchester and Milverton for •a time. Surviving are his wife, the former Reta Feat' of Clinton; three son., Robert, Douglas and Harold all at home; two sisters, (Til''ie' Mrs. Clay- ton Wildfong, London; (Emmis) Mrs Wm Schroeder, Detroit; rive brothers Arthur, Simon, Otto and Herb Wil- lert all of Dashwood, and Ebner Willert of Grand Bend. - His 'mother aaliEREENSISEMSIESEMEIRSIMEIRCRINUIEMIZEIMIS ONTARIO Re Unsatisfied J udgmen "Id dee Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to The Highway Traffic Act and ,effective with the issue of 1953 motor vehicle operators' and chauf- furs' licenses, an Unsatisfied judgment Fund Fee of $ 1.00 will be pllected from each person to whom is issued a 1953 license. TAU increase in fee is required in view of the fact that the 50 cent fee hey *ofare collected has proven to be inadequate to meet the demands for payments out of the fund. Since 1947 when the fund was created payments out have exceeded $ 3,000,000. During the current year it has been necessary to obtain an advance of $ 300,000 from the Treasury Department in order to make the payments required. A further advatage will be required to meet the payments anticipated before the An4ofri the fiscal year (March 31, 1953). A detailed stated a.t of the flogd may be obtained by writing to the Registrar pi Motot 'Vehicles„Parlaiarnent Buildings, Toronto 2, Ont. GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister of Highways TORONTO, 2 December 4, 1952 • Thursday,, Dece13 ber 11th, 1952 TRACTOR REPAIRING t3 ELROY DESJARDINE Phone 78 Zurich ; 3 Located at rear shop of Ward Fritz Motors e a5Yorrmoinsu rr}ti? r.r.pmra.i±..rmrevnirmcne.r1.±a ;1 5a imtitgars'tr' asprser i<rziem e. AND FARM MACHINERY New Idea Farm Equipment, Gehl and Fairbanks Morse Hammermills power take -off or belt driven, Tractor chains, Heat Housers, etc. Tractor Tires. sold repaired or loaded with fluid. Minor repairs or complete overhauls to all makes of tractors. a ce 5 5 5 5 e eJ 5 5 5 4 d s Christmas Tree FOR BOYS AND GIRLS AT HENSALI SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20th. At Two p.m. GIFTS FOR ALL AND PICTURE SHO'J% Sponsored by Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Legion Farmers! Do your pregnant anirnats need calcium cobalt mineral with Vitam- in D? IW e have a s ineral supple- ment easy to feed in your chop to pregnant cows, sows, for short time previous to calving, etc. Saves you future trouble. Come in and see this mineral at Middletin's Drag Store, Hensall. Phone 20. 3tc "Immediate service IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 3.5%.110 Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits inay be nailed For prompt attention cars RAYE 13. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • MONTREAL OT” TAW.t • WINDSOR MAG %RA ',ALLS • SU)IrWWR Y CAI.i3.vrve • V.1NO.OUVEIi 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4, m 4. , r 4. WANTE]) Scrap Iron - $LO© C Exeter Salvage Co. Phone 423' Exeter, Ont, t. er CHRIST WAS SENT" INTO THE WORLD For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to. condemn . the world, but that the world through Him might: be saved. He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begot- ten Son of God. - John 3: 16, 17', 1'8. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Box 50 Zurich, Ontario eat and ventilate your home with revolutionary new Central Heating System (Gas and Oil Models) 4- 4' 4, 'ger BLENDED WARM AIR Above, the furnace is located in the utility room with heat tubes fit the attic. With basement installation, heat tubes are beneath Jo4 s THE MODERN MIRACLE OF LOW-COST HEATING This new marvel of home heating 1s revolutionary in its., performance. It conditions the home for health as welt: as comfort. Blends room air with freshly heated furnace stir — recirculates 1t —keeps warmth even from floor to -j ceiling. Pre-engineered, factory -made to keep cost low , VA -INCH HEAT TUBES that fit any con-. struction, whether old or new. new MAGIC BLENDER in each ..room., sucks in anon'( air, heats it wit;l hot, air from the furnace, then R k culates new BLEND -AIR FURNACE that forces warm stir kite., individual heat tubes leading to each room. Aft ef'.clant fuel -saver ycu'l] always be glad to have. E'. i:al±'- '.ilR is delivered in a package complete, ready toys, In ^il. Come in and let us demonstrate—we'll show yore. wi:y "comfort costs so little with a Coleman." For outstanding achievement Coleman hes rti}lved the r award midi li the warts air hotting Wiest,/ ►v f11. ARI Mas Moda(B approved by Mod Ma a tr ISI) r".11 listed under label serv$M O*darwrt i ' Cjli lii?«, HESS -- ELECTRIC ---- ZURICH ZURICH - Telephone 107 DEALERS IN GENERAL MOTORS AND COLEMAN AUTO.. MArtc HEATING AND AIII CONDITIONING