HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-12-11, Page 1Sstablished ZURICH!, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER I3ER 1L 1952 ---- - ST.. PETER'S o1.0..� .� -' 4. r (Evangelical Lutheran Church ÷ZURICH LIONS CLUB �e ZURICH - ONTARIO EV. E. W. HEIMIUCH, PASTOR ii a.m.-Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.--Sunday School. .7.30 p.m. -Vespers. Everybody Welcome to anll Services EMM. DUEL EVANGELICAL. U. 13. CHURCH Zurich --- Ontario REV.. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton °each - Organist SUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 'a.m. - Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. -- Bible School. 7:30 p.m. - Divine Worship Welcome at all Services -"Come ehou with us and we will do thee 96"ood." Num. 161'1.29. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful. driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm 'Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drives make their own low Auto Durance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. ., >n... . L1,17611.L.,,..,..:,,., ,..x..11 + EIG.TH ANNUAL r + 4. ther „ 44. p g, •r 4. 4' 4. .f. .f. Will be held in THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH On MONDAY, DECEM ER 15th At 8.30 p.m. To Speak In Zurich Mr. Ernest N. Dagg, of Teeswater and a former manager of the Zurich Branch of the Bank of Montreal, 4. will address the Brotherhood of the Zurich Evangelical Church this F ri- e day evening, to which all nnrn are invited. Mr. Dagg is always very interesting to listen to, and we know he will have a good message. Evangelical Church The annual Christmas Progeam of the local Evangelical U. B. Church and .Sunday School will •be given !Sundaevening. Dec. 2let. The + e choir along with the program coin- + 'mit-tee of the Sunday School have been busy for weeks planning and -- a preparing for this festive service and '1' 'a good program is anticipated. 4. CHICKENS - DUCKS - GEESE - TURKEYS 10 Regular Games for 50c Admission Proceeds for Community Welfare Work. COME AND WIN SOME CHOICE CHRISTMAS FOWLt CHRISTMAS CONCERT On Tuesday Eve. Dec. 16th. re Yottr.f'f-ermng From AT S.S. NO, 4, Hay TWP., at 8 pm. Headaches? A Play entitled "Rooting for Ruth" iLf so, Have your Eyes Examined with Fill. be given. Admission 35c. e•he Latest Methods and Equipment at NOTICE A. L COLE, `"..O. ' - PTCy,METRI .I et OPTICIAN Stores will be open Wednesday Goaemee �-- ON -TA -_ -`afternoons until Christmas, and open Tuesday and Wednesday nights, Dec- °Vrood Glasses at Rezzonaole Prices ember 23rd and' 24th. • 9. Marrs, Molfman gumerccizOini& I unera2 Director Private Crrr ,.Lr12lntiai2Ce Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder of ST. SOHN'S AMBULANCE .FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN • Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT - INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH .FLOWERS SUPPLIED toROM MITCHELL NURSERIES ' WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hots Service --- Dashwood Tel. 70W. I L I € 3 erior Store s tin s si Christmas draws near, we cannot help tlikking, about the Friendly Folks, like you, who 'have helped to make this year a happy merle :fn' the folks here at 'Thiel's General Store Vont friendship, your patronage, your (confidence are deeply appreciated. And as ''tee approach the 'New Year we wish you arca :t'o'urs. a Merry Christmas and -a New Year furs of Happiness and Prosperity. "HIEL'S GENERAL STORE. Phone A4O C H. THIEL _ Zurich iM Phone 421 Had Chimney Fire Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Illsley received a terrible scare when a fire started 4, to heat the stove pipes red hot cau.s- + itrtg a ,chinnney fire in the basement ,p, teem an oil burner. The Zurich Fire + Brigade was ;summoned and wthin a + I • very short time, had the the ander + I control. Our Brigade -deserves much + credit for their promptness when an alarm is sent in, and we are grateful + for their willingness to help theirfellowmen. C. W, L. Meet EXETER In order that our staff may ex.lo- Christmas dinner with their fr rall- ies, the Theatre will open at for a gala Christmas night sho on December 25th, ldatinee Pride and Saturday December 26-27 at 2 ,0. • Friday, Saturday Dec. 12-1 Treasuref Lost Canyon William Pawell Julia Adams Robert Louis Stevenson's adventure in technicolor. Monday, Tuesday Dec. 15-16 Close to My Heart Gene Tierney Ray ;1illand It's great and makes you feel great. Wednesday, Thursday Dee. 17-18 Glory Alley Leslie Canon Ralph Meeker A fight picture that has lots of me tion. GRAND BEND *Brandi No 408 Grand Bend Legion are sponsoring a Fowl Bingo Thursday • December 11th, at the Aldan Theatre (15 Regular Game;-- • 5 Special Games. General Admission 50c, Extra Card. l -0c, 3 for 25c. Deere open 8 p.m. Bingo starts at 8.30 p.m. All Proceeds to .be used for the An- nual Children's Christmas Party Friday, Saturday Dec. 12-13 She's Working Her Way `Through College In Technicolor Virginia Mayo Ronald Regan Gene Nelson It's Hips Hips Hiorray for the Anat- omy Award Winner 'in the Year's Comedy Smash Cartoon "Kiddin the Kitten" Tuesday, Wednesday Dee. 16-17Elizabeth Taylor Larry Parks LOVE IS BETTER THAN EVER I's Liz in a Whir; of racy Romance Newsreel -Cat-toot' and. "Daredevil Days SCHOOL CONCERT The Annual Zurich Public School Christmas Concert will be held in the Community Centre, Zurich ON Wed December 17th. At 8 o'clock, sharp Admission - 50 t'artts The December meeting opened with the League Prayer by pre.icicnt Mrs. Clarence Farwell. F'oaci ::nd clothing, were brought for three im- migrant families in the community. The members brought a (;ht'istntas donation for the Veterans of West-' minister Hiospital, London. The an - e1 Chri.emas donation of five dollars would be sent to St. Joseph's Orphanage in London. A dance will be held in the Community Centre on jthe 22nd. of December, sponsored by , .1'e• Catholic Women's League, Mrs. Leo Meidinger was social convenor. The members sang Cheistnia:' ;longs, Bingo was splayed after whTcn the ladies sat down' to a lovely decorated table. Women's institute Entertained Nuebatnds The Zurich \Vomens' institute members entertained these husbands on. Tuesday evening to a delicious banquet, The cone'enoes e ' every month acted as the committee in charge. After all hal partatten of the good bounties that were lt'c,ced on the well decorated tables with the colored light, and evergreen, giving one the real Christmas spirit, )ri's. Guy Roche, peosidrni., thanked everyone for the ' plendk1 cooperat- ion and welcomed the husbands. Mr. C. L. Smith then replied in rec- ognition :cf the thou 'htfulneee of the ladies to invite their husbands, Mrs. Newell Geiger being chairlary ann- ounced several Chri: tm:ts Carob to be sung. A very intere4in;;• roll enjoyable mixed program i,res- ented to whom every one in charge of their numbers . eeeree mctch•crect- it,. Mrs. Louis Durand acted as :aac- ,tioneer for the evening and dict her part very efficiently. The bountiful decorated Christmas tree ten it. +glowing lights cent out it:' reetna'' for the evening. (ind 'a,e Our Queen closed the prep am encs the splendid social time which all enjoy- ed together. Farm Forum The Unique F„rum met in the 14t+h Con. School with Mrs. Myrtle 'revue - ger as hostess and Thos. Aleyers as discussion leader. The topic was "What about Community Life." There were 2,4 present with tae dis- cussion going as follows: We haee a Community Centre, and it 8<:`.;-% es a purpose by sports, community gath- eringe, etc. It could be improvel by young and old meeting together and preventing t'owdiam. ti cal ice could be an improvement in lengthen- ing. the season. Also an athletic in- structor could help in pvoriting true sportsmanship and inceerage:n- ent in a 'variety ef r e h -:i is ;. For shall sectional activities ,.t school would be used to an advantage. The lied meeting will be held at the ltcntne of Clarence Schade. Mr. Win, l;dighoffer as diseues ion heeler, r, tine ;topic being "Which Road to Peae'. e1 1 e, n, .. meeting will be a Christmas (acrd everyone is asked to bung a ,mall gift. Mr. Leonard :Mcrner con- ducted recreation, Mrs. Krueger, the hostess served it delicious lunch. Single CVpdeo b .Cent; Suibseript u ire ca m l% Yea+ae +iw , i Subscription 'U.S.A., Year Aux j N O•RR M A S , BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223, Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. ammagrammazamanscoasThratomostatunmocomenrawasta SHOP TODAY at HESS, the Jeweller Bu lova and Certira. Watches 1 For that Gift of a Lifetime j FINE JEWEJ .ERY Rings, Necklets, Earrings Bracelets, Cuff Links Silverware, Tea Services Fine China WestrainisterLChime Clocks ESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. weeraermasemmaktz 3:1300(3:84 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. tea 4. 4. a 61 tialt RAG RUGS and CARET On a New Modern Loom, Made 14 Order - Seth O. Amann, zurtelk Ont. Phone 128. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF F "TENDS LOINS t'+.JO FILE :. LOCKER SERVICE • • ROE FEEDN; WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 HENSALL, 411. t 6 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral -Dix or Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Ni.gbt Telephone: Res. 89 ' or 122,. Zurich 4. 4. 4. �4p 6i 4. 4. Tt„El racer 9 Sto 6. We are ever at your service with the best line obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well a,% Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies .- Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Asch PRODUCE WANTED, Zur Phone 165 Christmas Gifts Once again we are displaying a very fine .line of Christmas Goods, both fancy and staple. . ifts for every member of the Family. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE: -- Glaze Cherries, Maraschino Fancy Raisins, Cut Fruit Decoration, Etc. GIVE US A CAL.LI Cherries, and Peels, TUE BLAKE STO E. Schwartzentruber, Poop. Phone II -97 44