Zurich Herald, 1952-11-27, Page 4iso Thursday.Noven
27th _
and Ifrs. Druce Koehler and Mr and Mr. Kipfer is well known in the ZurN
a Mrs L, Erb, Mrs, Nancy Irmehler ac- ieh area and HUY Townsnrp•
,� nkdsco'mpaxried thong ]rorne after sperrclInM �.�,,,•.- ._
0the past several weeks with her chit- Farmers rLook!
m e ,0 dr•en, in Hay Township. j'
Tractor Repairing Tics. Edna Ctubett spent a f�:vv E
c9a Own Saw to days at the home of her son�in-law, PREVIENTEK VITAMIN MINERAL-.
Cwt. " or '1 on 91ots a and daughter, Mr and 'Mrs, Ed.
And �� ,r Machinery I � Schroeder, Parr Line. For
a � ,. elultry Mrs, A. Crerar and Allen visited (Pregnant Cows and Saws
V AGENTS FOR — NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT, a 0 .1 T 4r LAY 11IASH $3•f)5 f4,10 � ,
4 10 during the "H eek with relatives rrE A complete Vitamin and Mineral
a 18 p,e, I AY MASI1 4.30 41 Listowel. a suppliment combined with those es-
-- — 0 18 px, .HATCH MASH 4.60 4.10 Flies From Korea Isential chemicals Pot (iodide ancE
9 � 18 p,e, CHICK STARTER 4.75 4.55
I HAVE RENTED THE W'ORI% SHOT' AT THE REAR OF 0 a 3.50 Mrs. Thos. Kyle, Hensall received Cobalt.
35 p.c, LAY CONC. 5.90 0 word of the death of ilei srsxer-m ! I+'or Cows just use a tablesp'oor'tfu '
WARM FRITZ MOTORS, LTD., FOR TRACTOR REPAIRING. a law, Mrs. Tuve Kiefer, tubo passed 1 with chop for 30 days before caiv
away last Saturday at Albla, lowa., ! ing. You can save yourself trouble
(MINOR REPAIRS OR 'COMPLETE OVERHAUL ON ALL 0 0 0 Her son Lawrence who is stationedlby careful feeding. Come and get
MAKES OF TR ACTORS. Homos GROWER 3.60 J.45 '5 in Korea, flew home 'to attend his 1 this mineral at Middleton s Drug
to 15 p.c., HOG GRD mother's funeral held Wednesday,! Store, Hensall. Phone •&0, Ste
Tl'�ACTOR 1111111ZSOLD ANn i'ZEPAIRED, q I 15 p.c. ,SOW RATION 3.70 3 5 i
Phone 78 ZURICH, ONT.
Fourth nSale
� 8
� E
Scotch '�
Community Dark Fair Barras
At 1:00 p.m. Sharp.
Sponsored by the following Huron County
Shorthorn Breeders:
"ROBERT M. PECK & SONS .................. KIPPEN
CLIFFORD H. KEYES & SONS .................VARNA
3OHN 'OSTROM... ................. VARNA
ROY F. PEPPER `& SON ..................... SEAFORTH
For Catalogues, write any of the above
17 p,c. PIG STARTER 4.80 x.10 a
35 .px. HOG CONC. 5.60
Dairy �zd Beef' a
16 p.c. DAIRY RATION •3.70 3,55 0
32 p.c. DAIRY CONC. 5.40 0
32 p.c. BEEF CONC, 5.30 a
24 p.c. CALF MEAL 5.50
,24 p.c. CALF MEAL
20 p.c. CALF Starter -Grower 4.90 �
OIL CAKE - Order your Needs NOW'.
Petroleum - Farm Supplies, - Fertilizer 69
Gehl Hammer MIS
Insall District C®-10Pe
Zurich 220 X Hensall 115
! I
it pays r`uy, th �r
Reflecting the swift rate of Can- made up -of savings of private citiz
ada's industrial growth, the Bank ens," was the comment which C. W. .1.
of Montreal's 135th annual statem- Scott, the local branch manager, +
ent, just published, features record made in a message issued today by
the B of M in reviewing for its cus-
figures for deposits, loans and total tomers the highlights of its annual
resources. Most notable of these de-, statement. °
posits of $2,1047,900,000 - the hit lr- Nearly a billion dollars of the .F
est total 'in the B of M's long history bank's assets are in high-grade gov-
These deposits comprise the fonds of ernment bonds and other public se- ?+
more than 1 900,000 customers from curdties which have a ready market.
coast to coast. In referring to these holdings, -the '1'
"Fully half these deposits are manager's report notes that " this
money helps to finance government
�,; ,,w•,;::,:,,r4;,�,A projects for the betterment 'of C.�n-
•.<.s' "" w ada and the •welfare of her people."
&M � SFr:' a .raF •:..,iE
-to<. Total resources have also reached
•�<; an all -tune high, at $SI,2186,477,930 -
' i an increase of close to $65,000,000
�Y over the 1951 year-end figure and an
'1 all-thee;,record for Canada':, senior
baifiking institution.
r Taxes Exceed Net Earnings
•<'� After providing for a tax bill of
almost six million dollars $000,00
more than for 1951 - the bank re-
ports ports net earnings of $5.688, tib
t1 from the operation of its nearly 600
branches. After payments to share-
holders there was a balance in profit
<i = a
h;}•;;y and loss account of $2,700,000 ntI
1 from this the bank made a transfer
�. to reserve fund of two million dollars
This fund now stands at $53,000,000.
DASH �'OU1-)
"�'•.4. n.::,. kS:':L••,ei :: 522}. •,.
:•:.;ai,a'�'�' • Mr and Mrs Ray Snell and 'Miss
Mary Snell of London spent the we-
ek -end with their parents, Mr and
Mrs. Charles Snell
Mr and Mrs Norman Scott of Flow -
report, especially because (manfille -spent a few days with her
tory of hundreds of mother, 'Mrs. Klainstiver.
MY BANK" lives and works Mr sand Mrs Mervyn Tdeman and
nd ... indeed; the whole Lydia and Mr. D, Tieman were Sun-
day visitors with Mr sand Mrs. Harry
Cook a Riverside.
ar. Mrs. Normyle of Kalamazoo, Mich; .
ort you can be proud of, spent a few days with Mr and Mrs. '
he money you have on deposit Ed. Nadiger.
Mrs. J. Raschke and son Bob of
Throughout the year, I Detroit were week -end visitors with
ps that money hard at work relatives here.
improving and pioneering Mr and Mrs H. Dark of Windsor•
prise of every description and spent a few days with her parents,
ing Canadians of every Mr and Mrs Chas. Steinhagen. ,
rildin Canada in every Mr and Mrs Clayton file were
g y Sundlay visitors with friends in Kit -
only hely yourself chener.
at the B of M ...you life. T. Harry Hoff -man was soloist
r country. in Luean on Sunday evening.
Late Mrs. Andrew Musset
Mrs. Andrew Musser died on Nov-
ember 24th at the home of her dau-
ght-r Mrs. Arthur Haugh in her 88th
year. Born in Ray Township, she
lived in Dashwood most of her life.
Her husband died in 11,939.. She was
a member of the Evangelical U. U.
Church. Surviving. are a daughter,
Mrs. A.' Haugh, where she made her
home of lame years and one sort Wil-
liam of Detroit, nine grandchildren,
and one great,grandch.ild; one sister;
Mrs. Sol. Zimmerman of Zurich. The
remains are resting at the Hoffman
Funeral. Hoene, Dashwood untti Thur-
sday when the funeral wil Make place
from the funeral home at 2 P.M.,
with interment in Exeter Cemetery,
Rev, J. H. Getz, Officiating,
Mrs, Lydia Doig and Janet left on
Monday for Grand Rapids, Mich.
where they will spend the wdl�ter
unting to $2,286,477,930 months.
s part of the growth Mr and ;II.rN Geo- Waltz of 1St.
1Tarys were recent visitors with �I+
and Mrs C. L. .finks. Mrs. 1iil4:1ta
i . niece of 411. Jinks.
Nlr� l.va Carlisle silent it few day:
at the h:.nrc or her son-in-law and
CARL SCOTT, MANAGER, I daughter, 111.1• and Xlrs. Lee Wlllert,
and 14Ir;a TTarold Xoehiv), of
Toronto opelrt a week—end with 'Mr.
'here are three parts of our
annual report that I think would
!particularly interest you:
1i 4
DEPOSITS: Becausa of your
u confidence, and that of 1,900,000
other Canadians in all walks of
life, the B of M holds more than
two billion dollars in deposits. Fully half
these deposits are made up of the saving;',
of private citizens ... hard-earned dollars
that mean a backlog of money for their use.
At the end of the Bank's year, on October
31st, 1952, total deposits stood at the record
figure of $2,147,900,483.
LOANS: During the year, your Bank made
many thousands of loans to business and
industrial enterprises for production of
every kind—to farmers, fisher- r ",r Fi•�
men, oil meta, miners, lumber- "
men and ranchers — to citizens, ''" "•
My Bank has just completed its 135th year with assets arno
the highest figure in its history. The B of M's growth i
of all Canada and of this community,
and I am proud of the place my cus-
Iottrers have in this story of progress.
IT'S a good
it reflects the s
communities "
in across the la
Canadian story
for, the past ye
And it's a rep
for it's about t
at the B of M.
your Bank kee
— expanding,
Canadian enter
size ... financ
calling and bt
sense. You not
•tohen you save
also help you
l"1 x
of every calling, and to Pro-
vincial and Municipal Govern-
ments and School Districts. At
October 31st, B of M loans
amounted to $712,179,846 — the highest
figure in the history of the Bank.
INVESTMENTS: Always keeping; a good
proportion of the money on deposit in
quickly available form, your Bank has
$987,56.1,535 invested in high -
,grade government bonds and
other public securities which
have a ready market. This money (1,k,,.
helps to finance government
projects for the betterment of
Canada and the welfare of her people. in
addition, the B of NI holds $121,116,603 in
other securities —mainly short-term credits
to industry,
1 `+ �� i N
.� `4,.
S Iron1.00 �®
Exeter Salvage Co. 'hone 423 Exeter, Ont.
'hat Is Your Philosophy U.ff Life?
Men to -day have many different ideas of life and its purpose. As a. �.,
man thinketh in his heart, so is he. In forming out attitudes of life, 4�,
it is wise to consider the words of Jesus Christ in the parable of the
Good Samaritan. Luke ;10:30,37; Within this parable we have three •tr.
distinct social attitudes, one of which in all probability represents.'
yours and mine. We have the philosophy -of the., robbers, ' vVhate. { <
yours is mine, I'll take it." This is an attitude which is all to fre-. tr
quent to -day. It springs from the7sin of covetiousness which Chiiot,
said is idolatry, and will keep a man from ,entering the kindom of,.
of God. We have the philosophy of the Priest and Levite, "Whits•
mine is mine I'll keep it." This speaks of selfishness and unconcern try•
which is contrary to christian principles of the New Testament. The.. 4
attitude of life found in this parable is that of the Good Sam. .t
aritan. `Wthats mine is also yours, we'll share it"., Such a philosophy
springs only from the heart of one who has personally experienced f.
the love of Christ and its constraining power. This, mpkes life worth. -,
Box 50 — Zurich, Ontario,
with revolutionary new `
Central Heating System (Gas and Oil Models)
Above, the furnace is Iocated in the utility room with heat tubes is 1
the attic.. With basement installation, heat tubes are beneath jdot,% ('
This new marvel of home heating is revolutionary in its,
performance. It conditions the home for health as we11t;
as comfort. Blends room air with freshly heated furnace.
air — recirculates it — keeps warmth even from ;Poor to,
ceiling, Pre-engineered, factory -made to keep cost low,.
new3i, 4NCH HEAT TUBES that fat any con.,
struction, whether old or nevi.
111ew MAGIC BLEA DER m each room. It;
sucks In room air, he +'s It with hot.
air frorx: the furnace, thell i,'. --circulates it,,.
nA ' BLEND -Alii FURNACE that forces warm air Inter,
individua) heat tubes leading to each room, Asch,
GFiClerrl fa^1-=Muer you'll always be glad to have..
Tsi n,NL' �.fJil 1s delivered in a package complete, ready tn,,
lar. ll. Come in and let us demonstrate—we'll show yout,
"Comfort costs so little with tib Coleman"
For outstanding me*levement Coleman has racelved the sir*,
`P`r,N °sore' award mads In the warns off heating li,dustry by the Asir
•t AAEliIT
Tae Models approved by Asterktaa tsar AW401yet 09 irledaht
listed under label serr)te ►y underwriters' uttrawou ,
ZURICH „ Telephone 107