HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-11-20, Page 1ICH ERAL t`blished 1 90Q ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONTARIO BEV. E. W. HEIMR!CH, PASTOR 1D a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.--Sunday School. "4.S0 pan.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services EmmANuEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich -- Ontario REV., H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oeseh - Organist JNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.mn.— Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at mil Services—"Coma heu with us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own low Auto Insurance. Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. Are You Sufferkig From Headaches? Lf so, Have your Eyes Examined. with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. - OPTOMETRIST? PTICI#24-... GOD CE -- OPt'T. "'Good Glasses at Egfe.seconsole Prices ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY WLURNING, NOVEMBER 20 19 52 Md_on Theatrel GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday George Montgomery Nov. 21-22 Karin Booth Cripple Creek In Teehnicolour Winner Takes all in the West's Wildest Boom Town. Three. "Stooges' Comedy,.. Cartoon and Sport Reel Tuesday, Wednesday Nov., 25-26 Shadow In The Sky Nancy Davis Man forgets Arms of a Womar, Ralph Meeker Many Things in the Newsreel, Cartoon and "Killers the Swamps"' of Thank You! I wish to thank -my friends who so kindly remembered me while a patient in. Victoria Hospital. -- H. K. Either. Card of Thanks We wish to take this medium in thanking all who assisted 'in fighting the fire and` saving our home., Special thanks to the Zurich Fire Dept. who so quickly responded which saver] our home. Special thanks to all. SHE LIVES WITH FEAR Mrs. Whittaker Chambers reveals her ordeal of terror. She recalls how, while her husband was a Com- munist, she lived in dread he would be picked up by the FBI. After he deserted' the Communist Party, she feared he would be murdered. See this mStod s (414e .,. rneraean. Weekly, exclusively with Detroit Sun day Times. 3. Marry `%o'man, t u•n,eraZ Mone Fwmzerat D rector — Private Car eflibbralcarzoe Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service --= Dashwood Tel. 70W. IEL'S perior Store Fr.zen Foods Bird's Eye Frosted. Fo is FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. eek -end Specials 'Green) Giant Niblets'Corn each .44 14 -oz Mins ....._,.... Red. Cane :Salmon 7 3- • oz t'in 4•tins.. .............. 1 7c w,.33c 27c 1.00 Fancy quality tomato juice 2, 20 -oz tins .29c 'Tarts French: pea-sotp# 'large 28 -oz tin 1 uc Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL Zurich DA eB EARL HEYWOOD RCA VICTOR RECORDIflG ARTIST .and the CKNX Barn Dance Gaig IN THE Community Centre, ZurYch Ol\i THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2'h. Dancing 10 to 1 Colne and enjoy this evening':; En tertaJnment with this opur ince Orchestra . Were Anniversary Singers. The men's male ehorus� of the Ev- angelical church along with the or- ganist Mrs. Milt. Oesch wer.e:.Snnday evening guests at the Auburn _Unit- ed church at their anniversary aexv- ices. Is Postponed • The local Womens' Institute wish to advise the public that for the present the Euchre partys in the town hall have been cancelled until further notice. Thanks! Sponsored by the Community C;aititre ' Enjoyed Banquet • Last Friday evening the 'Hen's Admission. Orrganization of the Evangelical church enjoyed their anneal. Father and Son Banquet at which nearly a hundred partook of the bounteous meal. An interesting program in- cluded as speaker, Rev. Mr. Kaiser of the Evangelical church at Milver- ton. The Grand Bend male quart- ette rendered several well received numbers Board Centis i5. Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my' friends, neighbours and relatives, w+Iio •so kindly rei?emnered me with cards treats, phone calls, and visits -while a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, and ;at'honae! Mrs. George Bullock. BALL TEAM RECEIVE TROPHIES' Much praise and congratulations were showered on th e Dashwood Tigers, OIBA. Intermediate D. semi- finalists, Tuesday night last by; fans and sports figures at a banquet in Moneta MV1inards' Exeter .The '' ig- ers who won the Huron -Perth 1 ague championship against B. and C.}a.coin petition were presented with 'troph- ies, pictures and gifts. Guest ofthon- or at the banquet was Tim Burges, a London boy who• next year;; will fish as it were. So it one thing :ails report to the St. Louis Car dinats of lway s something else takes its place. the Naotpnal League Dashwod oatiit pgon- ship team of homebrew talent. Fishing Is Good Among the many hunters that went up north these past few weeks with intention of shooting the traditional deer, in most cases were disappointed as deer were very scarce or cunning and kept well away from man. But we are told fishing has been excel- lent, and up on. Georgian Bay the fishermen with nets have caught tuns ,of white fish and trout. In fact a nephew of ours treated us with a sample of these white fish caught in the Parry Sound district, and we do 'truthfully say it was about the best we have ever ate, being a lover of BAYFIELD Rev. P. Renner and son, Percy have left for Sault Ste. Maria on a hunting trip. Mrs. David Dewar returned home after having visited her sons James Kingston; and David, Toronto ;tor a month and spent the week -end in Clinton and Varna. Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit, spent the week -end at her home in the village. Mr and Mrs. Brisson of Detroit, were at their cottage over ,the we- ek -end. United Church W. A. • . . The United Church Women met on Thursday evening of last week, at the home of Mrs. Ivan ateckle, with a large attendance. Miss Maude Stirling, Christian Stewardship sec- retary conducted a ponel discussion on the subject of stewardship with many taking part. The la:iies dis- cussed plans for the banquet to be served to the Orangemen on Decem- ber 6th. The Voice of Temperance • The Unique Farm. Forum met at the home of Mrs. R. Geiger with 38 members and visitors present. Mr. Leonard Merner led the discussion on "Farm Machinery." "Does It Pay?." Our group felt that our farms ara mechanized on a sound basis. Our group felt that if machinery rs too expensive for the individual farmer, they could solve the problem by forming a syndicate. Carl Oestrei- cher led, recreation. The meeting of Dec. will be held at Mr and Mrs. T. Meyers with Mr. Cliff Pepper leading the discussion on "Why Price Supports. SUCCESSFUL MEETING The annual meeting and community service of the Zurich Branch of the Western Ontario Bible Society was held in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening with a very large at- tendance, and much enthusiasm was manifest. The speaker for the even- ing was Rer. Mr. McMillan of near Elginfieid who. chose for his subject The Bond of Christanity, namely the Word of God, the Bible. He referred back to the early calling of F,.brahain on down to the Christian area when the bible •copies were very scarce and people conveyed the Word by telling each other. His address was very much. enjoyed by all. Dr. Wm, MacNivin, the field secretary who has been the speaker on similar oc- casions, we are sorry to say owing to illness was unable to be present. In the re -organization, led by Rev. H. E. Heimrich, Mr. Bruce Klopp who has been Secy-Treas. for 14 years, has been replaced by Mr. Menno Steckle, and Mr. C. L. Smith who has been president for 13 years, hat been replaced by Mr. Klopp, the local Clergymen are the Vice -Pres idents. Canvassers have again been appointed, and were commissioned by Rev. H. E. Roppel. Revs. Sol- omon Baechler led in prayer, while Ephriam •Gingerich read the ecr ipt- ure lesson. If you contribute $2.00 to the canvassers you will receive an annual copy of the magazine "Bible in the World". While $11.00 entitles you to the Child's Magazine "For Our Land." There is probably no better way we can invest our dollar; than to send the scriptures to the underprivileged people who have no churches of teachers, but the bible is the only way to reach them, as it is printed in over 800 languages. The Zurich Society raised $340 last year for this cause. What are you do- ing to help it along? Please] The St. Peter's Lutheran church choir well rendered two appropriate an- thems, with Miss Audrey Heinmieh presiding at the Coneoie of the organ. Evidence accumulates that the bottle club cannot be conducted with- in the law. Its members can order their liquor delivered to the bottle club :premises and having identified every case and every bottle with their own names can frequent the place and drink their own liquor. This is within the law. But what a- bout the proprietor who has turned his house into a beverage room for the convenience of the club members? Certainly the club membership fees would not make it worth his while to run a bottle club beverage room He is party to some more profitable transaction. Does he get a cormnis- si.on on 'every case that is delivered to his premises? if that's the trans, action then he runs the risk of be- ing charged with bootlegging for he is participating in the sale Of course if he supplies liquor to his custom- ers from cases or bottles that are not identified as the personal prop- erty of a club member then he is bootlegging. The bottle club is im attempt to evade the Canada Tem- a peranoe Act. It is very gratrfyin;i« that inHuron County the vigrlatee of the 'oilioers of the law Is unttmgk- lug the bottle club,-..Advt. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel, 228. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH . Prop. —50 ONLY:— ENGLISH BONE CI-HINA TEAS AND SAUCERS FOR $1.00 SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW VALUES UP TO 82.00 Rose Point A NEW PATTERN IN BREAKFAST 38 PIECE SETS ONLY $13.95 A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. • Single Copies 5 Cente. Subscripton in Canada Year $2.119 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,50 RAG RUGS and CARPE On a Order -- Seth 0. Amami, Ztr las Ont. Phone 128. New Modern Loom, Made SIE INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS: WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 HENSALL, ONT, I Dtt,*Ivy 008004? 0Q0 oecosome Ptitttni Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent _.� __FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone : Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich ec 0 EtOEt ®•a•DOC tbegitA IE9 Grace: We are ever at your service with the beat line@ obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and -Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menno Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED, Phone 16.5 Fall Ne -ds START YOUR FLOCK ON "BIG -THREE' LAYING MASH, AND PELLETS FOR BIG RETURNS WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS GROCERY SPECIALS ZINK JAR RINGS, DOZEN ........................89C MASON QUART JARS, MED. DOZEN ...............1.23 CORN FLAKES, LARGE PKG. 25C CHOC, MARSHMEI.,LOW COOKIES, LE. 49C Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALL! Tlir BLAKE STORE E. Schwartzentrubcr, Prop. Phone 11-97 1