HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-11-13, Page 4ZURIICH a ONTARIO II UI IU{II 1 Il 1 IUII 1U 11 IUIIIMIIIIIIUU IU 11111UI 1 illi! , t 111111Ill11 IIIIIIIIIIIU li IMIU IU111U IIIIIIUIUU IIIIIIIIIIIUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllll ► 1111111111111111 it fill T#1111111111IIIi Illli►111111llil� ZURICH_ HERAI;i? . T Sunday last the real kin -ryas then Mr and Mrs L Wolfe i C1iiX. established, to Olive Whitesidns e The their original;, Marie 7 Oes union was a very pleasing one with the Ducharme• and Mrs. Davis. What's Wrong With The World? One 'Sunday a small bo, 'hent to his Pother and asked him to read the Comics, Dad absorbed in a Donk, didn't went to be bothered, Tlut the lad persistent. Finally the father cut up a map of the world into many a piece.) - like a jigsaw puzzle, and grating of th,� Zurich Mennonite promised his son a trip to the Zoo if church at the (home of their pmtor, e could put the map together a -replied. On the other side et the, Mr and Mrs Stephan Peachey and gain Ten minutes later the lad :dm- Imap is a picture a inau}•ou know Thursday, November 1113th, 19 2 ,1111111111 ntaCA, TEA ROOM WILL BE OPEN FROM 3 TO 7 P. 1V i. COUNTRY STORE - FISH POND -FANCY `WORK. AND CANDY BOOTHS Evening Entertainment t Begins At 7.45 BINGO WHEELS PRIZES FUN FOR ALL! DANCING '11 P. M. till? WITH THE 'SYNCOPATORS ADMISSION TO DANCE - 50 CENTS SPONSORED BY 'ST. BONIFACE PARISH YOU A IIEIII 11111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111 • • • • ,• • ,• :• • r • • • • • 2 • :• GAMES E INVITED ! i✓ vile. Mrs � o'eo •ord spent the week -end with 'daughter, Mr and Mrs. Carl trencher. LOCAL NEWS PRESENTATION MADE A very •pleasant evening was spent. last Friday evening by the Congre•. . WANTED FEATHERS FEATHER TICKS SCRAP IRON HIGHEST PRICES PAID Exeter Salvage Co. Phone 423 Exeter, Ox III 1 /11111/11 UU11UU I UUII I IIU II 1 III IIUIIIII 11111MmIU111111 111111llllll11111 ;111 IIU 111M11UIUU11Iimlllm 11111111 UIUIIIUIU 11 I 1 �� 111,11111111 LUQ Tractor Repairing And Farm Machinery AGENTS FOR — NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT, M1NNE- APOL�IS MOILINE TRACTORS, 'ETC. I HAVE RENTED THE 'WORK SHOP AT THE REAR OF WARD FRITZ MOTORS, LTD., FOR TRACTOR REPAIRING. MINOR REPAIRS OR COMPLETE OVERHAUL ON ALL MAKES OF TRACTORS. TRACTOR TIRES SOLD AND REPAIRED. GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP — QUICK SERVICE EMERGENCY CALLS TAKEN CARE OF GIVE ME A CALL1 • ELROY DESJARDINE Phone 78 ZURICH, ONT. illIgli •• w 4."500.. • • • • • • 1 2 pLJB•L:IC NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with By -Law .GO • N. 44, passed October 6th 1952, under authority of Chapter 266 Section 76 of the Municipal Act, a meeting of the Electors of the • • • Township of Hay will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ZURICH, ONTARIO On family, who expect to leave this community in the near future to make their horse in Florida. An impromptu program consisting of group singing, quartette numnbers, piano' solos and various talks was enjoyed by all. Mr and � dra. 1 eacney were presented with a leather-bound edition of the new .Revised Standard Bible and a purse of maney. A .delicious lunch and social hour end- ed a long -to -be remembered evening. HENS,�Lliw. wed his surprized father the snap of 'put the pian toget er an the world, completely assemr,Ied. pop, when I made the .man right, the 'How did you do it so fast?" asked • the world was right too. So hats oft the father, "that was easy" the boy 'to the boy. baa r.MAG ✓ EMOSs TUGAM M Etil � mcg* a " '"• p John Anderson of Hensaii won the John Labatt trophy at Goredich shoot Wednesday Nov. , for the 3rd consecutive year under very tough shooting conditions He was also a winner of a turkey. Mrs. Jack Munn of Ripley, for- mer Edna Jackson of Hen.sali, was the guest of Mrs. Ella McLean, Ex- eter and called on several former acquaintances in Hensall this week. Mr and Mrs. Albert G. Alexander returned home last week from a delightful .motor trip 'to the West, where they visited with relatives at Marquis, Sask. and Courtwright,Man. They visited with a great uncle Mr. Robert Moir, who is 98 years of age. at Crystal Cit.y, Man., a former well known Hensall resident, who is en- joying good health and hearing a- bout his old friends in Hensall. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presby- terian church had a very successful auction sale in the Arena last Wed. evening, some very fine articles of clothing, furniture, China, etc. was offered for sale. Mr. Elliott of Clin- ton was the auctioneer. The booth did a good business,In charge of the project was Mrs. W. R. Bell, Mrs. R. J. Cameron, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. P. Buchanan Mrs. J. B. McEwan, Mrs J. B. Fos. • ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! . Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Ow deeds AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. Co -Operative. HENSALL and ZURICH _ �.�,r,.a.mas�y�Dltal.` �r7F'mrsan[ata�mJs'�rt•�..��?? L"3'Ed COe�O 1 1) .Clearing Auction Sale • • ■ Of Autos, Tractors, Valuable Tools.• • and Misc. Items, on the Premise•, • Babylon Line, Hay Township; 14,4 • •..miles east of Zurich and 1 mile south 'Tine .undersigned Auctioneer has Deer • instructed to sell by public auction on • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22. • Commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp Autos — ("11937 ;Plymouth 4 -do Sedan lin good condition. Esye:c 'Sedan xscerrl3 overllai�le"Etr Traders — 'Hart Parr tractor on steel; M.. H. Tractor,truck ane, trac- tor ehassis. Valuable Tools and Equipment — Large ;air •compressor fully equips( • • • •• • a• • F ROCLANIATION TOWNSHIP OF HAY 1 • ;• • • The Clerk will be in the Township Hall, Zurich, from 1 to 2 p.m. 2 to receive Nominations for one Reeve and four Councillors for the Year 1953, also for three Hay Township School Area for the years 1953 and 1954 When a proposed Candidate is not present, his nomination 2 paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence • satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he cements to be so • nominated. • A meeting of the Electors will be held in the Township Hall, • Zurich, at 2 p.m., on • Friday, November 21 st, 1 95 2 • • To hear proposed Candidates, and in case more than the required •• plumber of candidates to fill the office are nominated, and a vote demanded, A Poll will be held on y� Monday, December 1 st, 1952 2 From 9.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m., at the following places: • Poll Polling Place • 1. School House No. 2 2. School House No. 14 • 8. Zurich Town Hall a 4. Zurich Town Hall 5. School House No. 12 -s 6. Earl Guenther Block •7. School (louse No. 3 8. Jas. Masse Residence • Dated at Zurich, Ont, November .;nth, ,1952, Friday, November 21 st, .1952 D.R.O. Percy Campbell Hugh McEwen Leroy O'Brien Albert Hess Futon Truemner ltelnhold Miller Jas. :McAllister Fred Machnrme portable air compressor, power drill, large and small emery wheels, all above mentioned articles equipped with 60 cycle motors; 2 complete large and small tap and die sets; various complete sets of flat and socket •w-xendhes; large and small vices; large hydraulic jack; Chore Boy jack; large chain hoist brake reliner, blow torch, spark plug cleaner and tester, grease guns, shafting, bearings, bolts, washers, magnetos, drills auto parts and ac- cessories, scrap iron, and many articles too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of Household effects No Reserve everything will be sold. • Also a quantity of 12,0 and 30 White • Rose motor oil. • Poll Clerk • man Loi ne Map Sid McArthur Gordon Surerus Lorne Klopp Ec'l. J. Stire Sidney Baker • James Fuss L1 1 d, Corriveau • Terms—Cash • The Estate of .the late William Neeb Robert Adams, Administrator. • Frank Donnelly, Solicitor. o• Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. • oe • • •• • 0 • • 0 • • • • • E • • • 0 • • • • DASHW OOu Moved to Bowmanville Mrs. George H. Gram, for many years a resident of Hensall, and for- merly of the Par Line, Hay Tovnu- ship, who spent the last year at a rest home in Exeter, moved in July with Mrs. E. Alice Hodgert to her ti locatiion, at ownianville, Ont.. Mrs. Grain is a member of the Schel.- lig family at one time well known in Zurich, having resided south of the village. Mr and Mrs Henrf Simpson of Bradford, England, who spent a three months' vacation with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Howard Klumpp, left on Friday for their home, having spent a very enjoyable vacation. Mr and Mrs Albert Miller and family spent the week -end at Nia- gara Falls. Mr. Czar Steinhagen of Montreal, is spending a few days with his par- ents, Mr and Mrs Chas. Steinhageli. Mr and Mrs Clayton Pfile spent the week -end with friends in Elmira and Kitchener. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Atchison and daughter Sandra of Stratford and Mr and Mrs E. J. Walper and Mr. Alvin Wainer of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Martin Laub. On Wednesday evening the choir of Zion Lutheran church enjoyed a delicious fowl supper and socialev- ening in the basement of the church. The table was beautifully decorated with munis. The committee in charge were Mrs. Ed. Nadiger, Shirley Haugh, Elaine Becker, Anna Mess- ner and Melvin Stade, The Choir of Zion Lutheran church took part in a special anniversary service at Seeback's Hill on Sunday gin Other ch Receive Recognition In an advertosetnent in our last week's issue run by. the Bankers' As- sociation a paragraph contained the following "During the time he was here, we found him to be very valu- able citizen. He always took a creep interest in our community, so we feel we have. lost a valuable asset. How- ever we feel sure that his reprace- nient will be made with a pian of similar calibre. This was composed by two Hensall members or the .Chamber of Commerce and referred to the late bank manager, Mr. Ir- win, and was well worded and the head office passed it on to the Assoc- iation for publication. Farmers Look! PREVENTEX VITAMIN MINERAL For Pregnant Cows and Sows A complete Vitamin and Mineral suppliment combined with those es- sential chemicals Pot Iiodide and Cobalt. Cows just use a tablespoonful with chop for 30 days before calv- ing. You can save yourself trouble by careful feeding. Come and get this mineral at Middleton s Drug Store, Hensall. Phone 20. 3tc eve g oirs were resent pr H, W. BROKENSl3IRE,t from London Logan, Stratford and Returning Officer 4 Mitchell. Seehach s Hill Choir ;entertained the visiting choirs to a ,' 4Cia1 hour and lunch after the seri St Joseph and Beaver Town Mr and Mrs Melvin Bedard of De- troit were week -end visitors with the former's mother and other relatives. Mr and Mrs Cyril •Ducharme and family of Windsor spent the week - enol with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme of this 11. W. Highway.. Mr and Mrs Leonard Sopha of De- troit spent a week's holidays with their relatives in the neighborhood. Or and Mrs Oscar. Tomlin and family of Harriston and Mr and Mrs Sidney Davis and family of St. Thom- as were Sunday . visitors with Mr. Isadore Ducharme and her mother, also with Mr and Mrs Ifred Duch- arme, Mrs. Davis was a daugnter to Max. and Mrs. Tomlin who at one time lived in 'this community and when Mrs. 77ornlin died 36 years ago the family were separated. Mrs, Davis then only three and a half years old was adopted by a Whiteside lemply of London. and was afterwards known as Olive Whiteside. `(`tree years ago at the death of Mr. White- side, her identity was revealed through articles in the press, and on • THE GREAT INVITATION AND THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY COME. AND LET HIM THAT HEARETH SAY COME, AND LEET HIM THAT IS ATHIRST COME. AND WHOSOEVER WILL, LET HIM TAKE THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY. Rev. 22: 19. COME NOW LET US REASON TO:GETHER, SAITH THE LORD, THOUGH YOUR SINS BE AS SCARLET THEY SHALL BE AS WHITE AS SNOW. THOUGH THEY BE RED LIKE CRIMSON, THEY SHALL BE AS WOOL. Isaiah 1: 18. I AM THE DOOR; BY ME IF ANY MAN ENTER Ili', HE SHALL BE SAVED. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Phone 94 r 22... Box 50 R.R. 1, ZURICH, Ont. i' vent at your home with revolutionary new c' Central Heating System Gas and Oil Models) Above, the furnace is located in the utility room with heat tubes ix I the attic. With basement installation, heat tubes are beneath 006 4( THE MODERN MIRACLE OF LOW-COST HEATING -- This new marvel of home heating is revolutionary in it* performance. It conditions the home for health as well as comfort. Blends room air with freshly heated furnace air — recirculates it — keeps warmth even from floor to, ceiling. Pre-engineered, factory -made to keep tett low, n�w 31/2 -INCH HEAT TUBES that fit any con-., structioli, whether old or new. new MAGIC BLENDER in each room. It., sucks in room) air, L^ `, it with hot. air from the furnace, then F.,::.irculates BLEND -AIR FURNACE that forces warm air into, individual Leat tubes leading to each room. Att. efficient ii:2'.-ea.-;r you'll always be glad to have. IiL,E71:a-A1yl is delivered in a package complete, ready to, i a ' n?l. Come in and let us demonstrate—we'll show yoi 3, ti,sy "comfort costs so little with a Coleman." For outstanding achievement Coleman has received the flralm award made in the warm air heating Industry by the APC new Gas Models approved by American Gas Assodla'tioal 011 Mod,ia: listed under label service by Underwriters' Laboratories. HESS * ELECTRIC --- ZURICH ZURICH -' Telephone 107 DEALERS IN GENERAL MOTORS AND COLEMAN AUTO.. ,. a. IMIATIC HEATING AND AIR 'CONDITIONING