HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-11-13, Page 1ara raer—erearearereee Prliatablished 190a ZUIUCH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER l 1952 .111.1,•10.4••••••• EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Onterio REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton (Peach Organist 'SUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services—"Camo ou with us and we will do thee stood." Num. 10:29. IliarMa..earnecananerramaramaeanarrsarevararran_areeramartorarr WHY PAY Reckless DriVer 'Rates If you're a caretulriver you can get remarkable: reav rates with State Farm /Mutual, the Company that dared/to •be different. State Farm careful drivers make e their own' low Auto Insurance , Rates 'KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. Normammarraorragarageraasaraurrarrrenarrraramorenerraramrse ee'ir4 44P- eie 1 ee • Are You Suffering From Headaches? fef eo, Have 'ou Eyes Examined with the Latest .M.ethoes and Equipment at A. L COLE, R.O. OPTOMETR EST & OPTICIAN GODEBIGIST — ONT. qood Gla esea se Reseeonaole Prices NORTH AMERICAN A Mutual Company Phone 70,-W Lyth; fluufr. Phone 41. I - EXETER Thurs. Fri. Sat. Nov. 13, 14, 15 DAVID AND I3ATHSHEBA Gregory Peck Susan Haywood This lavish technicolor production of the love story of David and Bath- sheba. Monday, Tuesday Nov. 17, 1$ Washington Story Van Johnson Patricia Neal A good entertainment - an insight in- to the life of a congressional paperman. Love Is Better Than Ever neWS- Elizabeth. Taylor Larry Parks This is c-omedy for the whole family Thank You! I wish to thank all those who re- nembered me with their Kindness in every way.—Mrs. Mabel Smith. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 0 aan.—Divine Services. 1.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services To a Famous Family Man the Breadwinner .. • would you give for the guar- antee that, aireatee anything happen- ed to you, your family receive $200.- 00 a month income for one year? Such an income would give them a year to adjust themsele es to their new circumstances. _It's value in peace of mind to you an your !miler will far outweigh the small cast of guaranteeing this income through a North American Life "One Year Income Continuance Polity. For details see: Harry Hoffman LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood, Ont. AgirreeciiirtiC1:401Ntalliirt=ifirarVer23.. a 1 Y 0 pen Store van 4.01 ,tiaeA tLer Bircs E oods e Frosted Food FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS -, VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. Week -end Specials Australian Sultana Raisins 2 -lbs. 37c H. S. Green Gant Peas, 2, 15 -oz. tins 35c ar aiiamoraarrarairierna.matea. fume 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich 11 "611,0••••••10.60•0•••••••••••*•• Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday Nov. 14•Ire John Payne Arlene Dahl Caribbean In Technocolour Filled with exciting sea battles..Ade venture; Romance, and Drama iri the • Caribbean Cartoon and "Outboard Shenanigans' Tuesday, Wednesday Nov. 8-19 The Man With A Cloak Joseph Cotten Barbara StanwycliT Leslie Caron What strange hold did this man have over the lives of these two beauti- ful women? Cartoon Newsreel and Safety" "Pedestra.174 EARL HEYWOOD RCA VICTOR RECORDING ARTIST .and the ' CKNX Barn Dance Gang IN THE wraraarewayuemarmassosmaraseemarmearmareararroasasurarmaarerarrarearrarrarrear Christmas Seals ,.„•••,The annual campaign of Chriet- ines Seals is .getting under way a- gain and the public are asked to respond when your seals appear th the mails. Give generously, there is rio place you can make your dollars go • of greater value. Ahmistice Day .Armistice Day was observe c on Tuesday, in memory of the elms of the first great war, which is now 34 years .ago. How time does fly. Some towns in the vicinity observed the entire day as a holiday while others had a shorter period of 'sil- ence. The Kalbfleisch Mills closed an hour earlier at noon for thee f thought for the occasion. Missionary Speaker Miss Elizabeth Hartig B.S.., Mis- sionary on furlough from India, is to speak at St.. Peter's Lutheran church, on Tuesday evening, Novem- ber 118th, at eight o'clock. Miss Har- tig has a wonderful message and ehe presents the highlights of her work in India in a dramatic and pieaeing manner. Everyone is cordially in- vited to hear her. Bible Sunday Sunday evening will be -the time of the annual Bible Sunday EVen- ing in Zurich. These services aro held jointly amonget the churehee who wish to join in. This year it Community Centre, Zurkh- i will be held in the Evangelical ON t. church, at 7.30 p.m. Just who the - speaker will be is not at presenr, le - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13tle cided on, but to be sure some one Dancing•10 to e will be present to deliver an appro- priate meesage Come out to this Grand Door Prize will be given• fine teto-gether and fill the House Come and enjoy tide evening's. En • ge e.of God to. overflowing. Arso uon't tertainment with -this -popurar Deflect ferget the worthy cause of helping orchestra. t.'. get .the scriptures to people who 'wan te. as are. .We 1,- . Oporieceeeee',6-';:eflaciPetrinetenity thins,/ eve reeeent. • Admission - 75 Cents Card of Thanks ..., .._...... I wish to greatly thank all my neighbors and friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, troate, best wishes and prayers, during my I ' recent illness. —Mrs. Herb. /u'uog"11". Bible Society SUNDAY An Interdemoninational Divine Ser- vice will be held on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16th. At 7,30 p.m., in EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL C7IHURCH, ZURICH Owing to acNi yen, the illness of Rev. Wm.! a substitute speaker is expected. Rev. MacNiven writes: "Give the people my warmest greetings, and: express to them my regrets for not being able to be with them. They have been so warmhearted, and kind!" EVERYBODY WELCOME Farm Forum The Unique Farm Forum met in the home of Mr and Mre Clair Geig- IT with 42 present. The tepee ror the evening was Farm Women in Public Life." Ws. Delbert Geiger led the discuesion as follow: Women leave a special contributionto make in public affairs by having a vital in- terest in public life they streng- thening their homemaking which af- ter all is the backbone of a country. Women and men have equal opeer- tunities for education, etc. There- fore they may equally be suited to politics. The visitors were given an opportunity to :Teak. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Geiger with L. Merner as leader, the topic being 'Does Farm. Machinery Pay." OBITUARY Charles Schroeder Charles Schroeder, for many years a well known farmer of Stephen Tp. and for the last 11 years resided in Exeter passed away at the Brace - bridge Hospital having taken ill while visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. Scriven. His wife died five years ago. Mr. Schroeder was born in Stephen Twp. and following his marriage liv- ed in Dashwood until 192e \wain he went to a farm near Crediton which he operated for 20 years. He was in his 87th year. Surviving are ono son Harvey and three daughters. Late Samuel Merner Samuel :Helmer, of Hensall, died in Victoria Hespital London. Soturday The Voice of Temperance Nov. 8th after five weeks' illness.He — ---- was born in Hay Township, was one The 'battle goes on. Preimer Frostiof the well known -Gottlieb Memel,' has issued orders banning from Cant- ' family, and farmed for many years ario periodicals and posters "doublee on the ].4th Con., now occupied by, meaning" .alcholic beverage advertie- his son and grand -son, Moving to. Mg. The Ontario Temperance .reel-;Hensall 38 years ago. He was also eration is preparing a eeriee of cu- a thresher by trade, and many a barn cation& advertisenwnts, The police he threshed out in the community in are still taking action agnime ietox-w.hich he lived. Mrs. Merrier died in icated drivers and bootleggers. The i June, 191711,. Surviving are one dau- magistrates are registering convict.- ighter„ Mrs. Flossie Broek, with whom ions against law hreekers. The pro- ho resided; one son, Roy, of Zurich; viecial government is establishing ' two brothers, Wesley of Zurich, and cure centres for alcholies. So the Jacob of Detroit; sit getaidehilde e, battle goes oneefer this liquor traffic and nine great -grand -children. The is an enemy of the public good and body rested at the Bonthron funeral the educators and legislators and the home, Hensel' for private .funeral officers of the law are not having a services held on Monday ai, e p.ni. very happy time trying to protect conducted by the Rev, W. J. Rogers our highways and our homes from its of :Hensall United Church. niter - excuses. It is good, however, that iment was made in the Evaniax,ed they are keeping up the fight. ft is tall—Bronson line cemetery. Mr. not to be thought of that the Jormt1 Merrier was in his 92nd year, and of law and order .will ever submit to also engaged in butchering divine his traffic, . Moreover, the tide dot' turn. Merner .xenileiilTi.tzdu their -diamand to;oachmente of this vaaoue .lifetime. :1n 1947 Mr and Mrs, telle:Atiee.ni _ Single Copies 5 Cent. Subseripton in Canada. Year $2.81 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50 f • NORMA'S !RAG RUGS and CARPETIt. BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS TeL 228. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. On a New Modern Loom, Made Th Order — Seth 0. Amaral, 744* Ont. Phone 128, welarzoormatoonsetamesomural otrumarrtetraromeauTte,!eusem,matteirreeraterucrazi:anraremanstarreseraurnwevasema Your Spectals! Broken? Don't Worry! WE CAN DUPLICATE YOUR LENSES IN 48 HOURS, JUST BRING IN THE PIECES ANY SHAPE, COLOR, OR SIZE SINGLE OR BIFOCAL VISION IN ;ere-- • ANY TRADE NAME A a HESS INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS .......tattatttnatatatmtwg•—•-• LORNE So EILEI4 LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEED Jeweler and Registered WHITE ROSE FUEL OM mrs.r.r,ancter weeznasaorirramemarenacgrerormararsztrx_ca=ar ...xmotax-,==mesxmacenanaranmrzszorienmia 'OS ti*EANtatiteigneWee OW3101:4040:4140451a@etit 0903e$3196 i Phone 10 — HENS/LLL, ONT., Optician. stith* :404-11100 rig Cei Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent gee rit:04134 g FLOWERS FOR, ALL OCCASIONS -Day and -Night Service a Telephone: Res. 89 or 122. Zuzich 061 ass *ease eeroe,Deseeeeeecoo eeeeseeeeeeeseesseeeave ' - 8' 8' ' • • • • 8' We are ever at your service with the hest linea obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Mem-o Oesch PRODUCE WANTED, Ittit11111411 Zuric Phone 1165 eeemesiaatemeeeeteevatiaireaseeateeseetesiatimartareeteetisteattereesteterealatOrteaaneseeneese 11 s START YOUR FLOCK ON "BIG -THREE' LAYING MASH, AND PELLETS FOR BIG RETURNS WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR. NEEDS GROCERY SPECIALS ZINK JAR RINGS, DOZEN 39C MASON QUART JARS, MED, DOZEN CORN FLAKES, LARGE PKG. 25C CHOC. MARSHMELLOW COOKIES, LB... , „49C Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand GIVE US A CALL1 AKE STORE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, Phone 11-97 t 1 4 4 4