HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-11-06, Page 4ZURICH ' r l'dl']i ARID WANTED FEATHERS FEATHER TICKS SCRAP IRON HIGHEST PRICES PAID Exeter Salvage Co. Phone 423 - Exeter,- Ont. HENSALL, The regular meeting of the Han- nan - n all W. I. rail. be held Wed. night, !Nov. 12 in the Legion rooms. MTs. W. Richardson and Mrs S. /Willie .re hostesses-. Roll -call name a place In Canada 'in alphebetical order. i4lnis swill be presented. Plan to be present 'The ladies who placed exhibits at the Exeter Fair ar asked to bring Giese items to the Nov, meeting for era 3 display, Linda ,tock, 1it'r1 daughter of M11 and MTs. Ron Mock, who recently • underwent an nlaeration in the Sick Childrene Hospital, Toronto, `is nn - proving nicely, '1Ir:. R. A. Orr is 'a patient at St. Josephs Hospital, London, where she underwent an operation 'ruesdav of this week in the interests of her health. Mr. Milton Lavery who recently underwent a major operation hi St. Josephs Hospital, London, has re- turned home much, improved in health. Mr John Richardson underwent an operation at Victoria Hospital. Lon- don, recently and is doing nicely. Mrs. Lou Simpson who has been spending the past weeks with memb- rs of her family in CIawson, and De- troit, Mich., recuperating from in- juries sustained in a motor accident, returned home on Saturday rt; 3 .1a.:3.e+-:hL4 t r,.. •G.a.:,ud trlr>�Y attar Repairing And Far Machinery AGENTS FOR — NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT, MINNE- APOLIS MOLINE TRACTORS, ETC. 1 HAVE 'RENTED 'THE WORK SHOP AT THE REAR OF WARD FRITZ MOTORS, LTD., FOR TRACTOR REPAIRING. MINOR REPAIRS 'OR COMPLETE OVERHAUL ON ALL MAKES OF TRACTORS. "TRACTOR "TIRE1S SOLD AND REPAIRED. GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP -- QUICK SERVICE EMERGENCY CALLS TAKEN CARE OF g GIVE "ME A CALL! �T .ELROY ESJARDINE .Phone 78 ZURICH, ONT. ea so 3 • • as 1 "A very valuable citizen" When a bank manager was transferred recently a group o citizens wrote the bank in tribute to his sense of public service; "During the time he was here, we found him to be a very valuable citizen. He always took a deep interest in our community, so we feel we have lost a valuable asset. However, we feel sure that his replacement will be made with a man of similar calibre." A bank man, by the very nature of his work, becomes part of the life around .him.. During his training in various branches, and as he takes on growing responsibilities, he learns more and more about people and how his bank can help them. And he brings to his community his personal readiness to serve in any way he can. This advertisement, based on an ec sal letter, is presented here by THE BANKS SERVIN8 YOUR CQ,NIMUNITY p • • ra o POULTRY ZURICH I ;AL1) • 0 HOGS 0 a •tz to 0 m e 0 a 0 tee 0 0 • • • • • • • 18 P.C. LAY MASH '17 P.C. LAY MASH 18 p.c. BATCH MASH FATTENING MASH 3.5 P.C. LAY ,CONC. e s Own Sax in Cwt. 1A or Ton Lot. 4.30 4,10 4,15 3.115 4.60 4.40 4.00 3.80 0.05 15 P..:C...._ 10Ce GROWER ST00 15 P.C. -SOW RATION 3:10 1117 P.C. PIG •STARTER 4.30 35 P.C, HOG CONC. 5.75 DAIRY AND BEEF: ' 10 P.C. DAIRY RATION .3.70 13 P.C. Dry and Fitting Ration, Steer Finisher —Prices on request 321 P.C. DAIRY CONC. 3.45 32 P.C. BEEF CONC. 3.35 24 P.C. CALF MEAL 5.50 24 P.C. CALF MEAL 1Pellets 5.60 20P.C. Calf St 'r Grower 4.90 OIL CAKE, BEET PULP. Order Your Needs NOW! PETROLEUM ens ZURICH ;220 - FARM SUPPLIES - FERTILIZER GHEL HAMMER MILLS 11 'strict Co 11 Pa: t ry lay th oAS1- \V00,, .Mr and Mrs' Sid Baker and Mrs. L. Taylor hand Anne •took a motor trip through Northern Michigan and the Straits of Mackinaw over the week- end. Mrs. Donehey .and brother, Gordon Goetz of Chicago, spent last week- end with Mr and Mrs R.' Goetz. Gor- don has returned to Chicago ana Mrs Donehey will visit with friends and relatives for a .few weeks. Mr and 1VIrs J. H. Ehlers of Han - ever„ Pa., who visited with relatives 'here for a few days during' the Cen- tennial, :have returned to their nome accompanied by .Mr and Mrs Daniel Weber who will spend their vacation with them. Mr and Mrs A. E. Oestreicher spent the week -end with Dr •and Mrs. D. L. Oestreicher 'in .Chatham. Mr 'Wnti. ;Mason as at present in Victoria Hospital,. London where he underwent an operation. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Leeland Restenseyer who has been confind to his home with pneumonia, we are pleased to .state is recovering slowly. Mr and Mrs George 'Tieman and son Michael and Mrs. A. V. Tieman MTS. Effie Kleninstiver, Miss' Marion Smith and Mr. Albert Rader spent Sunday in Willowdale With •Mr and Mrs, Jack Cudmore. Mr and Mrs Martin Laub spent the week -end with friends in London. Rev. J. H. Getz was guest speaker at Hanover Anniversary servr,:cs on Sunday. T. Harry Hoffman was guest soloist in ,Sebringville on Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs (Ward Kraft and fain- ily of London spent the week -end with relatives here. Mr. David Tieman is spending this week with his son Dr. Lorne S, and Mrs. Tieman in Middleton, New York Mr and Mrs Gordon Clemas and family of London were Sunday" vis- itors with Mr and Mrs T. Harry Hoff- man. Mr and Mrs L. Birk and daughter Shiela and Miss Verna Birk o f Guelph and Mrs. Grenzebach and son of Elmira, were visitors with Mr and Mrs V. Schatz and Mrs. Bender dur- ing the Centennial. Mr and Mitis C. Yager of Port Hur- on were •Centennial visitors with the Kraft Sisters. Mrs, G.Powell of Collingwood sp- ent last Sunday with .Mr and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman, also attending the Centennial. Mr and Mrs Harry •Guenther and Mr and Mrs Ervin Guenther and Mr. and Mrs Jack Guenther, both of Tor- onto were recent visitors with their sisters and other relatives. Also at- tended the Centennial, Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock,. !Poultry, Tractor, Farm Implements, May and Grath. On the Premises, Lot 18, Concession LRE,, Hay Township, 0 miles north of Grand Bend or 2 miles south of St. Joseph. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public Auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th. At .1,30 o'clock p.m, eharp Horses -a- Bay *13eigian mare, 9 years old; black Pereheron ntare, 10 years old; This team is guarantec41 sound and reliable. Cattle — Red cow, milking, carry- ing fourth calf, due later part of February; Part Hereford and Dur- ham cows milking, carrying 5th eel HENSALL 115 Se00096600•0069* 0 flu 4 0 • • a • 3 • 4 a • • •1 due first week in March; Two part Hereford and Durham heifers, 2 -yrs. old; Some Durham spring calves. Poultry — 175 Sussex x New Hampshire pullets, started to lay. A very good flock. -25 cockerels. Tractor and Implements— Fordson Major Tractor, fully equipped with starter, lights power takeoff; used one season, will be sold under new tractor guarantee; .McCormick Deering 3 furrow tractor plow, like new; McDeering binder, 7 -ft. cut like new; McDeering 712 -ft. tractor cultivator, in new condition; MeDe- ering 1.horse scuffler, rubber tired wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack; 2 -wheel trailer, wagon box, Kissel 10 -inch grain grinder; circular saw, 2 large galvanized water tanks, new fence stretcher, Beatty pump; electric fen- ecr; wanting plow; 1000 -cap. scales; M. H. Pere= separator," Clinton 'fann- ing mill, 11150 -ft. hay fork rope; pul- leys and scar for steel track, double harness, oak and steel barrels, storm windows, large apple " peeler, new stable broom, wheelbarrow, shovels, forks chains and many articles too numerous to mention. Hay and Grain — 600 bushels of mixed grain, oats and barley. A quantity •of Hay. No reserve, everything will be sold. Terms — Cash Bob Masse, proprietor Leonard 'Sararas, Clerk. Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Im- plements and Feed. on the Premises,. Lot 8, Con, 11, Stephen Township; 2% miles west of Crediton and halt_ mile south. The undersigned Auc- tioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th At 1.30 o'clock, p.m, ;:harp Horses — Hackney gelding, 7 yrs. old; Hackney mare, 8 yrs. old supposed to be in foal. Roan, Stan- dard Colt 2 years old. Cattle --- Part Jersey and Durham Cow, 7 yrs. old, due to freshen first week in January. Red Durham heifer with calf at foot Red Durham heifer, due Nov. I'Ith; Hereford heifer due November 26th; 2 yearlings, heifer and steer. These are all good quality cattle fully T. B. tested. Hoge -- 36 -.,Yorkshire pigs averag- ing from 5 to 7 weeks old. Tractor and Implements -•- 10-20 Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer. McDeering tractor in good condition, 1VIoDeering 32 plate tancrem aim; Oliver 2 furrow tractor plow; Me - Deering •binder 6 -ft. cut; McDeering 11 hoe fertilizer drill; McDeering hay loader, Cockshutt sulky plow; 3 drum steel roller; McDeering bean puller and scuffler, 3 section diam- ond harrows; John Deere manure spreader, .McDeering mower, •ft.eet, 3 horse cultivator, walking plow, Renfrew cream separator like new; steel tired wagon, hay rack, electric. fencer, hay fork rope, Clinton tan- ningmiU with sieves, bob sleighs, cutter, chicken shelters, quantity oi: lumber, chains, forks, shovels, and many articles too numerous to men- tion. Feed --•- 0 loads choice a!talfa hay, quantity of turnips, No reserve, everything will be sold. Terms—Cash Harvey Galinats, Proprietor. Gen 'Webb, Clerk. Alvin Walpor, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of valuablereal es ate, no'rsehold effects and Wisc. Items, on tui lw . anises in the Village of Zurich. The undersigned Auctioneer has Been in- structed to sell by public auction, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8th At 1 o'clock p.m, sharp Real Estate —. Consisting of Knell's Survey C. D., Village of Zurich, on which is situated a fine 2 - storey frame house, covered with asphalt shingles and has a new fur- nace; full cellar throughout with out- side entrance; soft water cistern, cellar kitchen and wash room; parlor 3 bedrooms, kitchen and woodshed. Also on the 4premis'ars is a small barn suitable for garage, best of garden land, and never failing water supply. This is a very desirable home, in a good location, open for inspection any time before date of sale by con- tacting the Executors. Terms of Real Estate -- 10 per cent. on clay of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserved bid. Household Effects --- Chesterfield, oak dining room table with chairs to match; 2 antique style parlor chairs, 2 walnut end tables, y' oak centre tables, 2 oak rockers, 8 large rockers, antique wicker rocker, fern stands,2 couches, bureau, dining room China cabinet, Thomas organ in beautifully finished case, like new; walnut ven- eer modern style 3 -place bedroom suite complete with springs and ,mat - trees, in new condition; 2 wooden bedroom sets complete, with springs and mattress; 1 single bedstead Thursday, November 0th, 1952 with springs and mattress; 2 complete, toilet sets, 2 cedar chests, medicine cabinet, wash stands, large clothes basket, New Williams sewing; mach ins, carpet sweeper, new hammock„ 3 tapestry rugs, various size.:, all in: new condition; 2 linoleum rugs, like new; verandah swing, Clare Jewel kitchen stove like new; eiteill kit- chen stove, it burner gasoline stove, full line of kitchen furniteee, in elud- ing 6 chairs; kitchen clock, sideboard kitchen utensils, Alladin. Lamp, an- tique parlor lamp, silverware, "ane r jardineres, beautiful glassware ants, antique dishes, 2 plate glans mirrors,. complete dinner set, fancy pillows,. 112 feather pillows, fancy .quiet;;,. com-. Lortere, some bedding, email spinn- ing wheel like new; numerous sealers large and small crocks, fresh canned. fruit and .vegetables, large anu small4 cabbage cutter, and many articles. too numerous to mention: Misc. Items -- Complexe butchering equipment including 2 large iron. kettles with stands, sausage grinder and press, all in first class condition,, galvanized tub, copper, boiler, hand washing machine, wheelbareow, lawn mower, scythe, ladders, shove;:,, forks rakes, ash sifter, Etc., Etre This being a large •sale, Bening:- will elling-will start sharp on time." Terms --.Call: Fred Thiel, London; Mrs. Emma Block, Zurich, Mrs. piat%e Hesse Zurich, Executors for the Estate of the late Elizabeth Thiel. R. F. Stade, Clerk. melmeamareememememennemaxenntammemesammunamoise •aS+xena rr.lezriC�?xrF,enfmA�9•j THE GREAT INVITATION AND THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY COME. • AND LET HIM THAT HEARETH SAY COME, AND LEET HIM THAT IS ATHIRST COME. AND WHOSOEVER WILL, LET 4. t HIM TAKE THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY. Rev. 22: 19. COME NOW LET US REASON TOGETHER, SA1TH THE #. LORD, THOUGH YOUR SINS BE AS SCARLET, THEY SHALL BE AS WHITE AS SNOW. THOUGH THEY B1',' RED LIKE CRIMSON, THEY SHALL BE AS WOOL. Isaiah 1. IR. I AM THE DOOR; BY ME IF ANY MAN ENTER IN, HE SHALL BE SAVED. 1. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Phone 94 r 22.,. Box 50 :•'.R. 1, ZURICH, Ont. tiff your ho wth revolutionary new Central Heating System Gas and Oil Models) Above, the furnace is located in the utilttyl room with heat tubes les ,l the attic. With basement installation, heat tubes are beneath Pi 1h 1• THE MODERN MIRACLE OF LOW-COST HEATING -- This new marvel of home heating Is revolutionary in iia performance. It conditions the home for health as weld as comfort. Blends room air with freshly heated furnace air — recirculates it -- keeps warmth even from floor to, Ceiling. Pre-engineered, factory -made to keep cost law. new VA -INCH HEAT TUBES that fit any con-. struction, whether old or n^..w. nAMAGIC BLENDER in each room. Its Sucks 1n room air, 11r^''", it 'ith hot air from the furnace, then ilEcirculates geoW BLEND -AIR FURNACE that forces warm . air into„ individual haat tubes leading to each room. Ant, efficient fuel -:•:aver you'll always be glad to have. #i@.t v-rv,ii. is delivered in a package complete, ready teas I, "all. Colne in and let lie demonstrate --we'll show yolk u -.y "Comfort costs so little with a Coleman." !For oufsfandtng aisblwement Coleman has reoetved the Mk award wedle to flee u,mrm ale heafing Industry bay the A5fi CAI Modals approved iW Arnaricati Ons AMsooletlonl Olt Mid la listed under label wide* by Onderwttlere Lebdra#aglelt, HESS W-- ELECTRIC --. ZURICH ZURICH .. Telephone 107 DEALERS IN GENERAL MOTORS AND COLEMAN Auto. MATlC HEATING AND AIR CONDITioNING t 4. 4. ;, +. 4.. 414, •�y 4 4, 4. 4N . 4.. .5 -- -is 4 4