HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-11-06, Page 1.stablished 19O • EM ANILIE1 EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich -- Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oescln - Organist SUNDAY, SERVICES.— 10:00 .m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. --- Bible School. '7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services --"Come thou with 'us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29. *mama, 02.1r.,.*oranLynysyl.nrunfaStaasumerstammtliammanamemour WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates I.f you're' a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own' low Auto ' Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 73 r 13. • Zurich, Ont. Are You Suffering From Headaches? 4!.' so, Have year Eyes Examined with ' the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIi,H — ONT. Good c:,1a: acs at lesaeenaole Prices ZURICH, ONTAPI , THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6 Phone 421 EXETER Friday, Saturday Nov. 7, WAGON'S WEST Rod Cameron Peggy Castle This exciting western gives us the thrills of a wagon trip from Missouri to California Mon., Tues._ Wed. Nov. 10, '1.1, 12 91 I She's Working Her Way Through College Virginia Mayo Ronald Regan This is a story with a lot at twists. Matinee Tuesday, November llth, at 2:30 p.m. Card of Thanks • I wish to thank all my relatives, friends, neighbours and school mates for kindly remembering me with cards, and treats 'while I was a pat- ient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. --.Martha Meidinger. e ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 0 a.m.—Divine Services. 1.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Vespers. Everybody Welcome to all Services NORTH AMERICAN A Mutual Company Phone 70-W To a Famous Family Man — the Breadwinner W hat ''wohiel 'you give for the sitar- antee that, in ease anything happen- ed -to you, your fancily receive 3200.- 00 a month income for one year? Such an income would give them a year to adjust themselves to their new zircurnstances. It's value in peace of mind to you and your family will far outweigh the small cost of guaranteeing this income through a North American Life "One Year Income Continuance Policy. For details see: arry o ma LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY -- All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood., Ont. 1 k~• I Si ID perior Store ds Frosted Foods FOR YOUR .CONVENIENCE FRUITS v VEGETABLES . FISH, - ETC. eek -en Specials Maxwell House Coffee, 1-1b. bag .... ................94c Crisco 3Ib. '1131 .... ........ 99c Ulmer pure peanut butter 16 -oz jar .......... .,....3 c ,jell -o Jelly Powders 3p -kgs. ........... 29c Pho : 140 C. 1 H. THIEL Zurich EARL HEYWOOD RCA VICTOR RECORDING ARTIST .and the CKNX Barn Dance Gang IN THE Community Centre, Zurich ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th. Dancing 10. to 1 Grand Door Prize will be given Come and enjoy this evening's En- tertainment with this popurar Dance Orchestra Sponsored by the •Community Centre Hoard Admission 75 Cents N.O T I C E The Zuriciz Women's Institute will hold a Euchre in the '?own Hall Zurich, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th. At 8.30 p.m. Prizes will be given. Have you a Card Table? HYMENEAL Wedded at Westminister The Rev. H. E. Merifield was tie officiating minister at a wedding in St. James Westminister Church wneu he united in marriage June, Patricia, slaughter of Mrs. Patterson, London, and Earl Edmund Rader, London, son of Mr and Mrs John leader, of Zurich. The bride wore a street length dress of blue crepe with ac- cents in white and a corsage of gar- denia and carnations. Her only at- tendant Doris Rader, sister of the groom,,. wore a violet crepe street •rengtlehtl 8es'ain 6.adorsage i f`ytlioty carnations. Ray Rader attended the groom. For the wedding trip to the United States, the bride do;rnect biege' coat with black accessories and on their return will reside in Lon- don. APPOINTED ZONE MANAGER Vic. Dinnin Investor, Syndicate of Canada, Limited announce the appointment of Wm. Victor Dinnin, 13.A., es 7.one Manager for this area. A graduate of the University of Western Ontario, Mr. Dinnin has served as school prin- cipal .for several years. In addition to its Instalment Sate lugs Contracts, Inve3tere Syndicate of Canada offers the share.; of its affiliate Investors Mutual of Canada Limi ted. Mr. Dinnin may be reached by telephone at Zurich 163. The Voice of Temperance Temperance posters from an neg.. fish magazine, "Think before you drink, it is harder to think after." "You can't drink your troubles a- way, they swim." "Don't drink until your doctor says stop. Maybe by then it won't matter whether you do or not." "Alchol produces progressive par- alysis of judgment and this begins with the first glass." (Sir Lauder Brunton world famed neurologist.) "One for the road may mean two 1i .for the hospital. Keep death off the i roads.'" "To drink before driving may mean putting' the "quart" before the hearse." 1 This advertisement is inserted by the Huron County Temperance Fed- eration. 52 Armistice Poppies Are for sale in Zurich. D'o not nils hhis opportunity to give your support... "Lest We Forget." Sponsor- ed by Zurich Women's Institute. Was Guest Speaker Re'v. C, B. Heckendorn, Mrs. Heckendorn and son Paul of Elmira were Sunday visitors in Zurich, the former being guest speaker at the Anniversary Services of the Evang- elkcal U.B. Churrh, which was well 'attended at both services. Enjoyed the Shoot -Local hunters, in large numbers, armed- with the traditional shot -gun were seen out the two open days for partridge, the latter part of last of ele, and some were successful in ba'ging their quoto, while others were nOt so`suecessful and they stiff are w^orldering just what has happened tc1'1he; many young birds that were shipped, in and released during the siinmei' months. But seemingly the weld life instinct follows the blood o these creatures and when hunting titze comes agound they know rust hpw to .take care of themselves by hiding in underbrush and other Wee - ea of .safety. i Attended Funeral i Worde was received here of the sadden pas:;ing of Dr. Hubert Klopp, echo died on Friday October 31st, the funeral ,was on Sunday at Welsh's Funeral Home Minden, Ont. With burial at Fenton Falis. Dr. Klopp Was raised in Zurich district and gra- duated from Toronto Dental School, ryas 00 years of age., and praciced dbnti try in Kitchener and Waterloo, lie still maintains his home in Water - /.d. His wife .predeceased many ye- rrs ago h one daughter Rotna of Tor- o rto survives, his brothers, E. F. a vl Osear Klopp, a • sister, Mrs. Ella --1aturch of Zuricl eaaze amialagetheetaena ily survivers. Those attending' the funeral from here on Sunday were. Mr. Oscar Klopp, Mr and Mrs. How- ard Klopp, • Mrs. Earl Yungblut, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Klopp, Lorne arra Lloyd Klopp and Mrs. Gordon How- ald. Many other relatives from Stratford Kitchener and London, al- so attended. Farah - Forum The Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs Carl C3es- treicher for the first meeting of the Winter season with 80 members and visitors present. Mr. Leonard Mer- rier was elected chairman for the ev- ening. A very lively discussion r.oll- owed. A young man, choosing farm- ing as a life work should like .farm- ing and should love ability and good management. The young man should (have some financial backing. The farm wife must be a willing partner in the farming venture, otherwise .she can be a drag to his ambition. Mrs. Pearl Geiger will discuss "Wo- men in Public Life" at the home of Mr and Mrs Claire Geiger's. Mrs. Len Merner conducted recreation. Chamber of Commerce Canadian Chamber of Commerce Annual Convention R. W. Illsley, delegate for the Zur- ich' Chamber of Commerce attended the Annual convention of the Can- adian Chamber of Commerce held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto from Oct. 21 to 23rd, at which over 600 of our nation's top executives asse;ne• bled. Other Western Ontario deleg- ates come from London, Sarnia, Chat- ham,Woodstock and Owen Sound. Many prominent speakers were heard including Dr. G. E. Hall of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, Mayor Charlotte Whitten of Ottawa, Lowell B. Mason of Washington, Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, and Sir Archibald Forbes of the Federation of British Indust- ries The topics .of were of importance and interest, Immigration and the problems of settlement for New Canadians in the Rural areas, the increase of Canada's population to 40,000,000 by 1975 with its in- ereased demand for farm lsroduction and increase in acreage of arable land. The main topic of discussion was Canada's prominent ' part in world affairs and the tremendous development of her natural resource to which all speakers from the U.S,A. paid great tributes. The convention ended with the el- ectien of the new President, Mr. I., W. Simms of 1I Iifax, Enid the decis- ion to hold next year's convention at Jasper, Alberta, The conc,uding event was a trip to visit the new Hydro project at Niagara Falls and a tour through Toronto's new eab- way. Single Copiea b Cents. Subscripton in Canada Year I32.1 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50 NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. .Zurich NORMA STEINBACH a Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPE On a New Modern Loom, Made Order -- Seth 0. Amann, Zterialk Ont. Phone 128. Your Spectals Broken? Don't Worry. WE CAN DUPLICATE YOUR LENSES IN 48 HOURS, JUST BRING IN THE PIECES ANY SHAPE, COLOR, OR SIZE SINGLE OR BIFOCAL VISION IN mr,.,.. ANY TRADE NAME G. 'I •X ESS Jeweler and Registered! Optician. a 3 3 3 tottaltt INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOBNE S. FILER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEED WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 •— HENSALL, ONT,a � > „ OA* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS mak...., . Day and Night S.ervice Telephone: Res. 89 Meaetheetie66606ehheyeeesceseeecereee fee or 122, Zurich 6t ti ,e66 6661,6663fd+0hoc Eaa We are ever at your service with the best line& obtainable of FRESH GROCE':IES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies .. Nuts - and Confectionery in sup* GIVE US A CALL. enno est. Zurich PRODUCE WANTED.: Phone 165 er" ' kFeti estemeeneafeeeeremeeezemeueteenee 11 ess START YOUR FLOCK ON "BIG -THREE' LAYING MASH, AND PELLETS FOR BIG RETURNS WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF FEEDS ALL YOUR NEEDS GROCERY SPECIALS ZINK JAR RINGS, DOZEN ................... . . . ..38C. MASON QUART JARS, MED. DOZEN ..i.29 CORNFLAKES, LARGE PKG. . . . ..... . . 25G CHOC, MARSHMELLOW COOKIES, LB., , , . , , , , .. , MSC FOR Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! GIVE US A CALL! E. Schwartzentruberr, Prop, STOtit Phone 11-97