HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-10-09, Page 4ZURICH . ONTARIO STANLEY TOWNSHIP he many friends of Mr. John A. �'3nstrong, Goshen line, are pleased to see him up ,and ltbw+t as usuat a- gain, after hi recent illneee. He was t patient in Seafovth Ho.=piital for a tow week'. {1+1 40S1LIlUnited Chilled-,illJ' Li 7 '1'e1;1' Isucceesful anniversary services on Sunday, Sept. 14, at 11 and 7,30 ok- , clock The guest speaker for the morning service was Rev. Will Rob- inson, a Goshen old bob*, and nor the evening, .Rev. W. J. Maines, of Bru- cefield spokei Special music was ren- dered by the choir. it is expected that the resurfacing and shouldering of No, 4 Highway ISTSN 1 iCu}P� r� ,'N,.T"iti:§-iun`'�'��„-�.«'.7�L"s'";r'�.w. �: cE.•x: ,.:..._ FTOR E OPER LICENCE THIS IIC.Vta ,WST RC Ff`RP �,. �OnRATOR NOT;AAVIO TO OPERai. a MOTOR 44,.ICLE AS A((GKAUF MOTORFIVR 19 2 ' WAYS poucGr.. NIGNWAY VIVO FURSUA,{T TO PAR`. xN OF TN R uC CC/ NO Over 17, 00 ileuses were suspended h 1951 T4h7•k SAFETY - Drive S;a k FEIY TA DEPART:. tRI. E T OF FIG ,CEO. H. DO'UCETY . MINISTER WAYS from Cli atoll to :Ripen 'y ill 'be 'tt pleted Vale i'a11 by A. F. Stoneho& e, Co. of Sarnia. Thirteen ctilvett's in the s+wretch are under construction, and almost near completion 'by. a Dal ,lin "firm, 'Looby and Lo&i'y Gore str oetion. Stanley Towe hip Cotuteli met in Varna Ball for tho monthly Meeting, Themain topic under cone ideratibn was the eti•iklug of the•tnibll rate,The township rate will ae )0 mills, a a e- ereaee of two belo :v last years 'the total mill rate, wiiitotzt the l eblie echooi rate for the ; eea: will be '27 mine. Mr and 11re Victor illetr, i=arcing, Mich,, have returned to their sume mer home at Le1ing•tlta Beach after a pleasant visit with Dr and Mrs. Lloyd Moffatt at thole country home at Varna. Victor Meer is 'the assist- ant atto"ney geneeal of the State of Michigan, anis his wife is a niece ;of Dr. Moffatt, AUCTION SALE. ''+ Clearing Auction "Sade of Fiuni and Farm Machinery at Lot S, Can. 7, of Stanley Townshi' 1, 3 miles loath of Valeta, on ,MONDAY, OCTOBER 127th. At 1 o'clock, p.rn. 'Machinery — Mas.ey Harris binder M. VI. Harris 13 -hoe seed drill, dump rake, riding plow,; wagon, flat .tele, , set of harro.we, cultivator, 5 tons hay, set of double harness, 2 tables, writ- ing desk, 3 beds, 10 kitchen chairs and some other household effects. Property — At same time and place there will be offered for gale, - subject to a reserved 'bid, The farm being Lot 8, Con. 7 in the Township of Stanley, upon which there Ts situ- ate a comfortable house and a good bank barn. Terme — 1O9 down on date of sale., balance in 30 days. Chattels --Cash • Estate of A.D.M.R. Robert orest, Executor William -Forest Solicitors, ,Bell and Laughton. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, It.✓lerk. AUCTION • SALE; Of Property and Household Effeets in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL On Brock Street SATURDAY, 'OCTOBER 18th. At 1 'pan. White all enamel Beach cook stove Quebec heater, Co -Op electric washer (like new) .Astrdl refrigerator, '5 F,- 1 R SECURI • lr 11 1iIi I iaiiii ti (N<F ttl /..l.q.00Ht HERALD kitchen 'tihairs, dinette table anti buf- fett, kiteben cabinet, white enamel kitchen utility table, Singer sewing machine, two burner hot plate, day bed, 'studio couch, 9 -piece modern 'wahrut dining room suite (like new), radio, 3 -piece chesterfield suite, fer- ,iiery, pedestals, end tables, occasional :cchairs, rockers, floor lamp, table lamp, iron, toaster, Goblin vacum cleaner and attachments (new) ; oth- er electrical appliances, .2 modern single beds (matched) with springs 'and inner spring mattresses; ane modern brown 3-4 bed springs and inner spring lt!t tee see bedroom suite complete, one odd dresser, 3 congoleuln rug, and other floor cov- erings, scatter .mate, curtain. drapes, quilts and bed linens, lawn plower, quantity dis11•as including bridal wreath china; ornaments, 'kitchen utensils, sealer:, crock,, clocks, mir- rors and many other .articles. At the same place at 3.30 o'clock the property will be ,offered Tor sale aub,lect to re. e ved bid, a 7 room frame house covered with. white as- bestos shingles; has 3 -piece bath, hot and cold water, ale.) garage. 'Terms — Chattel, Cash. Property 1054 down, balance in 30 days. Im- mediate possession. Proprietress, Mies. Inures Sangster. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson, Clerk, E. P. Chesney, Clearing Auction Sale 10f Livestock, Tractor, Farm Imple- ments, Hay, Grain and Household Effect..a an the Premises, Lot 15, Con ,3, Stephen Township, lit nines south of Exeter and 1'rr miles west. The undersigned Auctioneer has been iu- strueted to sell by Public Auction on TH:URSDDAY, 'OCTOBER 16th. At 1 o'clock p.m. sharp 'Horses — Standard bred mare, '7 years old, (iyp;ey McKillop, bred to Ray Chilcot and due to foal first week in November; Tenessee walking mare, 5 years old, with sucking colt 4' months 'old. English saddle, and single ,harness. :Cattle — Reg. Holstein cow, Gren- dale Finderne Aristocrat, rnilkino, due March 10th; Reg. Holstein cow, 13raejarr Ann Abbekerk, milking,•,due June 20th; Reg. Holstein cow, Spru- ceview Emily Sovereign, due March 19th; lHoistein heifer, milking, due April 0th; Holstein heifer, milking, due 'Feb. 29th; Jersey cow, milking, due Dec. 8th; Holstein cow, milking, due Feb. 5th; 2 Reg. Holstein heif- ers, 1 year old; 2 Durhams, rising 2 years old, These cattle are ari fully T.B. tested with no reactors and are the 'best of Dairy cattle bred to high pedigreed Holstein Sires, NATIONAL SECURITY ,[q As a member of aircrew, he's marked as a young man of unusual calibre. ,fife's had months of intensive training on the finest of equipment, He has developed character; and the chance to go far in this expanding service offers him a bright future. The future accomplishments in the field of aviation can be counted on to outstrip its brilliant past. Here's the life that any boy -- or any parent — can be proud of. There's a blend of skill, adventure and service to your country that can't be beaten for sheer satisfaction.. Would you like to fly with the R.C.A.F.? Then get all the facts today! REQUIREMENTS • Age 17 to 24 yeare and unmarried. • rumor Matriculation or better —a Uni. versity degree is an advantage. • runior Matriculants are eligible for a short service commission of six years duration — University graduates for a permanent commission, • A selected number of personnel holding short service cgmmissions are granted permanent commissions on a Competi- iive basis, the remainder reacive a substantial gratuity, ort the tertnitiotien of Cleft' engagement. RCAF ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE 1w M se an m,m lamas wan sees ea'rle•eip am as se me•®eetselm n•rweetlRe WO. Director of Personnel Manning, R.C.A.F. Headquarters, Ottawa. Please mail to me, without obligation, full pedicular. 1'n,,'4' enrol»sent requirements and openings nota au:-itable tlt the =r .,....i NAME (plass. pont) STREET ADDRESS CITY "i 3.O'Vi, t' EDUCATION (liy grade and prat'ince) rt..,...,,,u,....0 n.. I .1,411.4 AGE (surname) C/4• 1 b•g' Pigs—Tamworth sow with titter of 9; York sow, due before sale date; Tamworth sow, clue latter part of October; 18 Tamworth chunks, 1 pigs, 7 weeks old; Tamworth boar, 2 years old. Black English and Scotch collie dog, well trained, a good heeler Tractor ----Oliver standard 77 trac- tor, 3 years old, motor overhauled recently, in new condition; Allis Chal mars ""C" row crop tractor with hy- draulic scuffier in A-'1 shape. Implements --- Masvey Harris 3 - furrow plow; McCormick Deering 15 -hoe hydraulic seed ,drill; new; McCormick Deering mower;2 sets lever harrows; 4 -section drag har- rows; !Massey ,Harris binder, t-ft.cut John Deere one-way disc, 9 plate, new; Massey Harris side delivery rake; dMlcI)eering sugar beet' lifter; Me -Deering team scuffles•, used one year; steel 3 -drum roller; set of eameateseessamesesesaremensetsamasnesseeC. Thursday, OetCrherr 9th, 1952 sleighs; ,walking plow; cutter; 1 - horse sealer; rubber tired wagon n comb. flat and beet rack; .Cockshutt dump rake, set of scales, bag truck„ r2 -wheel trailer, wheelbarrow, root. pal per, stone'boat, milk cart, sling, roues, 5 steel pig troughs; 1 -3rd hp, motor; :10 -ft. good belt; Universal milking machine, 1 double, 1 single unit; 15 standard size milk can, and; strainer, milk cooler, milk palls; 6 shelters, 1)0 steel pasts, electric fen.. ser; sacks, shovels, forks, whiffletreee neekyakes; beet knife, Etc., Etc. Hay and Grain --- 1,400 bales of. !choice clover hay; r q0nus lels of mixed groin; quantity of Household Effects. No reserve, everything will be sold. Terms—Cash Elmer 'Willis, Proprietor. Garnet Hicks, Clerk Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer. oisas .21±arALEKC=UMEMSTMO r rS 1 SIOWCSAVREOSOMS4 . pta ARE YOUR BEST BUY Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Oui eeds AVAILABLE AT H"mal Dist. CcA=', k e rativi. HENSALL and ZURICH ^-�-,-fry•�.,rr"�♦,Z"'•a�It'f'+rt�e>rw_^:=`=fr�+'1�s:4M•n'TA�'^�5� THANKSGIVING TIME While the earth retnaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.—Gen. 8 22 Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly; Thou settlest the furrows thereof; Thou makest it soft with showers; Thou blessest the springing thereof.. Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness Ps.65: 10, t t 0 that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of Men. Ps. 107; 8. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS' Phone 94 r 22... Box 50 R.R. 1, ZURICH; Ont. with revolution ry new Central Heating System eiso Gas and Oil Models) Above, the furnace is Iocated in the utility room with heat tubes its 1 the attic. With basement installation, heat tubes are beneath )'loon, 'r THE MODERN MIRACLE OF LOW-COST HEATING—. This new marvel of home heating is revolutionary in it$ performance. It conditions the home for health as well as comfort. Blends room air with freshly heated furnace. air — recirculates it —keeps 'warmth even from floor to, ceiling. Pre-engineered, factory -made to keep cent :ow;, new 3t -INCH HEAT TUBES that fit any con.. struction, whether old or revs. new MAGIC BLENDER in each room, IC sucks in room air, h. -,:s it with hots air from the furnace, then I':Lcirculates new BLEND -AIR FURNACE that forces warm air into, individual heat tubes leading to each room. Ass, efficient fuel -saver you'll always be glad to have. BUND -Alit is delivere• d in a package complete, ready t", install. Come in and let us demonstrate --we'll show yew why "Comfort costs so little with a Coleman," For outstanding achievement Coleman has received the ittryk award mad* in the warm air heating industry by the .4?l, (MERIT ik\\\AWAi7D U6N has Models approved by Americas es Assocfatianf tail Isiedaie listed under !abet service by Underwriters' tabarefories. HESS -- ELECTRIC ZURICH i IR Ci I - Telephone 107 DEALERS IN GENERAL MOTORS AND COLEMAN AUTO- MATIC UTOMATic HEATING .ANIS MR CONDITIONING