HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-10-09, Page 3Again Wisiners iC orearty .Comedians were first titan winners in the square dance tentest in the 30 to 50 Glass at the ,aatadiam National Exkibiion 'T`hurs- afaay night 218th, •This is five frsts the group have captured at various ntests held at ley Centcennial, 1Goderich. Old Horne Week, Millbank, Fergus and Toronto during August. i'e group expect to compete at the ,toyel Winter Fair, Toronto,MVIembers the group are Mrs, Brace Arm - 'strong, d.Vlrs. Ross kleug1hton, Mrs. Den Wallace, Mrs. Ed. Diet:, Fred 3at4burn, 'Wm. Dalrymple, Ross and Gorden Houghton. Floor manager, i'orman Haalburn; violinist, Nelson Wove; pianist, 9 year odd Mildred Mr Bout igM4e, who 'tame x'aeently pux- hased the general insurance business of the late E. C. Chamberlain in .Sea- 6orth will continue to be associated with The Expositor on a part-time basis. Mr. Black is an honor gradu- ate in Journalism at the Ryerson In- stitute, Toronto. ore. HAVE MANAGING: ,?U1TOR HAY COUNCIL The August meeting of Hay Co— uncil was held in the Twp. Hall, Zur- ieh, on Monday Aug. 4 at 8 p.m. with all Members present. The minutes of the July meetings were read and following these, a hearing was given to representatives from the Norman Heights Survey. The following mot- ions were passed: ZURICH HERALD o added to the cost of the Drain as That isgiving zro n picture of the instructed by S.. W. Archibald, 0.L. drat sat so.f limber camp 1 had walk - S., who was appointed as Engineer on ed in. There were 120 men in camp, the Drain. mostly all had came in together, we That application be made to the were. all strangers with one -another, Department of Highways. for -the initial payment of the 1952 toad Subsidy. That in reply to the communication received from the orparation or the Village of Hensall, requesting a re - That the mi=nutes of the July 10th, and 21st, meetings be adopted as read. • John Black, formerly with the I That J. Buechler and Win. Forrest Fergus News -Record, has succeeded each be paid $50.00 for severance, W. E. Southgate as ananaging editor relative to the construction .of the of the Seaforth Huron Expositor. itor. Schwalm ,Open,OpenDrain and that this he 7th BE NOT DECEIVED Be not deceived God is not mocked. Whatso- ever a man soweth. That shall he also reap. OaI. 6,7 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; BUT the wrath of God abideth on him.----. John 3: 36. Ye must be born again — John 3: 36. Chas. f=uller, Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California. ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. E.S. T. taining fee for fire p>.oteett on, the Clerk be requested to reply that we pay no annual retaining fee, but that we still abide by the terms of the fire -protection agreement with the Village of Hensall. That we accept the tender tor the six feet diameter and 24 -ft length corrugated culvert as received from Melanin Smith at $40.00.. This hav- ing been offered for sale by tender. That no relief be paid to persons who are eligible for Cove assistance for disabled persons. That by-law No. 9, 1.952. or the Township of Hay be passed aixthorie- i ing thefollowing of an additional $20,000 from the Bank -of Montreal., Zurich, as needed. That the various accounts be paid as per voucher. That the meeting be adjourned to meet again on Wednesday Sept. 3rd at 8 o'clock p.m. Earl Campbell, Reeve. H. W Brokenshire,' Clerk. in rationality they were a mixture, "1 put away my hard-earned moneys This young bank depositor recently wrote to his bank manager: "I made a goal of $1,000 for this year. It is two years since I opened the account with two dollars. I owe thanks to you that I put away my hard-earned money where it will benefit me . , . I do not wish to touch it for the time being." Building up a bank account means work and sacrifice. But Canadians know the value of having savings handy in time - of opportunity or need: they maintain 7A million savings accounts in the chartered banks—almost twice as many as ten years ago. At the same time bank staffs have almost doubled. That, and higher wages, have increased bank payrolls almost three times. More people use the banks, more people work for the banks than ever before. This advertisement, based eats an actual letter, is presented here by THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY • My First Adventure (By F. E. D.) (Continued from a previous issue) The cook camp was also a Large building of logs, with enough horse jack tables to seat all the men, about one hundred and twenty. There were orders in the cook camp. Each man had his place to sit every meal Tables were narrow •ao. one could reach the opposite side without asking please pass this or that. There were the male chef cook with assistant, and four cookeer. Well in our modern time we would say servants or wait- ress. They- were kept busy an day till late at night. Bat they were in- side and free from the cold and anany times from the rain, so we would not stop work for a •Seotclh mist, rain; and there were also other buil- dings, Bach as foreman"s office, van, blacksmitt shop, wood shop ante oe well in lumber jack language horse barn. r 'Thursday, October 9bh, s 2.. including Indians. You remember the talking about Frew and Nays. Well they were the only two I knew from the time we had left Collignwood for embarkation. They were a jolly lot of men. Many were there as their only finvehooli for themselves eat their families. . They vele *Nara ready to give a helping hand witem you needed it, they would else share their lonely hours one with another. (To be Continued) r c d a better avv t of savings Buy a Canada Savings Bend of your local B of i1 b anch. Come fair weather or foul, if can only grovel hi value. /O A M1111ON CAHADIAIIS • BAN KO1' M N T AL eawzdz:d'7erdt Ver: Zurich Branch: Hensall Branch: Crediton Branch: CARL SCOTT, Manager WALTER JARRETT, Manager CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Open Mon., Wed. & Fri. WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALKOF'LIFE SINCE 1 811 7 m- • re 4,e f'. 3,4 Since the first Canada Savings Bond was sold —interest payments totalling about ninety 'three and a half million dollars have been paid out to about one million owners. This represents an average rcturn of approxi- mately $100. Some. owners have earned more interest than this—some less—but all would agree that they have had a handsome return for an investment that is cashable at full face value at an instant's notice. It is the easiest, most carefree way to earn money that one can imagine. And now the new Seventh Series of Canada Savings Bonds offer a better return than ever! They pay an average of 3.44% per year if held for their full term of 10 years and 9 months. The Seventh Series bonds -- like earlier issues—are cashable at full face value plus interest at any tiine at any bank in Canada. SEE YOUR INVESTMENT DEALER OR BA or buy through the 'P yroll Savin where you w Plan to get your share pi ce your rk r K Ss.952W