HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-10-02, Page 8•:';',11.1011prenmiumummEtinmusEiE '1111EEEHE 11110inifiliEoll ••• ••••_42. LitiRICia OINITAIRIO Kitchen Towels 36 -in. at pair 93c do larger size, each - 75c Turkish Toweling, Reg. 69c yard, for 55c 72 -in. Factory Cotton per yard 68c 10 pieces Wabasso Prints yard 39a Curtain Scrimm 36 -in. yard 39c Cotton Sheets, hemstitched, 76x96, at pr. .... 6.95 Pillow Cases, Wabassa, 42 -in, col borders 2.29 pr. Men's Rayon sport Shirts, sh. sleeves, Reg. 2.98, for 1,98 Men's Jerseys asst. stripes, Reg 3.15 for 2.25 each Mens Work Sox, new with Nylon reinforced heel and toe, Special at 53c pr. Mens Briefs to clear at 5c _ - SCHOOL CLOTHES WE HAVE A NEW SUPPLY OF GIRLS' AND BOYS' JEANS, SWEATERS, PULLOVERS ,BOYS' JACKETS, PLAID SHIRTS, GIRLS' DRESSES, BLOUSES, NEW HOSIERY. SEE THE NEW PLAID FLANNEL LINED JEANS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS; VERY POPULAR FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, WITH PLAID SHIRTS TO MATCH. kO , VISIT OUR STORE FOR ALL YOUR WO GROCERY NEEDS 0 if You Wish We Will Deliver Your Parcels O .. ,, iz,.„.e r w Groceries - Dry Goods - Men's Wear 0 TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH CR 11 9 3 a 8 2 8 8 9 `'`'CV=7.7,V_MIZEr0==37.e.IrgnEMENI7,6MAMP, ,x4RMSYSSESEg? Store a7 (1 b /UR HER ALD LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Tillie Tereau of Hensall vis- ited with her- son, Win. McAdams early in the week. .• Miss Volland of Goderieji is spen- ding some time with her aunt, Mrs.' Leith Schilbe, Mr. and Mrs Richard Jeffrey Detroit were visitors with their mother, Mrs. C. Ay:A*. a Monday caller on her sister, Mrs. was POLIO PROTECTION: Mrs. Allan Fraser of Exeter, Earl Thiel . Entire Family including man, wife Pays up to $00.00. greeted these parts the past several Real warm mid-summ er weather and children between ages 3 months days, but cooler and more seasonable - to 18 years. Premium $10.00 for two years. Individual Policy $5.00 for two years J. W. Haberer - Phone -161 'ire, Automobile andCasualty Insurance. ,ogamemmaomassemommueammuoursaaaus.aumrase6 Huron & Erie DEBENTURES Or Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Offering 3% for 1 and 2 years. 31/z for 3 to 10. years. weather is on its way. Mrs. Thomas Meyers os:' town at- tended the Anderson - Cole wedding in the new Knox Presbyterian church at Goderich last Saturday Mr • and Mrs Ward Frizhave re- tureed from their motor trip around the Gaspe Pen., and report a most lovely scenic souting. 'Taking in the 1 big auto show at Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wuerth and r?, !sister, Mrs. Glanville, from West 'minster, D. C. spent the week -end w visitingfriends and relatives in Kit- chener and Elmira. Mr, Henry Clausius had the mis- ortune to fall when a scaffold gave had to have medical attention, and Teacher of Piano and Theory A.R.C.T. way, getting a bad 'shaking up, he although up and around, he cannot STUDIO: L. Wagner's Res. do any manual labor. - Appointments: Phone Zurich 99 r 7 Lt. Cyril Ducharme and wife of CLASSES COMMENCE: Picton and Mr and Mrs. Cullen Rus- •September 13, 19 52 VP ..e11 and children of Ailsa Craigwore V) j week -end visitors at the home of 8 their -parents, Mr and Mrs. David (., Ducharme. il Had 30th Anniversary •P g . airs. Wm. Schumacher,. zyl:r and Mrs. Art Schumacher of Pigeon, , P ' Mich., Mr and Mrs Arnold Schu-' I 1.0 a.m.-Divine Services. ..( niacher of Port Austin, Mich.; I11:\i-)e1/: .. 11.15 a ra Sunday School, Amanda Schumaeher, Mr and Evening services lifted for summer (. 'Carnet .N/Villert, Mr and Mrs. Elmore ers Datars, Hoof Dashwood; Mr and Mrs. raai. wirerybody Welcome to all Services Howard and Marguerite Dat- ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXffTER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office Ellen Marie Love The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO --OP. FEE'S Cured and Fresh Meats • Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! 1 6 GIVE US A CALL! 3 JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH- ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, pASTOR $t Deters of Grand Bend; Mr and Mrs. 11 Elmer Rader and ;?hilip, Mr and Mrs. .10 Sunday guests at the home of Mr. V and Mrs. Urban Pfde, 14th Con., HO' to relatives, friends and neighbours, •The occasion being the 30th wed - Mr$. Mal\'irs. TCal:esatt:lartigenanofandsym:mattlYy P.' Wm. Haugh and Shirley Haugh were wish to express their sincere thanks / for their kindness, assistance, prayers -,, ding anniversary of Mr and `1 V Haugh. CARD OF THANKS Tbursdny, October 2nd, 1952' • ••••••,... gnnOla11101R, 111_10.1111111 t' •-os, 3 3 3 3 3 0 4 0 0 5. 5. ,0° 3 3 5.9 0 5. 5. • Set e us for your deep Freezers in all sizes Your ardware Store Don't wait; Now is the time to check your heating requirements. We have the Duo -Therm space heaters to take care of any size home or if a furnace is wanted we have just what you need. Crowley - Wingham - New Idea Furnaces We carry the following power Burners: Conroy Fess Shur Heet COAL --If it is Coal you want, give us a call, as we can supply you with blue coal and deliver to your home. We also carry chimneyblocks and flu liners Get your roofs fixed now before the rough weather comes. ,We have a good stock of galvanized roofing in all sizes. and floral tributes', shown in tneir WE SET THEM FREE TO KILL recent sad bereavement. Special w David Dressler, noted authority on thanks to Father Monaghen, P.P., VP'F' criminals, lashes out with vigor at Monsignor Wm. Bourdeau; ather Fogerty, to Father and the Ursuline the negligence of hospitals awl pris• ons in releasing dangerous psycho- Sisters. Also to the pall hearers and o i, paths before they are cured. Read tthe Westlake Funeral Home We set them Free to Kill' in this - - 5. 88 0`4 5. 3°3 3 3 5. 5. 8 8 9 8 ezEs2GrAgs3-","Liirs. sesems.smsounsesnoolatcaturaassmouissoussuasso eteozot.V.-)seCiefbV,,it,R-af.:;-Stetntr.e4MaletaocMC404014s-&c:gaist,eit HARDWARE - SEEitS and FURNITU oar Fla Nee E s Will receive attention with us if left inplenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early t with us so we can arrange for your supply 6 YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT z 8 Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. 11 ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over * for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS 'Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmitil ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. E & ZURiCH QUALITY - PRICE Nmeogweememeeseessommoommeeeme.ememeermeommi00,0***** ID ONT. SERVICE Sunday's (Oct. 5) issue of the great Color Gravure American Weekly, ex- clusively with The Detroit Sunday Times. TO REBUILD MU; The men of Hensall and district showed a magnificent spirit on Mon- day night, Sept. 29th whet some 69 of them including the businessmen and district farmers staged a clean up bee at Spencer's mill to assist in cleaning up the debris from the dis- astrous fire when the mill was dest- royed. The debris was all cleaned up and a car of cement. containing '700 bags of cement was ,unloaded. !sir. Walter Spencer, owner of the imil ex pressed his thanks and said he never saw such cooperation in all his life. The Legion Ladies served "coffee and sandwiches to all the workers. Mr. Spencer intends rebuilding. Evangelical Church Sunday evening worship services in the local Evangelical U.B. Church will be resumed again next Sunday, Oct. 5th at 7:30 p.m. The Church Council of Adminis- tration will meet in the S.S. rooms for their quarterly business session on Friday evening, Oct. 33rd at 3.00 o'clock. The quarterly communion service in the local Evang. Church will be observed next Sunday morning, Oct. iith, beginning at 9.45 a.m. This is World -Wide Communion •Sunday, when for the 12th consecutive year millions of christians around the world join in this world-wide fellow- ship at the Lord's Table on the first Sunday in October. I-3 0 14‘ N BORN At the Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich on September 12r7th to Mr and Mrs. Alvin Regier, Hay Twp. a son. In Clinton FuNic Hospital, on Mon- day, Sept•. 22,11052, to Mr and Mrs. Cleveland Gingerich, Zurich, a son. , In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, Sept 211, to Mr and Mrs. Gordon- Schwalm, Hensall, a daugh- ter. In Clinton 'Public Hospital, on Fri- day, Sept. 19, to Mr and Mrs Ralph Stephenson, Varna, a daughter. Hoar & iitJj • Phone 63 e, z 'Hardware Zurich :!= ftp mEmEnillmommnEEENEENEEmonmEEERENEEEHEEEEEmmllomullommENNifill 4.. .!m.'il,,Milli11111111111119111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.611111111116111111 Hold Picnic The fourth annual Racier picnic was well attended on Sunday, Aug- ust 31st at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. Mr. Martin Laub, chairman of the sports committee, assisted by Mr. Ervin Rader, took charge of the vet, - ions games and contests, 'Mrs. Harry Hayter and her assistants looked af- ter the food and all sat down to a sumptuous meal. At this time spec- ial prizes were given. Youngest grandmother, Mrs. Herb Wein; youn- gest mother, Mrs. Herb Bills: seven- tieth birthday, Mrs. Edmund Walper. After an address by the Presidant, election of officers for next year were held which resulted as follows: Pres. Alvin Walper; Vice -Pres, Harry Hay- ter; Secy-Treas. Mrs. Milford ;Merrier Sport convenor, Lloyd Willert, aR- sistant, Mrs. Ervin Rader; table con- venor, Mrs. Len Prang. It was de- cided to have another picnic next year on Labor Day Sunday.. ' vaa eteed A BULL OH YOUR FARM? BREEDING STOCK? A TEAM OF HORSES? in has helped to finance thousands of Canadian farmers in such purchases. See your 13 of M manager about a Farm Improvement Loan -soon It may mean extra profit for you this year many more. uMY HANIr B r 0 WI ION (MAMA AN OF MONTI:LEAL aetig#:4•Vad Ve#64 n WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EV:SRY WALK 1 Te Fur ituro WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Cleaners tank and upright types. Mason & Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert Pianos. Also Carry all other lines of Home Furnishings Vacuum 1.:1111 6 <:rs '111j.t,1 .fteete: •••••,,,,, • ' •••...‘" L , ..,. 9 Residence Phone 89. A ' 111111111111111 lit in ilitil ii.illii imbliIIIIIIIIii li ii i 1111111111.111111111111111111111 Furniture Store Phone 122 Zurich WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as lova as 5 Cents . "red C. Kalb MAPLE FLOORING - Select grade, end -matched MapUR Flooring. Per 100 Sqnave Feet $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can bo eas+.31s- and Economically Converted late extra Bedrooms or an income ducing.Apartment. . You can du most of the work yourself. $eel our collection of plans and ides. FREE ESTIMATES leisch Sz Son Ltd Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Carload of Can. Cement just arrived