HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-09-25, Page 5ZURICH e ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD A uthorized u second class mail, P'ot Office Department, Ottawa. USINES CARDS E10ENSED AUCTIONEERS -at IN 'WALPER Licensed Auct;on.pt For 'HURON AND LAMBTON Vox Term' Sale. large nr email. Cour- teoug and Efficient Service at all Phone 57 r 2. DASIIWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reaeonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone, Zurich 02 r 7 ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Report* Bookkeepirm Service. Etc. EXFTP 'OFFICE -Corner Ann, William Ste. Phone: Exeter 504. • VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON t Mee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store thone-96 ZURICH yne-96. ZURICH PUTC1-IERS 'Zurich's Popular MEATMARKET Em us supply you with the *try choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc. always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: Wool, Hides and Skins FE, Vullohlut SOO PRODUCE • OBRIEN'S PRODUCE Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on • our 'AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor lone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery Tour horne market for Cream Eggs and Poultry 14IGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE QUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western FarmersMutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK not LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN' MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF Tans KIND IN ONTARIO .. *mount Of Insurance at Risk on • December 31st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 . •Itoted Cash in Bank and Bonds. " • $495,607.94 J RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP ZURICH A 0, E N .ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING VOIDS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE L °GAL NE W ------- '.11r. T, H. Hoffman of lia,hwo)d, gave us a frierdly call, Fliday. 'Mr and Mrs Louis Brisson of Win- dsor are holidaying in tins vicinity 'for a week or Rev. H. E. Roppol was at London on Thursday, and returning with him was Mrs. Roppel, who had been 3 is- iting with her daughter at Lanr,eth. Farmers are still in many places busy with the bean crop. While the yield is not so large this year, out the quality in general is very good. Mr. Elmer Etue, late of Toronto, wae, in town Saturday. Elmer is at present at Centralia Air Port work- ing for a -construction company .from Toronto. Mr. Bruce Eickmeier, who has been at .Hamilton, the past several week, relieving a dentist there, was a vis- itor at his home here prior to going to Toronto where he will complete his final year in the Dental College Mr. Alan Gascho has men and equipment busy excavating for the foundation of a new home he will ne erecting in the south end ,ot town. It i the intention to have it put up this fail. DASHWOOL) Special services are being conduc- ted in the Evangelical U. B. church this week. Dashwood Brass Band attended Ilderton Fair on Wednesday. Mrs. J. Polard of Frankfora, is spending her vacation with her mo- ther, Mrs. C. Geiser. Dr and Mrs Arthur Mack of St. Paul, Minn., and'aVIrs. Rose Brown of Zurich were guests of Mr and Mrs Ed. Stelek last Thursday. Dr. Mack and Ed. Stelek are first cousins and haven't seen each other for ulty years, they had a most enjoyable time together. Mr and Mrs A. Tiernan and Char- lie and Mrs. Merner spent the week- end in Detroit. Mr and Mrs Clifford Leech mg! sons Charles and Robert and Mrs. Cora Strainlek and Miss Elsi Biesen- thal from Regina, •Sask., visited with friends and relatives here over the week -end. The September meeting of the Ladies Aid and WSWS of the Evang. church was held in the basement of the church on Friday evening. The meeting was in charge of the Spirit- ual Life Comrnittee, with zylrs. C. Snell as convenor. Committees were appointed for the anniversary supper to be held Oct. 24th. A box of used clothing is to be packed in the near future. Lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge. Mr and Mrs .Russell Tiernan attend- ed the wedding of a relative at Kit- chener, Saturday last. St Joseph and Beaver Tow -n Mrs. Harry Wild and children were ivaissittors to her parents on Monday The bean crop on this Highway is almost hervested, and much thr- eshing has been done. The yield in low, fair stand when threshed av- erage around ten bushels to toe acre. With such •a low yield, there is some- thing promising to the farmer who hangs on to his crop. Entertained To Supper On Sunday last a very delicious dinner was given by Mr and Mrs. Bob Mernorvidge of Detroit, at their summer cottage nt Duchae el Beach. Mrs. Mernorvidge before ner marri- age was Miss Doris Geoffrey of our neighboring burg. Thoee in astend- ance were Mrs. .Mernorvidge's im- mediate relatives, Mrs. Elise Laporte and Mr and Mrs Fred Ducnarme; others in the close surrounding were also. invited, but for some reason were not present. FOR SALE A very clean 1.936 Ford 'Sedan, 4 nearly new tires, priced very reason- able. -L. A. Prang 'es Son. - lc • 'FOR SALE A building suitable for hen house or tool shed, 'approx. 1112x13 -ft. to be moved. - Ed. •Gascho, Zurich. tf-c FOR. SALE Standing wood, mostly peptar on Parr Line, • nay Twp,,' Lot cet 1 Also 20$t windmill. Apply ts, doth 'Stewart, 18 Aberie'le Re , Wellesley 81, Mass. F P A 4 0 A. numbe of small pia., various sizes. Apply t*, Stewart Thiel, °twee r 11. Notice ZURICH HERALD Now Thor liters 5 -Year Protection On All Washing Machines Everything You Want in a Washer You'll Find in THOR! CHECK THESE Outstanding Features 1, Famous Thor Delux Agitator, giant 9 vane super agitator with 3 bottom vanes and 6 side vanes 2. Massive Streamlined Wringer, swings to 5 positions for greater convenience - Feather touch re lease bar and reset lever. 3. Full size 0-1b. capacity tub. 4. New all -Aluminum tub ' cover rust -proof, seals in suds and helps keep water hot. 5. Thor Delux Mechanism. Ness engineering features and ensure greater lasting satisfaction. Come in and see it today! FOR ALL ELECTRICAL JOBS ANI APPLIANCES CALL Wuerth Electric Phone 84 - ZURICH CATTLE FEEDERS 1400 COMMERCIAL, BEEF CATTLE Graded, Sorted and Divided into Truck and Car Load lots, will be sold at the first AUCTION SALE, opened by Hon. Col. T. L. Kennedy, At WIARTON On Thursday, October 2nd. Starting at 9.30 a.m. By Grey -Bruce Live Stock Co -Oper- ative, Wiarton Milne - Bedard On Saturday last a marriage of wide interest was solemnized in •St. P-ter's .Church, at 10 o'clock, when :diss Edna Bedard, daughter of Mr. end Mrs Leon Bedard of this parish -came the bride of Mr. Peter Milne of London. Entering the church. on the arm -‘" her father,.:who gave her in marrisge, the bride was exquisitely gowned in floor length nylon marqu- isette, with chantille lace, peter pan lace, long pointed ,gloves, her finger tip veil held in place by seed pearls and carried a bouquet of talisman roses; gowned identically, two sisters as maids of honer. Miss -Marion Be- dard and Mrs. Frenk Ryder were gowned identically, dressed in mauve with hat to match. The groom was assisted by his brother Basil ard Mr Frank Rrder. The March was pray- ed by a'vlies Matilda Denomme, and during the ceremony Miss .Rebecca ,Corriveau, a niece of the bride, sung Ave Maria, The Rev. Paul -Milne, of Holy Cross Church; London, bro- ther of the groom, performer the marriage ceremony and officiated at Nuptial IVIass in a well filled church.. A wedding dinner followed at the Do -minion House, Zurich, for the families and other intimate friends. Talks were given by Monsignor Bourdeau, parish priest, and Father Milne. The bride and groom, as well as the brides maids .ably answered. In the mid-afternoon, the wedding party returned to the parental home, where a reception was given,and in all about one hundred and fifty at- tended. The bride and groom were the recipients of many valuaole gifts. All in all, the reception was a very enjoyable (el" one of the old time home celebrations, which brings back many memories to those of a generetinn Peer). In the wee morning hours after n11 }1Z -VI satisfied themsel- ves to their hearts content, the party broke up, .by 'wishing the bride and groom many yeers of blisful life, The couple left early Sunday mbrning ott • their honeymoon for Montreal and other eastern points, on their return they will reside in London. Watch for the Opening of a New Boys' and Men's Wear Store, located on Main High- way opposite Bank of Mon- treal, Opening Date Saturday, October 4th. , Prop. Charles Thiel CA14 AntAN , Propane Gas • ALSO GAS APPLiANCP3S GRATON & HOTSON .i'h 1Q - S;i41:14 pfl- 4. 0. 0.0• 4. 0. • • 0.0.• 0.e • Ofl the table • t.t1s4;,1% the meal is ready/ LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table -bread for your recipes, Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bunk for breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon..piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinners Bread in variety, too, for snacks any tined of day Or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals - let your 'baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tasty- u Bakery PHONE 100 - ZURICH • PIGS FOR SALE 17 small pigs fr sale. Ted Geoffrey Phone 19 r 93 FOR QUICK SALE About 40 1 -year-old Hybrid hello, Sussex - R, I. Reds, in full product- ion. -Solomon Baechler, Phone 97 r 144,, Zurich. 2" 'OR SALE A Silver grey Gendron baby buggy complete with mattress and sleigh runners, a door way play pen in good condition, and girl's white skates, size two. -Mrs. Jack Tuerkheim, Tel. 174, Zurich. 2t" • LOST On Bronson line between Len. Zirk's and Dashwood, a thresher bagger. Finder notify Melvin Greb, Dashwood. WANTED Young man to learn drafting and estimating. Also a lady stenograph- er., Api)ly te Kalbfleisch Mils, Zur- ieh. ' FOR SALE Brand new Hotpoint 9.3 Refrig- erator. -Louis Thiel, Zurich. Notice To Creditors Estate of Carrie L. Koehler Take Notice that all persons hav- ing claiens against the Estate of Carrie L. Koehler, deceasea, N\10 died on or 'about the 6th day of September, A.D., 1952, are required to furnish particulars of same to the undersigned ExecutOrs on or before the 10th day of October, A.D. 1052. After which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to those 'claims.; of which notice shall have then been received. Dated at Zurich this 10th day of September, A.D., 1952, Bell & Laughton, Wan, S. Johnston, Solicitors. ' Ross Johnston, Executors Bayfield Pavilion FINAL DANCE OF SEASON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 26th. Be sure to come early and stay late. Dancing to Frank Traher and His Orchestra featuring "Hoppy Hopkins" on Vocals and Vinclent Cutolito on Piano 10-1.00 • Adm. 75 cents GUM', ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC STORAGE TANK ATER HEATERS Come in or phone us - Let us explain why General Electric Automatic Water Heaters pro - wide the most efficient, economical and depen- dable method of supplying hot Water for all your *ally daily needs. They are priced right and cost little to MAMIE, Budget terms. HESS • - • ELECTRIC • ZURICH • - Telephone 107 nesinassAesies,‘4***wee Come in... Pick a OcIor, ro th,e Thursclay, epterober 25th, 1952 - • sei Dark Groan Light Omen Yellow Dark Blue Light Mao Gray Peach Whlt Black INTERNAT., =EARt. E ST- eiszattd. they're AL An IH exclusive! Interchangeable door handles in a rainbow of tea vivid shades, to snatch or con- trast with your color scheme. 7 Sizes; Prices Start at Mb/WA e, V. L. B-ECKER & SONS Phone 60W. DASHWOOD TO THE HAY TOWNSHIP AGRICLA ,T - URAL SOCIETY Best Wishes for a Most Successful F ON SEPTEMBER 29th and 30th. sch Phone, Res. 130. 1.0 St Store 82 Mocurnaseovneenvelawar. IlMeesssawess'eseseszelgemaseSefe-ceeseess=1,W*S.4.1S-4Walfilesn'WS Your Vicat • • • We offer you the following Good Cheer Gravity, • • • • • • • • • • ing Equipment or Forced Air Furnaces The Arcoflame Oil Furnace; Coleman Oil Bur- ners in three different Sizes. Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. • Paints Enamels • Varnishes a a • 0.0.• • • • Datar,. • • • • metimravoameD.3---.=-0•3.-;-a.itAt.-tiwz-.1-aeommerom,------egingemens• Electric Stoves, Refrigerators, Radios and all Electrical Appliances Plumbing - Furnace Work - Tinsmithing OUR AIM -To Serve and Satisfy. Main St. Hardware Store. Phone 213 Main St, Hardware Store 'Brien Phone 213 Masse rris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING. TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Tel. Shop 49 Oscar Klopp R. 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS I ams107944E 1 '1 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 4 a 4 1 1 44 1 4 4 4 a 4 4 .11