HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-09-25, Page 4li 9 ZURICH ONTARIO WESTERN ONTARIO Cash Crop Day THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1932 1 mile north - 1 mile east of GRANTON (20 miles north of Londonon he farms of ELMER HARLTON AND NORMAN RIDDELL 10 a.m.-Machinery display - Demsnstrations - Tours of crops. Soil Judging 1 p.r. - Speakers: Hon. T. L. Kennedy, ;Iiinister of Agricult. Hon. F, S. Thomas., Minister of Public Works J. A. Garner, Director of Extension A, H. Martin, Director of Crops Branch p.m. - Machinery Parade 2.15 p.m. Machinery at workin all -crops. NO ADMISSION CHARGE - Parking. 25c per car - Meals and Refreshments. Hosts - Western Ontario Cash Crop Day .Corninittue f s Boy's and Men's War Made -To -Measure Clothing Dox 130 ,_ Zurkh, Ont. Dear iir: Please accept this invitation to visit us 'and look over the new .vau L. Samples just arrived from the House 11 of Hobberlin. Over 300 crisp new patterns and fabrics from the world's reading mills, 'in the greatest array of colors shown sine pre-war days. 1: This is a good time o review •your -wardrobe - don't hesitate to call -t on as for assistance and guidance. k• Cordially Yours, , Z-URICH HERALD part of May; part Jersey and Hol- stein cow, milking, freshened later of April; Holstein heifer, carrying second calf, due around sale date; 2 Holstein heifer calves. All cattle fully 'T. B. tested with no reactors. Misc. Items — Chatham fanning mil; 2,000-1b. cap. platform scales; 4:5 steel posts; 2215 rods of barb wire, Gem electric fencer; 2 bunches .of cedar shingles, quantity of snow fences, 5 maple log, quantity of dry wood and lumber, wooden land roller, new mail box, large size, pruning sheers, numerous carpenter tools; quantity of onions, wheelbar- row, fire extinguisher, water pump and hose, Massey Harris No. 7 cream separator; cross -cut saw, root pulp- er, chop box,' barrels, pails, forks, shovels, and -many articlues too num- erous to mention. Hay and Grain — 450 bales of mixed hay; a quantity of loose hay, 150 bushels of mixed grain. Household Effects — Dining room suite, square top oak extension table, with 6 matching chairs; China .cab- inet; bureau, buffet, antique chairs; centre tables, Marconi battery radio in perfect condition, writing desk, Singer sewing machine, n csw wicker couch, ice box, clothes dryer, baby crib, play pen, kitchen chairs, 2 -bur- ner coal oil stove, kitchen cupboard, 2 complete bedroom :tulles, wash stands, ironing board, kitchen uten- sils, hook case, drop lea table, kit- chen 'stove, tapestry rug )x10', ; gas iron, gas lantern, plate glass mirror, pictures and picture frames, comforters, quilts and pillows, .odd dishes, 2 complete toilet sets, etc.,etc. No eserve, everything mill be sold. TERMS—CASH Urban Peachey, Proprietor Milford Merner, Clerk Alvin "Weber, Auctioneer. 14 Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects at -Lail '4, Con. 12, H.R.S. -3 mileeast of Hensall on County Road, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3rd At 1 p,m. Cattle — 2 Holstein cows 4 and 5 years old; 2 whiteface yearling heif- ers. • Implements — Allis Chalmers C. Tractor, full Hyd. P.T. (like new); 11 tractor; Stuffier for C. tractor and Allis Chalmers plow,.Hyd lift for C. r luptiller .complete; Cockshutt cultivat- or; Bissell roller; McCormick mower, drag harrows; Massey Harris binder, •Pi!tractor hitch; walking plow, Massey 11 :Harris seed drill; Massey Harris Ifs . manure spreader, rubber tired wagon li, flat 'hay rack, Fairbanks More hammer mill 1 year old; -fanning j in mill with screens, motor driven.; '13 2000 -Ib. cap. set scales; bag truck; Of Real Estate, Household Effects Wheelbarrow, trailer complete with and Furniture, of the late Mrs. Carrie IA stock rack, set sleighs, gravel bP•x,' Koehler, will be held on the Prem - 3 milk cans and strainer, 3 milk pails ises, in the 'Pl 3logrring chains, canthook, SO -it Charles Thiel AUCTION SALE StreEt2EETIMEMIREMEMMOSenlatEMWEV Under the Auspices of the St, John Ambulance, the following Classes• will be held in the TOWN HALL - ZURICH FIRST AID Course of 8 weeks Every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Starting - October 8th HOME NURSING Course of 14 weeks Every Tuesday night at 8.00 p.m. Starting October 7-th until November 25th, contin- uing' from January 6th - until Ferbruary 10th. Both Courses are open to -all residents of Zurich and surrund- ing District over 18 years.. Registration fee for each course 'is $3.00. Send your Registration to R. W. ILLSLEY, Zurich, Ont. Phone 133 SPONSORED EY THE 'ZURICH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4 1 liancimer.iar01 urieh Fall Fair MONDAY -and TUFSDAY SEPTEMBER 29th and 30th Dashwood Citizens' Band will supply Music for the afternoon and will lead the Childrens' Parade from the Village to Fair Grounds at 1.15 o'clock. prn. Don't Miss the Judging -of -Live Stock in the large Show Ring. Good Prizes. including many Specials THREE SPEED EVENTS FAIR NITE CONCERT A Laugh every minute in each of 3 Acts or "SUPER SLISY" By the Young People of Desboro Community Hall 'Fair Night Get your Reserved Seat Tickets early A PUBLIC DANCE WILL TOli OW THE CON- CERT with Modern and Old Time 'Dance Music Make This Show the Best Ever AUCTION SALE Ei belt 'lie new,I1,45-ft. hay fork •rope, VILLAGE OF ZURICH Pi milk coding tank, 4 steel pig troughs i On WEDNESD) set double harness, culler, 4 sling,Y, OCTOBER 1st, 1952 -14 ropes, steel troughs, root pulper,lAt One O'Clock p.m., the following: 11, 25 - gal oil drum, stoneboat, milk cart, Household Effects — One 3 -piece Massey Harris :cream separator. one 1 Chesterfield, like new; dining room range shelter, Mother Nature brood- table and chairs; day bed, China cab -1 t4 er; one feeder, 2 eight inch hay rack Xinet- buffet, writing desk, kitchen I 4 Sills, 16 -ft. long; 1 roll barb Wire, ' Cupboard, table and chairs; a num- grass seed sower, bags and sacks, hovelsforher of small tables, trunks and dres- rakes A quantity of Household. s, forks. .whippletrees, neck Efs_ sers, electric Washing machine . and wringer, electric • rangette; cook -ect;A19 RM — 70 acre farm, large bank stove, set dishes, also antiques and rt barn all cement stabling, drive shed. a variety of other dishes, 2 new rugs, garage. 2 storey brick house, t-Iydro wool blankets, quilts and linens, beds throughout buildings. Farm is in good and bedding, end other articles too numerous to -mention. 13 state of cultivation. Fl TERMS — Chattels, Cash; Farm Terms—Cash Ei sold subject to reserved bid. 10% Real Estate --s At the sante time Li• dowu, balance in 30 days. and place:of above mentioned there Angus Robinson, Proprietor. „ a 1101PECIZEIREUE 1i E. P. Chesney, Clerk. will also be offered for sale, subject • Harcild-jackson, Auction serto a reserved bid, the 9 -roomed house being Lot.9, Kitql's Survey, less 22x 42 feet sold Off, nisi -Eh -west' corner. The 'house has a .3-pieee. bath and furnace.Terinaof Real Estate — Ten per cent. on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Ross Johnston, Wm. S. Johnston, Executors. ' Clearing Auction Sale Of Live Stock, Poultry, Hay, Grain, Mise. Items, and Household Effects. On the premises, Stephen Twp., Con 9, Lot .1,0, alt miles west of Credit- on. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public Auction on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd. At, 1 o'clock, p.m. sharp. Horses--Percheron work horse, sound and reliable in every way. Cattle—Red Durham cow, carry- ing 4th calf, milking, due April 7th; red Durham cow, carrying 4th calf, milking, due March 18th; red Dur- ham cow, carrying 5th calf, milking due Feb. 23rd; roan Durhani cow, carrying 3rd calf, milking, due April 2nd; red Durham . farrow cow; 6 Durham steers rising 2 yrs. old; 8 heifers rising a yrs. old; 5 spring calves. These are. all choice quality Durham cattle, fully T. B. tested with no reactors. Poultry -=50 New Hampshire Rock pullets; 35 cockerels 4 months o/d. Hay and Grain -600 bales of mix- ed hay, very best of quality; 460 bushels of mixed grain; quantity of treated seed beans. Mise. Items -40 feet of 1.7 -inch steel piping suitable for litter carrier Dearing 2 -horse manure spreader; 5 cerds. of good dry wood, large iron kettle, sausage press and grinder; other butchering equipment, crosscut saw, scythe, ,grindstone, work bench, large ,chick shelter, colony house 10x12 feet; brooder stove, fattening crate, electric fencer, cistern pump, small Johnson gasoline motor; and many articles too numerous to men- tion. Household Effects — Good Cheer white enamel •cook stove, in stew con- dition, large size Coleman ()IC burn- er, like new; dining roorm'oak exten- sion table, 6 dining room chairs with leather seats; buffet, various oak rocking chairs, kitchen table, 10 kitchen chairs, centre.tables,. dressers dresser bed, commodes, wash stands, wardrobe, kitchen • .cabinet, couch, Sparton cabinet battery • iadio, like new; Alladin lamp, baby crib, cur- tains, drapes, Coleman gasoline stove and oven,. Coleman gasohne Iron, gasoline lantern, sealers, kitchen ut- ensils:, ,churn; odd dishes, etc. etc. No i..eve., as the rant is sold. TERMS—CASH EH Intittsday„ Septernber 51$101411111013=EMAKUMBEW I WSW t6 ARE YOUR BEST BUY I Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Oth f.eecis AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. Co-Operativ€ HENSALL and ZURICH smamosammaarsatrowatmanrazarmerantromarnaartmastreammormammaansairarza.-r, THE NEED OF SALVATION , 'Wherefore as by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death by sin; so death passed upon all Men, fore that all have sinned. Rom.'5: 12 As it is written there is none righteous; No, not One. Rom. 3: 10. THE WAY OF SALVATION For as by one man's disobedience (Adam) many were made sinners; so by the obedience of one (Christ) srall many be made righteous. Rom. 5: 19, If we confess our sins, He (Christ) is faithful and•just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous- ness. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGERS Phone 94 r 22... Box 50 R.R. 1, ZUR1C14; Ont. gt; 4P• +. • 4 +•• 4 4,4": '3. 4. +. +. • 4'. *4.110,4404 ',1"eritaif-A2100.0W Clearing Auction Of 'Real 'Estate, Live Stock, Tractor, Auto,'Hay, Grain and Household Effects., on the premises, Lot 7, Con. 9, Hay Twp., Babylon line, 2 miles east of Dashwood and 2 miles north The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, Commencing at 1 o'clock pan. sharp Real Estate — Consisting of 75 acres, being part Lot 7,south quart- er of 3, Concession 9, ay Township on which is situated a frame house, bank barn 48x60 -ft; 4 acres is muck land. remainder loamy; never :ailing water supply, 1 1-2 . acres of bush :and with mixed timber, 13 acres of standing high grade Dekalb N. 6:5 and 240 Corn, an excell ent stand. Will be sold subject to a reas- onable reserved bid if not previous- ly sold before sale date. Terms of Real Estate — 10 per cent on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Tractor and Auto atcCorm. Deering Cub Tractor, used two sea- sons, equipped with one fullow plow, 2 -row scalier, bean puller, weeder and mower. All in new condition. Austin 1950 four door sedan, black in :color, equipped with heater and defroster, in new condition. Livestock — Jersey cow, milking, freshened lattter part of May; Ayr- shire cow, milking, freshened latter M111111111111111111111111111111111:111ithinillitiffilt111111111MM111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111= V.•••••• ••••••••• ii•••••••, Remember! Remember! Remember! Frid y, tober lOth IS THE DATE FOR THE SUPER - COLOSSAL AND EXETER AND GRAND BEND LIONS' COTTAGE DRAW AT EXETER ARENA YOU CAN WIN THE DREAM COTTAGE Furnished, Landscaped, Garage Attached Situated In Southcott Pines, Grand Bend BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW! met ••••••••7 mom= •••••••• ••••••••11 11.1.101 WRENN* 1.1.1•••••• YONINIO ••• " " """ " " MN, *MI OMNI. 4.1140,1 1,:loyd Geiser. Proprietor, • r--7---71flomiuummullaincononninnutillionfininnuntoommoloonnollimminnounimonmei?kleAliZSI);erif:;toneer.. FLOO TILE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor ET TILE TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND W XES• Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, • Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM , , Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Givers sissork .11 sral si.sssisslar4:11 4.4 •Ms..404 '044.8i 19;4. 1,S111..V;If: ."'„„ts • tiiate your hom with revAutionary new Centrc4 Heating System (Gas and Oil Models) 111145113M5:,,"1,r, .0. SP!C:At. RENO•Allt FURPIACI s$s Above, rig:ye, V e furnace is Zocate'tt.f?t:L*:tiftltI1L;;;;It' with 11t tubes its 1 . .... . ,, the We attic.With basement instattation, heat tubes ars beneath floorkt,1 THE MODERN MIRACLE OF LOW-COST HEATING- -T/11g. DOW marvel of home heating is revolutionary in ita, performance. It conditions the home for health as well., as eomfortt..* Blends room air with freshly heated furnace., • Air —reeirculates it —keeps warnith even from floor to: ceiling pre-engineered, factory -made to keep cost low,. !JAW 3M -INCH HEAT TUBES that fit any., cons, struction, whether old or now. s n PAW MAGIC BLENDER in each room. sucks in room air, it 1t hot, • air from the furnace, then R:Lairculatea navy BLEND -AIR FURNACE that forces warm air 'into), tedividual heat tubes leading to each rooms, efficient fuel -zavzr ithell always be glad to have. • BLEN1D.AIR• is delivered in a package complete, ready tie.. Ctirn.10 in and let u* defOnstrate—We'll stow' you. •sgh.y "Comfdrt costs so little with 'a Coleman." i(n. outstanding sthievement Cols/flan has received the Mg,. wawa matia1n that warm air heating Industry by its Malt t • Illts Modals approved by Amalgams SU Aswelationl OH Mocioltil itdiki Utast talyell Holds by linclirWilters` Letbotoitothis. . HESS -- ELECTRIC -- ZURICH: ZURICH - Telephone ,1 07 . DEALERS /N GENERAL MOTORS AND COLEMAN'AUT IVIATIC Il7lEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING. I'