HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-09-25, Page 1l''Established 1900 EMMANUEL .F.i1VANGE4.110AL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister IVIrs. Winton Oescra - Organist SUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m—Bible School. 'Evening services lifted for .summer Welcomei at ail Services—"Come eItGla with us and we will do thee good." Nuin. 10:29. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a?careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm ll,futual,_the Company f that dared jto be different. State Farms careful drivers make their own low. Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r13. Zurich, Ont. asausesonsm.s.Msennamarscram. Are You Suffering From Headac4. es7 I d so, Have your Eyes Examined with ‘, @he Latest Methods and Equipment at - A. L. COLE, R. t OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. ood Glasses at R.easonaole Prices • ZURICH, NTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25 t:352 2 V 9 finEEMEMETIEEZEMEEMEMOLVEPATEMEMMEWIEralMarAMPERTA=StrigelieStmatmadgivarlismigo Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club Main Bout (5 rounds) BERT DENOMME, Kitch- ener; former Zurich Boy - vs JACK "Tiger" HEWITT, Galt Boxing Club. SEMI-FINAL. - 5 Rounds - RAY BOILEAU, Waterloo vs DENNIS VOISIN, Kitchener 4 SUPPORTING BOUTS 4 8.30 p.m. ZURICH ARENA. 8.30 p.m. I FRI it AY, OCTOBER 3rd. Ringside $1, General Admission 75c., Child'n 25c On Extended Trip We are in receipt of a card from Mt and Mrs Ward Fritz who are on an extended motor trip which in- cluded a trip to the Gaspe Peninsula, vvhich takes in many hundreas of miles of rigged and primitave They will be taking in the Auto Slow at Montreal this week, and are expected home by the end of the week, Had Lovely Trip and Mrs Curtis Gingerich and 4.dren; Mr. and Mrs Sam Ginger- icht have returned from a ten gay motor trip- to Ohio, Indiana, and the 01' State of Pennsylvania, while in Xn- diana they called on Mr. ana Mrs. 0 Will Schrag, •at He:bron. They eros - ed at Part. Huron, and returned to Canada at Buffalo, and had a lovely tri Purchase Lots Mr. Leo Meidinger of town has pinichased a fine biulding lot from William Witmer, where we un- de4tand he intends erecting a home it. due time.' And we understand Mr Gelinas has purchased a lot al - mot opposite • to 'the one mentioned, fro4i r, Molting .along, as :we thought there rner, but the fall season is doing not wa.4 little. activity in Zuricr. this ,nim - Edwin Gazebo. Things keep • Daylight Time Ends This° corning Saturday evening the faster Daylight ',time ends, so when , • NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS OF HAY AND STANLEY TOWNSHIPS Owing to the fact that the IVIun- icipal Council- of the Village of Hensall has given the Municipal Co- uncils of Hay .and --Stanley Town - 'ships ample time to come to an agreement over the matter or FIRE PROTECTION, and have been un- able to get any - satisfaction as re- gards the same •from either of the Municipal Councils. Therefore after October lst, 19512 no VIRE calls Will be „answered from either -rownehip by the Hensall Fire Brigade and take notice that both Councils have been advised of this. —Municipal Council', of the Village of Hensall. James A. Paterson, Clerk. NORTH. AMERICAN A Mutual Company Phone 70-W ,A. College Education for ,Yeur When you sign an application for an endowment, you are actually signing your son's. application for college. Like most parents you will want to give your child a good' start on the way to success by providing or his education. An Educational Endow- rnent policy will guarantee him all the advantages of a university edu- cation whether you live or die. For . details see — Harry ff LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY All Profits far Policyholders Dashwood, Ont. 4501325M-WirVIrragEli.. iMM•157,a7J3a0ZA, fl Superi E t E e Frosted s oods FOR. TOUR CON •ENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES . FISH, - ETC. Week- nd Specials Red Col-soe SaIrrron 4, 7% 'oz. tins . $1.00 Libby's Fancy 'Tomato Juice 7, 20 -oz tins. .. .. ..1.00 Clark's Pork and Beans 8, 15 -oz tins 1.00 Swifes Prem. 3 tins I .00 C. H. THIEL Zmich ;l1 1.1? . 4 . Phone 421 „.tre EXETER Friday, Saturday Bend of the Sept. 26-27 River Starring James Stewart and Julia Adams Monday, Tuesday Sept. 2a-iio Shadow in the Sky Starring Ralph Meeker and Davis Wednesday, Thursday yoti go to bed Saturday night don't Nancy forget to turn back your clock one hail, and the hour's sleep you lost 1-2 las'Ospring you will pick up now. So uet. what we will lose in the evening, we Mara Maru will now be gaining in the morning. Cooler weather is moving in and we With Errol Flynn and Ruth Raman ea nicely stand a bit of fire about itTifIkAgycv,I-these days,. especially-, in the and evening. Single copies 5 cent& subseripton in Canada Year $.2. Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,50 NORMA'S BEAUTY SH•PPE • .HOLIDAY WEEK - AUG. 11-16. TeL 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. 0111121VIIINCVMPOPIMVSIM.IME.VVISIMORAIRMIZOVEMSW.19.=VIE11. Your Spec als Broken? D n't \V.rry! * WE CAN DUPLICATE YOUR LENSES IN 48 HOURS, JUST BRING IN THE PIECES ANY SHAPE, COLOR, OR SIZE SINGLE OR BIFOCAL VISION IN ANY TRADE NAME .;Y• MANI Theatre GRAND BEND Wednesday, Thursday Sept. '24-25 Pat O'Brien Cameron Mitchell OKINAWA Added Attraction FURY 0,F THE CONGO Johnny Weismiller Sherry Moreland Friday, Saturday Sept. `26-27 Retreat Hell Frank Lovejoy Richard Carton The .fighten.'est words in the whole Fighting History of the Marines Cartoon and Additional Short Tuesday, Wednesday Sep. 30, Oc. 1 Bannerline Keefe Brasselle, Sally Forrest, Lionel Barrymoro Rights and justice were on his side as he sets out to rid a city of Crime, Corruption, and Graft. Cartoon and Additional Short NOTE Our Winter Schedule starts Septem. • ber 30th. ' Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings 1 Show at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday Evenings Shows at 7.30 and 9.30 2 HYMENEAL McKee -Wein Crediton Evangelical U.13, Church lovely with flowers was the scene of the wedding of Arliss June Wein, of Crediton to William Alfred McKee; RCAF. Centralia, Sat. Sept. 1.8, The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Aaron Wein, Crediton, and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Alfred Mc- Kee, Winnipeg, Man, The llev. J.V. Dahms officiated. "rhe bride was giv- en in marriage by her father and was lovely in white nylon marquisette Maid of honor was Joyce Skillen of Strathroy, the bridesmaids were Con- stance .Broome of Detroit and Joan Deaton of London, the flower girls were Barbara Rose and Patruea Mc- Leod of Parkhill. Jack McLeod of R. C.A.F. Centralia was best man and ushers were Wilmer Wein and Ron Wein, Crediton. Roy Goulding, Lon- don was organist and Mrs Goulding, aunt and cousin of the bride, Were soloists. Receiving guests in the church school rooms, were the br4lt”, mother and grandmother, Mrs. God- frey Wein, The eouple left on a wed- ding trip to Northern Ontario aud points east, - ZURICH FALL FAIR Monday and Tuesday of next week is the dates of the annual Zurich Fall Fair, in fact Fair Day rails un the last day of Sept. the 30th. The Fair Board has put forth special ef- forts to make the 'event a big success And with favourable weather there should be a big attendance, as fairs in general are being largely attend- ed. Come out, bring the whole fam- ily out in the afternoon, farm work is pretty well over with for the sea- son, and it will do us all good to go. And don't forget the concert in the big 'Community Centre Hall in the evening. There will be a program of fun and laughter. Lions Club News As stated in our last week's Issue that last Wednesday afternoon and evening would be the greatest day climaxing in Lionism history in Zur- ich, and it proved just that by the visit of Lion International Presid- ent Edgar Elbert, of Maywood, Ill. He met Lion executives from near and far in the afternoon in the town hall where such a meeting was large- ly attended, but the big meeting was in the Community Centre in the even- ing when 'close to 3.50 sat crown to the well prepared meal served oy the local Womens' Institute, assisted by the ladies of the community. There was a very jolly time for all who could: 'be there. Addresses were given by prominent Lions of tne District, Lions Victor Dinnin, District Govern- or and Lion Russell Grainger, presi- dent of the local Club acted as chair- men,' the song services were led by Lion Tamev Gordon Hess, of the lo- cal Club, assisted by a Lion of Win- gham. International President Edgar Elbert's address highlighted the ban- quet. He spoke of Lionism in a mas- terful manner, telling the large ga- thering of how it was being spread around the world, even where Com- munism is moving in Lionism is get- ting there Much faster, and the aim is wro put ,an iron ring around the iron curtain" .he said. In resting his many experiences and trip to the old lands, how the new clubs are spring up here and there, he said his trip to, Zurich will be one of the few he will be making to Canada. Again we say it was a great honor to have this high official present in this con- vention'and undoirbtedly at no time has such a*'eat meeting- been held in so manta community. As. long Lioniem -alien prevail in Zurich, and we hope it will never become ex- tinct, but the raemory of his day shall always 'linger our hearts for those who were Se fortunate in being; pre- sent,. 0 A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. 0000000.000,000 RAG RUGS and CARPET On a New Modern Loom, Made 40. Order — Seth 0. Amami, Zurie*A. Ont. Phone 128. INVITES YOU TO jOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LORNE S. ELLER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEED.. WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, 0Nrd, 00060 0000000000%60 to.tigh ea* 1994 Licensed Exnba et er and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for. Rent , . FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, ankh 0000.000000000000e0ea0000 000000000e0o00e0 MU 5 We are ever at your service with the best limo obtainable of FRESH GROCERLES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL nno Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. !Phone i 65 14,4kit.„ .0 4 venuaucentowcommottgroexczdeuxxiitumr.. Fali 'T eeds START YOUR FLOCK ON "BIG.THREE' LAYING MASH AND PELLETS FOR BIG RETURNS WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS GROCERY SPECIALS ZINK JAR RINGS, DOZEN MASON QUART JARS, IVIED. DOZEN .19C ,.1.29 CORN FLAKES, LARGE PKG. ....... „ .. . ..25C CHOC. MARSHMELLQW COOKIES, LB,,,,,,..,...49C Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl GIVE US A CALLI A 4., L KV ST RE E Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 1147 dirm000000000000001000m00000060ommswommionwsm0000010,000000;