HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-09-18, Page 4, ZURICH a ONTARIO "THE TRUTH ABOUT MRS, 'ADLAJ STEVENSON It' an intimate portrait of Ellen 3orden Stevenson, beautiful, talented llxeiress who 'might have become Am- erica's First Laily. Why dial she divorce her husband when he hit the political jackpot" Is there hope for 'econciliation? "The Truth About Airs. Adlial Stevenson;" in Sept. 21, Issue of New Amerieae Weekly, ex - 'elusively with Detroit Sunday Times, AUCTION SALE ... 7f Real Estate, Household Effects sand Furniture, of the late Mrs. Carrie Ig..oehler, will be held on the Prem- ises, in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1952 :At One O'Clock p.m., the following: Household Effects --- One 3 -piece Chesterfield, like new; dining room ,litable and •tghairs; day bed, China cab- inet; buffet, Writing desk, kitchen Cupboard, table and chairs; a name fiber of small tables, trunks' and dres- sers, eleetrie washing machine and wringer, electric rangette; cook stove, mt dishes, also antiques and a variety of other dishes, 2 new rugs, wool blankets, quilts and linens, beds and bedding, and other artic1ee too numerous to mention,. Terme---Cash Real Estate --- At the same time and place of above mentioned there will also be offered for sale, subject to a reserved bid, the 9 -roomed hous e being Lot 9, Knell's Survey, less 2x 42 feet :.old off north-west corner. Time house has a 3 -piece bath and furnace. Texans of Real Estate — Ten per cent, on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. ,Ross Johnston, • Win. S. Johnston, Executors. Clearing Auction Sale Of Live iStock, Poultry, Hay, Grain, Mise. Items, and Household Effects, Twp,, the premises, •Stephen 1 wp„ .Con 9, Lot 1110, '1 4 miles west of Credit- on. .rlxe undersigned Auctioneer has ,been instructed to sell by public Auction on THURSDAY, 'OCTOBER 2nd. At 1 o'clock, p,m. sharp. ' Horses---Percheron work Horse, sound .and reliable in every way. Cattle—Red Durham cow, carry- ing 4th calf, milking, clue April 7th; red Durham cow, carrying T4th calf, milking', due March 18th; red. Dur- ham ,cow, carrying .5th calf, milking due Feb. 23rd; roan Durham, cow, carrying 3rd calf, milking; due April 2nd; red Durham farrow cow; 6 Durham .'teens rising 2 yrs. old; 8 heifers rising 12 yrs. old; 5 spring calves. These are all choice quality N ONTARIO )EPART ENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUC : •ry Minister A .I R le ';4'1t tilrt4 NATIONAL ZURICH HERALD Durham cattle, fully T. 13, tested with no reactors. Poultry --50 New I4ampshire Rock pullets; 35 cockerels 4 months old. Hay and Grain -600 bales of mix- ed hay, very best of quality; 450 bushels of mixed grain; •quantity of treated seed beans. Mise. Items -40 feet of 3 -inch steel piping suitable for litter carrier Dearing 2 -horse manure spreader; 5 cords of good dry wood, large iron kettle, sausage press and grinder; other butchering equipment, crosscut saw, scythe, 'g'rindstone, work bench, large chick shelter,• colony house 10n12 feet; brooder stove, fattening crate, electric fencer, cistern pump, small Johnson gasoline motor; and many articles too numerous to men- tion. Household .Effects • — Good Cheer white enamel cook stove, in new con- dition, large size Coleman oil burns er, like new; dining rooau soak exten- sion table, 6 dining room chairs with leather seats.; buffet, various oak rocking :chairs, kitchen table, 10 kitchen chairs, centre tables, dressers dresser bed, commodes, wash stands, wardrobe, kitchen cabinet, couch, t5'parton cabinet battery zadio, like new; Alladin lamp, baby crib, cur- tains, drapes, Coleman gasoline stove and oven, Coleman gasoline rron, gasoline lantern, sealers, kitchen ut- ensils, •churn, odd dishes, etc. etc. No Reserve, as the Farm is sold. TERMS—CASH ILloyd Geiser, Proprietor. Glen Webb, Clark, Alvin 'Walper, Auctioneer. ThieI' Boy's and Men's Wear Made -To -Measure Clothing Box 130 . - Zurich, Ont. '• ;Dear Sir: .Please accept this invitation to visit us and look over the new Fall Samples just arrived from the House of iHobberlin. Over 300 ,crisp new patterns and fabrics from • the wo.rld's , reading mills, in the greatest array of colors I shown since pre-war days. . This is a .good time to review your -wardrobe - don't hesitate to call on us for assistance and. guidance. Cordially Yours, Charles,Thiel SECURITY As a member of aircrew, he's marked as a young rnan of unusual calibre. He's had months of intensive training on the finest of equipment. He has developed character; and the chance to go far in this expanding service offers him a bright future. The future accomplishments in the field of aviation can be counted on to outstrip its brilliant pasty. Here's the life that any boy or any parent — can be proud of. There's a blend of skill, adventure and service to your country that can't be beaten for sheer satisfaction. Would you like to fly with the R.C.A.F.? Then get all the facts today! REQUIREMENTS • Age 17 to 24 year and unmarried. • Junior Matriculation or better - a Uni• versity degree is en advantage. • Junior Matriculants are eligible for a short service commission Of six ' years duration University graduates for a permanent commission, 6 A. selected number of personnel holding short service commissions are granted permanent Commissions on a competi- tive basis, the remainder receive a substantial gratuity, on the termination of their engagement, • R YAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE muni MMRAMMIMmmmomMmmmnm m MatlrlM o,amewwr to 4 MM Director of Personnel Manning, R:C.A.F. Headquarters, Ottawa. Please mail to .Me, without obligation, full particularsregarding enrolment requirements and openings now available in the I2.C.A.F. NAME (Pisa., Print) (Surname+) (Christian tam's) STREET ADP12tSS CITY PROVINCE,.., EDUCATION (by grade and provinre) • AGE cs,E46-52 Thursday„ ;Septemiber 18th, 1952 • 1 • rs ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! e ® Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Out Feeds et AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. Co -Operative A HENSALL and ZtJIZItCI-I �'1�11111�l111!li11i1111(Il1I11111H11111111111111U1i1lil(11111(ililllfll(iiIIiIIHH(1!!I(iIllllltiE Westlake L urnituro WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners tank and upright types. Mason & Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert Pianos. Also Carry all other lines of Horne Furnishings wuk,•ii•'!:... /e%i:•S: •44.11,47 Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. IIIIi1111IIIIIIIIiIHIHI11i1lllllllilJH!liHH1iIIHH1I'Hilli1111i11111I11iI11Hi111f1111II1I1 , eat an ventilate your home with revolutionary new Central Heating System (Gas and Oil Models) wroa�yywnewq,!rygn..-, _ -i,. SPEC:AL etERAMIR rDRRACE RERDED WARM AIR Above, the furnace is located in the utility room with heat tubes its the attic. With basement installation, heat tubes are beneath floor„ THE MODERN MIRACLE OF LOW-COST HEATING -- This new marvel of home heating is revolutionary in its performance. It conditions the home for health as well as comfort. Blends room air with freshly heated furnace air — recirculates it — keeps warmth even from floor to ceiling. Pre-engineered, factory -made to keep cost lovp,, new 31/2 -INCH HEAT TUBES that fit any con-. struction, whether old or new. newMAGIC BLENDER in each room- Itw, sucks in room air, heats it with hot; air from the furnace, then REcirculates it., new BLEND-AiR FURNACE that forces warm air inter, individual heat tubes leading to each room. An,,. efficient fuel -saver you'll always be glad to have. BLEND-AiR is delivered in a package complete, ready tee, install. Come in and let us demonstrate—we'll show you wily "Comfort costs so little with a Coleman." For outstanding achievement Coleman hat roo•tved the 1'1 award made in the warm air heating Indupfry tiy-th'e A�, bas Models approved by American ties Astociefigat 011 Modem Retort under label service by Underwriters' t,aboretortet. IHSS--- ELECTRIC ---- ZURICH ZURICH - Telephone 107 DEALERS IN GENERAL MOTORS AND COLEMAN AUT ,,,, 1VIATIC HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING