HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-09-04, Page 3Reams and rearms of stuff have been written and printed regarding the late — told from a Canadian rstandlioint, unlamented — Olympic doings over at Helsinki. We've heard :about the Yankee star who won 'the Decalthon; about the Czechoslovak husband and wife who 11Detween them cleaned up enough gold medals to make a full set of teeth for Champion Jack Johnson; about this one. and that one, and the other one, • * * +r. taut perhaps the most outstanding all-round tablet( at those games re- seived—at least as far as our per- sonal reading went—about as mach publicity as would pad a crutch, and a very tiny crutch, at that. Not to make a secret (>f it, he was Larse IFlall of Sweden, the winner of the Modern Pcntalthon; and while we have never done any Modern Pen- talathoning ourself, and have no immediate intention of starting, we would judge that it is a very tough event indeed to win. Or even to finish, when you come right down to it. And if you don't believe us, give a listen. * sD * This 'contest for five widely diverse sports is the modern ver- sion of the most appreciated com- petition in the Olympiads of an- cient Greece. In those days the Pen- 9hathlon consisted of a sprint, a discus throw, a long or broad jump, a javelin throw and a wrestling tournament, The Greeks used to se great store on all-round develop - anent and Thought more of the "pen- tathlete" than they did of the spec- ialist in one event. * * * The Modern Pentathlon which includes none of the original five came into the present series of the Olympics in 19I2 at the instiga- tion of the founder, Baron Pierre ale Coubertin of France. His main desire was to try and interest mili- tary leaders of all nations in a -com- petition that would appeal to sold- iers. Thus the modern pentathlon submits entrants to the sort of thing a dispatch rider might have to undergo on active service. It comprises horse riding, fencing, shooting, swimming and cross .country running. * * * What happens is that the com- petitor rides a horse, please note that it's a horse and not his horse, across a 5,000 -mater obstacle - strewn route traversed only once previously. He loses marks for falls, refusals and speed below 450 yards per minute. * * * His horse is then supposed to be shot from under him and he engages his adversary with the sword, in this case the sped. Then our hero is obliged to resort to a pistol. He is allowed 20 shots at disappearing silhouettes ranged at 25 meters. Running out of ammu- nition he takes to the water and . swims to the far hank—a distance of 300 meters. On climbing ashore he has to make the rest of the way on his own feet — a 4,000 -meter cross-country run to the final destination, * * * Military men have always dom- inated the event but this year for the very "first time a non-military competitor was the individual win- ner, we learn from the esteemed Christian Science Monitor. Larse Hass is a carpenter and part- time policeman at the docks of Gothenburg. The excellence of his all-round efficiency was clearly demonstrated by his ability to fin- ish first in two events and no lower than 15th in the other three. And all in a top -grade international field of 51. * * Victory for Hall was not alto- gether a surprise because in 1940 and again in 1951 he was world champion at modern pcntathlon- ism. It was also in keeping with tradition because except for 1936 the Olympic gold medal winner has always been a Swede, In fact, except for U,S.A. in the pole vault and broad jump it is hard to find an Olympic event which one coun- try has so consistently dominated for 40 years. * * * e When the modern pentathlon made its Olympic debut in their capital city of Stockholm the Swedes packed one, two, three. They repeated at Antwerp in 1920 and yet again at Paris in 1924. At Amsterdam in 1928 and at Los Angeles in 1932 the Swedes missed SALLY'S SALLIES eti "This is the master's bedreent hold there !tl-44aster." . He's All Ears—In the jungle of his cornfield, Basil Soupos holds a yardstick to demonstrate the prolific yield he has received via liberal fertilizing. Seven ears can be counted in this 36 -inch seg- ment of Soupos' 100 acres of corn. The civil engineer -turned -farm- er figures he has about 30,000 stalks per acre while some of his neighbors get no more than 7000. Because of the kick ,if rain... Soupos probably won't reach his coveted goal of 200 bushels per acre, but if the dry spell continues he'IF flood his field with water pumped from the Chariton River. Looking ahead, Soupos says he won't be satisfied until he raises 300 bushels per acre. the grand sweep by only dropping third place both tinges. In each case their third competitor finished fourth. * * * At Berlin in 1936 the representa- tives of the blue and yellow flag for the first and so far only time were not among the medal winners. They placed fourth, 10th and 16th. At London in 1948 they were back again and placed first and third, with their number three competitor occupying 17th place. Then over at Helsinki they were first, ninth and eleventh, which gave then second place in the team tourney officially decided for the first time in con- junction with the individual com- petition. Hungary with second, third and 12th was the winner. Fin- land was third, U.S.A. fourth, U.S.S.R. fifth and Brazil sixth. * * * As for Mr. Larse Hall, the indi- vidual champ, he is probably back at his duties of carpentering and part-time policing. We merely add that we would hate to be a yegg on the lam in dear old Gothenburg during the part of the time Larse is pounding his police beat. Loved a Carl, so Burned Her Village If you loved a girl madly and she jilted you, would you kill her, or burn clown her house and with it a whole village? In cold brood you'll certainly answer no. And yet such things happen to seemingly sane people. Way back in 1937 two Arab troopers of a famous French Co- lonial cavalry regiment went one evening to a soldiers' cafe, where both felt in love simultaneously with a lovely blonde dancing girl. Each claimed her, and neither would give way, thought they were close friends, The Unknown Blonde Quarrelling violently, they de- cided to fight a duel to the death —for a girl neither had known for more than an hour! With the girl, ,,they made their way to a quiet spot. Then, draw- ing their heavy cavalry sabres, the troopers formally saluted and crossed blades. For twenty min- utes the fight raged furiously. The girl, the only witness, clapped her hands ecstatically whenever one of them was in danger. Cut and parry, thurst and lunge, every trick of swordsmanship was used. Suddenly, the guard of one was pierced and he fell mortally wound- ed. At that moment police arrived on the scene, and the victor, hav- ing killed h's on friend for an un- known blonde, fled the scene for his life—without the girl! jealously, too, was the motive which led an Indian to seek re- venge on a girl who refused to marry him. Enraged, he set fire to her home in a village near Aligarh, United Provinces, when the girl and her family were inside. They escaped injury, though the fire spread rapidly and burned down lilmost every house in the Indian village. Some people were badly injured, but no lives were lost, The Indian was ilnpr'soned for arson. Often the fit of jealousy lasts only for a few seconds, to be fol- lowed by bitter remorse. It hap- pened that way to an Italian, who arrived home one night to find • his wife in the arms of a lover. In jealous rage, he picked up the other man and threw hien out of the window—to his death! In vain he pleaded in a Rome court for clem- ency. Bitterly sorry though he was, he was sentenced to five years' im- prisonment. Playing With Fire One- of the oddest stories which has its origin in jealousy is told of a beautiful coquette named Mine. Tirevit, an actress at the Imperial Opera in the early nineteenth cen- tury, in Paris. Playing with fire, she deliberately caused two men— M. le Pique and M. de Grandpre —to fall in love with her, Each begged her to marry hien, Mme. Tir'i'it refused them both,, but promised herself to whichever should prove himself the better mean, They decided to fight a duel —in balloons! So two identical balloons were built. and in il,c l;asttc>s ut tiro Tuileries thousands of people gathered one fine morning to wit- ness the strangest of all duels. The balloons were released some eighty yards apart, both containing a duel- list. •aeconipanied by a second. At a given signal, each was to at- tempt to shoot down by blunder- buss his rival's balloon, M. le Pique fired first but hissed, M. de Grandpre's aim was better, how- ever, and he put a shot right through his opponent's balloon. Collapsing, it fell to the ground with such force that both 110. le Pique and the second were killed, Did the victor marry his be- witching lady? No! Mme. Tirevit refused to keep her promise. Only a few years ago a strange story of jealous love was reported from Nice south of France. A nine- teen -year-old youth, Andre de Maurizl, wanted to marry a seven- teen -year-old girl with whorl he was deeply in love. Tragedy in a Bar Iler father refused his consent, saying she was promised to an- other. One evening his sweet- heart was having a drink in a bar when Andre walked in and threw his amts around her. Almost in- stantly there was an explosion, killing the girl and mortally injur- ing Andre. Before he died, he con- fessed his plan to kill them both with a hand grenade hidden under his shirt. Sometimes, the act which pro- vokes mace jealousy is innocent enough. For instance, in Warsaw in 1937, a young man named Wasyl Tynkow saw his sweet- heart dancing with another man. It led to eight deaths: I-Iis girl, twenty -year-old Par- aska Pawlyszko, was the local beauty queen. Though in love .with Wasyl, she liked to stance with other men, '1,V•asyl knew, however, that Paraska had another suit- or, much wealthier than he, and he suspected that her relatives and friends were trying to make her jilt hint its favour of the wealthier loan. He. forbade her to glance with others, and, when he saw her do- ing so, raced home and wrote a MESS OPPORT ITV Complete equipment available for manufacture of high quality building and insulating block. Responsible purchaser may also secure rights to use special formula for reducing commit cost 40% resulting in itigltest attainable profits, Willing to Install and demonstrate best method of production to meet local conditions. About 36000 will handle. ONTARIO MILLWRIGHT SERVICE, 95 King St. E., Toronto ,t Ftw+rwswauosarmtap'+va�l+ewarnarwresw�lwwtar�gnt_rI AD .. ... .... .. AallA TS WANTED CHRISTMAS yard agents, be sure to write Monarch, tor free catalogue of over 60 East selling items, Positively the tlneet line avatlabie anywhere. Samples stent on approval. Immediate delivery and liberal eorr>mleeton. Monarch Greeting Cards:, 47W, East Ave., Hamilton, Ont, Cr•NIEETING CARD AGEitITS GET an early start and make money fast ey selling 4anada's newest and different line of Christmas and Everyday Greeting Card boxes., Samples en approval, Colonial Card Co,. 00 Front St, Weer, Toronto 1. 134180 CHtOK116 DAY QLD and started ehteks, .non -sexed, pullets, cockerels. Started Bronze turkey Milts, two, three, • four and five weeks eh) at bargain prices. Broiler chicks, older Pullets, TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES Guelph . Ontario DAY OLD 0hlcke, started chicks, two end three week old, nun -sexed, pullets, cockerels. Ali popular breeds, turkey nuttlts. Bronze, two, three, four and five week olds, non -sexed, hens or toms at greatly reduced prices. livelier chicks, older pullets. Catalogue. TwnDDLE CHICK IlATCIIERIES MD. Fergus Ontario CLINICS 'SICK" --Write Clinic Doctor -871 Dan- forth, Toren to. Drugless—OPerationtess —Licensed, Why sena'? Make yourself well! DEALERS WANTED OiLS, GREASES, TIRES Paints and varnishes, Electric Motors, Lleetrlcat Appliances, Refrigerators,. tract Freezers, M illc Coolers and Feed Clrinde, a 19obbyabon Maeh leery. Dealers wanted. Write; Waren Orenee and 011 Limited, Toronto. DYEING AND CLEANING 6IAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for information.. we Ire glee to answer your questions. De- partment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 191 Yonge St. Toronto. FOR SALE BARGAIN sale of two, three, four and five week old Bronze . turkey poulte. Non -sexed, hens or toms. Scud for special Price, MEDDLE CHICK HATCHERiES t;TD. Fergus Ontario FOR SALE .4EAGREGOR 00URLE2 FOUR aided planer, Price 32,000 Alex Berman. Iron River, Alta. REGISTERED Redbone, male, 4 months. $26. M. Miller, 24 Simoos St., Orillia, Massey Harris Field Clipper, outs 5 foot, eeoulatos to trailer. Good condition, Hambley Hatcheries, Winnipeg. FIVE registered Angus bulls, eleven to etxteen months old, at farmers prices. Come and look these bulls over. Kenneth Quarrie. R.R. 5, Belwood, Ontario. LIVESTOCK MARKER, MARK ANIMALS wet or dry. White, black, red: 400 per stick. Postpaid, Hambley Hatcheries, Win- nipeg. MORNINGS MILLS $5,000 east). No balance for this beautiful, newly decorated 11 storey house. 3 bed- rooms, open hearth fireplace, glassed in verandah,- drilled well. Gare/en nicely landscaped. A home' yon will be proud to own, Close to No. 10 highway. Exclusive listing. J. P. ALLAN Real Estate Broker and Insurance 31 South Station Street, Weston, Ont. CH. 1-2931 Ajax 139 short note in which he stated his suspiclons. Then he marled hie nis- 101 ants Hurried to Paraska's house. Soon, Paraska and her relatives and friends arrived home front the dance. While she was changing her frock, Wasyl appeared and shot her dead. Then he turned 'On the screaming women around and calmly shot them, one by one, as well as three men who sought to stop him, After he had watched all seven die, he turned the gun on himself. Golddigger — Chloe—"You say Ethel breaks her dates; what's so bad about that?" Joey —"I still say that getting home broke every time I go out with her is too much." Probably True—Lily—"Sorry, I don't go out with perfect stran- gers." Bitty — "That's right — I'm not perfect" SALE TIRES Hamilton's Largest Tiro Store Slave 1838. Deed Tires. 67.00 and up. Retreaded Tires, 60D x 10,. 514.00. Other sizes, prised ac0ordingly. Vulcanizing and • retreading service. All work guaranteed. An orders C.O.D. 02.00 required with order, We pay :bargee one way. Peninsula Tire .Corpora- tion, 96 King Street Weet, Harsjl5on, 'hone 7-1883, - GARAGES --Portable, prefabricated, rust- proof, 0120, 0150. Sheds, Range Shelter Roofs, 040. Sectional Buildings, Shaw - bridge, Quebec. SEEID "CLEANING MILL Located, ledge of Corporation, Tewn of Colnngwood: Building-. Amirux, 20' JI. 150', Frame and Steel Construction, Equipment, complete and Modern. Extra. Cement Building. Approx. 20' 1C 110', Equipped for Poultry or Hog Hela- ine:. Double Garage. Approx. 3 Acres Land. To close Estate , , $6,500.00. Terms. Contact, Marsh and Erskine. Realtors, Moaford, Ont. CHESS CORN SALVE':—For sure relief, Your Druggist sells CHESS. GOOD USED THRESHERS LOTS to (.hoose Prom: 'Two 22' McCor- ntirk-Decline: Two 22" Woods ;Bros.; Two 22" Advance Bungee: Two 26" Wands Brae.: One 28's Advance Rumloy; One 24" Huber, like new: One 28" Huber on rubber; One 23{' Ited River Special. 15. L. 'Turner (Retail) Ltd., Phone 424. Blenheim, Ontario. ALUMINUM—New, Corragatee. 20 gangs, 28" x 9'. Delivered:—$1,41) Shr:,•t, $Io, Square, Betiding Materials, Lac (tuindon, Quebec•. 58,500, 100 acres, 82 workable. Brick House, hank I3arn, Creek running through property. 2r miles from 2 towns, Contact: A. Fargo, Erin, Ontario, Phone sitar, NEWTONVILLE MUST S.1;LL TO CLOSE ESTATE $14,000 for this 150 -acre farm, no balance. House is solid brick, 10 rooms, Centre ball, excellent water supply, 2 springs, well and creek, large hip roof barn, garden, imple- ment shed, 30 acres mixed bush, 90 acres . rich sandy loam, suitable for tobacco growing, all level, 11 miles to No. 2 High- - way. Immediate possession. Executors are authorizing this sale. ALSO $3,500 Cash, full pries for this B- room, frame, 111 -storey house, ad,loining on 1 -acre, apple trees, airings, Close to stream, good barn, exclusive listings. J. A, ALC41J REAL ESTATE BROKER—INSURANCE) 29-31 SOUTH STATION ST. 3VESTON CHERRY 1-2931—AJAX 139 OPEN EVENINGS Bathrooms Beautiful — Kitchens Colourful That's what the new homes look like. Lovely fixtures for bathrooms in white or colour with chrome fittings and glisten- ing white porcelain enamel sinks tu,u, the same sparkle you enjoy in your best ehina—all on display at the new show- rooms and warehouse on the Ntrretsvi Be Roast. When you visit the C.N.E. just tape time out to see us fur fixtures. tnc- ings, furnaces and all the things for a nice home. We deliver, you pay no freight, E. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streeteville Ontario MEDICAL Try it I Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy.,. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1,25 Express Prepaid e FEMINEX One woman tells another. Take superior "FJESIINEX" to help alleviate pain, dis- tress and nervous tension associated with monthly periods. 35.00 Postpaid in Alain wrapper c,a u " ' 889 (ttlawl rEAbSV �S'URtOtv1.O l:llil ASTHMA WIIY suffer if there Is something that will help you? Hundreds of thousands of sets have been sold on a money back guar- sntee. So easy to use. After your symP- toms have been diagnosed as Asthma, you ewe it to yourself to try Asthmanefrin. Ask your .Druggist. No Pills No Drugs TIIE P EIWECT SLIMMING DIET SHEET As used by leading London Hospitals and Medical Specialists, sent on receipt of Postal Order One Dollar to: Diets Dept., MEDICAL & DRUGGISTS SUPPLIES, 42 Tavistock Pince. London, 6338 T,T.s.-A30 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE DANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes end weeping akin troubles Pest's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, sealing, burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to the stainless odorless elnttnent, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. I'ItI % *2.50 P1111, JA11 POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post Free nn Receipt of Price 889 Queen St. E. Corner of Logan, Toronto ISSUE 35 — 1953 NURSES NURSES. Graduate registered, for Ail$ shifts, in small hospital, good esus p• tne015 included. Writs or phone collets Elm Street Hospital, Battle Creek, 041t' .,, 0.8080. OPPORTUNITIES PHA MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCI1OO14 Great opportunity Learn Etalydreesing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, Thousands of suceessful Marvel graduates Arnes•Ica's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue 3iee Write of Call MARVEL liAIRD1:tESSING Se)-sroLs 358 Dicer Mt, W., Toronu, Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 73 Rideau St, Ottawa SIXTY page Accessory and 1'„rtti Catalogue. Free to motoreyrie owners, Send motor number and make, taster Bros., Waterier), Ontario. INVEST in American Industry. Icecelv(s U.S.A. Dollar Dividends, Small vectors weleome. Further details write to Hamilton Investment Co., P,G. Dux 234, 1'htladelphie 5, I'a., U.S.A.. - PATIENTS AN OFFrrt to every inventor—Lief of in. venttona and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patens Attor- neys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa. PISTHERSTONIIAL'C,1I Si Company Pa. tent Solicitors, T:stablished 1800. 8330 Say Street, Toronto, Booklet of informs - :ion on request, PHOTOGRAPHY DEVELOP photographic memory, quickly, easily. No artificial props Astound Yourself and friends. Course $2.00. Wm. Lovelady, Jr„ 8859 No, Dorgengia, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A, WA NTEG POULTRY PROCESSOR With Egg Grading experience preferred. Group Insurance and other benefits. tele- phone or write to G. Evans, SILVEIIWOOD DAIRIES. LJ5t1TED Elmira, ()marl® Fire T So LCA CET Woke Up In A Warm.lfouie! 5e' goodbye to fire -fending, dust and dirt. roes Warm Morning 01 Hector fakes the work out of being realty warm—thru 3 to 6 rooms, ..e-,._.. •330, TE.Q TIcitc,l. _ • _ . Important Worm Morning feoiures not only gel ample heat out of fuel, they radiate That heat to give you top comfort, spread a 'heat -carpet” on floor, Beatuiful, too --rich bolted -enamel finish, Coal And Gas Models, Tool 31`:'tsl With odvanced Mores that won efts million users. Models to heal 1 to 8 rooms: porcolalinenamel finishes. (Coal models also In Slued -steel.) See them at your Warm Morning dealer's. t'`�1„iiY� Wt EDC lel Oil, Coal and Gas I-leaters rBOON-STRACHAN COAL CO., LIMITED Dominion Square Building, Montreal, Que. OR Montreal Trust Building, Toronto, Ontario Please send me your FREE illustrated folder covering the famous WARM MORNING Hooters. (indicate) J Coat 0 sit 0 Oat Noma .............. .t,...n..e...ourc,..a...... Address ..................o......e,.a. ront Goethe ( o 134 THE HOUSE OF SE GRAM MEN WHO THINI OF TOMORROW PRACTISE MO enrroneraermarnerneveranneananunenalroreln000rmuornsaarereinner RATION T O Il M'It