HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-08-21, Page 4ZURICH . ONTARIO HYMENEAL Gamble -- Rader ',prion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, `Vas the scene of a lovely wedding, of Violet Clara, youngest daughter of IIx and Mrs L. H, Rader, Dashwood, tend David Wendell Gamble, eldest lion of 111r and Mrs Arnott Gamble Of Landsdowne. Rev. L. Higeue'1 Officiated. Miss Helen Nadiger played the wedding music an the soloist was lt,1Liss Shelia Burtch of Elgin, cousin la the groom who sang "Because" -arid "t0 Perfect Love," Given in marriage by her father, 9.40, the bride wore a gown of net over satin with gathered bodice and Queen Anne Collar and carved tra- ditional red roses with rose -bud on satin streamers. Her attendants were her sister, Mrs Garnet Weiberg of Waterloo as matron of honor, Miss Sheila McLeod of London, and Miss Eleanor 'Prang, niece of the bride, of Zurich as bridesmaid. The attend- ants were dressed identically, wearing nylon marqui'esette over satin trim- med with lace in blue, yellow and Ipink respectively. Their headdresses were braided satin with net trimm- is a'1 pekhltti 068 iieptember 13 • `y+?\ Third Car Drawn Saturday, Special non -admission coupon attached to each strip of Advance Sale tickets must reach Western Fair Association by 9:30 p.m. Sept. 8th, 1952, to be eligible for above awards. Only Advance Sad 1';cket Holders are for Prins vg,✓ueed at over $7,500, I• "acielin.... o . 7:7:—. the ! 195_2 cars abf ill ar • L' $1®a ``else` admtu o w °' 4t+;I113s..n tilt or two children LONDON, ONTO W. D. 'JACKSON: AAanager i r mmteornotesswesemmos BUY ADVANCE SALE TICKETS FROM: ' Porter's General Store and some independent grocers ro e "Water a4 on Tap" r 9 9 1i 9 s • • 9 • 9 • • • m 9 • • i Every Friday • 0 • O pLadies Free until 0 ZURICH HERALD Bayfield Pavilio T ursday,;Aug?ust 21st, 1952 For A Good Time, Here Are Two Dates to Remember Every Wednesday 7 ---Modern and Olde Tyrne with "THE MELODY MAKERS" FROM LONDON featuring: Len Masse Claude Gelinas Mrs Lindsay (Clinton) 10.00 - 1.00 10.00 - 1.00 • • 0 • 3 • 0 0 9 0 0 • 9 • --Music in a Modern Way Frank Traher and His Orchestra • with former Band Leader "HOPPY • HOPKTNS on Vocals al0 Fe Spot Dances Refreshment Booth Spacious Parking Vilmleasolsollimmessesseetalsoliallammenesestrantions • -A Ve aced flew eat SEWAGE DISPOSAL OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS! Let FIL put it in. Talk over a Farm Improvement Loan with your nearest B pf M manager as soon as you can. BANK OF MONTREAL 9,424024a:4 9424 autid working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1817 el lAI:1v !0 A Ili 1(9N tANAD/ANt 1 • Biu I at r C njere ; ce Tung h 'ems- ' rliicago, are spending a wee: with Ataa� Sam . and Aaron des- --- - .. .,.,._.. ing. They carried''bouquets of Blau- iolas in matching colours. his broGne.a' lJesixetctnt 1' Keith Gamble of Lor LdgA, was his treicher, and Rev. J. M. brother's groomsman f,rtrg the ustters� of Clif?or d. Success ere 1V1r. Elmer P ,air of Dashwoid I Was Big. brother of the '.Ori;yie and •Mr. How- jIl Dashwood Band Tatoo on Tuesday and .in -la me:lk 'of Gadanoque, bio evening, was a huge success.weather then in la;;r of 'chs groom. thing was in its favor, T:nd recep''„ion was held in the even could riot have been more fav- ehurch bat�,ement. The bride's mother ourable. All but one •of the expect - wore no-, with white accessories and ed bands were in attendance. I the groom's mother wore rosevvioOd ling of •crowds and cars, k, t and announcing by loud speakers of I e.orsnavy, accessories. Both woe I indivival bands at the gates was well t :orsages of roses. Jin charge. Grouping of all rostrum 1 ,Guests were pre�eent from Lars- ' ents a bunches for the ,culmination downs, Gananoque, Elgin, Mol+to:ll, 1u f mass performance was also in Welland, Tilburg, Norwich, Wzriti' r hand. 'The bands really excelled, but Goderich, London, Port Albert, "1? �peeial mention should be made of esloo, Zurich and Dashwood. .a . the Dashwood and Zurich Junior The compile left for a holveynxottn Bands, so recently organized. The trip to Jacksonville, Florida and New Majorettes with their twirling rods York 'City. The bride wore navy 'and the London Band under the lead - with White aecesaories with a COTS- , ags ership of Mr. Robinson; the Esme and meriniba played by a young ar- tist amplified, added much to the program. Record attendances; a we'll supplied refreshment booth and willing waiters did their best to let 'no one leave hungry or thirsty. In fact the whole affair was a decided success. 5 8 9 • 2' 19 c 8o 19q 1' 19 s 2' l♦ HENSALL and ZURICH ��i#IfiiiiilNIIII11111111111!lillllllil9llllll}Ililll!!!}lllllllll!}Ili}lilllii!lIIIYIIIIII(Ilflll��•",: "DAILY" MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10:15 A.M., E.D.S.T., SUNDAYS 10.05 A.M. On C.F.C.O. CHATHAM 6:30 ON YOUR DIAL P ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only iRe-Cleaned Grain Used in 011e Feeds AVAILABLE AT Hens 11 DjSte Co® rperative tEk i9 i tic.....„ r.,_,...,,,...._____ KITCHEN ... ``Farm Life" revolves around the kitchen . . . needless labor and time can be saved with "water at the turn of a tap" . . made. possible with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. ii i'.. m�? BATHROOM ... Protect the health of your family . , add to the com- forts of daily living ... modernize with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. LAUNDRY ... Family washing be comes a pleasure . . , with plenty of clean, fresh running water for your laundry tubs . . with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. SARINS ... Why carry water? Save TIME ... LABOUR ... INCREASE PRODUCTION and PROFITS and have FIRE PROTECTION with a DtJRO PUMPING SYSTEM. Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures. Write for illustrated folder. STADE & WEIDO Phone 92 r Zurich, Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MPG. CO. LIMITED London • Hamilton • Si Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury • 'Winnipeg • VCP szlr E"NI age of red 'l'ose's. On their Telma they will. re8ide in Til1'bury. Guests at Wedding Gtrests at the Gamble - Rader Wed- ging at Dashwood were, Mr and Mrs Arnett Gamble o.f Lansdowne; . and'Mns aloward 1VIcClement of Ga,n- anoque-; Mr and Mrs Harold Denison 'Miss Sheila Burtch of Elgin; Mr and Mrs Edbert Ducette of Morton; Mr Howard Burtch of 'Welland; Mr and Mrs Colin Blair of Tilibury; Miss -Laura Jean "Doherty of Norwich; Mr Johnny ;Stewart of Windsor; Mr and Mrs. jack McLeod; Mr and Mr - F. 7. Curry of Goderich; Mr and Mrs. Jack 'Brodie of Port Albert; Mr -and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg, Mr and Mrs. Ivan Taylor of Waterloo; Mr and Mrs. Leonard Prang -and Eleanor of Zurich; Mr and Mrs Lloyd Rader, Mr and Mrs Ervin Rader, Mr and Mrs. Elgin Rader, Mr and Mrs. .E1 - mer Rader, Mr. Gus Miller, Mr and GO,DFREY NICHOLSON PASSES Mrs Ed Willer`, MMr and Mrs. EbGodfrey s 80, C W'alper, Mr and Mrs Martin Laub, Mrs Herb Wein, Mr and Mrs Wm. and a formerNicholresidenton, of theof Zurich Hay, Miss Helen Nadiger, Mrs. Ed. district died on Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. D. Mack,Nadiger, Mr. Howard K1,umpp, Misses 'Gloria Kraft, Marie Moir, Marguer- after a lengthy illness. He was horn rte Deters, Vera nice Weiberg, Margaret in Hay Township on the Bronson line Becker and Berries Tyrer all of son of Godfrey Nicholson. He mar- Dashworod. ried Evaline Johnston who prede- ceased him about 25 years ago. He moved to Crediton in 19.08 where he lived till his death. He leaves to mourn one daughter, Muriel, Mrs. W. D. Mack; four grand children, Bryce ,1Vl.ack, of Zurich; Mrs. Stanley Whiting, •Centralia; Winnifild and Rosalie at home, and five great grand thildren„ .Stephen and Philip Mack, Melvin, Barbara and Ruth Ann Whit- en ;and one sister, Mrs. Irvin Graham of Regina, Sask. Funeral services willibe held on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. from the home of Mr j W. Da Mack, Crediton. Intern entlrsin Exeter Cemetery. Mrs. Elgin Porter The sudden death of Mrs. Elgin Poster, Bayfield, whish occurred in Victoria .Hospital, London was a bin shock, having been ill only about 10 hours, in the afternoon she developed :severe headache and was rushed to � r Westlaks WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka . Vacuum d,.ca,aass tank and upright types.. Mason & Rischy Henry Herbert and Schubert Also Carry. all Pianos. other lines of Home Furnishings OBITUARY BAY•FiIIELD MAN DIES David C. Dewar, 84, of Bayfield died at his home after a short illness He was .born in Stanley Township and lived there all his life until re- tiring to Bayfield 30 years ago. He is survived by his wife, .the former Ada Watson; two daughters and two sons and a sister. He was a member of St. Andrew's United Church. Bur- ial was in Bayfield cemetery. DASH W 000 Mr and Mrs •Glen Guenther and Glenda Sue have returned to Gary, Ind., after spending their vacation with Mr and Mrs Syd Baker. Mr and Mrs Hubert Restemeyer and family of London are spending their vacation with his father, Mr. Otto Restemeyer. Mrs. Taylor and Anne are spend- ing a few weeks in Port Elgin. Mrs. 3. Reschke and Donnie of De- troit are spending a few holidays with relatives here. • Mr and Mrs Syd Baker and Mr and Mrs. Irvin Sebade vi.sitetl in Detroit on Sunday. Miss Theresa Corriveau is spending a few days with friends in London. Mr and Mrs M. W. Guenther and Mr and Mrs Syd Baker spent a few clays in Port Coorne with Mr and the hospital where she died tna;t ev Mrs Sacic Huffmanlb, ening. F'�or-Inerly Sarah Reid, she was Rev. and Mrs Getz and 'family born on lot 7, Bayfield Concession, are spending two weeks' vacation in Road, North Stanley Pembroke, 'Montreal and other places' where she lived her entire life. jinn Mr and Mrs F'clink Mclseac and 1931 ,sh0 waq married to P;i farndly, 'Harvey Willis and Jack ,Poxter, and the young coupre took! Wabor, Mrs. Tr-aley and Mrs. T. 'tip residence :on the homefar with •Toyce., Mr. •I•Tubort Mel aac and Mr.' her .19 widowed and :is the , c51e bwaseher Vincent Collins, all of Detroit, and in Mr and Mrs Al Ward and family of husband and mother by a son and 4 Winson, winere weekend visitors with daughters. The remains were laid to rest in hayfield Cemetery with' Rev. VCns. Lucinda Mcisaac• , Mr and Mrs M. D. Oestreicher-and Peter Itenno of St. Andrew's I,nite daughter Miss Martha Oestreioh.er of church officiating, Furniture Store Phone 122 - Residence Phone 89. Zurich IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIuIIIlIIIIIUiIIIAllllll�llllill�ullllllllllilliiiilEl� L IS THE FUEL, bEtCO11EAVEBURNEt i4t~s em. ORDER NOWT IT'S DEPENDABLE HEAT General Motors engineering., design and craftsmanship it:: Can be your assurance. installed in any' furnace or boiler in good condition. A t Your SERVICE in Cities and Towns from COAST to COAST psi -fired Boiler Oii-fired Conditionair . ' If your present heating plant is inadequate, tisk your dealer about replacing it with scat Boiler or Conditionair. Delco I SEE . YOURTAUTHORIZED DELCO-HEAT DEALER. IT'S ECONOMICAL HEAP' Positive 19 to 1 Turbulation—••. Oil and air are properly mixed; for most efficient combustion., IT'S INSTALLED BY. FACTORY -TRAINED MEt.I Delco -Heat dealers take courses; in proper methods of installing; and servicing equipment. Rave a Delco -Heat representative `sill y and mala a heating survey in your home.lNo obligation, Write or photle, dealerlistedbelow. HESS ZURICH - I'',LEC .LYRIC Telephone 107 DEALERS IN GENERAL MOTORS AND COLEMAN AUT'`.. MATIC HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING