HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-07-31, Page 5ZURICH • e ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Authorized as seemed class mail, Peeet Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS Joh W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Mehl Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 3555 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneel For HURON AND LAMBTON Yoe Tour Sale, large or small, Cour- teoue and Efficient Service at all &hes! Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92 r '7 VETERINAR1A.N IN. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Oface with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Vime--96. ZURICH BUTCFIERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET set us supply you with the W..ry choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Eac. always on hand. Kept Iresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: Wool, Hides and Skins YuDgblut &Sou PRODUCE OMEN'S RODUCE rash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our 'AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEW6 Mr and Mrs Charles ative of Toronto visited with Mr and Mee Win Sauve lof town over the week -end. Miss Nancy and Laird Thiel of London, spent a few days at the home of their grandparente Mr and Mee George J. Thiel. Mr and Mee, J. H. Johneton of Kin- cardine were week -end visitors at the home of the later'ter, Mr and Mr. Julius Thiel. Mr and Mrs Hugh MacKinnon and son Rossie, of London, were Satur- day visitors at the home of the form- er's mother, Mrs. M. MacKinnon. Mr. Alex Challett who spent the winter months with relatives in Thed- eord, in enjoying the summer months on his farm home on the Blue Water north of Drysdale. Mr and 'Mees Lindsay Wurm and daughter Marline from Dearborn; Mrs. White from Hanover, visited with Mrs Emily Fuss and Mrs. Ber- tha Block. Relent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Gordon Howald were: Mr and. Mrs Lawrence Howald and family; Mr and Mrs Oreille Stein- bach and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Crisp and daughter Barbara, all of Lon- don. Harvest Progressing Harvesting operations are now in full swing, and with favourable wea- ther the threshing machines will soon be humming with stook teresh- ing. Some are combining,• others are using the new fOrage system. But to us the old stook threshing, or 'hauling in the mow, looks about as good as any, of course it means a lot more hard work, which often in the long run pays well. The catchy rains have delayedthe wore, . but the cooler air pushing down irons the north, fee1S-very much better. PIGS FOR SALE 40 started pigs for immediate sale. A, E. Oeptreichee, Dashwood 2tc FOR SALE A 11i h.p. gasoline engine for sale Cheap. Apply to. Hensall Dist. Co - Operative, Zurich Branch. 2tc NOTICE NOTE — Hensall's New Bus Agent Mr. R. H. Middleton has been appoin- ted Ticket Agent and Charter Coach Agent for the Western Ontario Motorways. Tickets may be ,purch- ased at Middleton's . Drug Store, Hensall, for any point in Canada and the U.S.A. All coaches will stop at Middleton's. No change in arrival and departure time. 4tc • Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid phis premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg niti Poultry department in tiaarge of Mr. T. Meyers. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE FOR SALE One full ,set of canvasses Tor a 6 -foot Deering Binder in good con- dition. Also hitch, tongue, knife and trucks. — Eldon Bender, Phone Hensel' 699 r WANTED To purchase or Rent a farm, pre- ferrably about, 100 acres. Would like possession in fall or spring. Apply to Herald Office, Zurich for further information. 2t Mrs. Mabel Snider of Sarnia spent several weeks with relatives in this vicinity. • Mr and Mrs Gideon Koehler and ; Miss :Pearl Wurtz spent a day in London last week. Mrs. Milike and granddaughter I Miss Donna Oeseh are spending holi- days with relatives and frienes at Ohesley. Miss Patricia Mittleholtz of Lond- on was a week -end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Ted Mittleholtz. Mrs. Nancy Koehler bee returned to Toronto after spending some tame at the home of her children and re- latives here. aVIrs. Doerr and son Stanley, of the meal is reach Seaforth visited at the home or their ° o.n the table 4.00i0:;" 55 cousins Mr and Mrs Garnet Jacobe, LET YOUR BAKER over the week -end. Mrs. Eva Belleau and .on Edgar Be Your Menu Maker! of Toronto spent an enjoyable week,. YOUR BAKER not only supplies end at the home of her brother and delicious wholesome bread for your sister in law's Mr and Mrs. Wm, table—bread for your recipes. Out Sauve of Zurich. of his fragrant ovens come all man - EVANGELISTS TO STAY ner of mouth-watering goodies to ANOTHER WEEK crown the menu of every meal! Frag- By official request the Br wee pea- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns thers Tent .Revival will continue one for breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled more week for all people and all de- treats for luncheon..piping hot Par kti nominations. A. Fpecitil committeeer House Rolls for dinner. Brea made this request and so elle camof vdaaryieotyr, , for so sdnoane,tlesgeatnywrtiinink.i paign is extended for one week tillnight. SaturdaAugust 2nd. Over 0,000 les worrying about variety in meals— people attended the combined Sun- let your baker be your menu make; day afternoon and. evening services. See what's on his tray today! Highlight of a meeting was the fel- lowship rr canopy when approximately 2,500 supper held under the giant iasty-N aery — persons from near and far ate to - PHONE 100 ZURICH gether between the aafternoon and evening ss.nons. Dozens upon dozens of cakes, fruits, sandwiches and sal- painfIrm- 'tecorat'ng ads were placed on huge tables in the 4.0 aisles and these foods were shared — - by thousands as they wandered from We are equipped to do Interior and table to table. Over the week -end Exterior Painting; Spray or Brush. the Evangelist spoke on "Victory Contract or Time and Material. Sat - Through Christ." and "The Precious isfaction Guaranteed. Fee Free Blood of Jesus Christ." The revival Estimate .contact us about your next continue 4 every night this week. Paint Job. See us about yetfr Barns, !Rods, Sheds, Etc. Gordon Eagleson Phone 40 r 2, Dashwood. pt8-2 HENSALL Mr and Mrs D. R. Reed, Owen Sound was a visitor with Miss Min. nie Reid. W. E. Hedden, Hamilton, viseted with his mother, Mrs. C. al. Hed- den. Mrs. W. A. McLaren, Goderich, visited Mies Minnie Reid last week. Mrs. A. L. Biroeh, Toronto, is spending a three weeks' vacation With her parents, Mr and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd. Work Has Started Excavation has started pn the site of a $40,000 chapping mill planned here by George T. -Mickle & Sons, of Hensall. It is being built In front of the new grain elevators. The 'build- ing is expected t becompleted by the middle of August. McArthur Reunion The annual ietinfon, of the II/lc-- Arthur clan was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Hilton Laing, Exeter. 4(7 members attended from 'Niagara Falls, Blenheim, London, Ingersoll, Bregden, Owen Sound, Zurich, Hen, sail and Exeter. An interesting pro- gram of sports was directed by Mr. and Mrs Frank Boyd, of Niagara Falls, Mr and Mrs Roy Lamont and Mr and Mrs M.elv. Elliott, of Zurich. The 1953 reunion will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Stewart Mc- Queen, Hensall. FOR QUICK SALE Half h.p. air compressor; Kellog No. 22, spray gun and reducer; 71' hose; Canadian Buffalo No. 15 drill press floor model 1-3 h.p. inator with rnortuse attachment; 14" band saw, 1-4 h.p. motor; emery stand, black and Decker buffer, Miller Falls 5-10 ebc. Bingiss Vibro-tool; Nation- al Air sander; small ' turning tathe; 16" rip and cut offsaw; 4" belt lacer, trailer, 16" exhaust fan and motor; 2 shop trucks; 3, 21" tires and tubes used. and 200' 5-16" rope. I. Willert, iPhone 210, Zurich. 2tc -Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK • El LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS 4. OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. 'ilikaaenInt of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 20,010 Policies $125,269,726.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. ' $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION \ E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH 1 AGENT FOR SALE BY TENDER THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY is offering For Sale, one 24 -ft. length Corrugated Steel Culvert, 6 -ft. in diameter. This Culvert is lying in the Telephone Pole Yard, on the Bind Line, east of Zurich. Tenders to he in the Clerk's Office by 6.00 p.m. Augus 4th, 1952. H. W. BROWRINSHIRE, Clerk, Hay Township, Zurich, Ontario ALSO DEALER IN, LIGHTNING $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for ACttis AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE Lifting.—Jack WilHarns, Call Phone • INSURANCE f2.14 r 4 Cretlltop 'Ceptrql. " CANADIAN Propane Gas ALSO GAS APPLIANCES • GRATON & HOTSON Ph. 1,5.6 - Grand Bend. pt1.1-2 0101....NO*1 NOTICE CEMENTING! I am in a position to do all kind; of cement work. Contact me for further arrangements. — Mahlon Sander, Phone 94 r 22, Zurich. tf2-4 Voileleelelgeollimmaleseeaseermeseeempr WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 359 eselmaIneelea eezaieielVate Dead Stock I : i ' lakevirm Casino I 1, GRAND BEND i 1.1 • •• 1 11 mo:111 Damn g Nightly • I ; . • : (D: BOBBY DOWNS : 1 • i AND HIS ORCHESTRA • a • I • i dght Dance : : t AUGUST 3rd; 12:05 A.M. • 0 I JOIN THE HOLIDAY CROWD 'AT THE r3FND . : 0 m ammammanwamwmgrammymmotmowymerimmozgasataicraorEastemwfiwasmigrimumming row T 1:1 e Iters 5 -Year Protection On All Washing Machines Eyerything You Want in a Washer You'll Find in THOR! CHECK THESE Outstanding Features 1. Famous Thor Delux Agitator, giant 9 vane super agitator with 3 bottom vanes and 6 side vanes 2. Massive Streamlined Wringer, swings to 5 positions for greater convenience — Feather touch re- lease bar and reset lever. 8. Full size 9-1b. capacity tub. 4. New all -Aluminum tub cover, rust -proof, seals in suds and helps keep water hot. 5. Thor Delux Mechanism. Nee engineering features and ensure. greater lasting satisfaction. Come in and see it today! FOR ALL ELECTRICAL JOBS AND APPLIANCES CALL Wuerth Electric Phone 84 - ZURICH ememenatensesterearettatierseettatemsetteasemeeesetteettema--- L:111111 litr-r HESS ZURICH GEN EAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC STORAGE TANK WATER HEATERS Come in or phone us - Let us explain why General Electric Automatic Water Heaters pro- vide the mast efficient, economical and depene dable method of supplying hot water for alt your many daily needs. They are priced right and cost little to install. Budget teems. ELECT TT i - Telephone 107 Come in m Pick a Color, the .F?atri irhuisday Jitly 31Sb, 952 Dark Green"QV'- Light Grein Yellow eerre',,Uier Dark Blue Light Blue Qr°Y Peach WhU BiaCk .• ...55eareeeele0 .0% V. L. they're An IH exclusive! Interchangeable door handles in a rainbow of tea vivid shades, to match or con- trast with your color scheme. 7 Sizes; Prices Start at eAmiamtras CKER & SONS Phone 60W. DASHWOOD es NOW IN STOCK LADIES: See our Spring Stock of Footwear before buying elsewhere; such as Casuals in Suede, of assorted colours and the New Dom- inion Smart Step-in, tan and white... For foot Comfort, you can't beat these. Also various lines for Misses and Child- ren. We have a few smart lines for Men as low as $7.95. See these for yourself. Men's and Boy's Work Shoes that stand the Test Oes MIIIIIPr'eeeee-41WM-449e=ereiereehtliMeeerafaereeeeeeeeTiM 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 Your Heating Equipmen We offer you the following Good Cheer Gravity, or Forced Air Furnaces The Arcoflame Oil Furnace; Coleman Oil Bur- ners in three different Sizes. Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Enamels Refrigerators, 1 • • Paints • Electric Stoves, 0 • • • 0• 1 • 0 • • Datars aS: • • Main St. Hardware Store • -=-figenalINNO* Varnishes Radios and all Electrical Appliances Plumbing - Furnace Work - Tinsmithing OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. Main St. Hardware Store. Phone 213 rie Phone 213 1 1 1 1 1 Massey - Farris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- .HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. Tel. &t,,p .14t) thscar Klopp "The ServiceArm for Canadian Farm" ROO. 67 EVER Al -,•out SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! prOto..01..11.4aneroginnoto1.1,01.0.1040.41 1 1 4 4