HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-07-31, Page 4ZURT'ti. QNTA•RI inageoneetall vilion Welcome Goderich Old Timers and Friends Especially Wed. August 6th. For A Good Time, Y•Tere Are Two Dates to Remember Every Wednesday —Modern and Olde Tyrne with "THE MELODY MAKERS" 10.00 - 1,00 44 Every Friday Spot Daacas 10.00 -1.100 FROM LONDON featuring: Len Masse Claude Gelirras Mrs Lindsay (Clinton) —Music in a Modern Way Frank Traher and 'Elis Orchestra with former Band Leader "HOPPY HOPKINS on Vocals •! efreshment Booth ,t ...,., • 0 a 0 • 0 0 �' • • • • • • • Spacious Parking owmatacrametcrancsommaszamsaws ZURICH .HERALD DASHWOOD MiF:: Lana Steinhagen of Cleveland visite,l her brother, Mr amid Mrs. Chia, ;Steinhagen for a few day. Mr and Mrs Jack Reschke of De- troit spent; the week -end with re- latives here. Mr and. Mrs White and Francts of Detroit visited with her mother, Mrs Witzel on Saturday. Mrs. D. Weber is visiting with her daughter Rev. and \1rs C. 13. Carr, in Port Elgin. 1liss Thelma Weber of London, spent part of her holidays with her sister, Mrs. Rev. Carr ii'n Port Elgin. She returned to visit her brother, Ralph and family and Clarence Schade's and family. A preculiar incident occurred to Mr. Sid •Baker reently. While he was a�. 5 LACK Of VADYCASH CAVy Y® ��o YOU I OUGH t,.. • th our 3 aleing'loan -with Y 'Talk over a txrofrt ill he canto help B of M manager. ao l'1 do' h Tow• you. s�pOth,thatttoug 'MY fM1f'.. TO A N/1110N CANADIANS Zurich Branch: Hensel' Branch: Crediton Branch: Orr 41X .CARL SCOTT, Manager WAT::TER JARRETT, Manager CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Open Mon., Wed. & Fri. BANK. Off' N T EAL 4 °4 9014e V vy WORKING WITH CA'NaA1)!IiA'N':S IN Ed ERV WALK OF LIFE S;INC:E 1 817 • Civic Holidayweekcera its a time of added danger. The increased Ilk.efihoosihofdeath and injury is a matter of vital concern to alit tus r6<of the highway and must be offset by good judge3etot, (Dor rtesy, and extra care. UMEMBER : . , . Watch out for eh -Admen .. Drive at a reasonable speed --not too fast nor too slow .. Keep in your own. traffic lane Don't pass on curves or hills Be courteous to others Let us - combine our efforts to keep the week -end. freefrog.) accidents. GEO. H. DOUCETT MINISTER r cutting wheat with the binder he lost his keys; which were on a ring and after hunting for them for some time could not find them. He thresh- ed his wheat and drew a load to Hen- sall, while there he looked up and discovered his keys conning down the elevator on the fanning mill, the key; were in good shape, onry the house key Was broken in two. Sunday, July 27th a goodly num- ber of old fiend young gathered on the Dashwood Evangelical church lawn for a fellowship lunch and pro- gram. After singing "Be present at our table Lord" those present in angle file passed the well laden table took' what was desired and enjoyed a meal in cool and shade oIA the out of doors. Rev. J. H. Getz opened with 'prayer, iMrs. J. M. 'Tiernan led in singing of a number of choruses, a duet and solo were beautifully rend- ered by young people (roan Ottawa Valley, having spent the past week with some seventy at Camp at God- erich. ;Prof. Harr of the Naperville College, bhe guest speaker at Camp, very forcefully stressed the fact that all man made fortress will crumble, but .God alone is our refuge and strength. St Joseph and Beaver Town Mr aid Mrs Lenard DeTtonlme of Windsor are spending the week -end with the former e relatives in this ighbourhood. Mr and Mrs Roy Andrus and son Wyane of Detroit were weei;•end visitors evith Mr and Mrs .Avila Du- ei;arme of the £:tie siuth. Irr and T1rs Sol ,.as.•n 1'Y'illiems of Seaforth and Mr and Mrs George V' lliams of Kitc'eener were Sunday cvening callers w t': the I)ucharme families of this vicinity. On Sunday last ah art mid day, citizens of this immediate surraruTd- ine were attracted by the droning of jet planes, and due to the height they were flying it was some time be''ore they could be seen. '3'hey were flying probably ten to fifteen thous- and feet in - the air. They View in 2 different groups, Mine each of as Tear as eye could detect; nine in each and probably live . miles apart; leaving .in their,,trail a ropelike cloud, they were flying very .mace. south west. Mr and Mrs Filbert Denornnie of Tilbury spent a few days vacation with relatives and friends In Ms neighbourhood; returning to their home on Sunday last. It is always a pleasure to see old timers conte to visit us. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items; oh the Premises; Main Street, Let 28 Con. N.B: Stephen Township, in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned Auctioneer 'has ;:seen instructed to sell by pieblic auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th. Commencing at 12 o'clock p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE — Consisting of Lot 23, Main Street, Dashwood; Cer, N.B. Stephen Township, on Which is situated abeautiful two storey red brick house, in allreund new con- dition, equipped with bathroont, water pressure system, new furnace, never failing water supply, best of garden land, fruit trees. spacious lawn an)i fine shade trees; also semi] barn and garage. This is an ideal dwelling property, open for inspect- ion at any time before sale date, Ternns of Real Estate --- 10 %o on day of Sale, balance in 30 days: Will be sold subject to a reasonable reserved bid. Household Effects 3 -piece Ches- terfield suite, like new; upholstered Davenport; ato.und top solid oak din- ing room extension table with 5 leather chairs to match and one arum chair; 2 oak square top extension tables with matching chairs; oak china cabinet, soiid oak buffet; large assortment of oak and antique rock- ing chairs; oak and walnut centre tables and fern stands; ,couch, writ- ing, desk, Phonola cabinet radio,like new, mantel clock, 2 kitchen clocks; Electrolux with attachments; 3 sets antique style settees, all in new con- dition; 2 hall .mirrors; plate glass mirror, Raymond sewing machine; electric table and ,parlor lamps; pho- noghaph, Large and small spinning wheel in new condition; numerous sets of silk curtains, also drapes and cushions; tapestry rug 11x11,34t; 2 tapestry rugs 9x9 -ft; Congo)euni rugs, various sizes; full line of kitch- en furniture; 2 complete oak bed- room suites; 2 brass bedroom suites complete; 2 complete dinner sets; 3 complete breakfast sets; 'glass ware, Chinaware, vases, beautiful jardiii• eres; valuable silverware, all kinds ofbeautiful antique dishes.; petures and picture frames, mounted birds and animals, 2 Coleman space neat- ers in new condition, •electric heater, McClary kitchen. stove, beautiful round lace' ' tablecloth, bedspreads, linens, fall line of Kitchen' utensils, etc. Other Articles. — Set of garden tools, set of :carpenter tools consis- ting. of hammers, saws, tree pruners, hoes, spades, shovels, lawn rakes, emery, step ladder, quantity of:•wood galvanized tuba, large .and •small jugs and crocks, etc., etc. Number of sealers, 100 giiarts of car ned fruit and vegetables, " • This is an exttra large Sale with .everything in first class condition. Ail to be. -old without reserve. Sale will start sharpan time. . 1 ElO S—CASSIT Estate of the Late Joseph Wild.fung Clayton. WililfoT, Grfir,'tiet Wiltlfong, ld..' 'cruor. Milford Mernek, Men Webb, Clerks, Alvini,,nr • O • • a en ito 3 8 hie Thtc slay ,T'u1,y 31st, 19n "DAILY" MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10:15 A.M., E.D. SUNDAYS 10.05 A.M. On C.F.C.O. CHATHAM 6:30 ON YOUR DIAL 46, 46. ce S.T. e, M ,u 19 = s2.:1 ftrenaeWlirt5.72.5 5.110 nae -- -•; 8 sl 8 e a ' Hens JI Dist. Co Operative HENSALL and ZURICH - ARE YOUR BEST BUY I Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Ow Feeds AVAILABLE AT Is e aai999999999991111916611616i11161191191119191111III66i916II19116666161911611i161116666111111@111111 ' Westi e Furnituro WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners tank and upright types. Mason &Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert Pianos. Also Carry all other lines of Howe Furnishings • Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUsUlllllllllllllllullnl!lnlilUilllllAnIIIIIII11111111111Na L ISTIIE -FUEL bELCOHEAT;BURNER Can be ' installed in any furnace, or boiler in good condition. ,• At Your SERVICE In CItles . and Towns from COAST to COAST Oilfired Boiler Oil-firod Condillonair (If your present beating plant Is inadequate, ask your dealer about replacing it with a Dc1co-l`Tcat Boiler or Conditionair. :SE4 YOUR "AUTt3ORlzl•.m ORDER NOWe General Motors engineering, design and craftsmanship is;• your assurance. IT'S ECONOMICAL NEW Positive f.9 to 1 T'urbulation— . Oil and air are properly mixed; for most efficient combustion,,, IT'S INSTALLED 13Y FACTORY -TRAINED MEN', Delco -Heat dealers take courses .• • in proper methods of installing and servicing equipment. FREE, „ Have a balm -Heat representative call 7 and melte a heating survey In your home. Ne abligation.Write or phone.', dealer listed below. DELC -HEAT. DEALER. .ELECT .Inc 7URICI-i - , Telephone 107 DEALERS IN GENERAL MOTORS 2% ND COLE:OAN AUTO.. '.,, :MAi'iC HEATING.. AND .AlaZ C.:NDi11.7NI':G