HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-07-31, Page 1Established 1900) .4" ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIIVIRICH, PASTOR TM a.m.—Divine Services. _11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. -8verting services lifted fer'surnmer Everybody Welcome to all Services EMBOLI ..TEL KVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich. — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist SUNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. tilvening services lifted for summer Welcome at all Servicea—"Come thou with EIS anal we will do thee good." Num. 10aa. • WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If. you're a careful driver you can get remarkable low rates with State Farm Mutual, the Company that dared to be different„ State Farm's careful drivers make their own low Auto Insurance Rates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. rt Are You Suffering From Headaches? (If so, Have your Eyes Eeemined with "Wee Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. `QTood Glasses at Reasoramole Prices `j. cow" X0 immoral Director — Private Cad, iilinlittlaace Member o Ontario Funeral Association Holder of ST. SOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE 417 So 0.10511.a.l...Z114...111.1q1 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 31 952 .e.e• .4.4.44444.444.444nasammema4444.44:44muusaJanammummara 11142:41141MMIUMMCILlaaftaraillit=1," Sponsored by the Hensell Branch 468 Canadian Legion, and Ladies' Auxiliary, in the HENSALL COMMUNITY ARENA TUESDAY, AUGUST 5th, 9 p.m. $1,000 in Prizes; 15 Regular Games $15.00; 4 Specials: $50; $75; $150.00; $500.00. EVERYBODY WELCOME. Booth in Arena. Admission $1.00. Extra Cards and Specials 125 •cents Or 5 for $1.00. .yrwsz...r NEIKIAlle1.1•11111.04.1eienua.0 4 -zeros& Monday Holiday Monday will ,be observed nation 44 wide as.Civic Holiday, and an poxes e of business will be closed in observ- ance of ,the proclamation. csammazweamaizzaravzsumumalataareama.mammagtamoisaanacanzwasamemina:, E , . . • 3, Starting Age of School Children • . .. , The Board of Trustees- for the Hay Township 4, 4 40 I School Area hereby gives notice that children • starting school in September 1952 must be six a • • 4 years of age before January 1st, 1953. • • • 0A 9 BOARD OF TRUSTEES, ,o o. o Hay Township School Area. • : et „ot,4,w6,44444m1 ::,;g4,:o„,,t.,•4mir,of a.; .'4.Rl4,;;Iit4r4.4J":1,04F j JWe.J....,,,,,..,,,N,..,-, .... 0,4.11141' .4 rel ,,,MMENAMOIENUMMIBISMI tefls all oathforehrist. nh e “jixokye GisAoLn, hieAr.GGDllu?..:arirttrej MEET US IN THE ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND EVERY SUNDAY EVENING 8.30 pen. THROUGH JULY and MMUS r .Enjoy a Sparkling and Challenging Program Sponsored by CLINTON ,AREA YOUTH FOR CHRIST DURANTE. SALUTES M AUGIE TRUMN Jimmie Durante takes readers be- hind the scenes of TV rehearsals and reveals that Margaret Truman has a real sense of humor even when man Akrberal ctome EN Equipment — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRiOM MITCHELL NURSERIES :ANYWHERE Portable OXY HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED WE WIRE 24 .Hour Servi.ce .Dashwood Tel. 70W. MairAZEUMSINIMMIVaLAASEMEMOCCEERGEMEillINVIDIESSZOIMEMER eri r Store Fr Birds e Fo ds ye Frosted Foods • FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FRUITS VEGETABLES .- FISH, - ETC. in this Sunday's (Aug. 3) issue .!.of The American Weekly, exclasively with The Detroit Sunday Thoese Are On Extended Trip • - Mr and Mrs Thomas Kyle of Hen- sall left Friday last by bus for a two weeks' vacation at Gilmore City, Iowa, and Bingham Lake, Minnesota, to visit with Mrs. Kyle's four broth- ers, Noah, Simon, Dave and Saul Kipfer, all formerly of the ...Zurich district, and whom Mrs. Kyle'hasnot seen. for 35 years. Fie Phone .421 • To Hold Reunion The 3.7th Annual Thiel Reunion i. ep be held at Victoria Park, Kit- chener, on Civic Holiday, August 4. All relatives are heartily welcome to attend. • On Fishing Trip .'llfessrs. Gideon Koehler. and neph- , eW Ross Johnston, Leonard Prang )and Charles Thiel enjoyed a eehing trip to Midland over the week -end, and received a favourable catch of some very fine lake trout. Had Successful Year • Mr. Brace Eickmeier has suecess- fling completed his fourth year in the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, having obtained a class standing of seventh in a class of seventy-one students. We join with Bruce's many friends in congratu- lating him on this fine year's work, Zurich Majorettes Highlight • Highlighting the Ilvassele Lions eklub Band Tattoo„ which was succes- s:fully held on July 23rd, was the Performance of the Zurich Lions Club Majorettes under the direction df Mss Kathie Kalbfleisch. Those who took part were Mary Ellen r.thiel, Elizabeth Joheston, Jack Yung Vut, Carol Fisher, Eleanor Prang, tela Hay, Marion Yungblut, Ronnie lopp, Sheila Willett, Marion Flei- hauer, Marion Turkheira, Dianne hiel. IsAtHospitai Friday, Saturday Distant Gary. Cooper A thrilling packed ture Aug. 1, 2 Drums Marl Aldon outdoor Adven- Melodrama Monday, Tuesday Aug. 4-5 The Man With The Cloak Joseph Cotton Barbara Stanwyck A period melodrama that will be enjoyed by the whole family. Wednesday, Thursday Aug. 6-7 STARLIFT Doris Day Gordon MacRae This type of musical Comedy appeals to all with it's star studded cast. First Show every Saturday night at 6 p.m, Addo_u iheatr GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Wednesday, Thursday July :10-:11 Monty Wooley Thelma flitter David Wayne As Young as You Feel It's the -Story of a Hilarious '`Ioax with Monty Wooley in a Daffy Dual Role Cartoon and Additional Short,. Sub- jects Weekend Specials Deep Browned.Beans 3, 20 -oz tins Red Cohoe Salmon 3, 7% oz tins Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 tins Carnation Mill, 3 large tins • 45c 54c 81c 39c 46444;144444444iiimmeemeen4.44.4444. Phone 1140 - C. H. THIEL Zurich Friday, Saturday Aug, 1-2 In Technicolour Ten Tall Men Burt Lancaster Jody Lawrence Gilbert Roland Rough and Ready Action as llurt Lancaster blasts his way across the desert Cartoon and "Gangway Navy" - -Last Thursday morning while Mr. Henry Howald was walking towards down town on the sidewalk, he took a weak spell and managed to get up to a post near by and let himself down easily. It being near the home of Dr. St. Piere, he was immediately called and gave medical aid. Mr. Howald was then taken to Clinton Hospital where he is resting nicely, and recuperating slowly. We trust that he will soon be back home a- gain with his many friends around town, who always enjoy ere joval conversation. LIBERALS HOLD MEETING Liberals of the former ridings of North Huron and Huron -Perth held a joint meeting at Cedar Brook Cannp, Zurich, last Thursday evenly.; to say farwell to those who will be residing in new ridings owing to re- distribution. Dinner was served on the Camp Lawn on the farm of Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch who convene(' at the meeting. Grand Bend is now in- cluded in Lainbton County; How - ick, Turnberry and Wingham are in the Wellington -Huron riding; "Pull - erten, Logan and Mitchell, formerly in- Huron -Perth, revert to Perth. Senator William H. Golding, of Sea - forth, was guest speaker. Among representatives peaking were A. Y. McLean, M.P. for Huron -Porte, and Robert S. Hetherington, QC. of Win- s:ham; Dr. J. W. Shaw, of Clinton, grand old man of the Liberal Assoc- iation, and past president who re- cently celebrated his Oist birthday, oBrr [JAR Y. Late Henry L. Schilbe Henry Louis Schilbe, 52, or tlw 14th Concession Hay Township,died in Victoria Hospital, ,Londe, on Sunday July r217thi after a lingering illness which included several oper- ations, but of no avail ae medical science at the last could help him no more. Survived by his wife, the former Emma Wurm, his father, Mr Conrad Schilbe of ' Zurich; five sons, Laird of Goderich; Earl, Albert, For the Louis and Orval at home; .Mrs. Jacob Reder (Elsie) Ruthven, Ont; Mrs. Kenneth Baker (Orthe) Dashwood; Mrs. Robert Reid (Margaret) Varna; Mrs. L. Locke (Beatrice) Centralia; grandchildren and five sisters: Mrs. Alice Deters, Mitchell; Mrs. nrvel IMeClinchey, Stanley Twp; Mr. Annie Finkbeiner, Zurich; Mrs. Wm. e of Taj .Mahal COMING For Three Big -Land Sitter, "Medford; Mrs. George %el's- well, Akron, Ohio. The body rested at the residence 'w'here a Private Days, funeral service is being held this August 11-11248, Cecil B. r; 'GREATEST SHOW ON E Color By Technicolour - Cast alilite%. Wednesday at 2 pan., followed by a ARTH' public service in St. Peter's Loth - i1 Star eran church, Zurich. Burial will be Peter's Lutheran, Cemetery. Sunday Midnite, Monday, Tuesday August 4-5 June Allyson • Van Johnson The Year's Romantic Comedy Too Young To Kiss Cartoon: "'Mealtime 1$/fag-1 le 1.• Single Copies 5 Cents. Sabscripton in Canada Year 02.116 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50 NORMA'S EAUTY SHOPPE HOLIDAY WEEK - AUG 4-9 Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prop. RAG RUGS and CARP On a New Modern Loom, Me& tit Order — Seth 0. Amann, ZuelW Ont. Phone 128. You Spectals' Broken? Do't worry! WE CAN DUPLICATE YOUR LENSES IN 48 HOURS, JUST it, Liu BRING IN THE PIECES ANY SHAPE, COLOR, OR SIZE SINGLE OR BIFOCAL VISION IN ANY TRADE NAME G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. a 4JJ SO* 0000 '6t SUMMER PRICES ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR WINTER FILL-Ue, Of This Premium Fuel LORNE S. EILER —LOCKER. SERVICE,— , BLUE COAL — ROE FEEDS Phone 10. HENSALL, ONT. egae Al Gee eve oeot, SS 4:4 Se OSSOSSIS tottakt Etatt* revel ft,........0.••••••••• Licensed Embalnaer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS -FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich 000 00S0006,0000000 '41t ace ease 0000000 qtf 000 sezeove 3 r We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well a& Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL erkno 0 sell Zurich PRODUCE WANTED, ,00111PERETAIMENIEMPAIBISM9050FILRelt, • Phone 165 We have a good supply of Brantford Binder Twine Be sure to get your supply early for this seasen's Big Crop. See our Stock of Summer Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks and Socks for Men. Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always en liand GIVE US A CALL! rta 16 BLAKE Kroll E. Schwartzentrubr, Prop. Phone 1147 $11011111111111111111111101111,11101111MMIRSPIP 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 4