HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-07-24, Page 4? • ZURICH. e.. ONTMKIO 3 Casino GRAND BEND --REMEMBER— DANCING EVERY NIGHT? BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA Featuring •Sensational Young Vocalist "NUR -RAT HORNE" ADMISSION: Monday to Thursday - 75c eaoh Friday and Saturday - $1.00 eaoh VISIT "THE BEND" DURING THE WEEK AND ENJOY A BEAUTIFUL BEACH AT ITS FINEST. Beachwear at «'The Surf Shop" Giftware at "The Village Shop" Use the Lions Information Bureau Flree Service for Accomodation, Etc. • • Of Valuable Real Estate, Household • Effects, Antiques and Misc. Iters; on the S'reuuses; Main Street, Let 2.3 • Con. N.B. Stephen Township, in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD • The undersigned Auctioneer has been • instructed to sell by public auction on' SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th. Commencing it 12 o'clock p.m. sharp • • REAL ESTATE — Consisting of • Lot 22, Main Street, Dashwood; Cor, • N.B. Stephen Township, on which is • Situated a :beautiful two storey red • brick house, in allround new con- • dition, equipped with bathroom, • • water pressure system, new furnace, • ▪ never failing water supply, best of' 3 garden land, fruit trees. spacious lawn and fine shade' trees; also email barn and garage. This is an 'ideal • •dwelling property, open for inspect- ion at any time • before sale date. j Terms of Real Estate --- 10% on • day of Sale, belaacc in 80 days. • Will be sold .subject to a reasonable reserved bid. • A full misting of Hoesoliold Effect:, will appear next week. Estate of athe Late Joseplz. Wild.fong Cmayton Wildfon.g, one Wildfong, Executors. Milford Merner, Glen Webb, Clerks. Alvin Walker, AuetioneeL. IM'PO1 TANT AUCTION SALE GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC STORAGE TANK WATER HEATERS Come in or phone us - Let us explain why General Electric Automatic Water Heaters pro- vide the most efficient, economical and depen- dable method of supplying hot water for ail your many daily needs. They are priced right and cost little to install. Budget terms. DEALER'S NAME HESS — ELECTRIC ZURICH - Telephone 107 • • Notice 4 4. 4. 2 fit BIM Re Weeds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO OWNERS OF`SUBDIVID= ';'..ED PORTIONS OF THE MUNICIIPALITY OF HURON COUNTY THAT UNLESS ALL NOXIOUS WEEDS THERE- ON ARE DESTROYED BEFORE THE 15th 'DAY OF AUG UST, 1952, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WEED CONTROL ACT. THE INSPECTOR UNDER AUTHORITY GIVEN IN SECTIONS 3, 7, 10 AND 12 OF. THE ACT, WALL_ CASE THE NOXIOUS WEEDS OR WEED SEEDS TO BE DES- TROYED, AND THE COSTS THEREOF WILL BE PLACED ON THE COLLECTOR'S ROLL FOR COLLECTION IN THE SAME MANNER AS TAXES UNDER THE ASSESSMENT ACT. WEED INSPECTOR •— W. R. DOUGALL MUNICIPALITY OF HURON COUNTY liginsummussermenommoratormen 4111 Ai ON IiEiIUU1 new settings by . * Come in and ask about our moneysaving 'renoznfl' service .. . Have diamonds from out -needed jewellery mounted in a lovely new ring. Choose from our wide selection of smart styles by Bridal Bell. You'll be pleasantly surprised at Ito low. .prises we will quote you!; .ALBERT G. HESS 4 JEWELLER - ZU.RICH DASHW OO Mr and Mrs Hazen Dark of Wind- sor spent a few days with ii•Xr';':ind Mrs. Cum tSteinh+agen last week. Mr and Mrs Willi•aans of Bowrnan- ville spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver. Mrs. ,George Tiernan and little son are spending this week in Toronto. Mr and Mrs • Rountree ' or.. Wood- bridge were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs Hoperoft. Mrs. Garvie and Ronnie of Sarnia spent the week -end with friends here Mrs. Ness is spending this week with friends in Stratford. Bob Hoperoft of Port Colborne is spending his vacation with his ar- ents. Mr. Percy Kleinstiver and son of Chicago are spending their vacation with his mother, ,Mrs. E. Kleirietiver. GRAND BEND Two Drowning Fatalities .Two recent drownings took place at Grand Bend: A „non -swimmer,` Eldon Walpole,- 26 of Lonaon, drown- ed in the lake.Sunday July 13th un- noticed by life guards. +or hundreds of holiday .swimmers. His, body was found Monday afternoon after police and firemen dragged, the twee for o- ver seven hours. On ,,Sunday July Nth Edward J. Ryan of McGillivray Township was..dro.wned off the south pier when .he ,:was pyertaken lly.,:tlee waters. He was the son of Joseph Ryan and was in his 22nd year The funeral' was held Wednesday morn- ing in The Church of OUT Lady, Mt. Carmel where mass was sung and burial made in: the adjoining cemet- ery. . New $50,00 'Addition Grand Bend public School Board has approved (plans fora $50,000 ad- diition and renovation to its present school ;building, Chairman John Man - ore announced. The board met to en- gage .an architect to draft blueprints. which will be submitted• to the Ont- ario Department' ' of Education for approval. Many Guests Register The G. B. Lions sponsored inform- ation •(bureau is being used for locat- ing accomodation, finding lost artic- les, registering cottages, cabins and rooms available for tourist acromod- anon • In the first' two weeks in which it has been operating this season there are approximately 550 names on the guest list. St Joseph and Beaver Town Mr and (Mrs Cyril Masse of De- troit who have spent a week's .vacat- ion at the Dennmsne resort, returned on Monday last to their home in Detroit. Mr. Theo. Laporte of Windsor is on his home farm at present with a staff of men in his employment putt- ing up his new cottage at his summer resort. When •completed will be mod- ern and up to date. The family will occupy it for some time elutring the rummer. Mr and Mrs. Dennis Charrette of the Blue Water south motored to London on Sunday last to vislt the farmer's mother, who is in that city at present. Mr. Larry Buleau of London was a weekend visitor in this nneiehbour.- hood, motored • to • London on Mon•• day last in .company with Miss Vir- ginia. Corriveau and also Mrst. Ed. Corriveau. Mr and Mrs Napoleon Ducharnie of London are :;pending their two week"s vacatio:z with their immedi- ate relatives and friend; in this vis.- inity. The Mise Edna and Marion Be- dard of London spent the week -end with their parents on this 13.W.Xf. Mr Sonny Siemon +of Windsor is spending a few days with his' par- ents and other relatives in this nei- ghbourhood, During the summer :holidays High- way; and ,byways are travelled:Wall all classes of peoples, Some are re- gardless' of •their high mild in life, are what one could term hunt - an, and good mixers, while again. we meet others, that are more of ev ,elf. ZURICH HERALD knowing way; and here is e. version of that type: The City :Slicker halted his car at a desolate cross -road and yelled to a farmer driving a load of hay; "}icy, corn eilk, is this the way to London?' The farmer looked up in feigned as- tonishment: "By gum, stranger, how'd ye know my name was Corn Silk;" "I Iguesed it" answered the clicker. "Then by Heck", snapped the farri- er, "guess your way to London." LOCAL NEWS Kippers Church Names Pastor The Rev. Norman D. .McLeod, 1). A., B.D. of Lennoxville, Quebec, liar been appointed- as minister of St. Andrerp's United Church, Kippen, and will be inducted into the Kippen charge on August let. BROTHERS MEET IN HIBBEItT Hensel — Auguste Ducherme, pro- minent fanner of Hibbert, enjoyed a reunion with his. brother, Julius Du- charme of Westlock, Alberta, who traveled east to meet lis brothers, whom he had not seen since 1905. Auguste who is 60 years ofd, and Julius, 66 were born on the French settlement, near St. Joseph. Auguste owns a 150 acre farm in Hibbert for the past 45 years and is school sec- retary for +1.21-3-4 McKillop and Hib- bert. Julius was accompanied east by his wife and son. Emend and wife from the West where he started a homestead and cleared the land and now is the owner of 480 acres of fine farm land. They will return to the West shortly. Had Reunion . 4200 members attended the seventh annual Wiliest reunion at Jowett's Grove, .Bayfield, with members of the clan present .fram •Fio•rida and many points .throughout Michigan ,and On- tario. Sports , were enjoyed. Prizes for the oldest person in attendance went to +Mrs. Wan. Willert; youngest Lynda Koehler, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Bruce Koehler, Heneall; young- est married couple, Mr and Mrs. Lorne Listoen, ,and the oldest, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Willert, Murray Holtzman acted as chairman for the buisicess session, and members decid- ed to hold the 1119+53 reunion at the same place. Officers for 1953 are: President, Otto Willert; vice prey. Ervin Willert; secy., Bernice Hoist; sports ,com. Bruce. Koehler, Garnet Weiberg, Doug Triebner, Percy Wil- lert, Earl Telfer, Frederick Hoist; table cam: Mrs. Wen. Beierlinlg, Mrs. Alvin Willert, Mrs. Murray Holtz- man, Mrs. Earl Telfer, Mrs. Charles Lurges, Mrs Ervin Rate and Mrs. Lloyd Johns. STANLEY TOWNSHIP, Had Reunion The'':213rd annual reunion 'of the Stephenson family was held in .Jow- ett's Grove, B.aylfi:eld, on July 9th With- anattendance of • over 100. A fuze program of sports was run off, well patronized, the youn'gestRperson present was the son of Mr and Mrs., Don McKay,. while the oldest person was Meta David Stephenson. A de- licious supper was enjoyed by all present. The president is G. M. Drysdale and the Sec. Treas. is Wm. R. }Stephenson. Potter - Taylor • A •d+ouble-ring ceremony was per- formed at the •Brucefield manse when Lorna June Taylor .became the bride of Joseph Charles Potter. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mra Har- vey Taylor of Brumfield, and the groom's parents are 'IVIr and Mrs. Clarence Potter, 'Clinton. The Rev. W T. Wallies :officiated. Mrs. Maines played the organ and Miss Dona Tay- lor sang. Mises 'Cora Taylor, sister of the bride was the only attendant.. Had Sunday School Picn The congregations of Hillsgreen and Kippen United Church held their annual and lash !S. S. (picnic at Jow- ett's Grove, Bayfield. A gooa pro- gram of sports was run off which was keenly :contested. The largest family present was Mr and Mrs El- more Turner with five children; ol- dest woman, MTS. I. Jarrott; oldest mean, Wm. Workman; youngest baby, Deborah Anderson. A ball game completed the sports. A delicious pie nic supper was served, at which tir-e Mrs. Harry Caldwell read an ac;dresa to Rev. and Mrs Hinton and Rosa Love of. Hillsgreen presented them with a lovely silver tea service and a purse of money. Both Rev and Mrs Hinton replied and all joined in singing "Bleat be the Tie that 'Binds' Former Councillor Dies A former councillor ofboth Hur- on' County and Stanley Township, John :McNaughton, died in ictoria Hospital, London, he was 87. Born in Stanley Twp., he worked tee' farm on which he was born for 411 years, until he retired and moved to Land on in 1920. He was the last sur- viving member of the 1906 Huron C6unty Council. Survivors incltde a daughter, Miss Kathleen McNeugh- ton and a son Ritishic, both of Lon• cion, Utzgrandchild; a brother, David of Bayfield; four sisters, Mrs. James Johnston, Goderich Twp; Mrs. 3. D. Leslie, Saratoga, Calif; Mrs. Shann- on and Mrs Jackson both of tette- bridge, ette-bridge, Alta, The body rested at the Loyan. funeral home, London .where serviice was ,conducted by the Rev. Merifield, of ,S, t. James' Westminster Anglican church, ,Burial was in the (Bayfield Cemetery. My First Adventure (By P. E. D.) (Continued from a previous issue) After the paesenger.s had taken some nourish+inent and the ship was again on still waters, all on board were again revived. Orders were given to proceed on our sailing trip; the distance was not so far then from our landing point. On our way we stoped at different ports, packing up freight and the odd passenger and as well leaving some. 'We were sailing then with sight of land, and reach- ing our last port on the Georgian Bay, French River, The village was built high on a rock hill, the people in that port lived ;mainly by work- in in the lumber. woods, winter and summer; they were mostly French, with an occasional mixture of Indian. After we left French River we con- tinued on the last lap of our trlp,the terminal Point Callus Inlet; at that point the river came to a wedge,and with only enough room for a ship to eurn, There were only two build- ings there, one was the supply house, Thursday, July 24114 1.952 while the other was eceupied by tIte; agencies of the lumbering Company.,* who directed us to reads our wintet quarters. It was then nearing midi. day and we were given an hand-out; before leaving. We had then 2'I miles to walk before reaching Cates.. along a teat road, but we were glut to be again on solid footing; wtz.. shouldered our turkey in lumber jack style, then we started out on' o11tt • drill to reach camp, we moved at fairly fast pace, not extitgtsrating; things, we were clirppping ofr fine„ miles an hour. About half way,ttal:,. of the lumber jacks tools nn othat road for another camp. That Walt:: • the last we seen. of themes; there 'rte rained in our group about one bun, dred men, we walked or nearly six; hours before reaching eaau , ,there,. was not much to attract us on of . way except the odd timber wol%• crossing in front ()four pathway and •the tall pine trees on broth 'sides of the road. We arrived at camp short. ly after six pen., we were then dire ected to our living, quarters and then, to an old time lumber camp supper. (To be ,Continued), • • • • • 0 0 0 e®ae®0100 •s.e®a*m6®@66®266i ayfield Pavilion For A Good Time, !'fere Are Two Dates to Remember Every Wednesday 10.00 - 1.00 Every Friday 10.00 - 1.00 Spot Dances —Modern and Olde -Tyme with "THE MELODY MAKERS" FROM LONDON featuring: Len Masse Claude Gelinas Mrs Lindsay (Clinton)• —Music in a Modern •Way Frank • • Traher and His Orchestra with fernier Band Leader "HOPI' HOPKINS on Vocals Refreshment Booth Spacious Parking 1 • • • • • Blue Water Conference "DAILY" MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10:15 A -M, E.D.S.T. SUNDAYS 10.05 A.M. On C.F.CO. CHATHAM 'aur 6:30 ON YOUR DIAL • • Co-opts • FEEDS ARE ' YOUR BEST BUY .! Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Out Feeds AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist, Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH IL IS1HE FUEL bELCOIIEAT&BURNER 40* IT'S DEPENDABLE HEAY', ORDER NOWLiI Can be installed in any furnace or boiler in good condition.) At Your SERVICE in Cities and Towns from.COAST to COAST BOW oii.firad Conditionair If your present heating plant Is inadequate, ask your dealer about replacing 11 with A Delco -Nett Driller Or Conditionair. )SEE YOUR'xALITHOrtIZED General Motors eagiaaari;ai'1 design and craftsmanship your assurance.1 IT'S ECONOMICAL NEAT" Positive 19 to Y'Tur.butation-- ,.. Oil and air are properly mixed, ' for most efficient combustion.,. IT'S INSTALLED BY, FACTORY -TRAINED MEM Delco -Heat dealers take courses, in proper methods of installing, and servicing equipment. Fi4Ei 14EATING SrUltbEY IlaveaDelco-Boat representative call and make a beating survey in your', home.l.Vo obligation,Write or phot*l dealer'ilisted below. DELLO-HEAT DEALER HESS — ELECTRIC ZURICH - Telephone 107 DEALERS IN GENERAL MOTORS. AND COLEMAN Aura,. • MA.TIC HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING