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Zurich Herald, 1952-07-17, Page 2
ukc,:au: rss THE SPORTS CfIDMR Eemeit et,Naelos This is the third and last of a series of columns which have, perhaps sketchily, and with omissions, dealt with sport as Canada enjoyed it at Confederation in 1557, and bef ore. Perhaps you were surprised when, earlier in this series we remarked that on Canadian soil in pre -Confederation days, there had been fought two or three world heavyweight championship fights. But records prove it. They are not the exact records that have prevailed the last fifty or sixty years but still records. And here is the story. "Flaming Ben" Hogan, a picturesque figure, wlio was a Civil War spy, gambler and oil magnate, claimed the heavyweight fistic title, just about 1867, and fought Bob Donnelly for it at Fort Erie, oorrissey had fought John C. Heenan, "The Benica Boy" for the world title at Long Point, in Canada. John J. Dwyer fought Jiro Elliot at the same Long Point in the 70's, in another fight for the heavyweight title both claimed. So even with this sketchy background, you can be sure that some boxing existed in Canada before Confederation. Golf was introduced to Canada in the 60's by officers of ships from the Old Country, who played in Montreal and Quebec on 3 -hole courses, and in 1873, six years after Confederation, a group of the original players niet in Montreal, and created the Montreal Golf Chi:), since re -named Royal Montreal. There are no records to prove it, but undoubtedly there was harness racing, for that sport dates back in America to 1770, and the great Flora Temple was history when Confederation took place. Of course Canada had great winter sports programs, away back beyond, and through Confederation. There were skating races in the winter, dating as far back as 1859, when officers of the Montreal Garrison raced to Quebec, a tidy run. The first covered rink built in Canada, according to such re- cords as are available was built in the Ancient Capital, hilly Quebec city in the middle 1850's. Montreal followed dilatorily in 1859, and in the same year organized the Montreal Skating Club. In 1862, there was built in Montreal, in what is now the heart of the Canadian metropolis the- Victoria rink, where gala fancy dress balls and carnivals were held. This rink holds hockey history, too, for here the first Stanley Cup games of all times were played, in the dowdy nineties. And there was football, whether English Rugby or soccer, we couldn't say. But the Montreal Football Club was formed in 1868, a year after Confederation. There was tobogganing, too, and snow -shoeing, with the Montreal Snowshoe Club formed in 1840. And there would be many paddling contests then, certainly not the great regattas of today, but the canoe vas then a useful form of conveyance, and tests of speed would be a natural outcome. So young Canada, in 1867, had plenty of sport, plenty of fun, sport in its truest amateur sense, mostly, and young Canada lived a pretty good life without radios, automobiles, bicycles, and a lot of the things which are regarded as essential in these more high- pressure times. It must have been a good life then, with no threat of A-bombs or H-bombs, no Communists, and none of a lot of things we could very well do without. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. mt = DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO BULL -BUILT TRAWLER FOR CANADA Now being fitted out in Prince's Dock, Hull, is a new trawler, 152% feet long, which Will sail for Halifax, N.S. on July 11, manned by a skele- ton crew. The vessel was built at Selby ship- yard for National Sea Products Lim- ited, and will be one of the larger types of ships connected tivith the. Canadian fishing fleet. Suitcase Cycle -Clovis Boutet, above, of Paris, has designed this collapsible bicycle for convenience of city cyclists. Fitting neatly into a suitcase, it may easily be transported to the country. A model of the machine is on display at the Paris Inventors' Fair. 4`�Sp1�sWO t 'h7'ZZLE ACROSS 2 Clatter Y. Seizes 3 That thing 6t. Respond 4 Writing 11. Hidden :13. Weak 14 Hy 28. RAeket 17, Close •1R. Pigpen AO. Water supplies 22. Faint 20. Winter vehicle 25. Makes slightly angry 27. Manuscript 28. Organs of bearint; 2f). Those who ebange rest- tlenee 22. Genuine $14.'Existed 85.'Trapned 117.1-Tnarfrnet 89. Symbol for copper 48 Trisects 42. Egyptian giver 44. 'Luzon native 46. Step 42. 'Kind of hat 49. Meditate E1. Crime to 58. Vol* 84. Choose rather ISO. Frying pan $8. Accnmm ot7 a- tlon<s 52. Ree.retfnl DOWN 1. Transparent eubstaneen implement 6 Crystalline precipitation 4. Concerning 7. Even (contr.) 8. In bed 9, Maintains 10, Conditions 12. Row 13. Chap 16. Slender 19. Long for 21. Part 24. Idle fancy 26. Finch 29. Hindu wom- en's garments 91. Send paymen 33. Epistle 35. Seam 36. College official 38. Snapping beetle 39. Lives in a tent 41. Holds a ses- sion 43. Masculine nam e 46. On the ocean 47. Corded fabrics 50. Salamander 52. River (Sp.) 65. Plural ending 57. An M.D. (ab.) Answer Elsewhere on This Page Waltz Me Around Again -While Chico Carrasquel of the White Sox rests safely on second base at Yankee Stadium in New York, Yankee shortstop Phil Rizzuto and second baseman Billy Martin, right, take after a sizzling grounder hit by Al Zarilla. it went by the "square dancing" Yankee keystone combo for a single, but the Yanks wan the game, 6-4. If things keep up the way they've' been going, you can -look for major league baseball to establish an all- time record this season. Not for home runs, perfect games, biggest attendances or anything like that, but for the number of managers fired. F * * With the season hardly more than half completed the count stands at four of the Brain Boys who have been handed their walk- ing tickets -a percentage, if we haven't forgotten how to figure such things, of .250. No wonder that Stomach "Ulsters" as they call them in Flatbush, are an occupa- tional disease with baseball pilots. * * * Tommy Holmes of the Boston Braves was the first to feel the axe -maybe Tommy saw that we had picked those same Braves to win rhe National League pennant and was glad to go - being re- placed by Charlie Grimm, who doesn't seem to be doing much bet- ter than his predecessor. ,k * ak Then Rogers Hornsby -faced with the task of making something out of nothing -started talking to his St. Louis Browns as though they were old-time ball -players in- stead of modern pampered athletes, and the players, naturally; resented it. So The Rajah had td walk the plank, Marty Marion being the man to sit in for him, which was a break for Marty, although just what kind of a break we couldn't say. A * * Eddie Sawyer ,the "Miracle Man" of a couple of years back, discov- ered -as many have before him - that miracles are like lightning, seldom picking the same spot twice. Stout Steve O'Neill drew the short straw in this case; and the best you can say for Steve's plight is that he is too well stacked to have many exposed nerve -ends. h * * And now Red Rolfe. Just two years ago the baseball plan's Bible -The Sporting News -was hailing Red as the "manager of the year." That was the season when the De- troit Tigers led for most of the way, only to lose to the Yankees by a margin of three games. Tigers finished fifth last year. They've never yet finished in the cellar - but if they don't do so in 1952 it will be a minor triumph for Fred- die Hutchinson, selected as Red Rolfe's replacement, probably by cutting cards or drawing names out of a hat. * * * Yes, neighbors, it's a tough life managing ball teams especially when the men who put up the dough never seem to realize that, with eight teams in a league, they can't all win pennants. What we are waiting for now is to see some of these Front Office Geniuses - when in need of an alibi -fire them- selves instead of the manager. We only wish we thought we could live that long; for that will be the days * 4 Our personal interest in fish is pretty much limited to seeing them on a platter, maybe with a little mid Not Take $1,000 For Mot Emerald Oil Pols Done for Me" 'Writes Florid(' Ludy "The Eczema on my hips is entirely gone," writes Mrs, R. S. R., Kissimmee, Florida, 'i would not take one thousand dollars for what Emerald 011 has done for me. Will never be without it and will cheerfully recommend it to anyone suffering with Eczema." MOONS'S EMERALD OIL lust has to bo good. 'lf a bad skin condition troubles you, don't hesitate or worny any longer --lust get e small bottle of MOONS'S EMERALD OIL and prove for yourself how good it IS. On Oslo wherever drugs aro sold. tartar sauce on the side, or looking at pictures of somebody hauling a finny beauty out of the depths, and thanking Heaven that we have no urge to emulate them. * * * Which is by no means to be considered as a knock at fishing as a wonderful sport -for them as likes it; and a recent article by the eminent authority Bob Turnbull struck us as containing so much good sense that we are just going to borrow it. If you've already read it -well, it will stand perusal a second time. So, with : bow to Mr. Turnbull for the assist, here it 15. • 1 * We'll wager that the amount of fish allowed to spoil before, or during, transport home must go into the thousands of pounds an- nually. This, of course, is sheer waste -is a legal offence, to be strictly accurate. Yet there is no great trick in carrying fish even in the hottest weather. Ice, plenty .of it, is the answer. These new portable ice -boxes are just the thing, but if you haven't got one (I haven't) a butter box is ideal. k * * Put a layer of sawdust on the bottom of the boxl then crushed ice, then fish, more ice, more saw- dust, more ice, another layer of fish, then ice, sawdust. Repeat this until the box is full. Don't skimp on the ice. Top off with sawdust and for a lid use a chunk of old car- pet, something I've found exceed- ingly good for the purpose. If no carpet, then use Some heavy can- vas or several layers of newspapers or heavy cardboard. Even on the most sweltering day this will carry your fish• for several hours, long enough to get from, say, the Parry Sound area to Toronto. Be care- ful to place the fish box some- where that the melting ice won't slosh over the rest of your lug- gage, although it's surprising how little it does melt on an average trip. * * If you're on a vacation don't save the fish you catch on the early days to bring home. Days in an ice box don't make 'em worth a darn. Just keep those you get the day before reterning home. If ice is unavailable wrap the fish in several layers of wet newspaper and get ice at the earliest oppor- . tunity. * * * Clean fish before giving thele to neighbors. Sure, it's nice to be big-hearted, but if the fish land uncooked in the garbage can you've done a great disservice to conser- vation. The fishing pressure is tough enough without thoughtless waste adding to thk strain. Eat what you catch or don't keep 'em. ISSUE 29 - 1952 r oa✓ issecp'• lees-- Neal/ash Quick! Stop itching of insect bites, heat resit, eczema, hives, pimp es, scales, scabies, athlete's foot and other externally caused skin troubles. Usequick-acting, soothing, antiseptic ID. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainless. Itch stocks or your D. 0. PRRESCRIPTiON, druggist 1 „gro' : n Tom I'ih Nait Fix relieves pain Instantly and remaves Ingrown portion of hall In a few applications $1 60. WART FIX Guaranteed remedy to a.eld Safe for children. The CORN FIX Itemoyes corns and sailuses in 10 min- utes. Guaranteed Remedy. 78c, At your drtntgtat er sent melting) by - F. THOMPSON b ORCHARD CRESCENT TORONTO 14, ONTARIO CLAVIFIE AGXONTB WANTED 1l1ALESMAN 011 AGENT WANTED by aa, Food 'Manufacturer. Our line can be brindled as a aide line or on a part time commission beets, Box 414, Kitchener, Ontario. OAS t1.Dltlltb TWI.IDD'L1e curly maturing chicks. It's not too tato to earn a good living from Poultry this year. Tweddle fast maturing chicks actually slash weeks from tba calendar when it comes to housing time. Prompt delivery, also turkey poults at reduced prices, broller ehlelts, older Pullets. Catalogue. WEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES to . Fergus T" EGGS have gone up and will go higher. Don't be without layers this fall and winter. Can give prompt delivery on chicks. Also turkey poults. Started ehlelts and turkeys, older pullets, broiler chicits, TOP NOTCH CHICK SALES Guelph Ontario ORDER July t,rkey poults and cash in on the good Christmas market for 'fresh killed turkeys. There won't be as many late' turkeys this year as Last. We have Broad Breasted Bronze, Nebraskan, Belts- ville White, 1Vhite Rolland, Nebraskan X Broad Breasted Bronze, non -sexed, hens or toms. Also started turkeys, two. three and four week old at greatly re- duced priced for July. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHEIRIES LTD. Fergus Ontario CABINS EQUIPPED housekeeping cabins, 285.00 per week. Molesting District. Grand fishing, Silver Dawn Camp. Monetvllle, Ontario. CLINICS "SICK" - "Write or see Naturopathio Doctor - Ontario Licensed. Health Restoration Specialists, No Operations - Drugless. 571 Danforth Avenue. Naturo- pathle I-Iealth Clinic, Toronto. DEALERS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES Paints and varnishes, Electric Motors, Electrical Appliances, Refrigerators, Past Freezers, Mille Coolers and Feed Grinders Robbyshon Machinery. Dealers wanted. Write: Warco Grease and Oli Limited, Toronto. OWI6lNG AND CLEANING HA Via you anything needs dyeln8 or clean- ing? Write to us for Information. We ere glad to answer your Questions. De- partment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 795 vnnge F1 Tnrnntn P01t S A LE TIRES Hamilton's Largest Tire Store Since 1089. Used Tires. $7.00 and up. Retreaded Tires, 600 x 16. $14,00. Other sizes, priced ac- cordingly. Vulcanizing and retl'eadtng ser - slop, All work guaranteed All orders C.0,13 62 00 required with order. We pay charges one way. Peninsula Tire Corpor- ation, 95 King Street West, Hamilton. Phone 7-1822 CRESS CALLOUS SALVIA -Sow get re- lief. Your Druggist sells CRESS. MOTORISTS stop burning 011. Use Guaranteed Holt's Piston Seal. Cuts Oil consumption, restores eompresslon, stops piston slap. Lasts 10,000 miles, Free Details. Price per tube $5.06, RegTi AUna, OMOTIVSask: SALES, Wascana hotel, E WIOLLL chairs, Invalid walkers, folding and adjustable. Free Literature. Foam rubber ring cushions $7.50 delivered. Bamford-Regle Limited, Ottawa, Ontario, PLUMBING AND HEATING CATALOGUE FREE The 1952 catalogue is off the press. Write for your copy or visit the new warehouse and see for yourself the model bathroom displays in white and coloured fixtures, in standard size bathrooms with tiled or painted walls, just the way you want a bathroom in your own borne. We have sinks and sink cabinet units, lavatory basins and toilets, pressure systems and electric water heaters, range boilers, pipe and fittings in copper, galvanized and cast iron, septic and ol1 tanks, refrigera- tors and electric ranges. a complete line of furnaces,' air conditioning units and hot water heating systems with convector wade,. - we deliver eto yours -nearest rail- way station, you pay no freight, 8. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUI'rLIi99 Streetsvilte Ontario 2 PAIR PILLOW CASES $3.50 Wabasso hemstitched, size 42 x $3. Re- funds, send money order to: Burn] Shopp- ing Service. Box 150. Terminal "A", Toronto. RESORT BUSINESS Six howling alleys. miniature golf course, fishpond, dart games, etc. Priced right for quick sale. Apply Steve's Bowling Alley, Port Stanley. 1947 CHEVROLET 13U5. 48 passengers, 1952 License. Excellent Condition. Ap- ply: Anderson Taxi, Pembroke, Ontario. A CHARM Verse for lurk. Something new, something different in Charm Novelties, Send $1.00 for Charm Verse to: (BOX 103, Clinton, B.C. MEDICS 1 Ob P8801 N E ,)1 G one women tells another. Take superior "TEMINIDI" to help alleviate pain, die, tress and nervous tension associated with monthly periods. 96.00 Postpaid to plain wrapper. POST'S CHEMICALS 88n 4111150N RT EAST PfIt0NI'41 ASTHMA WHY suffer if there 1s something that win help you? Hundreds of thousands of sets have beer sold on a money back guar. antes. So easy to use After your symll- tons heve been diagnosed as Asthma, you owe' it to yourself to try Aalhmanefrin. Ask your Druggist TOBACCO ELIMINATOR A scientific remedy for Cigarette Addle, tion. For free tank lei. write King Pharmacal Corp I.trt (Alberta), Box 673. London Ont JT LISTLESS,. w. tF LOVE IT FE? Then wake up your liver bile . . jump out o6 bed rarin' to go Life not worth living? It may be the Liver! It's a fact! If your liver bile is not flowing freely your food may not digest . . , gas bloats up your 'stomach ... you feel con- stipated and all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's when you need mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver rills. You see Carters help stimulate your liver bile till once again itis pouring out at a rate of up to two pints a day into your digestive tract. This elronld fix you right up, make you feel that happy days are here again. So don't stay sunk get Carters Little Liver Pills. Always have them op hand. Only 85c from any druggist. mormaristor 6iEi)1(1AI. Fruit .Jukes: The principal Ingredients In Dlxon'e Remedy for Rheumatic Paine, Neuritis. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa: $1.25 Express Prepaid GETTING fat? Don't worry 1 You can eat but lose 4 pounds weekly; lust send 51 to Miller Formula, 1190 Avenue 112., Toronto. ,POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment or dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles. Poet's Eczema Salve will not disappoint YOU, Itching, scaling, burning eczema, acne, ringworm, ptmplea and athlete's foot.. will respond readily to the stalnlese odorless ointment, regardless of bow stubborn or bopeless they seem. PRICE 82.50 PER IARC POST'S REMEDIES Bent Poet Free nn Receipt of Price 889 Queen St. In , Corner of Logan, Termite MORTGAGES TRIDENT MORTGAGE COMPANY We have good first and second mortgages on city and surrounding property far sale at good discounts. ('lease address inquiries to: Mr. I3,. Dent, 2279 Yonge Street, Boom 6. Toronto, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES Egli 6IEN AND WOMEN 13E A HAIRDRESSER ,JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession. good wugas. Tbousands of successful Marvel graduated America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 360 Blnor St. W,. Tertian Branches: 44 Sing St., Hamilton a2 Ridenn St Cole we. $18.00 AN EVENING FOR Your Spare Time. Just 3 Easy -free Trial Sales of amazing Patented Auto- matic Refrigerator Defrosters can pay you that. Hundreds of hot prospects copi- mission. Rush name, address. for GUAR- ANTEED PROFIT OFFER. D -Frost -O• Metro Corp., Dept. 40, Newmarket. Ont• pwr(4NTN AN Ui"lrlilll to every lnvcnter-List of 171. ventions and full. information sent free. rhe Ramsay Co.. Registered Pe tent Atter. neva 279 Rank Street. Miami LE'rldb1HS'I'UN13At1C)li d4 t:outoany, ln. tent Solicitors, Sistahllshed 1890. 950 Bay Street, Tnrnntn Beni; lei et Inferme. Hon nn remised PUPPIES CAIRN Terrier Puppies, $25 and $35 Ralph Boston, McClures ;\Tills, Truro, Nova* Scotia. rI+IACHEILti WANTED GALT district, rural, eight grades. Mini- mum salary $2,200 for qualified- teacher. REPLY, stating name of inspector or principal and telephone number, to G, D. Dalley, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 6, halt, MERLIN; 'Public School Section No. 8, Tilbury East, Kent County, requires teacher for 1 -room rural school in the hamlet of Glenwood. - Enrolment 27, grades 1. to 8. Duties to commence Sep- tember 2, 1952. APPLY stating experience, qualifications and salary expected to Nelson Armstrong, R.R. 4, Sler.in, Ont. Phone lllerlln 47-3. SOUTH Haldimand Area requires Pro- testant teacher for Wicklow Village School on No. 2 Highway. State salary and qualifications to Mrs. D. C. Hoskin, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 6, Cobourg. w}1ITESTONE, Ont.. 5.5, No. 1, Mc- Kenzie; wanted, experienced leacher to teach eight grades; duties to start Sept, lat: attendance - approximately 24. Apply to Anthony Warnhnitz, Whitestone, Ont. WANTED WANTED: Mustache Cups, Coin Class, old U.S. Coins, Playing Cards, Post Cards, Curios, Sterling, Bisque, Anything. AXEL ROLM, Dealer, 3572 S. Vermont, Los Angeles 7, California. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking 0I .2'9' S LV c, 3a'sd1d '703 N a a m C) N : V 9 � N 3 1 V 7 a E'JII fi©c1 / ' s la E MUSCLES? Want to relieve thein, -QUICK? Get quick -drying Minard's Liniment - rub it in well, You'll get relief, and quick, too! fi isi