HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-07-03, Page 8• V•• ZURICH s ONTARIO VP ‘00 CP ar. NEW DRESS MATERIALS- 100Nylon Dress ends, crepes, Lacy Sheers, Frosted Organdies, Wafrle Cloths, Prints, Krivale Cloths. NEW HOUSEDRESSES ---- In Prints, Gingharns, Waffle Cloths, 131-Dad- cloths,- Prizes range !rem $2.98 to (1215 A lot of print Dresses sizes 14 to 36. to clea.r et $1,79 each. NEW KIDDIES WEAR -- Fine lot of Chikiren's wear now avai7able. Everything in Drestes, snn Sus, T Jerceys, louses. See the new plaid Jeans, :awl:. colors. Sizes 4 to 6 at $1.98 each. MEN'S -WEAR-- Specials 6 only Mens Summer Suits 2 piece at $37.50 each 6 only, coat and 2 pr. trousers at —447.50 Men's Underwear -- S. Sleeve and Ankle 'length Combs. sizes 34, 36, 38 at $1.65 Colored T Shirts, all sizes at L49 ani $1.75 Sport Shirts, small' only, Reg. 3.25 for $2.59 A lot of Men's Briefs to clear at 59c 12 pr boys summer pants 1..50 to 1.98 each GROCERIES HOLLY FANCY QUALITY PEAS 20 -oz. 19c KING'S CHOICE TOMATOES 28 -oz. 25c RED BRAND COFFEE 1-1b. Bag Sge HORNE'S ORANGE CONCENTRATE I3 -oz. 25c PURITY OATS, WITH CHINAWARE, 3 -ib. Box 45c INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE, 2 Rolls 2.5c PABLUM BABY CERIAL, 1 -Ib. Box 45c 29c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP, 5 -lb. Pall 69c 48 -oz. FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE TELEPHONE 59 teat Br • ri 0 0 rs-j* ZURICH ZURICH HERALD = LOCAL NEWS VP Alp. Nieholae Reichert of Deteeit, 0 visited .with his siter, ,Mrs, • Henry I'VYtlu . riitieeN1,:atidrit(.‘irir,liy;;1 Git gerfoi of ,,..e,, l'oronto are epending ft fet-.1,,,7 days' et ‘1 p • , •., ,..,,, 0 ,:‘ , : . eteent.,, ere eed, U Mee Jacob kliagerich. p. 31,,. Conk Redineer,-.11Tr, and lees e Keil :),Inck(ibute :-.1 :re', De,:eelt, 1‘1A Vi,ited at Mr S Emily Fuss. AIsO her NIP 1irother, Mr, Jaeol) Wurm from Sett - forth. !Ind :11es :T 10071 0 !P.7, eT I 0/1 ned , ...I eeteeater Gloria have returned home after V k it in 9: at the home.. of 14,1 i Mi. (llngeriCil's leeither in the State V/ , of* Minnesota, Iovei end- Plinoise, 1Some of the:le . rel n tivep she nod tint pelseen in thirty terra They also -Gan- g ,e,1 at the home of -their cousins, Mr. lekiki .:ind .Mrs. William Sehrag at 'Hebron, NO ,heliena, who were aleo pleased to see Ve 'them. They enjoyed it two-week tour through the ditTerent States. Huron 8c Erie • DEBENTURES - or Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Offering 3% for 1 and 2 years. 8 for 3 to 10 years. POLIO PROTECTION: Pays up to $5,000.00. Entire Family including man, wife and children between ages 3 months to 18 year. Premium $10.00 for two years. Individual -Policy $5.00 for two years J, W. Haberer - Phone 161 7ire, Automobile and Casualty Insurance. DR: T. P. li..EAST PHYSICIAN %) 1 HAS OFT.7.1\11.7.r) OFFICE 40.:0 Dlr. FiNank, T. Buten opened! hie Also Qi) yanced learning. • • A Very Light Shower ().0.What was the first signs Of a bit of rain Fhov.,ers visited thessection 9W early Sunday morning When enough rein fell to get the eves running and whet moisture hal fallen. In seme tame out .Sunday and ecion licked 'up ( blacken the earth. But the. hot eun eections there seems to be quite suffl- a cleat rains with plenty of moisture. 6.(e Farmers have their hey practically in '-id are getting ready foe the Wheat 't --vest-which will be al ng soon in office for medieel practioe in Exeter Jnne 1.61.11. He is rtZeig the .huild- ing formerly envI:pied by the 17eauty nerior at the residence of Mr and Mrs. Allan Feasar, Main Stree Buteonwas born at Munro, whe're rereate narmel there. He attend- ed Mitchell High School prier to rel tin hot, dry weather. DON'T HANDICAP YOUR CHILD- REN WITT-I FEAR Psych oleeigt 1‘1,irrnin F1'3rntnen rne t'at separation of a chart from Nyv 'his mother may cause long-lasting T"P rr:. Tn.. this .corning Sunday's (July (1) issue of The New Colon Gravure American 'Weekly, exclusive- ly with The Detroit Sunday Times, she outlines rules .mothere should fol- low when leaving their cliilaren for a prolonged time. Get Sunny's Detroit Times. "a25,12CIDESTM=SZIA 0 The Drysdale St , re The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds f Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh. Meats Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! GIVE US A CALL! a JOHN DENOMY DRYSDALE -Phone 98 r 1 erreeeeeeweme......---Teereeettet.e...edeee0 - • n00i0Clato0 0.0-a0*5t)Mtleirl.V2aegt,*47-..., HARDWARE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'3 0 0 SEEDS and FURNffU It; our 177 el Needs VVil receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New Orae. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line .Df heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. 'ZURICH -- ONT. SELLS NEWSPAPER Mr. Richard S. Atkey, who has been editor and co -publisher of the Clinton News -Record since 1.94.. when it was -purchased. from Mr. (160, E. Hall, has sold his interest in the business to F. M. and H. 4" c'Ewan and they will carry on as partners with A. L. Colquhoun, who has been a tiurtuer since 1948. The new pro- prietors leave been residents of Clin- ton eines, childhood with the except- ion of war service overseas, and they learned the trade with Mr. Hall the fennel., -proprietor. Mr. Atkey is purchaging The Chronicle at Arnprior in the Ottawa Valley district. Theee of us who know Mr. Atkey quite well will regret of his leaving Huron Co - County. Had Reunion Rader Reunion 3 A pleat,ant day greeted the. Rader 0 relatives from near and far. After 'registration and a well planned imo- elem eporte, i,he president Ted. Radee irereitteed Mr. Pohnanieer from Grand Petrii-Ls, Alia., who eneke ?.F= a few e r, ?rds und gaee a large gathering 04' f) :,r1 atJoa•ele'e Greve, Baefed, ee ri1ere-1.1g: for the delicious and l'eountiful lunch. After lunch Alvin Walper was in- troduced as Master of Ceremonies, Re' end very capably handed the prizes, te the oldest persoe, Wrn. Rader; youngest child, Lindy Lane Koehler; 40 ZURICH Phone 66 for Sumner Months at Grand Bend, Phone 150 ELMER D. BELL, B.A. I BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXffTER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office ARTHUR FRASER Income lax Reports Bookkeeoina Service. Etc. EXETER OFFICE—Corner Ann, .Williarn Sts. Phone: Exeter. 504. largest family, Bruce Koehler; long- eet, married couple, MY': and Mrs. Ed- mund Walper; shortest emaned co- uple, Mr and MrS. .-Harry•-•Bayter; came the lenges &Stance, Mr and Mrs. George Rader; Pierson, 7:Cricb. Short addressese,were given by sev- eral of the men; Bruce Klopp and George Rader gave a very intmest- ing and humorous reading on thc history :of the Rader Family. The election of officers resulted as foll- ows: President, Alvin Waiter; 1st Vice Pres, George Rader; 2nd Vice., Bruce KloIp; Secy. Mrs John Rader; Treas., Norman Walper; Sports Com. Martin Laub; Lunch Com. Mrs. Joe Merrier; ground Corn, Larne Bader. ,Races resulted as follows,: runn- ing, girls 6-8, Helen Rader, Carol Fischer;•• boys 6,-8 ,Allan 31de1, Ken - 'neer. Rader, Keith Rader.; girls 8-42 boysJoan Koehler, Mary Jane How- ald, Sandra Wainer; boys 8-12 Glen Rader, Ron Howald, Doug Thiel; boys 11144 Floyd Nesbit, Don Hor- ton; girls 15 and over, Joan Koehler Marlene Richardson, Mary Jane How ald; boys 15 and over Ken. Witinee, Raymond Wein, Lloyd Rader; peanut race for ladiee, lary Klopp, Mrs. Lloyd Rader; Smelling contest for men, Ivan Tayl.or, Garnet Weiberg; book balancing race, Stewart Kraft; Catherine Klopp, Mary Jane Vow-- ald; wheelbarrow race, Ploytt and Lloyd Rader, Ray Rader and Floyd ,Neshitt e Mystery Contest Couple, 'Ken Witmer and Barbara :•Borthwitle, , Mr and M.rs James Hackett; time - legged race girls, Joan Koehler and ;Audrey Campbell, Mary • jane How- ald and -Marlene Richards -One Walk- ing Contes,t, Raymond Wein; clothes pin race, Mary Klapp and Floyd Rader, Mrs Lloyd Rader and Garnet 1.Veiberg; Sack race boys, Glen Knelt ler, Lloyd Rader, Floyd Rader; gran the shoe, Mr and Mrs, Glen Weida, Barbara B orthevick nn t3 Ken. t r Sack race girls, Clara Gossman, .Audrey Campbell, Audrey Richard - Soh; married men running, Ralph 'Mecum, Glen Weld°, Blgin It 1:e.; married Women's race, Mrs. Earl Thiel, Mrs. Allan- Fraser, Mrs. Ed. Homan. wleliFsenaminarr,"rermwzmir• 0 QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE '100,06,0404e00000400sewerie00,0sermerweeneseeegteeraoseonqem e°0 41 0 a The Zurich Dump Yard is now fenced and locked. Resi- dentof Zurich intending to use dump may get the key at THIEL'S TRANSPORT OFFICE. This procedure is necessary in order to keep control- of the Yard. The Co-operation of all residents in this matter ev31 be n curet y appreciated. Thiel's Transport has been conducting a garbage collection for many months and for a very small fee your garbage will p bo collected by them. By Order: Zurich Police Trustees. (;) 41 (1) 41 41 41 a a 0 0e 0 0 e 0 0 : 0 0 0 tio Due to the extreme dry weather there has been a Teerivy drain on the Zurich 'Water Supply, as • .Reeidente are forbidden to use sprinklers or water for 0 0 lawns ler gardens. You are also .asked to ,conserve.water for 6 0 regular needed use and for lire protection, 0 * —By Order: Zurich Police TruStres, John M. Ttterkeim, Chairman Lloyd O'Brien 3/Iilfred -Schilbe • 11.; OTICE re 0° • a!) doriMMatioaxtraMperairmituumustemensmaromeleisuarmstelmtwouloMwelimprittammilitaileenfictowmolscrels, • e•,,t' • .04 Thumiay, July 3rd, 1962 11. 11 hP IMMO • IIIIII WIWI Hill 1611111 1 affill111 1111111 10ilil Your Hardware Store trovir...0 Call in and see our new Duo -therm Space Heater, We have the Toridheat, Fees, Shur-heet and LW Oil Burners to fit any type of Furnace Winghara and Good Cheer Ranges Heavy and Shelf Hardware PAINTS ENAMELS - OILS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES We Specialize in Plumbing, Heating, Tinsmithi For Prompt and Courteous Service phone Fader :igitleheHz Nahmare Phone 63 110111111 11111111111 11111MI1I! ill111111111111111111111111111011111111111111 e‘itaartezErazz.aEr-la=iolatqaaVmarazems 1' In the beginning was the Word, And the Word was with God, And the Word was God. Jno. 1: I, 'And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, (the glory as of the only begotten of the Father.) Full of grace and T. truth. John 1: 1... 3: Whoso despiseth the Word shall be destroyed; but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded Prov. 13: 13, C:=MEZZO=EZZSZ-ZgaEFEEr=nribir,, Zurich ZIRWITRETROr 55 *If4 2 4 . 107, • The Infallible GOLDEN RULE 'GOSPEL MESSENGERS Phone 94 ;22... Box 50 R.R. I„ ZURICH, Ont. 1 on, 74 .4.4 4. 01 Sr FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE - - EX ALSO CLEANERS AN!, WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given 71 4•-• ...mtto•mv,r16, 740:, WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched 3l0,1* Flooring, Per 100 Square Feist $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATM 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can be esok-itiv and Economically Converted tat* extra Bedrooms or an income pro. clueing Apartment. . You Cant ftil, most of the work yourself. See our collection of plans and 'deem F R'E E ESTIMATES Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies Carload of Cabs® Cement just arrived 5