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Zurich Herald, 1952-06-19, Page 4
ZURICH a ONTARIO 1111111111111111111111111111l1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 eatialice Furniture WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eurek.: Cleaners tank and upright types. Henry Herbert Pianos. Also Carry all other lines of Home Furnishings Mason & Risch, and Vacuum Schubert Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. 111111111111111111111111111111111111ili1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114, • •• va 4 0 Dancing Nightly STARTING SATURDAY; JUNE 21st. elMRcMESEE I3SPJdt MOVERliF'd" =W1ZMATIMIR 51S SS9®'IN2OrkEZI `- `"" RiIEENIM Ei nR: ESL 4PGP. ''}, T•aq.....IZUralaiSE9(d)7...1iY:�a.:i$+72172Yw't' uf�ltt`t�".3�0 ®� Pa Yheld 8 on 9 m 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 7URICH HERALD GRAND BEND Music by BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA 8 • •• • a so e EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. The Finest Modern and Olde Tyme Dance in Western Ontario. Music by "The Melody .Makers" horn Spring - bank Pavilion featuring:. Len Masse, Claude Gelinas, Mrs. Lindsay (Clinton). 10:00 - 1.00 • 0 0 • 0 8 0 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT: Dancing to Frank Traher's popular Orchestra featuring "Happy" Hopkins on Vocals. . 10:00 - 1.00 REFRESHMENT BOOTH. 7,FSl"vX. ,'aa acAl Jx.•r xe ,14.0a, DASHWOOI) Mr and Mrs Thos. Hoperoft re- ceived word that ddheir son Fred of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia left on the ship 'Magnificient, for England and other points. Mr and Mrs Donald. Restemeyer 111111 t +ir uIl1UEM 111 11111=1 UIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIuIUIIIIHIIIIIUIUUII1111IIIU111UIIIIIIIIII1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111IIIIUIII{111111 IIIIUIII 111111 1 1 111111 1 n + Wisoinrisirloatt tartmg ur Entire St ck of L DIES and L - ,s R ill be offere..p to the ublic hi a GI.!antic REDUCED 20 TO 30% ho 'oh ay Next Door to Regent Theatre 1111111+ r 11 II 11111111111111111111111111111111111U1111111MIMN1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MU11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 • t INIENl11iiuIiiauIiliui uiif»iiiioia D11111111IU1I1111111111111111lumilluliiInuumiliummuumum ebentures and G aranteed ertificates ff©r ]i and 2 years from 3 to 10 years e Interest payable half yearly e $100 or more accepted THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY The Huron &,brie Mortgage corporation Head Office -- London,Ontario District Representative J. W. Haherer, Zurich, Ontario SPOT DANCES ar1P+4f.4..Y.� i{A.4:4A ,7.11.• .'.4#uYYOkSHaV ;4r7 and family le London spent the we- ek -end with his father, Mr Otto Restemeyer. Mr and Mrs Ward Kraft of Lon- don were Sunday visitors with relati- ves here. Mr. Sam 'Weitzel of Toronto spent a few days with his another, z,Trs. Witzel. • Mr and Mrs 'Clayton 'Pfile are at- tending a wedding in Lansing, Mich. this week. Mr. Harold Weber is having a very fine ranch house erected on a lot net to the residence of Mr and Mrs. 0. Pedersen. Miss Joan Welber was rushed to London hospital by ambulance on Monday where she underwent an op oration. Quite a number of school children are confined to their home with mea- sles. Room III of •ourr school took a motor trip to Niagara Falls -last week with their teacher, Mr. Reid. The Voice of Temperance . .IVluc'h is being made today of the importance of education in the tem- perance .campaign. Let the people be informed about alchol. Is it a food or is, it apoison. Is it a narcotic or is •it a stimulant? Surely no one is so simple as to suppose, that if tip public knew all that is to be known a'hout.alcoihol, the problem that al- cohol, has created wound be solved. Alcoholics know that nicoliol is kill - ;ins them 'but they keep on drinking. j Moderate drinkers know that alchol is a habit forming beverage but they keep on drinking. Car drivers know that alcohol lessens their an- ! ciency as car drivers but they keep on drinking. The goveruinsnt knows that alcohol is public nuisance numb- er one, but it keeps on tolerating it. Education is -not enough. Knowledge is not enough. +t-Iow to get people to ' do as they know—Chat's the sixty% four dollar question. The only sane conclusiion to the. Matter is that wis- dorm .is in albstinence.—Aavt. 1 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Effects, in Hay Township, 1 mile west and T-Ialf mile south of Hensall, on THURSDAY, JUNE 26th. At 1 o'clock pm. 1 Antique +Sideboard, oak dining room table and 6 chars; oval walnut extension table, 6 chairs; book case Now Thor Offers 5 -Year Protection On All Washing Machines Everything You Want in a Washer You'll Find in THOR! CHECK THESE Outstanding Features 1. Famous Thor Delux Agitator, giant 9 vane super agitator with 3 :bottom vanes and 6 side vanes 2. Massive Streamlined Wringer, swings to 5 positions for greater convenience — Feather touch re. lease bar and reset lever. 3. Full size 9 -Ib. capacity tub.. 4. New all -Aluminum tub cover, rust -proof, seals in suds and helps keep water hot. 5. Thor Delux Mechanism. Ne' engineering features and ensure. greater lasting satisfaction. Come in and see it today! FOR ALL ELECTRICAL JOBS AND • APPLIANCE'S CALL Wuerth Electric Phone 84 ZURICH and writing desk combined; organ, couch, 6 piece upholstered parlor suite, occasional chair, tables and rocking chairs; 3 complete bedroom suites, mattresses, cherry glass cup- board,kitchen chairs and table runn- ers; 3 axmini.ter rugs, scatter mats; garden tools, lamps, dishes, Kitchell utensils, and numerous other artic- les TERMS — CASH Proprietor, Estate of the late John Bell. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney. POULTRY AUCTION SALE On the Premises, South Half of Lot 22, ICon. 14, Stephen Twp., 1% miles west of Dashwood and 1 mile south, i) miles west of Exeter, en Highway 83. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public Auction on WEDNESDAY, EVEN- ING, JUNE 25th, at 7.30 p nh. High Pedigreed Pullets at which time and place there will be oirerod for sale 150.0 Rhode Island Red crossed with Light Sussex 51; months old to be sold in shelters in lots of 75. This is an exceptional good flock of pullets, all fully 'developed and starting to lay. See these virds on Range !before sale date and convince yourself of their fine quality. Terms—,Cash Gordon Pearson, Proprietor Glen Webb, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of 'Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items; on the Prem- ises, Albert Street in the Town of Exeter. The undersigned Auction- eer has been instructed to sell b;: public Auction on, Saturday, June Thursday, .June 19th;' 1982 .commencing nt L31): •sharia Household Effects — Dining room table, dining room...chairs, drop leaf;'' table, centre table, A.strol Refrigerates or like new; 4 rocking chairs, kiteh- o on chairs, Queen Sewing machine,,, sideboard, various small tables, fern stand and jardinere, Genenar Eleetrie table Radio, like new; upholstered[ chairs, Wna +ealbinet, davenport,large wall anir1+or, Magazine rack, single - bbd and an.attxess; wooden bed and; mattress, 2 dressers, wooden bed and mattress, 2 dressers, 3 commodes,, pin-up lamps ,and shades, trunk, crow. ckinole board, electric table lamps,,, bridge lamp, wicker fern ,Mand, $b day clock, suit case, handkerchief' basket, 2 congoleumr rugs, aeatter rugs, hooked mats, oriental rug 12x; 15; Findley +co+ok stove range, Clothes. horse, +Colem,an oil stove, floor stand and shield, electric clock, electric toa. iter, .heaiting pad, elec. iron, table Ilinen, bridal rose dinner set, Antique, silver and glassware, chinaware,. Jewelry cases, kitchen dishes, house=, hold scales, .bread box, fruit sealers,. pots, pans, wash boiler, brooms, car* pet weeper, ash sifter, axe, various, garden tools. And many articles toei, numerous to mention Terms—Cash The Estate of the late Alice Cudnmore. Edgar Cudmore, Harold (Ardmore, Executors Garnet Hicks, Clerk. Alvin Wainer, -Auctioneer. WANTED FEATHERS FEATHER TICKS SCRAP IRON HIGHEST PRICES PAID EXETER SALVAGE CO. Phone 423 - Exeter, Onsi. M- e o 8 t8 1 88 8 €i f: 5 ;. let RE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Om AVAILABLE AT seeds Hensall Dist. Co Operat vEE HENSALL and ZURICH with revolutionary new Central Heating System (Gas and Oil Models) Above, the furnace is located in the utility room with heat tubes lass the attic. With basement installation, heat tubes are beneath floor, THE MODERN MIRACLE OF LOW-COST HEATING—. This new marvel of home heating is revolutionary in its, performance. It conditions the home for health as well,. as comfort. Blends room air with freshly heated furnace;., air — recirculates it — keeps warmth even from floor tc , ceiling. Pre-engineered, factory -made to keep • cost low's; new 31/2 -INCH HEAT TUBES that fit any con-..struction, whether old or new. neW BLENDER In each room. It. sucks in room air, heats it with hot;, air from the furnace, then REcirculates n BLEND -AIR FURNACE that forces warm air intra. individual heat tubes leading to each room. AA efficient fuel -saver you'll always be glad to have. BLEND -AIR is delivered in a package complete, ready tcs, install. Come in and let us demonstrate—we'll show you, why "Comfort costs so• little with a Coleman." For outstanding achi.vemont} Coleman hasreeeived the fink O award made In the warm err heating Industry by the ASiik, Sas Models approved by American Gas Association: OH Models listed under label service by Underwriters' Laboratories. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, SPECIFICATIONS ANICTb QUOTATIONS WITHOUT O13LIGATIONS SEE; • HESS — ELECTRIC -- ZURICH DEALERS IN COLEMAN AND GENERAL MOTOt.S, AUTOMATIC HEATING