HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-06-12, Page 4• • ZURICH - ONTA11O DASHWOOD The W'SW S of the Evangelical 'churc'h. are having a Baking Sale and 'Tea on. Mrs. Taylor's lawn ,on Satur- daf afternoon from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m.. Should the weather not be fav- 7t►nable it will be held in the Men's 'Club roam Mr and Mrs Stuart Wolfe have ZURICH HERALD moved into their new home which the, recently built, Mets Duncan 'Snider is at present in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she underwent an operation last Thur sday, Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. 11Ir and Mrs Hebei and family have moved to the Airport at Centralia. Mr and Mrs 'Maurice K.lumpp and 91 vxu.4 "teemed LAND CLEARED? BETTER FARM ROADS? DEEPER DITCHES? A PUMPING ,INSTALLATION? FIL does a lot of this work for Canadian farmers. See your B of M manager about it Farm. Improvement Loan to do this kind of thing for yourself. vMY IIAN Hr ;74 aruaasceerssras I 1 2 BANK OF MONTREAL atalatd i9 57etde V'd4 WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EERY WALK OF LIF! SINCE 1919 HURON COUNTY PASTURE AND GRASS SILAGE DAY Seaforth High School Grounds Seaforth - Ontario onlay, June 16th 'PROGRAMME: 11 .a.m.—Display cf Haying and Grass Silage Machinery. 11:30 a.m.--Tour of Hay and Pasture Plots. 12 noo- 1 p,m.--?.unci' (The Seaforth Women's Institute and Seaforth Junior Institute will have booths on the grounds where light lunches and soft drinks may be secured.) 1 par,. - 1:45 --Qualified Speakers on Soil's, Fertilizers, clay and Pasture Seed mixtures, and the latest information on GRASS SILAGE. 1:45 p.m.—Second Tour of Plots. 2,115 p,m —Parade of Grass 'Silage 'Machinery. 2:30 p,m.—Grass Harvesting Equipment at work on hay plots EVERYONE WELCOME — BRING THE FAMILY AND SPEND THE DAY Sponsored by the Huron County Crop and Soil Improvement • Association • • t • • • • • • • • • • •• • a i Alvin Beetles, President. G W. Montgomery, Secretary • 49 Lakeview 1 asino GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Music by BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA Admission $1.00 • • 1 • • Ni1I111lllllllllllllillllllllllilillll11111Iililli1iIIii111111IIIIIIIIlillllillllllllllllllllll111 Westlake Furniture WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners tank and upright types. Mason .. Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert Pianos. Also Carry all other lines of Home Furnishings • • • M • • • • • 1 • • • CoC� EEI $ ARE YOUR BEST BUY I Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Out feeds .AVAILABLE AT Hensall'Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. ��IIIII!lIIIIIiiIIIIiIIIilIIII llllll�llllllil'plll!lllllllglllllllllllllll IIIIII ll'!illllllllllllill►'' a a • • • • • • 1 • onster HENSALL. COMMUNITY ARENA MONDAY, JUNE 16th, 9 p..m. sharp $1000.00 in Prizes 15 REGULAR GAMES AT $15.00 SPECIALS $50.00 $75.00 $500.00 Sponsored by Legion and Legion Auxiliary Branch No. ' BOOTH AT ARENA 1 a • 1 • • 1 at • • • • • • •• • • • • $150.01 • • • • • Admission $1.0O. 468 Extra Cards and Specials 25c BOB COOK MOTOR SALES In Hensall, Your Mercury Lincoln Meteor Dealer and .giet Value for your Dollars 11951—Ford Custom Coach 1 1950Pord Custom Coach, built in_ • Radio, wlhirte wall tires 21949 --Mercury Tudor, white wall tires. 1111949 -Austin ,Half -+ton, excellent condition. ▪ 1948—Pontiac Tudor,' air 'condit- ion, theater, built in radio. •f1947—DeSoto• Clur Coupe, built in radio. spot light. 1947—,Burson 'Sed'an," .6 cyI , air 'condition !heater. ®1941—Hudsion Sedan, 6 cyI, built 'in Radio. 1 a • (2) 1939—Dodge Sedans 1939—Ford Sedan, like new, in- side and out, low mileage. • 19318—Dodge Sedan, all new tires I 1937—Studebaker Sedan, spotless 1937—Dodge Sedan. 1937—Terraplane Coach. We also have 10 older oars priced$ to sell, • WANTED • • All lour used trucks (being sold we g are now offering torp trade in • allowance on new 'Mercury Trucks! now in stock. BOB COOK MOTOR SALES Open every Evening 111111. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• f • • 10:00 - 1.00 • • REFR'ESHME'NT B CJOTH. - Hensall, Ont. Bayfield Pavilion EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. The Finest Modern and Olde Tyme Dance in Western Ontario. Music by "The Melody Makers" from Spring - bank Pavilion featuring:. Len Masse, Claude Gelinas, Mrs. Lindsay (Clinton). 10:00 - 1.00 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT: Dancing to Frank Traher's popular Orchestra featuring "Happy" Hopkins on Vocals. . • SPOT DANCES silver and 'glassware, chinaware, jewelry oases, kitchen dishes, house- hold scales, bread (box, fruit sealers, pots, pans, wash boiler, 'brooms, car- pet sweeper, ash sifter, axe, various garden tools. And many articles too numerous to mention Terms—Cash The Estate of the late Alice Cudmore Edgar Cudanore, Harold Cudnore, Executors Garnet, Hicks, Clerk. Alvin, Walper, Awctiloneer. Thursday, dune AIM, 1052 WANTED FEATHERS FEATHER T.ICES SCRAP IRON HIGHEST PRICES PAID EXETER SALVAGE CO. Phone 423 - Exeter, Ora. Billie and Connie spent a few days 1 ises, Albert Street in the Town of in Toronto last week. Mr and Mrs Norman Scott of Bow manvilde spent the 'week -end with relatives' here. The Voice of Temperance The other day a friendsent the writer of this paraghaph the financial statement of a brewing 'company. It was the record of another'successfol year There were substantial divid- ends for directors and stoickholders. What the report did not mention was the loss suffered by those ,who con- sumed all the liquor. That's the. 'story of strong drink—enormous, mroflt for those who make it and .grevrous loss for those who take it. Moreover, the publ dies becoming increasingly con- cerned over the mounting bail of lose chargeable against strong dtink.Tliere are too many crimes caused. by drin- king—too rin- king too 'mann highway ,accidents caused by drinking too much work time lost by drinking—too 'many ham es broken up by drinking—foo much improveriishment and degradati o n caused by drinking. How long before the 'neonle .realize that they are on the losing end of the bargain with the liquor traffic?--.(Advt.). POULTRY AUCTION SALE On the Prennisee. South Half of Lot 22, Con, 14. Stephen 'Tw+u., 1/i milt's west of Dashwood and 1 mile south, 9 miles west of Exeter, on Hiway 83. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed +o sell ;v pttbdic Auction on WFDNESDAY'EVEN- ING, JUNE 25ith, at 7.30 p' itt. High Pedigreed Pullets at which time and place there will be offered for sale 1500 Rhode Ieland Wad crossed with Light Sussex 51/i nionths old to he sold in shelters in. lots of 75. This is an exceptional good flock of pullets, all fully developed and startling to lay. ,See these birds on Range .before sale 'date and convince yourself of their fine quality. TeGordon Pearson Proprietor Glen W'bb, Clerk Alvin, Walper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale.. • ., �t 1-1nusehold Affects. Antititter and M4celhtner-us Items; 01 the Prom - Exeter. The undersigned Auction- eer has been :instructed' to sell by public Auction on, Saturday, June hist, 'commencing at 111.30 'p.m. sharp Household Effects — Dining room table, dining room chairs, drop leaf table, centre table, Astro' Refrigerat- or like new; 4 rocking chairs, kitch- en chairs, Queen Sewing machine, sideboard, various small tables, fern stand and jardinere, 'Generar Electric table Radio, like new; upholstered chairs, china cabinet, davenport,large wall ,mirror, magazine rack, single bed and mattress, wooden bed and mattress, 2 dressers, wooden bed and mattress,12 dressers, 3 commodes, pinup lamps .and shades, trunk, cro- ckinole board, electric table lamps, bridge lamp, wicker fern stand, 8 - day clock, suit case, handkerchief basket, 2 con'goleum rugs, scatter rugs, hooked mats, oriental rug 12x 15; Findley 'cook stove range, clothes horse, 'Coleman oil stove, floor stand and shield, electric clock, electric toa- ster, healing. 'pari, elec. iron, table linen, (bridal rose 'dinner set, Antique Now Thor Offers 5 -Year Protection On All Washing Machines Everything You Want in a Washer You'll Find in THOR! CHECK THESE Outstanding Features 1. Famous Thor Delux Agitator, giant 9 vane super agitator witb 3 bottom vanes and 6 side vanes .2. Massive Streainlined Wringer, swings to 5 positions for greater convenience — Feather touch re- lease bar and reset lever. 3. Full size 9-1b. capacity tub. '4. New all -Aluminum tub cover, rust -proof, seals in suds and helps keep water hot. 5. Thor Delux Mechanism. Nea engineering features and ensure greater lasting satisfaction. Come in and see it today! ]?OR ALL ELECTRICAL JOBS AND APPLIANCES CALL Wuerth Electric Phone 84 - ZURICH sky ... that you should not pick the Trillium, our provincial floral emblem. Since its three leaves are near the top of the stem, they usually get picked with the blossom. And as the leaves feed the root, the whole plant dies of starvation. Protect the Trillium it is, part of your outdoor enioynaent. CARLIH&'S THE CARLING• BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO— TORONTO — WINDSOR • ii-ya 'a eat and ventilate your home with revolutionary new Central Heating System (Gas and Oil Models) Above, the furnace is located in the utility room with heat tuba in the attic. With basement installation, heat tubes are beneath fool',, THE MODERN MIRACLE OF LOW-COST HEATING -- This new marvel of home heating is revolutionary in iter, performance. It conditions the home for health as well,, as comfort. Blends room air with freshly heated furnace. air— recirculates it—keeps warmth even from floor to,, oeiling. Pre-engineered, factory -made to keep cost ��� i1/2 -INCH HEAT TUBES that fit any con— struction, whether old or new. new MAGIC BLENDER in each room. It;, sucks in room air, heats it with ha, air from the furnace, then REcirculates,'it,.. new i, w BLEND -AIR FURNACE that forces warm air int individual heat tubes leading to each room. Ala„ efficient fuel -saver you'll always be glad to have, BLEND -AIR is delivered in a package complete, ready"ta., install. Come in and let us demonstrate—we'll show you why "Comfort costs so little with a Coleman." For outstanding achievement Coleman has received the Rr* award made In the warm air heating industry by the AStlk Oes Models approved by American glee A ttiolasi 01 Medrts listed under label service by Underwri aw' Laboratories. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, SPECIFICATIONS AN) QUOTATIONS WITHOUT OBLIGATIONS SEE HESS -- ELECTRIC ---. ZURICH 'DEALERS IN COLEMAN AND GENERAL MOTORS; .:. AUTOMATIC HEATING