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Zurich Herald, 1952-06-12, Page 1
ICH :stablished 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THL RSDAY MORNING, Evangelical Lutheran Church ST., • PETER'S ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIIMRICH, PASTOR -1U a.m.—Divine Services. 4.1.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. — Divine Wors sip. Everybody Welcome to sell Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich Ontario REV. 14. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesc - Organist ?SUNDAY ShIRVI:CE,S.- 10:00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 41:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 pan. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services—"Come Ekon: with us and we will do thee !good." Num. 10:29. WHY PAY Reckless. Driver Rates If you're a careful driver you can get remarkable Taw rates with State Fann Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own low Auto Insurance Bates. KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 1'3. Zurich, Ont, Are You Suffer ,e..,_:' lFuta Headache? Fel eo, Have your Eyes Examined with olie Latest Methods ay./ Eovettement at A. L. COLE', OPTOMETRIST 8z OPTICIAN GODEP.ICHi — cur. Good Glasses at litostasamadle Prices Aidon Memorial Service GRAND BEND At Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the EVANGELICAL U -B. CEMETERY Following Attractions (Bronson Line, Hay Township) Wednesday, 'Thursday June 11-12 i SUNDAY, JUNE 15th. 3.00o'clock, p.m. • he Tanks Are Coming Band Music, Songs, Addresses and other memorial feature's supplied by Sam's the Salvation Army of Loncron, Ont. EVERYBODY WELCOME H. E. Happel, Pastor. June 13-14I A Happy Story of Uncle Yanks in 'Tanks Friday, Saturday Never A Dull Moment A Park Avenue Gal Caught Off Guard Irene Dunn and Fred McMurray Monday, Tuesday June 16-17 Close To My Heart It's Great and it Makes You Feel Great Gene Tierney and Ray M'•il1and�i�ht. Comics cs and Shorts News Reel Monday and Tuesday Two Shows 7.30 and 9.30. Ham and Strawberry Supper CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and nei,ghbours ,who so kindly remember- ed me wvfbh treats, dards, flowers, visits, and phone calls, while a pat- ientt in Clinton. Hospital.—Mrs. Ivan Beckler. UNE 12 1952 Mrs. I'M the home? Mrs. Ed, operation wish her +a Last Te, five year Arthur T1 formerly 0 fortune of badly 1. caught in: machine fee I WAS STALIN'S NURSE • taken treated but.; Arakadi Svobodin served as Joseph home. Ther' Stalin's personal nurse. Svobodin, es- (stim"hes to, caped from Russia, provides the first utation detailed account of the Reci Dictat- anon. or's :intimate life to reach the West- of Wa.. antri, ern World. Read I was Stalin's W. Nurse", starting in this Sunday's V� (June 15) issue of New Color Grav- ure Amerilcan. Weekly, evc;. usively with The Detroit Sunday Times. Play Given The Three Act Comedy "'Look Out Lizzie" was presented by the Brodhagen Luther League in the Community ,Centre, Zurich last Fri- day evening. This tbeing spoireored by• Will be Served in the �t(he Zurich Luther League, to a fair- ly Iarge attendance. ItIvery .part was well rendered The Juniors or the St Peter's Church, Zurich, gave a very attractive number and the apptause was in favor for them to repeat part of the same. Musical numbers were given by Misses Marilyn Haberer, and Marlene Wagner. A. quartette was well rendered ,by Messrs. Jack Haberer, Ronald Heimeleh, Edward Deichex't and Fred .Haberer. A vocal duett was given by Messrs. Jack Haberer and Ronald Heimrieh, ac- companied by Miss Audrey Heimrieh Cceaninunity Centre, Zurich On WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 25 Beginning at 5 o'clock Sponsored :by the Women's institute of Zurich A fine program is ar- ranged ;with the Hayfield Young People 'of the United Churcri who will give a Play entitled "Always in Trouble." Dont forget the date, Come and enjoy the fine evening together 'with your friends. BORN At .St. Joseph's. Hospital, London, .� tla•.to.•,sJtx.,.a•- llowerd 'H'osttettler (nee Ruth Brown) a son, -a brother for Kathy and grandson for Mr and Mrs John Brown, Z.urieh. Marry d., ,Manz gu nieraz None i+u.mercat Director -- Private Car 41t ,biilartee Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. .IO14 'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE P .ate,Yo:le OXYGEN Equipment IIOSP1TJtL 1itEI S TO RENT=INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED PROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. • H�>�al: twomommumeneivprimorpmearsoasniewrammmourammovoniameraniornmramamummor IEL'S Su ora is Store yen Foods Bird's Eye Frosted Food l FOR 'YOUR CONVENIENCE ;FRUITS .. VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. Week -end Specials Clark's Pork rind Beans L large tins 31 c Quick Quaker Oats, Irg 34b. pkg 29c Sweet mixed Pickles 16 -oz jar 32c Lushttus Telly Powder 3 ;pigs ')9c Phone 146 m C. H. THIEL Zurich Your pUb letter tfroan eour daughter Mae, of several of *Om were driving through the .Forestry Reserve near Deep Riv- er where the/scenery is !beautiful and there are se'eral lakes and.at one place a rive* :with rapids. 'We went through the woods a short distance to take pitcturee:• and were attacked by mosquitos and black flies, caterpill- ars are everywhere, trees, rocks bus- hes Had to 'brush several off one another when we returned. They knave eaten the leaves off Most of the pop- lar trees -- sit is rather sad to see the bare trees again.' Died in the West Word wea>received here early in the week Iby relatives .of ,.the passing of Henry Smith, beloved nusbandi of Sarah Buckle?, iboth formerly of the Zurich distr'i•�t, who died at his home in Pride'holnt,Sask, on Monday,Juue 9th after a ' lingering illness. The funeral tald"Xtg place on Thursday,. 12th. The deceased is survived heelers: sorrowing rw,ffe, '2 sons and 4 daugh- at the piano. The program closed ters; his anot$er, Mrs. Caroline Oescre with the National Anthem.. of Blake, t o brothers, Samuel and. David Denali and a sister, Mrs. Rud, Oesch. o% hJ district of Zurich The bereaved '�= tlheV,SYnfpatlide of: their. many friend's. Attended Celebration The ,Majorettes, of Zurich made a. fine showing on Monday at London celebration and several members of the Zurich Lions Club attenced the Highlights of the ,32nd annual con- vention of District A Lions Internat- ional, held at London beginning on Monday of this week. Hugh parades on downtown streets which featured. floats, bands, Majorettes and Lions numbering more than 1,000 persons.. The color party of the parades, car- rying flags of 3141 nations where Lions Intternlational has Chaise The weather being ideal for the occasion•. On Tuesday evening they celebrated Ladies Night at the Port Stanley Pavilion. W.M.S. Entertain The Women's Missionary Societies of Hensall United Church and' Gosh- en Church were guests of the Zixricn Evangelical U. B. Society last Thurs- day evening. Mrs Menno Oesch pre- sided for the devotions.Several nu- mbers were contributed by the visit- ing ladies including a Kipling poem by Mrs. .McKinley Sr. and a cornet solo by Mrs McBride of the Goshen group; a vocal duet by Mrs.. 1Z. Brod- erick and Mrs. H. McEwen and tilts Edmund Geiger, as guest speaker,of the- Hensall group. After the pro- gram, over one. hundred ladies spent a social hour in the attractively ar- ranged tea room ,wheee refreshments were served by the committee in charge from 'Hospital kler has returned to er • parents, Mr and after having had an intoe Hospital • We ?sty recovery. Is Injured afternoon, Graham son of Mr and Mrs. Ven, of Bluevale, and urich, had themis- Vintg his regtit hand d when it Ibecame grain drill while the an operation. He was gham Hospital to be as later able to return ;Lind required some 20 Ise. Fortunately no am- ecess'ary. Dr. Palmer and Dr. 'Connell of nded. ed The Forest ers 'were advised by a Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscripton in Canada Year F2.8i1 ,SLxbscription U.S.A., Year $2,50 N O R M A' S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 12.e28. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH . Prop. Newly Appointed Manager Of the Bank of :'Montreal's Zurich branch is Carl ,Stott, manager at the ban'n's Douglas office for the past 5 years. He succeeds Campbell C. 1'ic- Eachern, .eho has been named man- ager of the .B of M's iioquoire branch Born in. Halifax, N.S., and educat- ed in Winnipeg, e,.r. Scott joined the bank in 1920, et Waldron, Seek Dur - :ng the followii:g years, he gained valuable experience at various bran- ches 'in Sae _atchewan, including those at 1iel elite , Ge tn.b°routgh, Moose Ja,v and Ra! :ria Mr. Scott received his first aptpoim meat in 1940‘, as acco- untant at the hank's embroke office. Keenly interested in community af- fairs, thee Lions while Club Cl b uands ndglesof the Voluwas n- teer Fire Dept. etft 11. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Order -- .Seth 0. Amann, Zwick,, Ont. Phone 128. ad© munkraaglalintl Your Speota1s . token? Don't Worry! WE CAN DUPLICATE YOUR LENSES IN 48 HOURS, JUST BRING IN THE PIECES ANY SHAPE, COLOR, OR SIZE SINGLE OR BIFOCAL VISION IN ANY TRADE NAME A G. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. tei SUMMER PRICES ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR WINTER FILL -UP Of This Premium Fuel LORNE S. EILER. —LOCKER..SERVICE— Ri.UE COAL — ROE FEEDS' •Pkz.onc 10, HENSALi , QNT, 000000 000 0 0000 00000 *u* Licensed Enab er and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night S:>c „ one: Res. 69 Te 000 0 0000000000000 0000000000 e! l4®®••0000000 e 1 • FROM ZURICH SWITZERLAND TO. ZURICH ONTARIO Last Friday Z..urich had some rery interesting visitors who came a long way to see what our Zurf•cn Ontario looks like. They were Mr and Mrs. Ferdinand .Herrmann and Mr. Charles Keller from Zur'ic'h ,Switzerland, who were on a -good will tour m this part o.f Ontario and introducing the fam- ous Swiss Watches and clocks as they went along from :place to place in their little European ,car, wriich to us looks quite small, but it gets there just the, ;same, with a whole lot less gas than our heavier American cars. They spent the largest part of the day here in Zurich, looking up its :histor- ical records, and ;meeting people, Mr H. W. ,Brokenshire, town Cleve took them around and it was indeed in- teresting tomeet t'iem. Besides speaking their own language they have mastered a good Eglish, and al- have mastered good English, and al- so speak German very fluently. From here they are going to Western Can- ada, to Winnipeg, and other points. Before 'leaving their native Tamil, they ;learned tcf a Zurich, Ontat. o, and resolved that they would visit that ,lxlace on their tour, whioh was accertiplished, and they worn very vouch .innorerocd with our village, and the 'publisher of the Herald was very (much ixdlai'essed with flick visit with We are ever at your sex ice with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season Canned Fruits and Vegetables on Candies as well aav hand Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menno Oesc PRODUCE WANTED. Mr. McEachern has Popular departing manager, become Well known to the citizens of Zurich and distract both as a 'capable banker and as ap:ublicwstpiiited citi- zen, and was treasurer of the Chant. ber of Commerce, • rtiewyoivat WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF richJet Phone 1 65 130, Cold FO er LINED AND UNLINED, SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc. JUST IN --- New Pattern Prints and Flannellette;, GIVE US A CAW Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl Tin BLAKE STORE E. Schwartzer►trub -r, Prop. Phone 1