HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-06-05, Page 1RICH !Established 1900 Evangelical Lutheran Church ST. PETER'S ZURICH -- ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR -111.D a.m.—Divine Services. 4.1.15 a.m.—•Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -- Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to al/ Services (EVANGELICAL U. 13. CHURCH Zurich -- Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister %1rs. Milton Desch - Organist 'SUNDAY SERVICES. - 1.0:00 a m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7:30 p.m. — Divine Worship Welcome at all Services—"Come fou with us and we 'will do thee good." Num. 10:29. WHY PAY Reckless Driver Rates If you're a ,careful driver you can get remarkaible low rates with State Fame Mutual, the Company that dared to be different. State Farm's careful drivers make their own Low .Ate Insurance Rates. i (KEN ETUE, District Agent Phone 78 r 13. Zurich, Ont. Are You Sufferiog Fmns Head lat so, Have your Eyes Ermined with tiihe" Latest Methods and Eft gat • :c se>COLE, R. .. PTOMVMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODM — O1 T. '''tGood Glasses a.t Reastemelo Prices. HERALD ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 5 1052 NOTICE Chest X -Ray Clinic FOR RESIDENTS OF HENSALL, KIPPEN AND RURAL AREAS Will be held in the TOWN HALL HENSALL FRIDAY, JUNE 6th. ..At 10.00 to 112.00 noon. 2.00 to '5.00 p.m. 7.0'0 to 1110.00 p.m. Please co-operate and attend, extra cards can be be obtained at the Clinic All residents of Zurich and Dashwood Areaswho were unable to attend their own Clinic will be welcome at the Hensall Clinic. This advertisement sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club • • • • • • • • • e • • s • w • • • e • • • asaingleMINSEEMMatallea Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Wednesday, Theursda,y June 4-3 Follow The Sun (Glen Fiord Annie Baxter and Dennis O'Keefe, Friday, Saturday June 6-7 Across The Wide Missouri Teecluticolor A Year in the making Starring: Clark Gable and others. Monday, Tuesday June 9-10 Come Fill The Cup Adult Entertainment Jas. Cagney tFhyllis Thaxter Monday and Tuesday, News !Zee], Shorts and (Conics. Other nights, Comics and .Shorts. Two, Shows' 7:B0 and 19.30. Don't forget ' Dashwooc's Sports Day:>iM+ors!day ;June 9th, the eagle P o 'gram which was arranged to' ,be held em May214th, will be celebrated on Monday. there will be fun for all, so mane and enjoy yourself. 5. Mares . ''''; man, n, LgurveraZ Cornve u,ne7'Cffi�r Director — Privctte Cat .4m/balance Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. $DIN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Pole OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BIDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOW S SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL, NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. T 111 E L'S Sti'terior Store Frozen Foods .Bird's Eye Frosted Food FOR YOUR %CONVENIENCE FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH, - ETC. Week -end. Specials SWEET MIXED,/ PICKLES 16 --oz. Jar RED SOCKEYE SALMON, TIN LIil1f3'1f''S DEEP BR YWN BEANS 2, 20 -oz. NABO9fl;, COFFEE,, a -ills. BAG. 31c 45c Phone H TiNS 39c 99c C. U THIEL Zurich 41. Lyric theatre Phone 421 - EXETER Friday, !Saturday June 6-7 Jack and the Beanstalk Bud Abbott Lou Costello Their first ,picture in color — The last word in. laughs. Moniday, Tuesday June 9-10 Boots Malone William Holden Johnny Stewart For that special .corner of your heart - with a boy you'll ravish- was yours. Wednesday, Thursday lune 1.1-12 AIR CADET tStephen McNally Gail Russell The story of the Jet Flyers. Prog. Conservative Picnic At PETER EISENBACH'S GROVE TWO AND A HALF M,ILE:S NORTH OF BAYFIELD ON BLUE WATER HIGHWAY On FRIDAY EVE. JUNE 6th. At 8 p.m. COME, AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS Piano Recital by Pupils of Ellen Marie Love A.R.C.T. at - HAY TOWNSHIP MEMORIAL Community Centre, Zurich FRIDAY, JUNE 6th at 8 ;o'clock YOU ARE INVITED To ATTEND Admission: Adults 50c. Children 1Oc Mr and Mrs Andrew iOobcon of Mil- verton visited at the home of their son, Dr. and iMtn . W. B. Coxon, one day last week. 'r; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fraser of Exe- ter spent Sundely et the home of thelir sister, Mr rad Mrs Earl Thiel. Mr and (Mrs Gifts. Erb have moved their household. Teets from the Sie- bert residence -Mier etlhey had been living for some :time `to the Heide -- man farm lioinie just north of town, for the time .beg Home feom Hospital Mr. ,Harrison pehock has returned home from Clinton Hospital, after a tonsil operation.' We are pleased to see him lookingso well. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Tuscany and daugher Cora,, of Mount Clemens, Mich; Mr and Mrs Russell Pitts of Hyde Park; 'Mrs;: M. Doerr and dau- ghter Edith of London, were week- end visitors at the home of their sis- ter, Mr and Mir partore Thiel. Mr. and 1Vlrs. `; Wan. S. Johnston; Mr and Mrs Lorne Rader enjoyed a pleasant trip 'thsoiugh some parts of Muskoka district crossing trsrough the Algonquin Perk, on to Pembroke and the Ottawa valley, returning by way of Belleville and Toronto. They inform. us in ;same districts the cat- eiipillars are ,eatrrg the young green leaves off the ties in the northern district. The scenery was very bea- utiful Childfens' Day The annual C ildrens' Day Service of the Sunday S pool of the Evangel- ical U. B Chur$h, Zurich, will be held .on Sunda evening, June 8th Youtnioru. r 1 J centredakewith with appetizing i birthday cake, along liberal ice cream helpings which Mr ,Schilbe appreciat- ed You Will Want to see l;olleen ed very much. Among those p-esent r1 ownsend s Film were 'hie son, Mr and Mrs Henry The Great Discovery Schillbe of the 14th Con., who has This is a full length film starring the lately returned from the Hosp;tal;his hConverted Movie Actress, Miss Col- daughters, Mrs. H. Finkbeiiner and leen Townsend. Mr and Mrs Orville McClinehey of AN'D PRESENTED BY ,CLINTON the Goshen line. The many friends AREA YOUTH FOR C'H:RIST TN of Mr. Schilbe wsh len continued THE CLINTON COLLEGIAL:E health that he may celebrate many Saturday Evening, June 7th. more birthdays. 8 p.m. Celebrated 80th Birthday The Voice of Temperance The home of Miss Louise Hend- A friend lot the writer of this para- rick of town was a very attractive graph said the other day, "Well scene on .Saturday afternoon, the oc- tlhere's .one thing sure and that is casion (being her 80th birthday. Her liquor never did any good, to anyone' nieces served a delicious "tea" in her. The speaker was a business man who honour. About forty guests arrived gets around and who could not qual- to (wish Miss Hendirick Best Wishes, ify as a temperance crank. If he were along with many more birthdays, questioned he would probably admit good health and happinee:s. A large that there may be the occasional basket of 80 tulips were presented to emergency when liquor serves some her by the Bethany ,Sisters Sunday, useful purpose. Even for these infre- School class were she is a member A. euent occasione, there are drugs that Clock by the Ladies' Aid and an ivory are more satisfactory. And yet for bed lamp by her neighbours, snowing thus drink that "never did any good the 'high esteem she is held'. Other to anyone,' the people of Canada gifts and bouquets of ft:ewer: were spent over $65,000,000 in 1950 How given. Miss Hendrick thanked every long can the economy of this country one many times for the kindness stand such wastefulness? How long shown to her by everyone and enjoy - can the 'morale of the people of this ed the beautiful day avih,h her guests. ` country stand such an orgy of indul- She has good health and works a .gence? ?Moreover the price the people small gardenalong with her house of Canada are paying is net alone in work and has a pleasant d•isposrtion millions of money but in an .increase to all that come in her presence. The in ,crime and demoralization. hen Herald' joins her many friends that will the !people of this country come she may enjoy many more such happy to their senses?--Advt. �$iAbdo ys at 7.30 o'clock. music and reci children will fe gram. The off� sign iMissilons tkel other 'childx en al (A rprogram or° songs tions, etc. by the ture the entire pro- n./1g will go to for- Rba ing !the Gospel to hind the world. Attended Graduation Mrs. E. G. Krueger of the 14th Con attended the Convocation Exer- ciees held at the Little • Memorial Stadium, Western University, Lond- on on Saturday afternoon to be pres- ent when ver 500students received their diplomas, among them Doing her only son, Ralph, who received his Bachelor ,af Amts degree. The day was !beautiful with its rays• of sunshine over the large Stadium, ent when over 500 students received sat and enjoyed the atmosphere a- long with the exercises. We con- gratulate Ralph for his splendid suc- cess and tireless efforts to accomplish this standard of education rwhich will be a foundation for a worthwhile career. Celebrated 85th Birthday The many friends of Mr. Conrad Schilibe join in congratulating hire on having reached the 85th milestone in !his lifetiane, as on Monday, June 2nd the event was celeibrated at his home here in Zurich. A ven'y lovely surprize party was arranged by his immediate children of the district, a lovely meal served, .the table being Single Copies 6 Cents. Subseripton in Canada Year mos. Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.5O NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1228. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPED' On a New Modern Loom, Mem ydi Order -- Seth O. Amann, ZvelleXe. Ont. Phone 128. Your Spoctals Broke.? Don't Worry! WE CAN DUPLICATE YOUR LENSES IN 48 HOURS, JUST BRING IN THE PIECES ANY SHAPE, COLOR, OR SIZE SINGLE OR BIFOCAL VISION IN ANY TRADE NAME A G. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. SUMMER PRICES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Poa YOUR WINTER FILL -UP Of This .Premium Fuel LORNE S. EILER --LO:CKER..SERVICE. -- BLUE COAL -•.. ROE FEEDS Phone 10, HENSALL, ONT. �e►•vw�aewen•®•e•®ct•ww•ee•��• es•�e�tR•••w••eete *Heal g6;ri_ ®w••eAena1101 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and N. ht Service • Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich ••O•••4.••••••0••••iln••• esseesecoorgets®4t:',0 2 1 zumeirs , Grocer r °1, �.re We are ever at your service with the best limos obtain,ble of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies t. Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menno Oescl :'.n is PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 / WE HAVE A GOOD ST CK OF Cold FO eather R. LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pante, Underwear, Etc. Etc. JUST IN -•- - New Pattern Prints and Flannellette. GIVE US A CALL1 Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl THE BLAKE STORE i. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 1I.-07 onnonsissainmanwnomimpanamonwsnsansamsannanntnansainanoommW 4 4