HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-05-29, Page 44 4 4 0 0 a a a 0 a 0 0 a a Y tl� 9 ZURICH - ONTARIO 0 0 0 0 .45 0 a 0 0 0 0 0111 1 GRAND BEN D DANC N . EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Music by BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA. Admission $1.00 SiIIIIIII IIIIII IIIi111111111111111llllll16111I111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111!11111 iake WSULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Electric Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners tank and upright types. Mason & Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert Pianos. Also Carry all other lines of Home Furnishings Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich - Re idence Phone 89. ill11111111111111111111111111IIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 l 11 16g`jgten from olct rings and lett Pti",r, �y! 1 new beauty in ... //1 new settings by .: , * Come in and ask about our money -saving 'remount' service .. . Have diamonds from out -model jewellery mounted in a lovely new rill;. Choose from our wide selection of smart styles by Bridal Bell. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the lowj .;rices we will quote you! r ' T t jeweler .`d 0 Clearing Clearing Auctions Sale 10f Iiou:;ehnld Effects and ML.L•c;. It- e1r:,, on lb.', �'ccr)i e 'rr,i:r Street, iu the VILLAr;i (li' Y.i hICH. The undersigned : i, i int ). has been in- t tetructc^d tr, ell by I u .l.c keetaen o'i WEDNESDA.:'', JUNE' •!':b. A.t 1.;70 o'clock, p.m. ,h ,'p Chesterfield, fall r(liriing neva :elite, '.•i fisting room chairs, small centre tab- les, combo ation L:)ek case an'I wilt- ing desk, Oa]( rucking elfairs ; -couch( 2 ,eetees, Morrie chair, reed table and chair, .floor lamps, Victoria, Itaymc,r d e.•ing maci,ine, electric ai:rdio, Tiee ty (dietetic, wa-�,,ing mat•b- ine, '!rune stove. ki.chen range, C engelenrn rugs, mats, 3 complete laedroom tit'.•,, pietale• at el •picture wes, cedar sheet, alni,,;.rum fold - 4 0 0 as ay 0 2 0 0 0 s, ZURICH HERALD 0 1 AT q • � r TIE MEMORIAL CENTRE 9 lb GA;n ES AT $20.00 $300.00 2 'SPEC*ALS AT $50.00 x00.00 1 SP1rC;I;L AT $75.00 '1.7°5°..1300° . 75.00 JACKP 1,''T SPECIAL $600.00 TOTAL,.: i<''JUZE l^ $1,075.00 They Must Be Wr. ! ADMISSIt"' F: PLAY STARTS EXTRA CARDS 7..00 t . 9 P.M. 25c shall settle on the sora, " For no one measures out a life Except Almighty God. 0 a 0 0 ;o 0 a 0 a 0' 0 0 0,0 0' 0' 0' Hes'Ys crew a nea'be :.Kar :,eagargp, ''aaaree eae:awa vIS .anaeaeaLR::✓.e.•^Leeeer.?S3+>.. eeerS•ett-17. •'.%'aneerretera 's'•? s eeenaeseesxi:.' x ,ase .lav"air.'"3&" u++.w� emet emee,.tmeaerent e. 0 0 +' 0' b 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' iris: wheel chair in new conditc)n; kit+1e'i furniture, kitchen utensils, truer.-, (tonics, copper boiler, wood- en tin -lined bath tub; rinsing tubs, and :tend; extension ladder, step ladder, 4:ui.� ige grin -der, mega iron asp kettle and stand; power lawn; mower; .mall lawn mower, tree p, e- ner, 'rte clippers, garden tools, hand saw, wooden chest, and many Article'= too numerous, to mention. '!'IRM S—CASH Ed. ,Sie!be�rt, Mrs. Ada J:iajor, Executors. BilI Siebert, Clerk. Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. Real Estate Auction Sale Of Valuable Dwelling Property (,>n the I'•remisee, opera•:efte the Public 8( hoof, in 41re, ,Village of r)atthwoad. 0' 0' HeriSall Dig.Co-Operative HENSALL and ZURICH. ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only ReL C''.leaned Grain Used in Ow eeds AVAILABLE AT WANTED FEATHERS FEATHER TICKS SCRAP IRON HIGHEST PRICES PAID EXETER SALVAGE cO. Phone 423 - Exeter, Ont. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public taucti.on on SATURDAY EVE, JUNE 7th. At 7:30 o'clock, p.m. sharp noon visitors with Mr and Mrs. F. Ducharme. Village Property: The heavy rains of the past week Co u•sitin� of fart o•f Lot 3 y St Joseph and Beaver Town ,• Week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs Fred Ducharme of this IL Water Highway were Mr and Mrs Jnaeph Mae and family, also Mr. Pierre Ducharme all of Windsor. Mr and Mrs Pete Geoffrey and Mr and Mrs Alf ,Masse motored to Win- dsor over the week -end. Mrs Joseph Ducharme is spencting a few weeks at the home of her: de.1r- ghter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Corriveau. Mr. and Mrs Urban Ducharme of the Hensall way were Sum ay after - n` ' • have greatlyretarded the farmers in South ip,o ry idei Concession, u areden their farm work. As it is gettingnear Township, on 'whsch is situated a well built brick ver eex house. Phis bean seeding time. But so far it has home Inas been corn ie modr.il- done no harm. ed and me -decorate; ,xil hard w;god floats air ,tenidl tiorriekr Thursday, iMay 2,9t1i, 195,2 FOR SALE A team of !good work horses. Ca1s1 Kenneth Etue, Phone Zuricn 751134 X0 refinished Mr and Mrs Louis Farwell of the rlrrytagled Goschen line south, called on .,friends water her lraeta` Thtii day. Mr and Mrs Joseph. Bedard "of Chatham called on the formers mo- th:er and other relatives on Sunday. . Mr and Mrs Elmer -Shine of Mar- ine City were visitors with relatives in this vicinity: pressure system,1 milt -yin cup- boards; fu11 cellar wrjlib. cistern. There is also on 'the rpreanises a gs. mall barn, part -of Which has been converted into a garage; lawn is all newly landscaped, some fruit trees, and -garden land; eltso never failing water supply. This tproperdy is in the best of condition and fine locatilsn. Will be sold subjectto a reasonable re- served bid ' Householde,Effects - There will also be ,offered for sale at the came time and 'place a-numbertof household Effects and Miscellaneous items. TERMS — 10% on Tay of Sale; Balance in 80 days. Sproule Currie, Proprietor. Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer; Clearing. Auction Sale Of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items, on the Premises, Main Street South, blithe Town of Exeter The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 31st. At 1.30 p.m. the following: Walnut veneer dining room table; 6 dining rotor chairs, 3 -piece ches- terfield suite,,occasional chairs, ex- tension table, chesterfield fioel larnp7, table Iamp:s, large hall mirror walnut hall table, centre tables, Sarouk -vug .6x9 -ft; Mcminister rug 9x12 -ft; Congoleum Rugs various sizes; scatter rugs; mate, qu?tts, fancy cushions, curtains, linens, mus- ic cabinet, organ stool, hand .painted pictures and picture frames, guilt frames, 3 -piece walnut veneer. nod - room suite complete with springs and mattress, 2i -piece bedroom suite, numerous large and small rocli:ing chairs, electric radio, typewrtter, violin and case like new, fernery, cedar chest. sideboard, • solid watnnt chest of drawers, large trunk, !Mell- en cabinet, kitchen table and chairs, verandah furniture, lawn ensu°, pla sware, -silverware, antique dishes, kitchen utensils, sealers, (crocks, electric kitchen range, wood and coal stove, ice box, Simplicity electric washer, boiler, tubs, lawn. mower, 16 h.p. outboard motor iii guaranteed condition; 2 -wheel trailer, large steel box, small 2-''hel trailer, both are brand new; blacksmith tools, anvil, large vice, forge, garden tools, gar- den hose, lawn ornaments, quantity of wood, lumber tart, .antique style cutter, whiting dedk, eleetrric heater, "nd many articles too nttrrlerraua. to mention. Terms •— Gash cTarold Kuntz, 'ohn Kuntz, Executors, Garnet TH ks, Clerk. \loin Wnlpee, A)actintleer, No One Knows No one knows what time is his, in which to gravitate-. From nothingness to Orbits of the Godly and the great -- No one knows how soon his tale is one with diose before, And he live; best, who Iives each day as if he had no More— No one knows how soon the bloom 0 4ceoe saved me days, perhaps weeks, of works After returning from his first trip to the West, a business man wrote his bankf... "1- arrived having no idea where to start in to make the connections 1 required. The thought occurred to me that perhaps the bank, which has been very helpful to me on numerous occasions, would give me some guidance. Mr. W. proved to be of tremendous help. He introduced me to the people 1 should have met and saved me days, perhaps weeks, of work." Every chartered bank works this way.. Whether you walk into your neighbor- hood branch or one a thousand miles away, you will find the same full range: of banking service—and the same readiness to help. This advertisement, based on an actual letter, is presented here by THE BANKS SERVING ,,`YOU, COMMUNITY IS LAO( eV RE DI asivi ti 10010 ROW 10 Vt0i, Talk over a P iofit-making loan with your it do all he can to help B of M manager. ousmooth that tough tows rte pANtf' 10 A NI HOA' CA6'ADM//i ga Zurich Branch: Hensall Branch: C. C. McEACHERN, Manager WALTER JARRETT, Manager Dashwood (Sub -Agency) Open Mon., Wed. & Fri. Crediton Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) A1K `,F NT- :i►; FAL 84 a d 5lowe -84046 WORKINGS WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1811'•7 - •.-... ... wsieiakln'eXee' uiw lwm aW:y.sKre.,Mawbaae dYMeirai '=