HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-04-24, Page 1vaarossimsammareenassentammatimaissil ZURICH LIN [Established 1900 Are You Suffering From Headaches? At so, Have your Eyes Examined with �}at) Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O- OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GOzESica -. ONT. t aeod Glasses at Reaaonsole Prices LL ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday April 25-2,0 Go For Broke Shoot theWorks The heros of the 442nd Regiment Starring Van Johnson and others. Shorts and Comics Two Shows 7.30 and 9.3 0. Tuesday, 'Wednesday April 29-30 Jim Thorpe The All American • Starring Burt Lancaster S. others Evangelical Lutheran Church One of Warner Bros. Greatest Pictures ST. PETER'S ZURICH -- ONTARIO 0tEV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR pR a.m.-Divine Services. U1U.15 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 p.fn. - 7iisaite Worship. !Everybody Wellcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. R. CHURCH Zurich Ontario REV. ifl. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oea& - Organist 43'CINDAY SERVICES -- 310:00 a.naa: - Divine Worship. 11:00 a.nb - Bible School. 7:30 p.m. - Divine Worship Welcome at all Services--44Come thouwith nr and we ,orad_ ale thee agood." Num. l.O:2S News Reel and Comics One Show, 8 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENT The Zurich Women's Institute will sponsor their Amateur Concert in the •Community Centre, Zurich on the evening of Friday May 9th at 8 o'- elock. If you wish to enter with any id your talent, adults as well as children, you may receive your Ap- plication •forms in any of the local stores. After you have filled the form, send it to Mrs Newel Geiger, Secy--Treas., Zurich, R. R. 1. The fancy gtilt will also. be prawn. uuy your tickets for the same, if you haue not already done so. A fancy cushion and lamp are on the ticket :prizes. Prizes will also be given for the Best Talents in their class. Be sure to attend and give your talent in music, singing or whatever it may be, ser come and help the cause. Admission:: Adults 50c. Children 25c If :you enter the contest your register See twill be refunded: CARD OF -THANKS I wish to thank my many friends :rdla Ives and neighbours, who so kindly remembered me with letters, eards, flowers, treats and visits, Wring my Illness.• ZVlrs. Anaeiia Fuss. • s 5. Marry om, • - . m:veraZ Xorne 1 wnercd Director Private Car than t1aii ee Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder .0f ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE =FIRST AID CERTIFICATE P .OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL REDS TO RENT --INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS .SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service - Da-shwood. Tel. 70W. THIEL'S Superior Store Continuation of Sale Bargains! We still have 'many Articles left After our' Successful Sales, and are offering them at Real Bargain Prices Week -end Specials Nabob Coffee, Canada's favourite, 1-1b. bag....99c Finest ,ilei! Cohoe Salanon 3, half-size tins ....$1.00 Best cl'ulice &o1e Kernel Corn 2, 14 -oz tins29c Vtrethe ; s;, Marmalade, large 24 fluid oz jar 32c Zurich ' art Hayter .of Dashw64 „Rev, Loins Grand ,Send. • Lyric Theatre Phone 421 - EXETER Friday, Saturday April 25, 26 ' The Golden Horde Ann Blyth David Farrar ' Also+ Riding the Outlaw Trail Chas Starrett Smiling Burnett Monday, Tuesday , .April 28-29 The Light Touch Stewart Grainger Pier Angeh (Adult Entertainment) Wednesday, Thursday April 30 Wed., Thurs. April 30, M'ay 1st. Three Husbands Emlyn Williams Louis Erickson Also Two of a Kind Elizabeth Scott Edmond O'Brien Daylight Time NOTICE is hereby given that Day- light Saving Time evil go into effect commencing Midnight Saturday April 26th, 1952 and ends Midnight Satur- day Septemlber 2;7th, +1952. -By Order Zurich Police Trustees Zurich Hockey Banquet Honoring THE ZURICH FLYERS In the Community Centre, Zurich On TUESDAY EVE. APRIL 29th. Time: 7 p.m. Tickets $2.25 A suitable Program is being arranged Get your Tickets no later than Saturday, April 26th. Band Concert First Junior Band Concert will be presented in the - Hay Twp. Community Centre On FRIDAY • EVE., MAY 2nd. 8 p.m. Consisting of Band Numbers, Solos, Duets and Trios. Admission, Adults 50c. Children 25c Come and support the Boys and Girls Sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club • Library Dance In The Community Centre, Zurich Friday, April 25th. Music by the Syncopators Old Time Waltz Competition Entire Proceeds for thea Zurich Public Library Dancing from 10 - 1. Admission 50c. Check Room Service 24 .1952 GE P" TALK Last Wedn .5y's Free Press had some very in R' sting pictures of our Pee -Wee hoe y team which was in the .playoffs .O,oderich. In the pic- ture the c�oa' h.nd manager, Mr. Ed. Gascho is shores' giving the boys a pep -up talk 7j.nat before the game which .they wi handily from Tavis- tock. But . o4 ,Friday they lost in the •finals to:.Milverton. There is only one ways poi develop good.hock- ey players, and that is by starting them when very young. DON'`(; FORGET To get yourr' ticket no later than Saturday, Apnilf i26th for the big Zurich Hockey;,','$anquet held in the Community :C'entre, Tuesday evening April 1219th,;: "-a snoring the Zurich Flyers, which team went the farther - est in the playoffs in Zurich's history. There will he aSraonster banquet, and a good proigr* with the big supper. The time is syen p.m., and don't miss it. Ticke`tslrire available by the members. of the ,Club. Join inthis evening by ',:ung the boys a good send off, tin ' e meet again at the Arena next winter. McNA'B-- GASCHO An d+nterestiitg wedding took place at the +Zurich• Evangelical U. B: par- sonage with.lie .pastor, Rev. H. E. Rappel offiiciailing, when Barbara Ann, only .daughter iof Mr and. Mrs. Norman Gaschg,exchanged vows with Navy Sub -Lit Ross D. +McNab, son of Mr and Mr ,J S McNab, of Swan River, •Manitob The bride wore a black heather' , nit° with beige acces- sories, and -,ae onizinig Dosage. !MissGib:At e d 444ie'e-einiteeon •• df • honor, wearing' a light - brown suit, with green accessories, and a blend- ing corsage. • F. 0. Grant Goodale, of the RCAF, Centralia, was best man. Following a reception at the Dominion House, the young couple left on a trip to Ottawa and Mon- treal. Higenell officiated. The organist was Miss Helen ,Nadiger, soloist, Mr. John Haberer, singing "The Lord's Prayer" and Miss 'Marion Smith singing "Jesus Still Lead On." The church was beautifully decorated with Eas- ter lilies, palms, fern and candlebra. Given in marriage iby her brother- in-law, Mr. Milford Merner, the bride was lovely in a gown of Duchess satin with a short train, lily pointed sleev- es and sweetheart neckline. A anger tip veil of net illusion was held in place by a • lace juliet cap. She carr- ied a bouquet sof white calla lillies and fern. •She • 'wore a three -strand C. W. L. MEET string• of pearls • with matching ear The C.W.L. of Zurich held their rings, a gilt 'of the groom. The bride monthly meeting on !Monday evening with over thirty members being pre- sent. The meeting opened with pray- er rayer by Mrs. Rose. The minutes were Brantford as bridesmaid and little read and found as approved. the Mary Ann Hayter, • daughter sof Mr correspondence was read by Mrs. and (Mrs. James Hayter, as flower Edwin Regier. We then had roll call, girl. They :were, similarly attrrecl in and the membership fee was pavf by gowns of taffeta with nylon tulle and the members; welcomed three new matching headress of .pleated taffetta. members into the League. Mrs. Belly i The matron of honor wore +orchid of Sebringvi�lle gave •an interesting mauve, the !bridesmaid and flower (lecture, and took over the election of ,girl ,wore daffodil yellow. They car - officers. The new officers for next Tied nosegays of snapdragon, carnat- yeaes term are: President, Mrs. Ceir- i,,;ns and sweet peas. ence Farwell; 1st Vice pres., Mrs.! Groomsman ,was James Hayter. Len Rau; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Denis Den- brother of the groom and ushers omme; 3rd Vice, Mrs. Roman Meld- � Albert and Robert Hayter. Follow- inger; Recording Secy., Mrs. Edwin ing theceremony guests were recei- Regier. Corresponding Secy., Mrs.1 ved by the bridal party in the Sup - Harry Rose; Treasurer, Mrs. Dennis I dx'y .School room of the church whi>;h Bedard Jr; Mrs• Rose thanked the was decorated with Easter Tellies, past officers for their good co-oper- ation during her two years of presi- dency. In response, Mrs. Dennis Bedard thanked Mrs. Rose ror the I attired in•navy and wore a c rsage fine work that she has done in the of iv eosee, past two years. The •C.W.L, present- ed Mrs. Water Acher with a complete baby layette, for which she was very grateful. Rev. Father Monaghan, who was present for the evening, praised the women for the good work they have done, since the League has been formed. The meeting closed with prayer. was attended by her sister, Mrs. Martha 'Merrier of Dashwood as mat - non of honor; Mrs. John Snyder of .bells and +streamers. The brine's moth- er wore navy with,a corsage of white roses and the groom's mother was HYMENEAL Candlelight Service For Hayter- Rader A candlelight service took place, at Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, Saturday, April 12, at 7 pm. for the marriage of Frieda Susanne Rader, daughter of Mrs. Rader and the late Ernest W. Rader, and Thomas Harry, son of Mrs. H'avter and the late Rol:- The Wedding supper at church was served .to, 75 guests by the Ladies' Aid. The bride's table being centred' with a 4 -tiered.. wedding cake and candlebra, While the guests were being ushered to the tables, Mr. John Haberer played several selections on the piano and while supper was -serv- ed +Miss Marion Smith and Mr. John Haberer sang "0 Perfect Love." liljr the wedding trip to Chicago and other points the bride 'chose a grey suit +with;navy accessories and wore a corsage of blue carnations. On their .return Mr. and Mrs. Hay- ter will reside onthe groom's fame west of Dashwood, Guests were pres- ent from Detroit, Windsor, Brant- ford, Kitdhener, London, ;;urioil apci Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscripton in Canada Year $2.0111 Subscription U.S.A., Year ;2.60 ' NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPET& On a New Modern Loom, Moab Ie. Order - Seth O. ,Amann, Ztstitij�. Ont. Phone 128. Corn Flower CRYSTALS New Shipment of: SHERBERTS GOBLETS JUICE GLASSES SHERBERT PLATES Set your Table Beautiful With this Fine Crystal Stemware A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. bLie coal' Colder Weather With the Colder Weather here Snips can depend on warmer homes bP using BLUE COAL Solve your heating problems thin easy way and use the Coal that wilt definitely assure you continuous heat throughout the winter months. LORNE EILER HENSALL Office Telephone 10. ROE FEEDS LOCKER SERV1CIt eseesMseee issssMsass ee ssseSssNesssesssessssesllt eolakt *mutat litt,t, • Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service..._ Hospital Bed and,,Wheelchd it for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL -OCCASIONS ' . Day and Night Service Telephone: Ree. 89 - or 122, _ Zurich ssssasesassssssssasssasse ssesssessseseseeseseee. 1 1 ZURIeR'S Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the best line* obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well aa Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE LIS A CALL Menno Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE :WANTED, Phone 165 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Cold Weather F 0i0 TWEAR LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc. JUST IN - New Pattern Prints and Flannellette, GIVE US A CALL1 Good Supply of Fresh Orbceries always on Handl THE BAKE STORE Ee Schwarbzentruber, Prop. Phone 1147