HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-04-17, Page 5•ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD I lrul6t'oriaed as ieond class mail,• Plod Ogee Department, Otta'rra. BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Maven Strut — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 3553 UCENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed neer For HURON AND LAM$TON Sale, large OT small, Cour- 'ole ter teous and Efficient Service at all I Wildriam Sauve of town. feel DASHWOOD Mrs. Harvey Cowan of Exeter, Phone 57 r 2. Mrs. Jack Reynolds from Lonctm, were visitors at the home of the for - flier's father, Mr. Charles Fritz. Mr and Mrs Jack Fasken and son Bobbie from Elora enjoyed the Eaa' ter holidays at the home of their par- ents, Mr and Mrs Wes. MVlerrner. Mr and Mrs Samuel Oliver from Kitchener were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. C. Fritz, and- Miss Pearl iWurtz. • LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Edward Datars and Anita spent Tuesday in London. Mr and Mrs Leonard Wagner and family were at London on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Bob Ducharme of, Sarnia, were recent visitors with re- latives here. Miss Donna 'Merner of London, is a holiday visitor with her parents, Mr. ' arud 'Mrs Arnold Merner. Mr and Mrs Ray Schilbe and chil- dren of London were holiday visitors in town. Mr and Mrs Jack Coupland and children of Fenlon Falls •called on friends in Zurich over tlh•e week -end. Mr and Mrs E. E. Weido and fam- ily, Mr and 'Mss John •Gallman mot- ored o London on, Tuesday. Misses Florence and Pauline Hab- eter of London, were Easter visitor,, with their parents, Mr and Mrs. Ted Haberer. Mrs. Matilda 'MacKinnon is spend- ing Easter week with her son • and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Hugh MacKinnon in London. Mr and Mrs Charles Sauve and Paits•y of Toronto spent the Easter holidays at th•e l'uune of his brother, E. Fo CORBETT `Tam Reasonalble, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Zurich 92 r 7 — V'T:E'RINARI A.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARif. SURGEON Moe with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store URICH one ---96. I3UTC1NER5. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MAI KET Let us supply you with the telly choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc. always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric. Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for: Woo! Hides and Skins ` ung Son PRODUCE OBIUEI' S PRODIJ.OE th Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry iinve Your Eggs Graded on OUT AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER Miss .Mae Smith of Deep River Spent Easter holidays with her par- ents, Mr and 'Mrs C. L. Smith, re- turning to herduties on Monday. Mr and Mrs 'Charles Pulford of London, were Easter visitors with their parents, Mr and Mrs Ferd Hab- erer. Mr. Oscar Klopp of town and his son, Mr and !Mrs -Harold Klopp of Grand Bend, have returned from spending the winter months in Flor- ida, where they had a most enjoyable time. • Mr and Mrs A. Q. Perkins of De- troit were Easter visitors in these parts, staying 'with 'Mrs. Perkins' mother, Mrs. John Etue, Blue Water Highway, north. FOR QUICK SA1.,E A limited quantity of 'Clover Hay for sale. $1(0 a load- while it lasts. Ted 'Haiberer, Zurich' _2•'t"` HQNEY FOR SALE A limited quantity of No. 1 Clover Hovey •at reduced ,price: ; 8 -lib. pail $1.65; 4 -lb., 85c. —.J Haberer Scans, Zurich, Ont. 2ta' WANTED TEACHER — Protestant Teacher, for S. S. No. 4, Stanley Townsh'p; duties to cioinmence Sept. 2nd. Mod- ern school with Hydro, air-condition heating; school books supplied. Apply stating salary and experience, 'to Russel'l Grainger, R.R. 2, Zurich, 1 -to PIGS FOR SALE About ,33 young pigs for sale -- Apply to Russell Grainger, RR. No. 2, Zurich. 1t° FOR SALE -AUTO — A 19.37 Dodge Coach, Clean inside and outside, 4 new tires Price very reasonable. L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich 1tc Painting- Decoratrng • We are equipped to do 'Interior and Exterior Painting; Spray or Brush, Contract or Time and Material. Sat- isfaction Guaranteed.. Vt.). Free Estimate contact ug about your next Paint Job. See us about your Barns, Roofs, Sheds, Etc, 1 Cordon Eagleson Phone 40 r.2, Dashwooci p•1.6t _ NOTIC,_ Residents of Huron County In accordance with Section 14, Schedule "B"•'•of the Public Health Act: - "No privy -vault, cesspool, septic tank or reservoir into which a •priv, water closet, stable or sink is drained shall be established until the LE.:,t,YOUR BAKER approval of the Medical Officer of Health is !obtained" Applications for any such instal- lation shall be made to the Medical Officer of . Health, Huron County Health Uruit, Clinton, Ontario. REA • ..,:p -the table ale meal is, ready l R1..A}�E. Last 'Wednesday,• April 9th, after school, nine •14ttle schoolmates of. Miss Mary Finlay pleasantly surpris- ed her by coming in to her home and surprised her with a Birthday Party. on her ninth birthday. Games were played, and after that Mary opened the presents, and thanked each one and the girls then sang Happy ni.rth- day After having supper the girls wished Mary many happy returns of the day and left for home. Thanking her an return for a pleasant party given talrem. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Jeffrey and daughter (Miss Agnes are Easter not i - day visitors with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey. Masters Brian and Rickey Must- ard of Brucefield are spending East- er week -end with their grandparents, Mr and 'Mrs •Sam Hey. Mrs. Caroline Oesch who has -been spending a few months with her dau- ghter and husband Mr .and !Mrs Rudy Desch, returned to her home at Blake during last week. 1. Famous Thor Delux Agitator, A number have been attending giant 9 vane super agitator with the 'Mennonite Church Lenten Senn+ 3 bottom vanes and 6 side vanes ices in the Zurich" Church, from the Amish Church and surrounding community. Mrs Rudy Desch was in Toronto recently in the interest of her health Be -Your Menu Maker! YOUR, BAKER not only su'ppires deliclpus wholesome bread for your tablebread for your recipes. Out t • of hie: fragrant ovens come all man- ner of; mouth-watering goodies to ' • crown,the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun: for 'breakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats. for 'luncheon..,piping hot Pas ker.,1ouse Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, tao, for snacks any tiros of day or night. So don't get wrink. les worrying about variety in meals— let goer baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tlluz day, .April 1701, 10Ga J J-. Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH Now Thor Offers 5 -Year Protection On All Washing Machines Everything You Want in a Washer You'll Find in THOR! CHECK THESE Outstanding Features LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor FOR OUiCK SALE 41/hone 101 Zurich Grey Mare, 12 years old, quiet and reliable. Apply ti Jirn Rannie, Ph. 90 :r 5, R.R. 3, Zurich. c 'Zurich Creamery FOR SALE i1K950 DODGE SEDAN. Has heater and law mileage, will sacrifice. Vic. Tour ' home market for Cream pinniny.Ph. 168, Zurich. Eggs and Poultry PIONEER HYBRID Highest Cash Prices paid plus SEED CORN •b. i Premium for delivered cream e are equipped to give effi- nt accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in thane of Mr. T. Meyers. '" u. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE �ror conn chop satisfaction, plant rugged high yielding Pioneer hybrid seed corn. Place your order now. Call or see us. Sold by J. W. Merner, 137 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. Phone FOR SALE ,Giood. frame building in. Stanley Township '30x30 -ft, suitable for drive, shed or extension to barn. Can be easily moved. Also a Messey Harris steel land roller in good condition Apply to Wilbur Keys, R.R. 3, Sea - forth; Phone 656 r 11 Seaforth, 2tc OF WOODSTOCK •.M VIER LARGEST RESERVE BAL- .AICE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- ML COMPANY DOING BUSINESS ;,, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. iuotutt of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 . Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT 'ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING 1RODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE FOR SALE An outhouse in good condition. Apply to Arnold Merner, Phone 81 r 20. 2_t* WELL DRILLING WATER GUARANTEED — 35 Years Eperience, W. D. Hopper, Seaforbh, R. R. 2, Phone 667-1. 4t* DIAL 980 CFPL 7 DAYS A WEEK CONCRETE WORK NOTICE — -I have 'purchased the cementing equipment of my father, the late :Marcil Corriveau and hope to serve the community as. they h'avn been done in. the past. For rnforni- ation phone 93 r 16, Zurich. NAP. CORRIVEAU NOTICE CEMENTING! I am in a position to do all kind4 • of cement work. Contact me for further arrangements. —. Mahlon Sander, Phone 94 r 22, Zurich. tf2-4 ,3 The Ontario Farm Products :Marketing Board has ,n - ranged a vote by Ballot on the Marketing Scheme for egg; j� on April 17, 1118, and ' 19ith, 1952. If you are 21 years and - or nae °i or over and have produced and sold eggsduring 1951 otr are eligible f o are ,producing and selling eggs in 195:. Y vote —`but only one men'ber'of a family is entitled to vote. '1'''ou are priviledged to vbte at year nearest or any pollingdivision. The polling divisions for Hay' Township and district will be located at: iiii Hen sail - At Hensalt',;Locker Service Zurich At O'Brieli s Produce Station Dashwood At Business Men's Club Room VOTE AS YOU LIKE BUT VOTE! Hay Township Federation of Agriculture 12:25 Noe (Monday to Friday) STOCK MARKET REPORTS 2. Massive Streamlined Wringer, swings to 5 positions for greater convenience — Feather touch re- lease bar and reset lever. 3. Full size 9-1b. capacity tub. 4. New all -Aluminum tub cover, rust -proof, seals in suds and helps keep water hot. 5. Thor Delux Mechanism. New engineering features and ensure greater lasting satisfaction. Coyne in and see it today! FOR ALL ELECTRICAL JOBS AND APPLIANCES CALL Wuerth Electric Phone 84 - ZURICH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Take notice that all persons Bay- ing any claims against the Estate of ':Lydia Ann Haiat, Married Woman, who died at the Village of Zurich on or about the 31st clay of July, 1951, are required to file the same w'rtii full particulars, with the undersign- ed by 'the 18th day of April, 1952, as on and after that date the ars; e,is will be -distributed. Dated at Zurich, Ontario, Mara( 27th 2. 'Christian 'Wesley Haist, Zurich, Ontario. Administrator. W ANTED ii;' FEATHERS FEATHER TICKS SCRAP IRON HIGHEST PRICES PAIL) EXETER SALVAGE CO. Wally Herbert reports I • Phone 423 - Exeter, Ont. from Easton Fisher Attentlont To Hay Township Producers of Eggs and Poultry * • • •• • • • •• A • McKinley Farm &Hatchery Producers of CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS Your enquiries are solicited. Write or phone and ask McKinleys regarding your chicks for 1952. COCKERELS, PULLETS and UNSEXED 697-r-11 Hensall R.R. 1, Zurich 4. a,. 4. 4. .4. 4. .r 4. J- Jaw aszeseessossetwaseseressm • contracts Wante BARLEY OATS AND SOYBEANS Red Kidney, White Kidney, Cranberry and Marrocofat Beans CUSTOM GRAIN AND SEED TREATING RETAIL SEEDS W. E., REID Phone 87 or 158 • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 Dashwood, Ont. j mistmacarosimmasminimr Spring Shoes NOW IN STOCK LADIES: See our Spring Stock of Footwear before buying elsewhere; such as Casuals in Suede, of assorted colours and the New Dom- inion Smart Step-in, tan and white... For foot Comfort, you can't beat these. Also various lines for Misses and Child- ren. We have a few smart lines for Men as low as $7.95. See these for yourself. Men's and Boy's Work Shoes that stand the Test Oesch Shoe 'tor v t< —" MR:aeo M :'� - A1C:`;;. 0 0 0 e • • • • • • • V • • Your Heating Equipment We offer you the following Good Cheer Gravity, or Forced Air Furnaces The Arcoflame Oil Furnace; Coleman OiI Bur- ners in three different Sizes. sAlways a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- • • . .- ware on hand. • Paints Enamels - Varnishes • « Electric Stoves, Refrigerators, Radios and all Electrical Appliances TPlumbing - Furnace Work - Tinsmithing •Q • OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. Main St. Hardware Store. Phone 213 Tatars & O'Brien • Phone 213 Main St. Hardware Store Foommowntiwzr..100.=.0t< Massey - iFlarris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Tel. Shop 149scarKlopp R. 67 EVER AT YOUR SLRV10E FOR FARM NEEDS! 1 11 a 4 d d