HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-04-17, Page 4ZURICH a ONTARIO -. , . DASHWOOD spending her hetdays with her 'OW parents, Mr and Mrs. old. SStelclt. Miss Delisa Marks is spending her %aster holidays at has home in hist -1 Urs, Martha Baker" who has been 'well. ;living above the post todice has Mov- P t elck of Bradford is 1 ed into the apartnnent over Lloyd Miss Patsy St I y pp p, ome in Pick a Colo Oork.Green Light drain voter Blue Light Blue Grey aim INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER An IH exclusive! Interchangeable door handles in a rainbow of tea vivid shades, to match or con- trast with your color scheme. 7 Sures; Prices Start at V. Le BECKER & SONS Phone 60W. DASHWOOD PI NEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your. past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND 1. FER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: Guenther's: Mr and Mrs Larne Kieiajtiwer spat the holidays with, her:parents in Bowmanseille, . Mr and Mrs Ray" Neeh 'and sister, Mips Moser and Mr McCoy iof Pontiac Mich. attended the fxi t ' i ,of their aunt, the late Mrs. D. ',Keenan last Wednesday.. ZURICH HE tAI,.O 7huntda ,, :.Apri1 17th, 1952 • of 'ten,* 2 Y a+riakire SSt , Illand B r Town At .12,30 p.m. OnJoseph more holiday has part of Lot 23, Niomt • ows carrying Q3 second utter°;.] pure bred Yorkshire. P env come and ilea] Estate — Property consists of Hog 11/2 years aid, 14 Yorkshire. h Boundry, ( chunks. gone and 'with it sorrow and joy, as Stephen Township, on which is sit- Tractor and Farah Illachinetry: lin the pant people fro*, all directions luated a :good 2 -storey frame house 7►GeDeering Farman M. Tractor now, To overhauled; Cockshutt (binder 6 -ft. took advantage Of the holiday; to travel, by air, by rotor car,; for other ways of transportation to their re- spective destination,' where parents, relatives •or friends Were .m watt to with new asphalt roof, full cellar cut; Cockshutt 1.11 -run disc fertilizer summerwith new cistern, kitchen and drill . McDeering 10 -ft. spring tooth woodshed; Hydro throughout. si so cultivator; McDeering' 16 plate dour good stable, never failing water bre 'tandem disc; New Idea" tractor Mr and 'Mrs S. P. Cl` rrie attended supply, best• of garden land. This the Ontario Cream Producers Assoc- 'greet them on their arrival i property is in a fine location and in ion Convention at ,the Royal York And iso, it :was in these surroundingI1ell kept and tnnne oeLwtanxn cat tel in'Toronto leis w,eeit. nearly every home had some visitors, .well kept condition. 1 Mr and Mzu Walter .Teas or De- and for thein they showed their great Real Estate — Pasture and Wood - is manure spreader; )McDeering hay loader, like new; ,Ctockshutt side de- livery rake; !McDeering new hay raise; Cookshutt mower 6 -ft. cut; nearly new; Bradley rubber tired wagon, equipped with 600-16 tires in new condition; 7 -ft. stiff.• toroth cul- tivator; steel tire (wagon; 16 -ft. flat hay rack; McDeering '11-ruti disc fertilizer drill; 4 -sectio;. .. diamondll harrows; 1 -horse sauffi'er;' Oliver bean scuffler, set of new bob -sleighs. with platform; brand new 2 h.p. el- ectric motor; Fleury walking plow; 1-3 h.p. electric motor; Massey -Harr ris cream separator; 4, 80 -Ib. cap., milk cans; 32 -ft. new extension lad-. der. Clinton fanning mill with sieves„ new 500 cap. electric ,chick.,rbrooder coalbrooder, set of scales, handy.. man Jack; astern puamp,r gas force, pump, 50 -ft. 7 -in. belt; litter carrier_ bucket, 'wheelbarrow; sledge hammer,, logging •chain, root pulper, chicken: shelters, sausage grinder, doubletrees„ barrels, carpenter tools, and many, articles too numerous to mention. Household Effects: Kitchen cabinet,,, sink, kitchen table and chairs; new. electric toaster, sealers, churn, gals.., tubs, pails, etc., etc. Terms—Cash Chris Erb l& Sion, Proprietors. Ervin 'Gingerieh,Clerk.. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. trona and MT and 1lfrS Paul Nese and Mrs Douglas of Stratford spent the holidays with their anatlie,r, Mrs Ness Mr and Mays T:: kiarry Hoffman have been- confined rto , their house With the flu the past Mr, and Mrs Glen Warier and fam- ily io+f London. spent Easter holidays will relatives here. Mr and Mrs G+orrden • Clemas of London and Mrs -Oari: Hepp'ler of Waterloo spent the w . eek -end with. Mr sand Mrs T. Marry :Hoffman. Among those who 4ttenaet2 the Hayter -Rader nuptlials here Saturday were. Mr and Mrs John Snyder of Brantford; Mr and 'Mrs :Joe Bruce of Windsor; Mr and INI2 s ' Jim Beavis el Detroit .and 'Mrs. H. Zimmer, Wind- sor. s affection; Looking back at the ressurection one can presomie that 'Christ paved the ^any, to show Easter greeting, and courtesy to one .anther; on that first glorious Easter For he had appeared to anany, to: show his love, as usual, on Easter Sunday, chvist- fans attended the church of their, faith; the first great Easter some nineteen hundred and some years a- go, had enkindled the world with hove down those many centries for a crucified Christ. FOR SALE ANGLE IRON CHANNEL IRON PIPES ALL SIZES FOR BARN POSTS AND LITTER 'CARRIERS ALSO WHEELS FOR MANURE .SPREADERS and TIRES EXETER SALVAGE CO. Phone 423 - Exeter, Ont. Rader & Mittleholtz Phone 63 - Zurich lilllillilllllllillliililllillllilllllilllllllliliilll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllilllllilllllilllllll • Westlake Furniture \WOULD BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU Ellectl ic Sewing Machines, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners tank and upright types. Mason , Risch, Henry Herbert and Schubert Pianos. Also ,Carry all other lines of Home Furnishings Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. 41111111111111111101111111p111i a iIl 1iillAilii l1i11i1 ' `'111i 11 11ililli111i1ii1111iillll P ••• land will be offered at same time and place being South Half Lot 4, Con. 17, Hay Township, consisting of 62 acres. 25 acres hardwood bush, beech and maple. Also some mixed timber, remainder in 'grass, good water supply. TERMS of Real Estate — /0% on day of Sale, balance in 30 days. Rueben Goetz, Administrator. Alvin Wiper, Auctinoneer. Clearing Auction Sate Of Valuable Dairy Cattle, Hogs, Ali throughout the ages peoples of I Tractor, Farm /Machinery and Misc. all walks of 'life; and perhaps those items." On the premises, Lot 24, who would not enter 'a church dur- Con 13, May Township. 114 miles ing the whole year, only 'on Easter west of Zurich and a mile north. Sunday, :as tho guided by some de- The undersigned Auctioneer has been vine inspiration. In those early years instructed to sell by Public Auction On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 213rd, martrydom, to--establish-ter the coin- At 1 p.m. sharp the following: Christians endured much tor their faith; th; an many daccepted the fate of ing centuries down to our tm:Dairy Choice :D Cattle: the Christian belief: `That of the Holstein Cow, fresh 6 weeks; Rol - Risen Christ.' • stein cow, fresh 1' week with calf at foot; Holstein,cow,•fresh 5 weeks; ! Holstein cow, fresh 4 weeks; Holstein REAL ESTATE Holstein fresh 2 weeks with calf at foot. AUCTION SSALEolstein .00w, carrying second call due in May; 2 Holstein cows carry - On the premises, part of. Lot 23, ing fourth calf, due in May; Holstein Mann Street, first house, east of Er- ^ow, 4 years old, milking; Holstein heifer, carrying first calf, bred Nov. 1st; 2 Holstein heifers carrying first calf, bred in January; 'Holstein heif- er bred Feb. lst; Holstein heifer bred in Oct; 2 Holstein heifers bred end of Jan. 5 yearling Holstein heif- angelical 'Church, Dashwood. The undersigned Auctioneer has been rn- structed to sell by public auction on 1 SATURDAY, APRIL 26th. • >:t•• iN rk l Ao119 A SILO! .AN "NY BANK•`,. 10 A 0111100 CAOAO/A0r EXTRA ROOM! A GARAGE! Put FIL to work for you. See your nearest B of M manager: about a Farm Improvement loan today: - ' • BANK OF MONTREAL ec3.c sia a9e4ut ' working with Canadians in every walk of life ince 1817 • IA ers, pure bred Ayrshire; 9 Holstein Calves; Holstein Reg. Male, sired by Elm •Colanthus Rag Apple Righto. Pure bred Holstein buil calf 4 months old, sired by Artificial Oxford breed- ing unit. This is an exceptional good Dairy Herd from pure bred foundat- ion stock. All caifhood vaccinated and fully T. B. tested with no react- ors. Hogs—Yorkshire Sow with litter Notice To Creditors • In the Estate of JOHN ETUE All :persons having +claims against the Estate of John Etue, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 18th dray of Decem- ber, 1951, are hereby notified to send an full particulars of their claims rbo the undersigned on or bei• bore bhe 4th day of May, 1952, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted, having regard only to •claim% then received: DAED at Seaforth, this l2nd day orb`' April, 1952. '1vticCONNELL & HAYS', Seaforth, Ont&ario. Solieitor.•s for the Executors. FEEDS ARE YOUR BEST BUY ! Only . Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Ow Feeds AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH s o p izjRecsuit.. fint /rCwviar.&iire. erualy Growing in size and strength the Canadian Army Active Force needs more Infantry Soldiers. The Infantry recruit is a keyman in our defence plans. For as he finishes his training„ he will take his place in the front lines of our freedom at home and ,overseas. - But it takes time to produce these highly trained soldiers. And to, maintain our security, to discourage aggression, we must be . able to meet any eventuality: That is why we must•. have more young men for Infantry training sow..• If you are interested in Canada's future, nowis the time to do something about it. Serve with the most important men in the Atmy — the Infantry. There are outstanding career opportunities for young men in the Canadian Army Active Force._ You are eligible if you are 17 to 40, tradesmen, to 45, and ready to serve anywhere. Get full details from the Army Recruiting Office nearest your home: No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts„ Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Street, Kingston, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth Street, London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont: Army Recruiting Centre, James Street Armoury, 200 James St. North, Hamilton, Ont. AISSW•O Itis{en to "Voice of the Army" --Tuesday and Thursday evenings — Dominion Network.