HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1952-04-17, Page 1RIC Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,. Are You Suffering From Headaches? so, Have your Eyes Ex -enlisted with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN ' GODERICH -- ONT. Geed Glasses at Someonaole Prices Evangelical Lutheran Church ST. PETER'S ZURICH—.ONTARIO (EV. E. W. HEIMRICi , pASTOR P+4 a.m.-Divine Services. $13.15 sari.—SundaySchad. V.30 p.m. — DivAiree Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL E'VANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. W. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch .. Organist Ia UNDAY SERVICES. - 10:00 ami. — Di'trziie Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Rible Schee. 7:30 pm. — Divine Worship Welcome 'at alli Services—"Come °thou with us and we win ds thee Aidon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Lyric Theatre Phone 421 EXETER April 18-19 Friday, Saturday April 18-19 SHOW BOAT ( Tehnicolor) KatheTyn Grayson Ava Gardin er Short Subjects and Comics 2 Shows, 7.30 and 9.30. Tuesday, Wednesday •April 22-23 When You're Smiling Jerome Courtland Frank Laine News Reel and Comics - One Show 8.00 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENT The Zurich Women's Instritute wil l sponsor their Amateur Concert in the 'Community Centre, Zurich on the evening of Friday May 9th at 8 0'•• clock. If you wish to enter with any of your talent, adults as well as .childrenn you may receive your Ap- plication -forms in any of the local •stores. After you' have filled the fornn, send it to Mrs Newel Geiger, Secy--Treas., Zurich, R. R. 1. The 'fancy quilt will also be arawn. i uy your tickets torr the same, if you have not :already done so. A fancy cushion and lamp are on the ticket prizes. Prizes will also be given for the .Best :Talents in their class. Be sure to attend and giive your talent in music, singing or whatever it may be, or .conte,and help the cause. Admissi!ooti): Adults 50c. Children 25c If you -.enter the contest your register free will be refunded. CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the late Mrs. -Hannah Hiaugh .of. Dashwood wish to express' their thanks to their neigh- bours air41.;friends who so generously assisted in their recent bereavement Special thanks 'to Rev. Getz for his word's of kindness, and to Mrs -Getz .fot,.:lrez ge snessa_ iii. —TFie: Haugh Family. c Yeetrry , man Ag eraZ Nome J umera 2 _Dimer -- :Private . Car .4,nhi. l a rice Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL EES TO HENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUP LEED ;FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES W WIRE ANYWHERE Dashwood' Tel. 70W. 24 Hour Serte T H IB L'S Superior Store ontinuation of Sale Bargains! We still have many Articles left after our Successful Sales, and are offering them at Real Bargain Prices Week -end Specials GUARDSMAN SARDINE'S, 4 TINS .. 29C STORMY'S TOMATO JUICE '2, '20-02. TINS ........29C Al2'LMER TOMATO CATSUP 11-02. BOTTLE ..23C TASTY' KING, -FANCY TEAS `2+. 1S -OZ TINS ....... ....39C Phone 3 THIEL, Zist ich ; The Big 'Trees Kirk Douglas Eve Miller For the love of Power, he tore the heart out of a forest. Monday,. Tuesday April 21-22 Alladin and His Lamp Patricia Medina • John Sands Also The Barefoot Mailman Robert Cummings Jerry Moore Wednesday, Thursday April 23-24 An American in Paris Gene Kelly Lesl-ie Caron Adventures' iotf an ex -G. I. in the City of Romance - Art students ball, Biggest most Daring, ever filmed. Screen's most spectacular Musical. Dance Recital FIRST ANNUAL By the Pupils of the ZURICH SCHOOL OF DANCING In the Community Centre, Zurich FRIDAY, APRIL 18th, 8 p.m. Admisi on 50cents and 25 cents.. Proceeds for. Community Welfare OBITUARY Mrs. Leah Haugh Found Dead Mrs. Leah Haugh, 84, resident of Dashwood for the. past 21=32 years, wis found dead in bed on Sunday, by her son, David; .with whom she resided.._ Death was due to natural causes. She was born in.Hay To\vtl ship, 14th Concession and lived near- ly all her life there. Her husband, the late John Haugh died 15 years ago. surviving are one • daughter '(Edna.) Mrs. John. Schmidt, of New Dundee; two. sons, David at home, and William H., former reeve of Hay Township. two . sisters, Mrs. Amos Schroeder, Langdon, N. D.; and Mrs. William Elsie, Grand Bend; one brother, Ed. Geiger, Backoo, N. D. The body rested at the T. H. Hol- man funeral home, Dashwood, where a private service was held on Tues- day at 1.45 p.m. followed by public service in Dashwood Evangelical U. B Church at 2 pm The Rev J. H. Getz officiated. Interment was in the Zurich Bronson Line Cemetery. Pall Bearers were: Kenneth Schmidt, Wil - lam Schmidt, John Gilbert, Percy Elsie, Herb Pfile, Clayton Pfile. IN MEMORIAt�a Datars — In loving memory •ot a dear Husband and Father, Clarence Datars, who passed away April 1Sth. 1951. Time may heal the broken-hearted, A year may snake the wound less sore But it cannot fi]1 the longing For the loved one gone before. Who tha11 say the grief is lessened Though the smile may hide the tears, Memories keep the wound still ;,pen Despite the p;assin•g of the year. —Lovingly_ •remembered by wife, Gertrude, and daughter iMaeion. Miss Ar days in, Quite ed the Dashwood Rev. and Port Colboo 'Ilaberer spent several tntr the. past 'weelt. Miser fom town attend. r -Hayter nuptials in ';Saturday evening. rs. Albert Datars of are in town, visiting with the forbier's mother, Mrs. L. Datars, Sr They also attended the Love-Dartars uptials at Grand Bend United ChniAl loan Wednesday even- ing at 7 30 ' I& -At Hospital i1'Iirs. JI E. - Roppel is a patient at Victoria HoSifetal, London. Her many Zurich friencjs';. wish her a speedy re- covery. ' To .Have Banquet The local HockeY Club are staging a monster banquet the latter part of April. Same; ,to be held in the big Community •Centre„ Zurich, where a suitable progrram will be given. Watch for further a'iunounceanent for date. Had A Good Day Good Frid y of 1952 ,can be put down in your record book as one of the few nice:: days on that toccasion. The sum, shone .nicely all day and the weather was ;iviice and .warm. Not so over Easter Sunday, when there were tonrentk of rain and snow fall- ing, with cold winds. Anything but ice agreeable weather. •Enjoyed Easter Services . Easter seices in the kcal chur- ches were well attended and approp- riately ,conducted. In the Evangelical U.B. •Chucroh [on Sunday morning the choir sang an appropriate number for the oceaiien. Mr. Newell Geiger rendered a s`lendfld message by sing- ing a solo entitled "Open The Gates' of th '-Temple'. Rev. H. E. Roppel took change of the services. . H a (.rash - Landing'" . An aeroplane, ,thought. to be from ,Centralia Air Port suffered a crash landing at the rear. of Roger Bedard's buildings, ,St. Joseph, this Wednes- day i;Orengon. Cau'te of the landing is unknown,. The pilot was instantly killed, abut -fortunately the plane did not''take fare. • Win Stanley Cup On Tuesday evening, what is con- sidered one of the most powerful hiedkey teams in history defeated the Montreal team to win the Stanley Cup triophy of the National League. The Detroit team set a new record, first beating the Toronto team four in a row, and then beating the Mon- treal team likewise. Of the eight games .played, four were shut -outs, a new world's record. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEET The regular meeting of the Zurich W. I. was held in the town hall on Monday evening; President Mrs Gus Roche presiding. The +business being transacted, followed by the election of oifneeTs which resulted as follows. • President, Mrs. • Gustav Roche, First Vice Pres., Mrs. David Meyers; Second Vice Pres. Mrs. I Willert; Sec Trees, Mrs. Wm Forrest; Asst. Sec 'Trees Mrs T •Meyers, Prov- incial Director, Mrs T Meyers, Dist- rict Director, Mrs E. Mack; pianist Mrs. Milton Oesch; assistant pianist, Mrs. Ed. Stelck; Press Correspondent Mrs. C. L. Smith; Auditors, firs. Menne Oesch, Mrs. Elmore Klopp. The program committee in charge of MTs. Thos. Meyers, Mrs. David Du- charme, Mese Merino .Desch, with Mrs Meyers, chairman. !Miss Love favor- ed the attendance with two splendid piano solos. A solo "Just tor to -day" was rendered by Mr. Emery Desjar- I dine of Grand Bend. A trio by Mrs. Holt, Mrs. E. Desjardine, Mrs season all of Grand Bend, sang two tnspir- ing• numbers; Easter Paraae was wellgiven by Mrs. Milton Oesch. Nils David ,Meyers, Mrs. Menno Oesch; Mrs. Rote in -costume for tee nccas- iran. Mrs., Eanery Desjardine of Grand Bend being- .guest speaker choose for her subject ''`ll:obbies." Everyone hould have a Hobby, different from one's daily toil. Jack Miner, Kings- ville, choose for his hobby the wtict bird :sanctuary, s!anie birds returning, every year for twenty yeaas, which were tagged .with a suitable verse. attached to some. Others have gard- ening vu'hiieh should ;bring one closer to God. Flowers are a beautiful ltab'by;;and so one could go on to mention many more. Three ravour- rte -vetoes ,were memorized by tate The Voice of Teanperance In •a .democracy it is the privilege of the citizens to critize - the govern- ment; to cratizise any 'official of the government. The functir_n of govern- ment amd of .officialdom is to serve. —to serve the public good..If the course of events discloses any betray- al of public trust the, citizen has a right and a duty toe Orotest. On the other hand if the course of events discloses and cons.picious fulfillment of public trust the ,citizen as the right to offer his compliments. The London Free Press of Margin 27 re- ported the trial sof ee..,bottle club pro- prietor in Godeiseh'• The Crown At- torney had submitted that "none of these ,clubs is.operating with a license from the Ontariio Government." The magistrate stated he did the very tieing the•, CTA.' intended to prevent.." The .police had found 221 bottlee of beer. A fine wasimposed. Seeing that no such iover taken feel County this eaten by the officers of ;the itayw in HMI County calks for fav- RALE' NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1228. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop,. (tingle Copies 5 Cents. Sulbscripton in Canada Year $2. Subscription. U.S.A., Year $2.50 RAG RUGS and CARPE" On a New Modena Loom, Made ft Order — .Seth O. Ainaann, Zea -Ie Ont. Phone 128. Corn Flower CRYSTALS New Shipment of SHERBERTS GOBLETS JUICE GLASSES SHERBERT PLATES Set your Table Beautiful With this Fine Crystal Stemware A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. Colder Weather With the Colder Weather here 1tovz can depend on .warmer homes bp using BLUE COAL Solve your heating problems this easy way and use the Coal that will definitely assure you continuous heat throughout the winter month& LORNE EILER HENSALL Office Telephone 10. ROE FEEDS LOCKER SERVION easoesgseaosealseassoseesettee assaeasteeaseesaae•sie®s se 0 * c 1 1 tot rn t Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Direr Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS .;.FOR- .ALL.00CASIONS..: Day and Night Service.° Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich - 0eee000.ee®00ee0e0e0e00e00 190.411teigheisaetaee®®te r 1 1 1 • • f s s PRODUCE WANTED, u n s '" ° r'teery St'r We are ever at your service with obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES. All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season Canned Fruits and Vegetables on the best liner as well as hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Menno Oesch Zurich speake ,. wvhieh were unpressive. Re- ovtrable •comtltent The authority of the ]'w ha rgii:dn a theta'.`~The 'puhlte has .been'served faithfully.-AdVt.- Ifreshhients were served by tite eon- rr t"c O. sd iv •tovely social. hotir .eu,ioy- Phone 165 iAIMM°.�Mst, WE HAVE A GOOD ST`$'CK OF o oCol P .0 TW LINED AND UNLINED SMOCKS, JACKETS TS Overalls, Work Pants, Underwear, Etc. Etc. JUST IN — New Pattern Prints tknd Flannellette. GIVE US A CALL I Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl -ME BLAKE STORE E, Sebws rtzentru er, Prop~ Phone 1,14/7 4 4 4 4 4 d d 4 4 a d 1 4 4 4